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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 56

(Living with the master… Is this the first time since you left that old house?)

26. You didn’t ask, I won’t tell

The next day, Exia came to St. Freya Academy.

After living with the master for several years, nothing unusual happened. After a good sleep, Alexia ushered in the morning of the next day.

And after eating the breakfast prepared by Fu Hua himself——

“Oh, you’re here, Alexia.”

On the tarmac of St. Freya College.

A special aircraft from the Destiny Headquarters was already parked there, and Theresa was constantly directing several female students who were recruited as makeshift men to load some supplies onto the aircraft. After seeing Exia, she He turned around and said hello.

“You look good, it seems you had a good sleep.”

“Yeah. But calling a special plane here so early? I thought it would be noon.”

Alexia looked at the special plane with some surprise.

He only learned that the special plane had arrived while having breakfast, otherwise he would not have come to the tarmac at this time.

“After all, there are a lot of things – by the way, have you packed all the things you want to take back?”

When asked, Aixia picked up the two big bags in her hands and said, “I’m just bringing some specialties back. It doesn’t take long to pack them away. And Fu Hua has checked them for me, so there’s no mistake.” “

Yesterday afternoon, when Raiden Mei took him to visit Changkong City, Exia also brought some specialties and souvenirs to Bianca and Rita.

For example, there is a type of clothing called kimono in Japan, as well as seasonings and special ingredients from the Far East that Rita may be interested in.

“Then I’ll get on the aircraft and wait for takeoff.”

“Well, go ahead. Come back when you have the chance. You are always welcome to be a guest here.” Theresa smiled, “Or you can just come to my place and be a student. It doesn’t matter!”

Alexia smiled bitterly: “That’s not possible. I still have special tasks assigned by the bishop to handle. I have to go on a business trip from time to time. I won’t stay long.”

This is the fourth day since Alexia returned to this world. The day when she will leave this world again is getting closer and closer, and she will definitely leave frequently in the future. It is not feasible to stay here as a student.

What’s more, he had already completed university-level studies under the education of Bishop Otto, and what St. Freya taught him could only be regarded as killing time and sleeping.

“Then I’ll leave first. See you next time, aunt.”

“Oh! Be careful on the road!”


The wait was not long.

An hour after Exia got on the special plane, the announcement of takeoff came over the radio.

[Mr. Kaslana, this plane is about to take off and is expected to arrive at the headquarters in three hours. Please take a rest before then]

“Three hours…what should I do before then?”

Alexia held up her chin and looked at the gradually sinking ground and sky outside, then idlely took out her personal terminal and started browsing casually.

There were eight unread messages from him while he was sleeping last night.

Five of them were from Bianca and three were from Rita. The contents of the two letters were similar. They both asked about thanks for the trip to the Far East and about their affairs in Siberia.

As in previous years, there are a lot of Honkai Beasts in Siberia, and they are quite scattered. Even they can only deal with the Honkai Beasts in one area in one day, and basically spend most of their time in On the way. Judging from the current progress, it will take about ten days to completely handle it. It may not be possible to go back within a week as initially mentioned.

“It’s really hard work, the two of them. On the other hand, I’ve been quite relaxed these past few days.”

It has been four days since I came back. Thinking about it carefully, Ixia hasn’t done much meaningful things. On the first day, I was a little lackluster because I learned something about my parents. On the second day, I basically slept all day. On the third day, I went to the Saint 1504 Research Institute and then came to the Far East Branch.

Today is the fourth day.

(What should I do when I get back?)

Alexia couldn’t help but think.

He is neither a researcher who is extremely busy every day, nor is he a data clerk who sorts out information and handles paperwork for Bishop Otto every day – think about it carefully, after returning to Tianming Headquarters, in addition to exercising every day or familiarizing himself with the awakening process, Ability, there seems to be nothing else to do?

Are you going to do the same exercise every day for the next three months?

It may be possible to go to the front line, but in fact, except for Siberia, there are no serious collapse events in other regions, and each branch is equipped with sufficient combat power and does not need reinforcements.

Then do it yourself…

“Different world…..”

Alexia said this subconsciously.


【Do you need to travel in advance? 】

Such burning words suddenly appeared in Exiya’s eyes.

“…Don’t scare me, existence ?What itinerary?”

【Journey to another world】


Alexia was stunned.

in advance?

“You mean… I can go to another world in advance, but don’t I have to wait three months?”

If you want to return to this world from another world, you need to wait for three months. And if you want to go to another world, you have to wait three months in this world.

This is the rule that Exia summarized, and it is also the rule that Existence X told him through words.


[But that’s the limit case]

Extreme case?

[Minimum time to stay in another world: three months]

[The longest stay in another world: one year]

[Minimum time to stay in this world: one day]

[Maximum stay in this world: three months]


Looking at the new words appearing in her field of vision, Exia couldn’t help but question this.

“No, your…three months are not your deadline?”


“Then why can I come back after staying in another world for three months? Isn’t the upper limit one year? Why do I come back right away?”

