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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 64

It was a person sitting on the sofa. From the faint candlelight on the coffee table, you could see that he had messy white hair, which was much more eye-catching than Alexia’s hair color. He was wearing a Priest clothing.

“——Are you the fallen angel who killed him? It’s really a bit evil to wear a priest’s clothes.”

“Ah ha? Fallen angel? You are calling me! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I am…ah~~~~That’s not right, I say I am a fallen angel but in fact I am pure As a human being, the most I can do is have something to do with fallen angels—eh? But then I can actually call myself a fallen angel, right?! That’s okay!”

Like a psychopath with a brain problem, the man jumped up from the sofa and looked at Alexia with funny moves while speaking in confusing language.

The extremely exaggerated and twisted smile on his face caught Exiya’s eyes for the first time.

“Hi~~~Good morning, noon, and evening! Demon-kun! Welcome back, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Although I didn’t mean to wait for you, I was waiting for you anyway, Demon-kun!”

“Besides, you are right. I did kill the people. After all, I am an exorcist. It is the exorcist’s bounden duty and mission to eliminate the bullshit demons and the bullshit humans who collude with the devil! Who? As long as humans have contact with demons, their lives are basically over? So this kind of social worm must be eradicated.”



The crazy young priest suddenly took out a sword hilt from under his clothes. The next moment, a sword blade of light emitting strong light extended from the port of the hilt!

“Can you let me use my sword to smash your internal organs to pieces? You damn demon classmate who deserves death!”

13.Can’t use the artifact?

Looking at the young priest in front of him who seemed to be mentally ill, Exia noticed a word from his words.


In the general situation of the world that Rias explained to Exia, she mentioned something about exorcists. Just like their name, they are warriors of the church whose mission is to exorcise demons. They can use only angels. And the power of light that can only be used by fallen angels to cause huge damage to demons.

After all, the power of light is equivalent to poison for demons.

(I didn’t expect to meet him here. He just mentioned that he has a relationship with fallen angels…)

“Are you and the fallen angels together?”

“Ah? Ah? Ang! That’s right! We’re in the same group!” the young priest laughed, “I, Father Fried, am the most devout believer in the fallen angels – I’m just kidding! Hahahahaha! “

Can’t communicate normally at all.

The priest in front of him, who claimed to be Freed, seemed to Alexia to be a real lunatic.

However, at least two things are confirmed.

1. He was indeed the prisoner who killed the body on the ground.

2. He has a connection with the fallen angels.

“Let me ask, the task of an exorcist is only to expel demons and deal with demons, right? Why would you attack ordinary people?”

“He is not an ordinary person! He is a garbage that relies on the devil! Social garbage, the scum of mankind! A rat that is full of devil’s stench! Of course your uncle Fried will kill him! Yeah! That’s it!”

Freed said while dancing and waving the lightsaber in his hand.

“Ah, by the way, you don’t have to feel too lonely. Demon-classmate, you will be killed by me too. I will kill you. Soon you will become a piece of trash like this guy. !”

“I’m not a devil.”

“It’s all the same! Guys who smell like devils should die! I’ll chop————————!”

Before he finished speaking, with a strange scream from Freed, he stepped hard on the ground and jumped directly to the ceiling. After spinning around in the air, he suddenly slashed the lightsaber at Alexia’s head. !

next moment–


The penetration sound suddenly sounded!

But it was not Alexia who was penetrated, but Fried who was in the air. A bright red ice pick rushed out from behind Alexia at some point, directly piercing his body, followed by the nail. Dead on the ceiling!

Fried couldn’t even scream. The ice pick had frozen his entire body from the inside the moment it penetrated his body.

Bending down to pick up the lightsaber hilt that fell from her frozen hands, Ixia played with it: “I can’t use it…Does it require some special physique? Or do I need to possess it?” The power of light? Let’s take it back and give it to Miss Changguang for analysis.”

“By the way…are the warriors specially trained by the church to fight against demons at this level?”

Alexia looked up at Freed, who was instantly killed by her.

Although he was surprised by his own attack, he couldn’t even dodge the blow just now… If this is the level of mass-produced warriors in this world——

[I advise you not to underestimate the world so much, partner]

A deep voice suddenly sounded on Alexia’s left hand, followed by a group of green light lighting up the back of her left hand.

Alexia raised her left hand: “…Ddraig?”

【Well, it’s me】

“Can you take the initiative to talk to me? And you don’t have to drag me into that world of fire?”

