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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 63

“If I am not actually a good person, but a villain who will do anything to achieve his goals, or a villain who has ulterior motives for you, wouldn’t you be inviting a wolf into the house?”

Rias: “Of course I have thought about such a possibility – but even if something like that happens, it will only prove that I have a bad taste in people. After that, I will also shoulder the responsibility to completely eliminate you. “

“You are very confident in your own strength.”

“Although I am still a younger generation among demons, I am a real superior demon and I think I have considerable strength.” Rias put her hands on the desk, “Well, now I can listen to you Have you answered? Alexia Kaslana, are you willing to become my retinue and my servant?”

“I reject.”

Without any hesitation, Exia directly refused.

The too straightforward attitude made Rias unable to react for a moment. She thought that Alexia would think about it for a while before making a decision, but she didn’t expect that she would refuse so decisively.

“What’s the reason for rejection?”

“I have no intention of becoming anyone’s servant.” Alexia replied, “Of course, judging from your attitude and the attitudes of Miss Himejima and others, the so-called [servant] is just a rhetoric, you are actually The relationship may be closer to [friends], but even so I won’t accept it.”

“Besides, I have no intention of becoming a demon and giving up my human identity.”

Ixia herself has the pure bloodline of the Kaslana family, and the power contained in the bloodline has awakened. If she accepts a demon chess piece and becomes a reincarnated demon, it is hard to say whether this power will mutate as a result. In the end, Worst case scenario… after becoming a demon, Kaslana’s power will never be usable.

In the current situation, this is not worth the gain.

(Even… maybe the demon chess piece will be rejected by my instinct.)

Ddraig told him yesterday that his instinct refused to allow Ddraig and the Sekiryuutei’s cager to reside in him. Even Ddraig was kicked out just after he came into contact with his soul. If he hadn’t accepted it rationally, I’m afraid the Sekiryuutei’s caged hand would still be repulsed by his instinct.

This situation can basically be regarded as Alexia’s instinct to exclude foreign objects from entering his body, and its purpose may be to ensure the purity of Kaslana’s blood. And something like a demon chess piece that can directly change a person’s race may receive stronger rejection than the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand.


“Miss Rias, I appreciate your kindness, but I’m sorry, please forgive me for refusing to become your dependent.”

“I don’t want to be a monster.”

11.The contract with the devil

Don’t want to be a devil.

Not wanting to give up being human.

Regarding the reasons given by Exia, Rias and her three relatives were slightly silent, and then Rias smiled softly: “Yeah…I know, then just treat it as I have never mentioned this to you, Alexia.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment Rias continued: “However, since you choose to refuse to become my dependent, our monitoring of you will not change, and I will also make some appropriate demands to you… ..That’s right, just think of it as the [rent] you pay for living in this old school building. I think this request should be within the range you can accept.”

“Well, no problem, I have expected this situation anyway.”

Alexia nodded.

This was something that could easily be expected. From the beginning, Ixia didn’t think that Rias would provide her with accommodation and identity certificate for free, and that there must be some price to pay.

Thinking about it now, the items mentioned in the two identity certificates of [Enrollment at Kuoh Academy] and [Joining the Supernatural Research Department] should be her preparations for accepting herself as her dependent.

And if he refuses, it will mean that Rias’s preparations have failed, and Exia will become an “outsider” in the Supernatural Research Department.

There is no free lunch in this world. As an outsider, if he wants to continue living, he can’t do it without paying some price. It’s a simple truth.

(Although there is also a way to sell gold bars in exchange for money and move out, but since you have ready-made gold bars, you can save the gold bars… Moreover, if you live in it, it is actually a close observation. Devil’s chance.)

Compared with the benefits that she can get by staying, just doing something for Rias from time to time is not something that is difficult to accept in Alexia’s opinion.

“However, if possible, I hope that the [limit] can be clarified.” Exia added, “After all, my ability is limited, and I can’t do everything, so if possible, I hope that what you ask of me is [ Things we can do] – such as cleaning up the old school building.”