[Based on your actual needs]



In the other world, Exia really wanted to return to this world as soon as possible. In addition, he was prohibited from entering the dungeon at the time and had nothing to do if he stayed there, so Existence judged that he did not need to After staying there for a year, you can send him back, right?

And now… because it received Exia’s [willingness to go to another world], it jumped out again and asked if it wanted to go to another world.

After all, if you want to leave this world, just stay here for one day.

“You should have said this kind of thing earlier… Couldn’t you just tell all the relevant matters in one breath?”

[You have never made any request in this regard]

Short name – you didn’t ask.

Alexia really wants to curse, but now he really feels that this existence x is similar to Bishop Otto, especially in this aspect without talking about it!

“Haha…forget it, let me explain the situation to Bishop Otto when I get back. If there is really nothing that I need to do in the near future, then it is not impossible for me to leave early.”

As if accepting Exia’s request, the burning text in the field of vision disappeared and was replaced by two lines of text.


【Ready to go at any time】

27. Before departure

Destiny Headquarters.

Otto’s private office.

After returning to the headquarters on a special plane, Exia came here directly and explained to Otto the matters related to the stay time that she had just learned about.

“…In other words, Exia, can you actually leave our world now and go to other different worlds?”

Otto frowned slightly.

Quite a surprising situation.

The stay time in other worlds is three months to one year, and the stay time in this world is one day to three months.

It’s completely the other way around.

“So…will the different world you go to this time be the same world you went to last time?”

“No, I think not.” Alexia shook her head, “It takes three months to go back and forth to the same world – although it’s not clear why I don’t need to abide by such rules in this original world, but for me Traveling to other worlds should be a constant.”

[You can go back and forth to this world as many times as you want, come whenever you want, and leave whenever you want]

——Existence x seems to be saying this.

Otto held his chin with his hands and thought for a while, then said: “Perhaps…we can assume this, Exia. Maybe the existence x doesn’t want you to be idle for too long.”

“……What’s the meaning?”

“Let me give you an extremely vivid example. This is a situation that often occurs in China – a child who has been away from home for a long time suddenly returns home one day. In the first day or two, the family welcomes the child But once the child stays at home for a longer period of time, the family will gradually begin to dislike the child.”

Otto smiled.

“In my opinion, this is somewhat similar to what Existence …..This is also just speculation, but maybe it is so that you can become stronger faster?”

Speculation, speculation, all speculation.

With the amount of information currently available to Exia and Otto, all they can do is speculate.

And if we take Otto’s speculation as a fact and think about it as a whole…

“That is to say…existence x wants me to travel to as many different worlds as possible and become stronger as quickly as possible?”

“If you think about it based on my speculation, this is indeed the result. After all, you just went to a different world once, and you got – no, it should be said that you regained the power to surpass the A-level Valkyrie under certain circumstances. , if you are allowed to travel to more worlds, then you will undoubtedly come back with stronger power.”

Otto continued to think as he spoke.

(And if we continue to think and speculate like this…if we speculate that [Exia becomes stronger] as a result, the final impact will be…[a greater victory] Possibility of collapse?)

Alexia went to a different world and awakened the power of Kaslana’s bloodline, as well as a [magic] that has a super effect on Honkai. This can be directly regarded as improving Alexia’s ability to face Honkai. Combat power, and the possibility of fighting Honkai.

And if this process is repeated, the final result will be just as Otto imagined – Exia will gain stronger and stronger power against Honkai under the arrangement of existence x, until finally… Defeat Honkai.

But this is after all a conjecture based on Otto’s conjecture. If this is not the case, or even extreme speculation…if it is the complete opposite, what is the purpose of x?

“In any case, the decision lies with you, Alexia.” Otto put down his hands, “If you want to travel through time in advance, I will not do anything to stop you, and I will prepare for you. Various materials that may be needed in other worlds.”

From Exia’s first time travel experience, we can know that he is equivalent to a wanderer in another world, penniless and with nowhere to go. If the props he needs to survive are prepared in advance, at least in [Survival] 】At this point, he doesn’t need to worry.

Dry food, drinking water, tents, camping props… pack them all, and let Exia take them to another world according to the rule “Everything you carry with you can be taken to another world” to reduce his stress. Initial pressure.

“…Ten days.”

Alexia said this after being silent for a while.

“I want to wait until Bianca and Rita come back before traveling to another world for the second time. The first time I left without properly explaining the situation to Bianca, then at least the second time will start. , I want to explain the situation to her properly before leaving.”

Leaving without saying goodbye the first time made Bianca worried about herself, so she couldn’t let a similar situation happen the second time.

Otto smiled: “Okay, I respect your idea. It just so happens that there haven’t been many Honkai Impact events in the world recently. Our current combat power has been enough to solve them, and it won’t be possible for you to stay. No matter how much impact it has, it is indeed better to send you to another world to improve your own power.”

“I will prepare the items you may need within two days, but the weapons will definitely not work. Do you need my special permission for you to take away a Gods weapon?”

Exia shook her head: “No, the Gods weapon is a powerful equipment against Honkai. It should not be used on me, and -“


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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