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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 57


The frost condensed, and a giant sword made entirely of ice appeared in Exia’s hand.

“Just like this, I can make disposable weapons by myself, and I think this is enough for now. So, if I really want to leave with the weapon, I’ll have to wait until one year later, when my exclusive Gods’ Throne is completed. “

Ikexia was very proud of what she said, and Otto could only smile and nod: “Okay, this is your decision, and I respect your decision. So during the period before Hollandel and Rita come back, you Just rest well at home – I have sent people to repair the roof. After three months, I think you miss your own bed, right?”

“Thank you, Lord Bishop.”

“Hehehe, you’re welcome, my dear Alexia. Compared with the value you brought me, this is nothing. If you need it, I can even directly decorate and modify it into a villa with a swimming pool for you. “

Otto crossed his fingers and stared at Exia with a smile.

“Then, I sincerely hope that when you come back from another world next time, you can let me see you who stand at a higher level, and you can let me see new things that make me even more delighted.”

“I look forward to your performance, Exia.”

“As you command, Lord Bishop.”

28.The second time travel

[It will take about ten days to come back]

This is the message that Exia received from Bianca on the aircraft.

However, just after he told Bianca that he might leave early——

In just three days, Bianca worked tirelessly to wipe out all the Honkai Beasts in Siberia and rushed back to the Destiny Headquarters as quickly as possible!

It was night time, and Alexia was still taking a bath at home. Suddenly, Bianca rushed in so aggressively that he almost frightened him out of his wits. Fortunately, Rita helped comfort him and gave him some explanations. , Bianca calmed down again.


“Are you watching some rare animal?”

It was exactly the seventh day that Exia returned to the Destiny Headquarters.

At the door of Alexia’s house.

Bianca, Rita, Otto, Amber, Chang Guang 17th, and even Fu Hua who came all the way from St. Freya College.

The group of people surrounded Alexia, as if they were watching some rare spectacle that could only be seen in a thousand years. The sight made Alexia feel uncomfortable all over.

Changguang Seventeenth smiled and pushed up his glasses: “I’m just curious about how you left our world. After all, this is a great cause that we have never thought about and have never actually been exposed to. , so we all wanted to get a closer look at what’s actually going on.”

“And, if everything goes well, we may be able to observe some of the principles of world travel, and then simulate it to a certain extent, so that others besides Mr. Exia can also travel across the world.”

Hearing these words, Alexia couldn’t help but frown: “Is this possible?”

“To put it bluntly, the possibility is less than one in ten thousand, but no matter what, you have to try it first.” Changguang 17th smiled, “This time I just came here simply to watch the phenomenon and collect data. You don’t need to pay too much attention to me.”

“I am the same, I was just called over by Otto to see you off.”

Fu Hua put his hands behind his back and looked calmly at his apprentice who was about to set off.

“The other world is full of unknown things. You must be careful in everything you do there. Don’t be brave or act recklessly. Remember to think twice before you act.”

“I understand, Master.”

Alexia hugged her master’s fist.

On the side, Otto also smiled and said: “What I should say has been said before, so I won’t repeat it here. Have a safe journey, Ixia, and I look forward to your performance.”

“I know, Bishop.”

“Well…then I’ll leave the rest of the time to you.”

After saying this, Otto took the initiative to take Amber more than ten meters away, and retreated to the other side of the road in front of Ixia’s house. Fu Hua also walked over with the expectant Changguang 17th.

Looking at Bianca and Rita in front of him, Alexia was silent for a while, and then said: “Sorry, I have to leave again not long after I came back.”

“It doesn’t matter, I can understand. The Bishop has already told me his conjectures.” Bianca put one hand on her waist and shook her head, “Just leave with peace of mind, you don’t have to worry about things here. As long as I am here, Honkai will not be able to make waves.”

“That’s really reliable. Destined to be the strongest Valkyrie.” Exia smiled, “Next time I come back I will be stronger, stronger than myself now, and then I will strive to be stronger than you.”

“In this case, I will continue to get stronger and I won’t be caught up by you easily.”

Bianca clenched her fist and stretched it out in front of Alexia.

Alexia also smiled and touched her fist with her fist.

As for Rita at the end…

“I won’t say anything more, Lord Axia.” Rita folded her hands on her lower abdomen with a smile, “For us, this is not a separation, it’s just like before, one of us is going out to do a mission. That’s all, the contact will not be interrupted.”

“Well, almost.”

“So, I only have one thing to say – please be careful over there and come back early. If you go out for too long, Lady Youlandel will feel lonely and uncomfortable.”


Hearing her adjutant talking nonsense like this, Bianca quickly reached out and covered her mouth!

