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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 62

Hyoudou Issei was killed by a fallen angel, not a car accident. Since this is the result now, it means that Rias who was present at the time did some aftermath work after that.

(So, now I have inherited his power and replaced his position in this class… I feel really bad when I think about it carefully.)

At that time, after confirming the death of Hyoudou Issei, Exia wanted to directly deal with the fallen angel.

Although the specific strength of the female fallen angel is unclear, this does not constitute the reason for Exia to sit back and do nothing. Now, Exia feels that she has one more reason to deal with the female fallen angel.

Even this may be a bit self-talk.

(Let’s ask Rias about the female fallen angel later.)

“Then, let’s start the class. Today’s first class is Mandarin…”

Just when Ixia was thinking like this, and in the somewhat gloomy atmosphere in the class, the teacher on the podium began today’s lesson.

However, it is said to be a class, but it is hard to say how many students will be able to listen.


“Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!”

Time passes quickly.

After one class after another, with the bell ringing throughout Kuao Academy, the whole day of classes came to an end.

And Axia also spent her first day as a student.

To be honest, there was nothing special about it – after all, he didn’t pay much attention to the class. Except for the Chinese language class and Japanese history, which he didn’t understand at all, he had already mastered everything taught in the other classes.

In the final analysis, it is just high school level knowledge. If he cannot even master this knowledge, then Bishop Otto will definitely not be able to explain it to others, let alone others. You must know that he has been taught by Bishop Otto since he was a child. Get educated.

Therefore, compared to the boring class time, he was more impressed by the girls who surrounded him asking questions after class.

Who made them really… To put it bluntly, they were too noisy.

Just like when Ixia was in Changkong City before, because of his relatively handsome appearance and special hair color, all the girls gathered around him as soon as class was over, and caught him because of his appearance and hair color. He asked about things in the past, and even whether he had a girlfriend.

There are even some who are willing to attack him directly!

This was the first time in Xixia’s sixteen years of life that he had seen such a proactive girl, and he was shocked at the time.

(Girls in this world are too open-minded and proactive, right? Or is it true that girls in Japan are like this no matter which world they are in?)

This was Aixia’s truest thought at the time.

However, after ruling out these things, he did not fail to collect some information – for example, related to Hyoudou Issei.

If Exia’s view of Hyoudou Issei before was “a poor boy who died innocently”, then his current view of Hyoudou Issei is “a perverted boy who died innocently”.

The reason is simple, because he is a famous pervert and serpent in the entire Kuao Academy.

Groups were formed to peek into the women’s locker rooms, openly discuss 18-ban games and DVDs in the classroom, rate girls’ figures from a color-based perspective, and publicly make comments such as “I want to rub my breasts!” 】This kind of shouting… the people of Exia were dumbfounded when they heard it.

This kind of person is Sekiryuutei’s former host? !

Most of Alexia’s inner discomfort disappeared instantly.

(But, no matter what, you still have to do what you need to do… It’s almost time, time to go to the old school building, right?)

After packing her schoolbag and textbooks, Alexia stood up and was about to leave the classroom——

“Ahhhh! It’s Kiba-kun!”

“Kiba-san, please look over here!”

Suddenly there was such a commotion outside the classroom, as if a large group of female fans couldn’t stop screaming in joy after seeing their super idol.

Immediately afterwards, a young man’s figure appeared at the door surrounded by a large number of girls.

“Excuse me, is Kaslana-san here?”

“You’re looking for me?” Alexia looked at the door, “I’m the one who’s looking for you. Is there anything wrong?”

“I am Kiba Yuuto, the person Rias Gremory-senpai arranged to take you to the Supernatural Research Department.”

9. Can you please be my dependent?

Kiba Yuuto.

During the conversation with the girls during the day, Exia had also heard of such a number one figure. Like Hyoudou Issei, he was a well-known figure in Kuao Academy.

However, contrary to Hyoudou Issei, Kiba Yuuto is famous not because he is a pervert and a serpent, but because he is handsome enough. He is a famous sportsman in the school, a handsome prince, and the most popular boy in the entire second grade.

“I didn’t expect you to be related to Miss Rias.”

