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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 61

“I understand, Lord Bishop.”

Alexia looked solemn.

“I will collect soul-related intelligence as the second priority task.”

[Very well, thank you for your hard work, Alexia. Then my intervention ends here, and the rest of the time will be left to you and Hollander]

After saying this, Otto left the group chat directly.

When he saw Otto running away, Changguang Seventeenth also understood the atmosphere very well.

[In this case, it’s almost time for me to say goodbye. The design drawings for your exclusive God’s Throne have not been completed yet. The simulation program based on God’s Favor is still in the development stage. I will probably have to work overtime again today… .so goodbye]

[Changguang quits the group call]

Looking at the two people who exited one after another, Exia sighed slightly: “You are really busy, Ms. Changguang.”

[Who asked you to bring back brand new things from another world? As a researcher, she will definitely be extremely busy]

Bianca laughed.

The next moment, Rita’s voice came over.

[So, if Lord Exia brings back some brand new things every time she goes to a new world in the future, then I think Ms. Changguang will have to work overtime for about 365 days a year]

[Oh, Rita, are you ready for afternoon tea? 】

[Yes, Lady Bianca, please use it]

[Wait a minute, let me adjust the lens so that Ixia can see it too——]

“You deliberately seduce my appetite, right?”

Seeing her childhood sweetheart’s unscrupulous behavior, Alexia couldn’t help but twitch the corner of her mouth: “By the way, is your afternoon tea too sumptuous? Rita, do you want to feed Bianca into a little fat guy?”

Souffles, macarons, caramel waffles… not to mention all, but basically they are all high in calories.

Rita smiled.

[Bianca-sama had been fighting the Honkaimon for several days without sleep, so she had consumed a lot of energy, and now she needs to replenish it. In addition, Lady Bianca also said that since you are not here, she will also eat your share]

“…Just spoil her.”

7.Enrollment?A girls’ school?!

As a result, the video call between Axia, Bianca and Rita lasted until the end of the afternoon tea time for the two of them.

It wasn’t until Bianca told everything about what she had encountered in Siberia that Alexia hung up the phone.

It was already ten o’clock in the evening world time here.

Although based on Alexia’s somatosensory time, he had only been active for six or seven hours and was not very sleepy. However, he would have to live in this world for at least three months from now on, so he treated it as After adjusting her sleep schedule, Exia fell asleep lightly on the big bed prepared by Rias.

And now…

“Dong dong dong~~~~”

Amidst a knock on the door, Ixia slowly opened her eyes, walked out of bed, walked to the door and opened it.


The first thing that came into view was a pair of “huge” objects that were hard to move away from. Their presence was so strong that they even emitted some kind of sound effect, directly dispelling Ixia’s hazy sleepiness.

“Ah la ah la~~~ What’s wrong? Mr. Exia, could it be that you didn’t sleep well last night?”

“No, it’s nothing. It’s my own problem. I don’t know where to look with my eyes…” Ixia used perseverance to pull her eyes back, “Is there something wrong with you coming to me so early? Miss Himejima.”

The person standing at the door was none other than Akeno Himejima, who had met Exia yesterday and had a conversation or two.

“I’m here to deliver these to you.”

After speaking, Akeno Himejima handed the thing in her hand to Exia.

There are two things, a brand new uniform that has not been opened, and a document bag. Judging from the style, it should be the same style of men’s uniform as Himejima Akeno’s uniform.

“This is?”

“The ID and related documents that Minister Rias has prepared for you, as well as the second-year boys’ uniform of Kuoh Academy.”

ID? Uniforms?

Alexia can understand the former. After all, it is impossible to live in this world without identification, and it will take three months to live.

But the latter…

Alexia frowned: “School uniform? Could it be that the identity you prepared for me is…a student of Kuoh Academy?”



Under the gentle gaze of Himejima Akeno, Exia opened the document bag and looked at the [Exia of this world] that Rias had prepared for herself.

【Axia Kaslana】

【Sex: Male】

[Age: 16 years old]

【Birthplace: Northern Europe】

[Due to my parents’ work reasons, I will transfer to the second grade of Kuoh Academy from today and join the Supernatural Research Department]

There are scattered ID cards, passports, school admission documents—even forged family information.

The dozen pieces of paper in Exia’s hand are the life of [Exia in this world] who only appeared yesterday.

“You guys…are really thoughtful in what you do.”

After being silent for a long time, Alexia could only hold back this sentence.

Himejima Akeno smiled: “Thank you for your praise. Then please take a shower and change clothes. I will take you to the school building later.”

“No, no, no, please wait a moment, I never said I wanted to enroll in school!” Alexia quickly shook her head and said, “The purpose of my coming here is to gain new power, not to go to school!”

To be precise, Exia has actually accomplished the goal of “gaining new power”. After all, his left hand now houses a dragon and a god-killing weapon called the “God Destroyer”.

