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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 6

Looking at the pile of things Finn was talking about, Alexia walked over and took a look: “It’s my personal terminal that I carry with me. Did I bring it with me when I traveled across the world… Well, it’s not broken. ——It’s not broken?”

Alexia remembered that she fell from a height of several thousand meters. The personal terminal was not broken in that situation?

When did Tianming’s technology become so good?

“But so what if it’s not broken… I can’t use it here, right?”

There are two main uses of the personal terminal. One is to link to Tianming’s database to query information, such as maps, personal information, recipes… The things in the database are all-encompassing, basically everything is there, and you can view it at will if you have enough permissions.

The other one is contact.

Pulling out her contact list and looking at the one at the top [Bianca], Alexia sighed slightly.

“It’s impossible to get in touch, right?”

Regardless of whether there is a signal in the other world, communication across the world is impossible, and database query… In essence, this personal terminal is now a piece of scrap metal, and the only way to use it again is Let’s wait until we return to the original world…

(No, wait a minute…)

At this moment, an idea flashed through Exia’s mind.

Return to the original world?

Can I… really go back to my original world?

Although theoretically speaking, it is possible for him to return to the original world after successfully moving to another world, but specifically how to return to the original world, he still has no clue.

The worst case scenario is that I have to stay in this world forever.

(In this case, wouldn’t Bianca and I be——)

Will we not be able to meet again?

The moment this idea came up, a subtle fear quietly sprouted in Alexia’s heart. If he could never return to the original world and never see Bianca again, then after receiving favor and gaining strength, he should go to who–


Suddenly, the sound of a clock ticking came to Alexia’s ears, and then a line of burning fonts appeared in front of his eyes again.

This time it’s not words, it’s a time.


“Is this… a countdown?”

Alexia looked at the changing time in her eyes. If it is time and calculated in normal units, this time is about three months.

(Is this how long I will stay in this world? Can I return to the original world if time returns to zero?)


【so, calmdown】

As if comforting Exia, the font changed from time to text.

You can still go back!

You can go back in three months!


After knowing this clearly, Alexia immediately breathed a sigh of relief: “It would be great if I could go back… It would be nice if I could… see Bianca again.”

Switching the screen of the personal terminal to the photo album and scrolling it all the way to the bottom, Exia clicked on the photo in the corner.

That was a group photo taken by Bishop Otto to commemorate their recovery when he and Bianca were still in the orphanage. In the photo, they were standing side by side and holding hands.

(Three months… In these three months, through God’s favor and dungeons, you can improve your strength as quickly as possible, and then return to the original world.)

(Wait for me over there, Bianca. From now on, I will try my best to catch up with you.)

10. It’s over, being targeted by a nymphomaniac

Orario is not a peaceful place.

Because the gods are here.

Not to say 100%, but at least 70% or 80% of the gods live in the lower world with a playful mentality. As long as it can make them feel happy and exciting, then the gods will be happy Do it.

Therefore, there are all kinds of interesting things happening in Orario all the time. And if this situation is not controlled, Orario will definitely be played badly by the gods.

Therefore, in Orario, a guild organization was established a long time ago in order to control the essentially lawless gods, to manage the large number of adventurers, and even to manage the communication between Orario and the outside cities.

Alexia followed Finn here now.

It is now noon on the third day since Alexia came to this different world. After a whole day of training and confirming that there is nothing wrong with her body, Alexia went to see Loki. Under her guidance After briefly getting to know some of the members of the family, Finn took them out and said they had to do something.

First of all, the first thing is to register the identity of the adventurer – although Exia has officially become a member of the Loki Familia, he is from another world and does not have any identity certificate in this world. If Rei wants to survive, it is necessary to register as an adventurer in the guild.

“Is this okay? Captain Finn.”

After filling out all the documents given to him by the guild staff, Exia came to Finn’s side and asked.

Head of the group.

This is something Exia only found out this morning. The Finn in front of her is the leader of the entire Loki Familia, a well-known [brave] of the small human race in Oraline, and a lv.6 member of the first echelon. Adventurer.

(By the way, I can feel the eyes of the surrounding people looking here since just now. Captain Finn seems to be very famous in Oraline.)