Rita, on the other hand, turned around lightly to avoid Bianca’s movement, and handed a large package at her feet to Alexia’s hand: “This is the complete set of equipment for outdoor operations that the bishop ordered me to prepare. Ideally, it can support you to live on an uninhabited island for a week. In addition, three spare personal terminals are prepared, six changes of clothes, shampoo, facial cleanser and shower gel for bathing——”

“Too much preparation! I’m not going on a trip!”

Alexia couldn’t help shouting.

He went to another world to become stronger, not to travel to another world for a vacation!

“Just in case, it’s also very important to keep yourself clean, Lord Axia.” Rita smiled, “Besides, I temporarily took out some gold bars, worth ten thousand US dollars. No matter where the gold is, It’s hard currency that can be used as initial capital for activities in another world.”

“You must be too well prepared…”

Alexia didn’t know what to say. With Rita here, she really didn’t even need to use her brain. She would take care of everything for her.

“Bianca, if you stay with Rita for a long time, you will become useless, right?”

“It’s not impossible. I’ve been a little too dependent on Rita recently.”

“Why do I think you’ve always relied on her?” Alexia said as she took the backpack, “Well, forget it – let’s stop here to say goodbye. It’s not like I won’t come back forever. See you later. , everyone.”

“Well, have a nice trip, Alexia!”

Bianca waved her hand.

And as Exia finished speaking, a line of burning text appeared in his field of vision.

[World transfer is about to begin, please make final confirmation]


Looking at these words in her eyes, Alexia couldn’t help but think.

(I can only choose yes. Even if I choose no, you will change it to yes for me, right?)


[After receiving the final confirmation, world transfer begins, please be prepared]


[Ten, nine, three, two, one! 】

(Where are the eight to four in the middle!?)

[Unnecessary and redundant parts can be skipped as appropriate]

(Then don’t skip all the related matters for me!)

【World transfer begins】


As such words appeared in his eyes, a burst of light gradually covered Alexia’s body. Then, as the entire body was covered by light, everything in Alexia’s field of vision was instantly shrouded in darkness.

He came to the so-called [transit station] again.

And after waiting for a minute like the previous two times——


The wind howled in my ears.

Glancing at the ground far away from her feet, Alexia couldn’t help but take a breath…

“Can’t you find another way for me! I’ve had enough of your free fall of thousands of meters!”

1. An unusual new arrival

This is the third time he has fallen from the sky.

Exia also has some experience on how to get out of this situation safely, but this time——


He pulled a lever on his waist, and as the package behind Aikexia suddenly expanded, a huge parachute was propped up and he was suspended in mid-air.

This time he came with a parachute.

“Huh~~ Fortunately, I mentioned it to Bishop Otto and Rita before, otherwise I would probably break something again now.”

The last time I traveled through time, I destroyed the courtyard of the Loki Familia and lost a lot of money. This time I didn’t want to be in debt as soon as I traveled through Exia. I floated safely to the ground on a parachute. Just fine.

(It just so happens that I can roughly see what kind of different world I am in from high altitude.)

Alexia looked around and below as she thought.

It’s dusk.

The sky has completely darkened. It was obviously still morning when Exia left, but now it is already dusk in the world here, and it seems to be quite close to night.

(Are the times different in the two worlds?)


Burning Text answered.

[Correct answer: During the transfer of the world, it passed through a place that would cause the flow rate of time to change, so there was a certain degree of error. It is now seven hours after leaving the original world]

“It’s been this long?”

Alexia remembered that she had only spent a minute, but seven hours had actually passed?

Isn’t this nearly four hundred and twenty times the time flow rate!

“What kind of place did I just pass by? By the way…”

Moving his gaze downwards, what came into Exiya’s field of vision was a city with lights everywhere. Although he couldn’t see it very clearly, judging from the style, it should be modern.

(Have you moved to a different world that is similar to the original world? In this case, modern knowledge should be directly applicable. After that, you should first find a library to confirm the general situation of this world… By the way, Before that, I have to exchange gold bars for money.)

【About to land】

The ground was getting closer and closer. Exia adjusted her posture and flew to a flat place as much as possible, and then——


Two figures appeared in the field of vision.

The location was around a fountain in a fountain park. Although it was not clearly visible, it was probably a man and a woman standing there, as if they were talking.

(If you land like this, people will see you, right? The woods…the lawn…a little further away.)

After all, if a person suddenly falls from the sky, it is a suspicious thing for everyone. It is better to wait until the current situation is confirmed before making contact with people in this world——


Just as Aixia was thinking like this, an extremely unusual scene suddenly appeared in her eyes.

The woman among the two people standing by the fountain suddenly had a pair of dark wings sprouting from her back!

(The wings…are not human?)

Alexia opened her eyes slightly, and then the next moment——


A spear of light appeared in the woman’s hand without warning, and then she threw it directly and penetrated the boy’s body in one fell swoop!


Alexia was slightly stunned.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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