This is a certain level of self-preservation.

Rias did not say what level of request she would make. If she later made a request like “please die for me”, then Alexia, who has no self-protection, would theoretically be unable to refuse. Because he accepted what Rias said.

“You are really vigilant. Have you ever suffered a loss because you didn’t clarify your acceptance level before?” Rias asked curiously.

“That’s right…”

“I see. But that’s fine. I’m not someone who likes to play tricks on the content of contracts, so I’ll explain it to you clearly here. [If you judge that the request I make is beyond your ability, So you have the right to refuse the request] – what do you think?”

Rias said.

(In other words, the choice is actually left to me.)

“no problem.”

“Then it’s decided – Akeno.”

“Yes~ Minister, we are ready.”

At Rias’s call, Akeno Himejima handed over a document to Exia in a timely manner. The content on it was exactly the content of the contract that the two had just talked about.

Alexia read it word for word: “Have you already thought that this would happen, so have you prepared this kind of document in advance?”

“Of course not, the documents were prepared just now. After all, we are demons, and using magic power to temporarily make contracts is a skill we must master, otherwise the devil’s work will not be possible.”

Was this contract made using magic?

Alexia touched the document in her hand, and it felt no different from real paper.

“It’s really convenient, magic power.”

“After all, as long as the devil’s imagination is enough, magic can basically do anything.” Rias smiled, “However, only devils can use magic. Different races use different powers. the same.”

(In other words, the energy system of this world is quite complex.)

“Is it okay to just sign this document with a pen?”


Himejima Akeno cooperated and handed over a black pen. After signing her name in the signature line, Aixia handed the document to her: “Okay, is there anything else to do next?”

“Well, and I think you should also be very interested – it’s something related to the fallen angel you met in the park yesterday. Just think of it as my first request to you, and we will prepare for it next. The crows lurking in this city are investigating, and we hope you can help us.”

Fallen angel.

Hearing Rias mention this species, Exia raised her eyebrows: “Investigation… If you use this method to describe it, it means that those fallen angels are doing some shady things in the city. What?”

“It’s not certain yet, but they came in lurking – this alone is enough for me to investigate them.” Rias said with her arms folded, “After the battle many years ago, demons, fallen The three parties, Angel and Angel, were seriously injured and have not recovered until now, so in order to avoid further losses, although they did not openly disclose it, all three parties secretly agreed to avoid fighting as much as possible.”

If the three parties continue to fight, the worst result is that all three parties will basically die together, and there is a high probability that there will be no better outcome. And if the three-party forces that symbolize Christian mythology collapse or even perish, other mythological systems in the world will not just watch from the other side, but will definitely step in to take advantage of the three major races.

Therefore, even if there are still intermittent small frictions secretly, peace must still be maintained on the surface.

“That’s what I say, but if the other party provokes trouble first, then we won’t just remain silent and let the other party do whatever they want.”

Rias smiled.

“Kumaou Town is a town managed by me, Rias Gremory, and a fallen angel from outside actually dares to kill the child I like in my town without permission. This can be regarded as a provocation to me. It’s not okay if we don’t investigate and punish him properly.”

“I see… Okay, I can accept this request. It just so happens that I also have something I want to ask the fallen angel for. I will provide assistance in my own way.”

Alexia thought of the female fallen angel she saw yesterday.

[I just wanted to get something from him, so I killed him, that’s all] – This is how she explained her reason for killing Hyoudou Issei at the time.

This is a reason that Exia cannot accept, so…

(I won’t let her escape this time.)

12. Crazy Exorcist

Juwang Town.

The doorway of a wealthy man’s house.

“Is this right here?”

Alexia glanced at the house without any lights on.

Although it was necessary to investigate the behavior of the fallen angels, Exia was a person who came to this world just yesterday after all, and had no idea about the situation in Kuoh Town. As a partner, Rias gave him A clue.