“After you have registered, we will buy you some simple equipment.” Finn said, “If you want to enter the dungeon, you will not be able to do it without equipment, especially for novices. If you do not take the most basic protection, you will only be able to Lose your life in vain. After that, I will take you into the dungeon for the first time to experience actual combat.”

“I’m sorry to bother you, Captain Finn…but I don’t have any money for the equipment. Will the family reimburse me for it?”

“Just put it in your account and return it to the family together.”

(I knew it!)

Looking at Alexia who looked a little embarrassed, Finn explained with a smile: “Don’t think too much, this is the practice of our family members. After all, countless novices die in the dungeon every year, so our family members have been like this a long time ago Started doing it.”

New members who join the family can ask the family to buy the initial equipment for themselves, but it should not be too expensive, there is a certain upper limit of reimbursement, and it must be returned to the family as early as possible. Although the guild also distributes equipment, it is just a drop in the bucket and not as generous as the Loki Familia.

In addition, for novices who are preparing to enter the dungeon for the first time, the Loki Familia will also send veterans to accompany them. However, for the first two or three floors, it is enough to be accompanied by lv.3 veterans.

Like this time, it was Finn who accompanied Alexia into the dungeon – having a lv.6 accompany him was enough to show how much Loki valued Alexia.

“There will be such a system… Goddess Loki seems to care about her members.”

“At least I think she is a pretty good goddess.” Finn smiled, “Most of the rules and regulations in the Familia were drawn up by me, Riveria and Gareth, and Loki approved them verbally for the last time. , but she will allow me to make so many rules to protect newcomers, and her attitude is not difficult to understand.”

In fact, in addition to these protections for newcomers, there are also rules in the Loki Familia such as “Everyone must eat together”. When Exia saw other people in the Familia for the first time in the morning, the look on her face What is also shown is a strong sense of belonging to the Loki Familia.

Alexia thinks this is good.

“Speaking of which, where do you go to buy equipment? There is an equipment department here… er, I mean a department or institution that specializes in developing and building equipment?”

“There are similar ones.” Finn pointed to the street outside the guild gate, “We saw a lot of shops on the way here, right? Many of them are equipment shops. We Loki Familia and those who specialize in We have good relations with the Hephaestus family members who work in the forging, and there is one nearby, so we can just go there.”

“I see, then please lead the way, Commander.”

“I told you not to be so respectful. The family members are family, so we can be more natural and relaxed.”

“…..I try my best.”

It’s not that Aixia can’t understand Finn’s request. The atmosphere of the Loki Familia is very relaxed. The overall feeling is like a big family. Most of the members are kind and easy to get along with.

But Ikesia had been working under Bishop Otto before. Over the years, he was naturally influenced by him and developed this kind of behavior style of respecting his superiors. Coupled with the attitude of the Kaslana family towards him… ..I won’t be able to change it for a while.

“Just get used to it slowly.”

With that said, Finn walked out of the guild first, and Alexia quickly chased after him.

However, the moment Exia walked out of the union——


As if frozen, Alexia’s footsteps suddenly stopped, goosebumps appeared all over her body, and then she subconsciously turned her head to look at the tall tower not far behind her.

Someone in that tower was watching her—this impression lingered in Exiya’s mind.

“What’s wrong? Exia.”

Seeing him frozen in place, Finn, who was walking in front, asked with some confusion. After noticing the direction in which Alexia was looking, he remembered what Loki had said to him before leaving, and Finn also understood the current situation. .

“Do you feel like you’re being watched by someone?”

“Hmm…Eh? Captain, do you feel it too?”

Finn shook his head: “The other party probably didn’t look at me, otherwise I would definitely feel it. Don’t worry too much. Loki and I have already anticipated this kind of thing, and I will be with you today.” The reason is because of this”

“The other party is the goddess Freya, the goddess of another Familia that is one of the two Familias of Orario with our Loki Familia.”

“The sight you perceive must be hers.”

11. Desire of the Goddess

There are two recognized powerful families in Orario.

Loki Familia and Freya Familia.