Following Kiba Yuto leaving the school building and arriving at the old school building amidst the shouts of many girls, Alexia looked at the blond boy in front of her with some surprise.

“Are you a devil too?”

“Well, like Himejima-senpai, I am a reincarnated demon transformed by the minister through a chess piece. We were originally humans – here we are.”

When Kiba Yuto explained, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the old school building. After walking in, they quickly returned to the room where Exia, Rias and Himejima Akeno met yesterday.

Himejima Akeno was already waiting in the room, and it seemed that she had been here for a while.

And besides her…

“Ah wu…ah wu…”

Also sitting on the sofa in the room was a cute girl wearing the uniform of Kuoh Academy.

She is extremely small and looks to be one or two years younger than Ixia. She is perhaps a little taller than Aunt Theresa. She has shoulder-length silver hair that is combed very smoothly, just above her temples. There is also a black kitten-shaped decoration pinned to it.

“Who is this?”

“Koneko Tashiro, a first-year student at Kuoh Academy.” Kiba Yuto introduced, “Of course, like me, he is also a demon dependent of Minister Rias.”

In other words, now this room is full of demons except Exia.

And thinking about it this way, the so-called Supernatural Research Department should be a cover established by Rias in order to legitimately gather the demon relatives under her command. The old school building is also the gathering place for demons.


Seemingly noticing Alexia’s gaze, the Tacheng kitten, which was eating some kind of snack one bite at a time, raised its head slightly, glanced at him expressionlessly, and then continued to lower its head and eat.

(I don’t want to interact with people…)

“It seems that everyone is here.”

At this moment, Rias’s voice came from the door that Exia had just passed through, and then the long bright red hair swept past Exia, and the office not far in front of him He sat down behind the desk.

“Sorry, I’m a little late. I chatted with Sona for a while on the way – have you been waiting for a long time? Alexia.”

“No, I just arrived too.”

Alexia put down her schoolbag and sat on the sofa opposite Tacheng Kitty.

“So, what do you want to tell me? Is it the method that Miss Himejima mentioned when she gave me clothes and identification this morning [to give me new powers]?”

“That’s right, but before I talk about that, I have to let you get to know my lovely servants first.”

When Rias said this, Himejima Akeno, Kiba Yuto and Tashiro Koneko all stood beside her.

“I told you yesterday, right? In addition to Akeno, I have three other dependents. Yuto and Koneko are two of them. They are my [Knight] and [Castle] respectively. As for Akeno, she is my [Queen], I think you have all exchanged names with each other before I came, right?”

knight? castle? Queen?

Alexia was a little curious: “It sounds like chess pieces… Is this a special name that you demons give to their relatives? Or is it a title, a nickname, something like that?”

“That’s right.”

Rias pulled out a red chess piece from somewhere.

“Do you still remember what I mentioned to you yesterday? Because of the past war, pure-blood demons suffered heavy casualties, and the number of demons was greatly reduced. In order to increase the number of demons and allow the demons to continue, the four major One of the demon kings developed the technology to reincarnate demons, and the medium is this [Devil Pawn]. Just bury this chess piece in other people’s bodies, and the beings who are not demons will become reincarnated demons. This will increase the number of demons. will be increased.”

“And those who are given demon chess pieces will get the special abilities corresponding to each chess piece.”

“special power?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Akeno is the queen, Yuto is the knight, and the kitten is the castle – the demon chess pieces are based on chess, and the demon or reincarnated demon who is given the chess pieces will get the chess pieces. characteristic.”

“For example, Yuto, his attribute is [Knight], and the power he is given is extraordinary speed.”

“For example, Kitten, her attribute is [Castle], and the power she is given is powerful defense and attack power.”

“As the [Queen], Akeno possesses the speed of the [Knight], the defense and attack power of the [Castle], and the powerful magic power of the [Bishop].”

Rias introduced her family members one by one.

“I am the [King] myself. I don’t have any special abilities. If I have to say it, I have the power to give other people devil chess pieces.”

“And… here are the soldiers.”

At some point, eight bright red demon chess pieces appeared in front of Rias, which looked like soldiers in chess.