[Issei Hyoudou is not the first person to die recently. Three other people died before him. I don’t know if it is a coincidence or a coincidence. All the people who died were contractors of the devil]

Demons will make contracts with humans.

But this is not a contract in which power is exchanged for something. To be approximate, it should be the [All Things House].

The devil will let his familiars distribute leaflets with the teleportation magic circle printed on them in the city. If a person with a wish uses the leaflet to summon him, the devil will come to that person’s side and fulfill his wish.

As for the types of wishes, there are many kinds. According to Rias, most of them are [help to clean the room], [help to cook a meal], [discuss some things with the summoner], etc. The slightly more advanced ones are identification. Check out antique items.

After the wish is fulfilled, if the summoner is satisfied with the devil’s service, he can sign a contract with the devil, and then he can summon the contracted devil according to his own wishes.

Each demon in the Supernatural Research Department has his or her own contractor, such as Kiba Yuuto. His contractors are all working women, and most of their fulfilled wishes are to solve daily troubles or prepare a dinner.

However, starting about a few days ago, three of these contractors died. Because the devil cannot sense the situation of the contractor, at most it is just curious about why it has not been summoned in the past few days and worried about its performance, so Rias and others did not pay attention at first, until the fallen angel appeared yesterday , Rias found out today after she started investigating.

“In other words, fallen angels are constantly attacking demon contractors in the city?”

If you think about it this way, it makes sense that Hyoudou Issei would be attacked by a fallen angel. After all, Rias also said that the reason why she appeared there at that time was precisely because Hyoudou Issei summoned him through the magic circle on the flyer. She, but that was the first time she was summoned.

(He has not yet become a devil contractor, but he was mistaken for a devil contractor because he held the flyer… He is really unfortunate.)

(However, it’s probably not just like this, right?)

Alexia looked at her left hand.

The female fallen angel said that she wanted to get something from Hyoudou Issei, and if that thing was her own divine weapon…

“Forget it, it’s useless to think about it here. It’s better to go first and take a look at the situation.”

Thinking of this, Alexia pressed the doorbell.

The bell echoed around the mansion, but no one came out to open the door after ringing for a while.

(Not at home?)

Alexia pressed it again.

“Ding dong~~~~”

The doorbell rang again. However, just like last time, there was no response this time, not even a response from the owner.

Something is wrong.

Looking up at the wall next to the door, Ixia jumped over the wall and came to the small courtyard in the mansion. She walked to the door and opened the door of the house.


There were no lights in the house because it was already dusk, and the interior was filled with dark space and a gloomy atmosphere.

(You shouldn’t have gone out to work and haven’t come back yet, right? In this case… would it be better to treat him as someone who has been killed?)

Alexia walked into the house, gently closed the door, and walked deeper into the house with as light a step as possible.

There was nothing unusual on the first floor, except that the lights were not turned on.

As for the second floor——

“Huh? This smell is…”

The moment she walked up the stairs to the second floor, Alexia’s nose smelled a special smell.

This smell was not unfamiliar to him, but rather familiar. After all, until more than two months ago, he was still smelling this smell in the dungeon. He also smelled it at a close range yesterday.

(This rusty smell…is the smell of blood.)

“Tick tock…”

The sound of water dripping sounded from underfoot.

Bending down to look at the ground that reflected a strange sheen, Ixia dipped her finger into it – the touch of liquid, the smell of rust, and it was undoubtedly blood.

The source is…

“This way?”

After freezing the blood, he walked on the ice to the door of the room closest to the stairs. As soon as Ixia walked in, she saw a corpse lying on the ground with a very tragic death appearance.

It was as if his body had been used as a target, with several bloody holes shot out. The neck was almost cut off, leaving a huge gaping hole. The torso was similar, and it was obvious from the wounds that it had been cut by some kind of knife.

There are a dozen wounds in total, right?

“It was not for the purpose of killing the other party, but for the purpose of torturing the other party. So…”

Alexia looked at the other person in the room.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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