In the eyes of outsiders, the strength of the two Familia clans is generally comparable. After all, the strength of the Familia clan does not simply depend on the strength of the Familia members, but also the influence of various aspects is also important.

But for the two Familia themselves, even if they are a little unwilling, the Loki Familia must admit that there is a certain gap between themselves and the Freya Familia in terms of hard power.

The strongest combat power of the Loki Familia today is three at lv.6, four at lv.5, and there are also many backbone combat power at lv.4 and lv.3.

The number of Freya Familia only at lv.6 already exceeds that of Loki Familia, and the same goes for the number of lv.5. In addition, there is only one lv.7 in Orario. , known as Orario’s ultimate weapon.

If a full-scale war were to begin, although it would not be one-sided, judging from the outcome, it would definitely be a defeat for the Loki Familia.

As for the fundamental reason for this difference, it lies in the abilities of the goddess Freya and the goddess Loki.

The gods sealed their divine power when they came to the lower world. Except for immortality and technology, all abilities are the same as those of ordinary humans, and the same is true for Loki.

But Freya is not like that. She has an [Eye] that will not be affected in any way even if her divine power is sealed.

Those are a pair of eyes that can look directly into the soul and see its essence. According to Loki’s speculation, the more talented a person is, the more [beautiful] their soul is in Freya’s eyes.

In other words, this situation means that Freya is particularly good at [discovering talents], coupled with her beauty that all gods will fall into. As long as the souls she likes are attracted by her, they will be absorbed by her in the end without exception. Enter your own family.

And because they are talented people, members of the Freya Familia are often elites among adventurers of the same level. They pursue extreme individualism and can upgrade much faster than the average person. The lv.6, lv.5, and even lv.7 people who are now the top leaders of Freya’s family are all talents recruited by Freya personally.

“In other words, the goddess Freya is interested in me now?”

“After all, you are from another world. You fell from the sky before. At that time, I am afraid that all the gods in Orario knew about your existence. In fact, we had already passed by many gods on the way here. After that, if it weren’t for me being here, I would probably have surrounded you right away.”

This is also the biggest reason why Loki asked Finn to serve as Exia’s mentor today.

[This kid is from our Loki family! You unworthy gods should stop trying to rob people! 】——Finn’s existence probably has such a symbolic meaning.

“Similarly, this is also to prevent you from being abducted by the goddess Freya.”

A soul from another world must have a certain attraction to the goddess Freya, and considering the methods of that flirtatious woman, Loki had no doubt that if he released Exia alone, In that minute Freya would be abducted back to her bed!

(So ​​Finn, you must keep a close eye on Ixia. If that woman Freya comes to rob someone, just fight her back! No one can rob the person we like!)

Recalling Loki’s words and his determination to keep Exia, Finn also smiled helplessly: “Okay, let’s not talk about this for now. After seeing you and me like this today, Freya Familia I shouldn’t have to do anything unnecessary, let’s go buy equipment for you.”

“I’m really sorry that my presence has caused trouble to the family members.”

Alexia felt a little sorry in her heart.

Finn sighed: “As I said just now, you need to change your thinking. Members of the family are your family, and it is natural for family members to help each other – apologize to us like this next time, Then I will punish you as the leader.”

“…Yes! Leader”

Looking at the little leader in front of her, Exia smiled and nodded vigorously.


The heights of the Tower of Babel.

On the floor provided by the guild to some of the dependents, a goddess was standing on the edge of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the streets full of people below.

That is a goddess that can only be described as [beautiful].

Delicate skin as white as snow, tall and slender tempting body, beautiful face that can make people lose their rationality, and a certain fatal charm that exudes all the time – whether it is a man or a woman, in this person I’m afraid I can’t keep myself in front of the goddess, so I should restrain my physical impulses.

In fact, this goddess doesn’t mind that kind of thing.

She is the goddess Freya, the goddess in charge of love and beauty. She has accomplished the feat of sleeping with almost all the male gods in the heaven.

“That person joined the Loki Familia.”

Although she was on a high-rise building of more than fifty floors, Freya could still clearly see Alexia and Finn in the crowd. This was not just because of the gods’ eyesight, but also because of the physical features of Alexia. The radiance of the soul.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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