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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 58

The last time I traveled to another world, I directly destroyed a courtyard. This time I traveled to another world and directly witnessed a murder?

No, compared to this——

(Go and save people!)

Someone is about to be killed in front of him, and now is not the time to continue to let Exia slowly search for a landing place!

Released the parachute with both hands and untied the belt around her waist. Exia fell directly from the high altitude. At the same time, she released ice from her hands. Ice blue light instantly gathered in her hands, eventually forming an ice sword!


As if aware of the movement above, the woman with wings on her back raised her head to look at the sky – the ice blade that was slashing straight at her immediately came into her eyes!


Without any time to think, the black-winged woman directly stabbed the light gun in her hand at the ice sword!


The violent impact burst out instantly!

Riding the storm caused by the impact, she backflips and landed next to the boy who was shot through the chest. Alexia quickly shouted: “Hey! Are you okay? Cheer up——”

I didn’t have time to finish my words because there was no need to continue.

The abdomen was penetrated and the amount of bleeding was huge. Basically, it could be said that a hole was dug directly through the abdomen. There was no doubt that it was a fatal injury.


Putting down the backpack on her back, Exia picked up the sword and turned to look at the black-winged woman: “Although I saw it just now, let me confirm it again… Is he your enemy? “

“Huh? Why do you ask that? By the way, who are you?” The black-winged woman looked at Alexia with confusion on her face – more precisely, she looked at the ice sword in his hand. No matter how you look at it, it is not something that ordinary humans can have.

(Devil? Or a new artifact holder?)

“I just want to know the reason why you killed him.”

Alexia’s words interrupted the Black Winged Girl’s thinking.

“If he is your enemy, then you have a legitimate reason to kill him. I apologize for my sudden attack on you. After all, in my opinion, you suddenly killed an unarmed ordinary person. “

“Ah…that’s it.”

The black-winged woman smiled and waved her hand.

“No, he and I are complete strangers. I just wanted to get something from him, so I killed him, that’s all.”

“…..Is it.”

You can kill people at will just because you want something.

Alexia glanced at the boy’s body at her feet, and then——


Strong freezing air was released from his whole body.

Setting up the ice sword and pointing it at the black-winged girl, Exia said coldly: “Then, I don’t need to apologize for my behavior to you just now…”

“Ah, it looks like you want to kill me? Revenge?” Black Wing Girl smiled, “Is he your companion? Or is he someone important to you?”

“It’s not over there. I just passed by here. I don’t know you or him.”


The black-winged woman frowned: “You don’t even know the person and you want to avenge him? Are you not very smart? Are you a good person? Or are you one of those real angels with a strong sense of justice?”

“No one will remain silent when they see someone being killed in front of them.”

“…Well, that seems to be the case. Okay, let’s just think of it as passing the time.”


The light gun condensed into shape in the hands of the black-winged woman, and the sharp tip of the gun was pointed at Ixia.

“Since you want to avenge him, then please die together -“


Before the black-winged girl finished speaking, a burst of strong red light suddenly bloomed from the side, and then on the ground not far away, a bright red magic circle with complex lines appeared instantly!

(What’s this?)

“Tsk, are you here? It’s pretty fast, from the Gremory family…”

Different from Alexia’s confusion and surprise, the black-winged woman curled her lips with regret, put away her light gun, flapped her wings with all her strength, and flew directly into the air: “Someone is here to disturb me, I’ll let you go this time. . But next time I will kill you as you wish.”

“Want to escape?”

“It’s just a temporary retreat. Goodbye, passers-by who are full of justice.”

After saying this, the black-winged girl flew directly into the sky.

(Tsk, I can fly… I can’t catch up.)

Pouting her lips, Exia put away the ice sword in her hand, turned around and looked at the location where the bright red magic circle appeared, and then——

“It seems something unexpected happened.”

A female voice came out from the magic circle, and as the red light became more dazzling, a figure gradually rose up from the magic circle and appeared in front of Ixia, like taking an elevator.

That’s a girl.

A girl with bright red waist-length hair and a slender and plump figure.

“It’s late…but it doesn’t seem to be late, is it?”

The girl glanced at the scene with her green eyes, paused for a moment on the dead boy, and then looked at Exia.

“Then, could you please explain to me what happened here, and who are you? Mr. Unknown.”

2. The dragon in the soul

Looking at the girl who came out of the magic circle and asked her questions, Exia was silent for a while, and then said: “Exia Kaslana, a person passing by -“


Before Ixia could finish her words, a strong light shone again without warning.

Like the magic circle just now, it shines with a burst of red light, but compared to the bright red just now, the light that lights up now is more like a burning flame.

The source of this burst of light was the chest of the dead boy lying on the ground between Exia and the girl.

The sudden change shocked both of them.