“The soldier’s ability is [Ascension]. When it is in the [enemy position] identified by me, it can temporarily obtain the ability of chess pieces other than the [King].”

(The rules are the same as chess.)

It’s not like Alexia has never been exposed to chess. He was taught basic rules by Otto when he was a child, although his chess playing skills are not very good.

After listening to Rias’s explanation in silence, Alexia asked: “So, what’s the point of telling me these things? Could it be that you want me to accept these demon chess pieces of yours and become your demon dependents?” Bar?”

“Isn’t it already clear to you?”

Rias smiled.

“Well, you’re right, I do want you to become my demon dependent. I have eleven chess pieces left, including eight soldiers, one bishop, one castle, and one knight. If possible, I hope you can accept one of the castles or knights, become a reincarnated demon under my command, and become my servant.”

“Can you please become my dependent? Alexia Kaslana.”

10. However, I refuse

What Rias said made the atmosphere in the room solidify a little.

Alexia stared at the red-haired demon in front of her silently, her eyes and face changing for a while, and then she spoke again.

“Can you tell me the reason? The reason why you choose a stranger like me, whom I have only known for less than a day, to become your dependent.”

There is a reason for everything.

Alexia didn’t think Rias would choose her to be her dependent for no reason. It would be like inviting a stranger she had never seen before to your home for a party.

Rias crossed her arms to support the grandeur on her chest.

“There are two reasons. One is the sacred weapon on your left hand – well, actually we have to start with Hyoudou Issei.”

“Start with him?”

“Well, after all, I have noticed that he has a divine weapon in his body some time ago. For us demons, the significance of choosing dependents is not only to increase the number of demons, but also to have a family and strengthen the demons. The overall strength of the race. Therefore, we will give priority to people with certain strength or potential to become our dependents. And artifact holders are naturally the best choices. Including Yuto, I already have two of my dependents. The holder of an artifact.”

Rias explained.

“Hyoudou Issei is also in the same situation. After I realized that he had a divine weapon, I came up with the idea of ​​accepting him as a familiar. However, it is not appropriate to directly accept him as a familiar. What kind of person is he? A very important point. After all, there have been cases where servants rebelled against their masters, killed their masters, and then themselves became lost demons and committed evil deeds.”

“However, just when I ended my observation of him and decided to accept him as my family, he was attacked and died by the fallen angels first. Unfortunately, I arrived a little late and could not save him in time. he.”

When she said this, Exia roughly understood what she meant: “So, you want to make me, who inherited his artifact, your dependent?”

“You can indeed say that. Of course, I won’t force you. If you don’t want to, I will take back what I just said. I am not one of those unreasonable demons, and I will fully consider my opinions before accepting a family member.”

(In other words, I have the right to refuse.)

Alexia continued to ask: “So, what about the second reason? You yourself also said that when accepting a dependent, what kind of person the other party is is also very important – I can understand that you have passed the relationship between us. In less than a day of contact, have you seen through what kind of person I am?”

“More or less, after all, I am also a devil, and I am still somewhat confident in people’s abilities.” Rias smiled, “In my opinion, you are a person who can indeed be called a [good person] people.”

Good guy?

The unexpected comment made Aixia stunned: “Do you think I am a good person? What’s the reason?”

“Because, were you angry yesterday because the fallen angel killed Hyoudou Issei? You came to our world just yesterday. I have confirmed this, and the first time you came to our world But you are angry about the death of a stranger… No, it should be said that you are angry about his [innocent murder].”

This is the first reason why Rias confirms that Exia is a good person. After all, there will be no other people besides [good people] and [people with a sense of justice] who would do such a thing. .

“And beyond that – you are a person who is willing to come to our world alone to save your own world. This is the second reason why I think you are a good person.”

Rias believed that Exia was not lying at that time. When he talked about the [disasters] and [monsters] in his world, the emotions he showed were definitely not false, and his desire for power was also real. .

He is not only a [good person], but also a warrior with a [heart of protection] – Rias can generally be sure of this. Even though she and Aixia had only known each other for less than a week.

“…Have you never thought that I might not actually be who you think I am?”

After a moment of silence, Exia asked.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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