In the next three months, he is going to use this as the core to gradually develop its own power.

As a result, he is now required to go to school? !

“Of course the minister has also considered this.” Akeno Himejima smiled, “So after school today, please go back to the room where we met yesterday, and the minister will introduce you to a way to gain new power. of.”


Can Rias give herself new powers?

Hearing what Akeno Himejima said, Exia couldn’t help but frowned – it was not that he doubted what Rias and Akeno Himejima said, after all, this different world was completely unfamiliar to him, plus The other party is still a demon, maybe just like in the myth, he can get new power by paying something.

For example, the magic circle he saw yesterday.

“Then…why are you enrolling?”

“In order to keep you under our surveillance. The minister and I will go to school in Kuoh Academy during the day. In order to prevent you from going out during our classes and causing some unexpected things, we ask you to go to school with us and minimize the Our obsession.”


“By the way, this is something you personally promised yesterday.”

Rias did say yesterday that she hoped Alexia could live under her supervision for a while.

Alexia thought she was going to live in this old school building, so she agreed without thinking much at the time, but in the end she actually wanted to go to school with her? !

“You…you really know how to play word games.”

“Hehehe~~~Thank you for the compliment. This is a compliment for a devil.”

When talking about devils, we think of contracts, and when talking about contracts, we think of things in myths, legends or movies and novels where demons try to trick the contract recipients by playing tricks on the contract content.

Alexia really didn’t expect that one day she would be tricked.

“…Oh, okay, I understand.”

After a moment of silence, Alexia sighed helplessly.

“Just go to school, right?”


Seeing the unchanged smile on Himejima Akeno’s face, Ixia had no choice but to take her clothes and walk to the shower room in the room – I don’t know if it was renovated later, this is obviously an old school building. But it has complete shower facilities.

(Go to school…)

“Speaking of which, Miss Himejima, what kind of academy is Kuoh Academy? What exactly does it teach?”

Alexia asked casually.

He didn’t go to any ordinary school, at most it was the Valkyrie Training Academy at Tianming Headquarters. And since there are demons like Rias and Akeno Himejima in Kuao Academy, could it be that it is a school for demons? Are all the students inside demons?

“Komao Academy is a girls’ school.”

Akeno Himejima said something that caused Exia to have her heart stop.

He paused slightly as he walked toward the shower room, then slowly turned his head.

“Wait a minute, what did you just say? Kuoh Academy is…a girls’ school?”

Alexia hoped she heard wrong.

“Yes, girls’ school.”

Himejima Akeno’s repetition and affirmation shattered his hopes.

(I’m going to a girls’ school————————!?)

8. The former Sekiryuutei was a pervert

“Then, this is Alexia Kaslana, the student who will be transferred to our class today. Everyone, please get along well in the future!”

Tens of minutes later.

In a classroom in the second grade of Kuoh Academy.

A female teacher standing on the podium was introducing Alexia next to her to the students in the class.

Looking at the many students sitting in the audience, Alexia, who had been on tenterhooks until just now, couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

(Okay, okay…it’s not a girls’ school, it’s not a girls’ school.)

Kuoh Academy is a girls’ school – Himejima Akeno’s statement is actually true, but it was the former Kuoh Academy.

In fact, Kuoh Academy has changed from a girls’ school to a co-ed school a few years ago. It’s not that there are no boys in the school, it’s just that the number is much smaller than that of girls.

From the third grade to the first grade, the number of boys is increasing, although it is still not as good as that of girls.

In the class where Ixia is now, there are not many boys at all. Girls account for about 70% of the students in the class. I don’t know if it is a deliberate arrangement by the school. The boys’ seats are basically concentrated together, except for those by the window. The one in the second-to-last row over there is empty.

Therefore, after introducing Alexia, the female teacher placed him in the empty seat.

“No, wait a minute, teacher, doesn’t this position belong to Issei?”

Before Alexia could sit down, a boy sitting in the front asked this question.

Issei? Does it mean the student who originally sat in this position?

“Ah, regarding this matter… it’s actually something I want to explain to you now.” The female teacher looked hesitant, “Actually, Hyoudou Issei’s classmate… was on his way home yesterday. Got into a car accident and unfortunately passed away, right near the park.”

Hyoudou Issei? Died? garden?

Hearing what the teacher said, Alexia’s mind immediately flashed back to the scene she saw yesterday when she first came to this world.

(In other words, the person killed by the fallen angel yesterday was Hyoudou Issei?)

Alexia bit her lip lightly.

Although it is easy to infer this fact from Ddraig’s words, after all, the artifact will only be transferred to the next host when the previous host is completely dead. And since Ddraig has been transferred to him, then It means that the boy who was the former host is no longer alive.

Exia had already confirmed his situation at that time.

(There was a car accident… Rias must have been involved in intelligence management.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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