Then, before Exia and the red-haired girl could make any move, the bright red light condensed into a ball of light, turned around and flew directly towards Exia!

Exia was completely unable to react to the extremely close change. After all, the distance between him and the boy was only less than one meter. By the time he realized it, the red ball of light had already sunk directly into his chest.


Alexia only had time to scream, and then he felt as if his entire consciousness was burned out by fire. The intense burning sensation that swept over him instantly silenced his consciousness. As he lost consciousness, his body straightened up and fell under the skirt of the red-haired girl.

Seeing this sudden situation, the red-haired girl held her chest with her hands and thought for a while. After staring at the bodies of Exia and the boy for a long time——

“Could it be that… No, if that’s the case…”

As if she had thought of something, the girl snapped her fingers, and two magic arrays immediately appeared under the two of them, bringing the two of them into the magic array bit by bit, followed immediately by the girl. The magic circle emerged and disappeared into the park together.

The park, which had been tense just now and full of weird atmosphere, suddenly became deserted again. Only the ice crystals scattered around the fountain and the slightly broken pool meant that nothing happened here just now.




Exploding flames.


The flames are constantly surging.

When Ixia regained consciousness and opened her eyes, what she saw was this scene. Back and forth, left and right, plus up and down. Looking in all directions, there were only blazing flames, as if he was in a flame. in the world.

But, there’s no heat.

The monstrous sea of ​​fire that surrounded Aixia seemed to be unable to cause any harm to him, making him unable to feel even the slightest change in temperature.

“here it is…….”

“Hey, are you awake? Welcome to my territory, my new partner.”

A low voice suddenly sounded in the world of flames.

The flames in Alexia’s eyes seemed to be rolled up, suddenly rising into the sky, and in the flames like a volcanic eruption, a huge object was reflected in his eyes.


Instinctively, Axia had such an impression.

Just like the image depicted in the illustrations from the fairy tales he had read as a child, what emerged from the flames was a giant dragon.

A giant dragon whose entire body was covered with red scales, surrounded by flames, and exuded a terrifying sense of oppression.



The moment she saw this giant dragon, Ixia felt an extremely strong sense of trembling!

The reason is simple, because he instinctively realizes the huge strength gap between himself and this giant dragon. When a weak person faces a strong person who is far stronger than him, he will naturally feel fear. The strong person exudes fear. The breath will make the weak tremble uncontrollably and become unable to move.

Exia didn’t feel this kind of trembling when facing Ota.

In other words, the red dragon in front of him was far stronger than Otta.

“Well, don’t be nervous, partner.”

Chilong suddenly spoke human words, and as he said this, the oppressive feeling that was suffocating Alexia disappeared in an instant!


The sudden relief made Alexia gasp for air!

Looking at him like this, Chilong seemed to be talking to himself: “Is it at your current level? It’s strange. I can clearly feel that there is an incredible guy hiding in your body, but I am blocked out. Oh, why are you so weak as the subject?”

“Ah…what are you talking about?” Exia looked at the dragon in confusion, “Who are you? Where are you here?”

“Calm down, don’t be nervous, didn’t I say that? You are my partner, and I am also your partner. I think we will get along for a long time from now on, so there is no need to look so nervous to me. In addition, , I am just a soul now, I can’t do anything to you, don’t worry.”

Chilong seemed to be smiling.

“Then, let’s get to know each other formally, kid. I am Ddraig, the dragon known as the [Red Dragon Emperor] among the [Two Heavenly Dragons].”

“Second Heavenly Dragon…Sekiryuutei…what is that?”

Alexia looked confused.

For him, who had just come to this world, what the dragon said was completely unfamiliar. Although it sounded like a great title, he could not understand its meaning at all.

And Chilong also had an expected tone: “Well, I think so. No matter how resounding my name is, in this world, to a guy like you who comes from another world, it is just a bunch of Empty words.”

“You know I’m from another world?”

“Of course, I knew it the moment I came into contact with your soul – but I was immediately kicked out by the guy inside.”

That guy in there? soul?

Alexia frowned: “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Ah…you don’t even know these things?”

“Well, from now on I don’t understand what you’re talking about at all.”

Chiron looked at Aikesia’s honest and confused look, and remained silent for a long time as if he was lost in thought. Then he spoke: “Is that so… Well, it’s not easy for you kid either. This is the first time I have such an interesting partner like you.”

“Well, since you don’t know anything, I won’t say anything. Some things are better for you to find out the truth yourself.”

“However, I will still explain to you what is going on between you and me. After all, this is about your and my future life.”

As the red dragon spoke, he raised his dragon claw and pointed at Exia with his sharp nails.

“To put it simply, the little guy from another world is called [Exia Kaslana], right?”

“You are my host now.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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