[That’s right. Compared to this, don’t underestimate the world, partner. The guy you killed instantly was just a soldier, not even a mid-level demon. There are many guys more powerful than him, such as the little girl from the Gremory family you know]

Rias Gremory?

“Can you feel she’s strong?”

[More or less—well, for you, who is stronger or weaker does not mean much. If you can use the artifact smoothly, even for just a moment, you can gain power that surpasses everyone else]

An artifact?

Speaking of which, since receiving the Sekiryuutei’s cage, Exia has not used it once.

“How to use the artifact?”

[The most difficult thing is to make the divine instrument appear at the beginning. After it appears once, you can then manifest and cancel it at will. As for the method… that’s right. Just imagine that you can Use the strongest attack and release it through your left hand. 】

(The strongest attack?)

Alexia frowned.

Speaking of the most powerful blow he could imagine, it was undoubtedly the one where he unleashed the power he had accumulated for seven years when facing Udaios on the 37th level of the dungeon.

The power was huge enough to penetrate the floor and crush the entire Udaios together with the magic stone in one blow.

(Then use that blow as a template, and then focus on the left hand…)


Along with Alexia’s imagination in his mind, red particles began to gradually gather in his hand, as if covering his arm, covering most of his arm.

However, as these particles gradually gathered together——


A feeling like an electric shock suddenly burst out from the shoulder, spreading throughout the entire arm in an instant, and all the light particles that were about to gather and formed immediately dissipated!

Alexia covered her arm and groaned: “Well…this is…”

【resist. It seems that even if your rationality accepts me, I and the artifact itself are indeed lodged in your body, but once you want to use me, your instinct will still resist. Unfortunately, it seems that at present you Can’t use me. 】

Is your instinct still resisting?

“Then how can I use you?”

【Who knows? Maybe one day in the future, when you can completely control your instincts, you can use me. 】

(Completely control my instincts? Have I not yet been able to control my instincts?)

What was the situation like when he fought Udaios and Zaganat before?

At that time, Exia must have really adapted——

“Father Fried!?”

Suddenly, a cry of surprise sounded from outside the door.

Alexia immediately came back to her senses from deep thought and looked towards the door. A figure stood there at some point, with a look of horror on her face, covering her mouth slightly with both hands.

It was a girl, who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. She was wearing a very colorfully decorated nun’s uniform. Compared with the ordinary nun’s uniform that was all black, it had a more sacred feeling like a saint. .

The girl also wears a veil on her head that is common to nuns. Under the veil is long golden hair hanging down like a waterfall.

“You know his name…are you with him?”

Alexia pointed to the frozen meat on the ceiling.

The girl did not answer, but bit her lip and immediately turned around and ran out, but she had just taken a step away——


In an instant, she rushed out of the room and caught up with the girl. After grabbing the girl’s hand from behind and pressing her against the wall, Ixia leaned into the girl’s ear and said, “Run away as soon as you come up. Meet that perverted priest… …It seems that you are also related to the fallen angels.”

“Sorry, please come with me. I have some questions for you, ma’am.”

14. Those who deceive a pure girl should be punished by heaven!

In the living room on the first floor of the mansion.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

Tying the girl’s hand to the armrest of the chair with a towel, Ixia came and sat down opposite her: “Let’s have a good chat, madam, I am currently investigating the fallen angels because of some things. And judging from your situation just now, it seems that you are in the same group as the perverted priest upstairs who has a relationship with the fallen angels.”

“So, if you know something about fallen angels, please tell me, so that I won’t do too many rude things to you.”

“……I have no idea.”

After the girl was silent for a while, she shook her head and said.

Alexia’s first reaction was that she was lying. After all, anyone with some eyesight can tell that there should be some disputes between Exia and the fallen angels, so as a person related to the fallen angels, it is normal not to tell the story about his companions.

However, after meeting the girl’s eyes unintentionally, Exia put away his thought that she was lying.

There is nothing false in the girl’s eyes, just extremely pure purity. She looks as innocent and innocent as a child, like a pair of extremely pure emeralds without any impurities.

(This girl with pure eyes really dated that perverted priest?)

Alexia began to doubt her own thoughts, but the girl just said the name of the perverted priest. If it were not a companion…

“Well, let me ask another question – first of all, can you tell me your name? Madam.”

“The name… Aisha.” The girl said with an uneasy expression, “Aisha Alget is a nun from the local church… she just came to take up her post a few days ago.”

A nun from the church?

Alexia frowned: “Then what’s your relationship with the perverted priest just now? Why do you appear here?”

“This…I am Father Freed’s assistant…together we carry out the mission of exterminating demons.”

Demonic retreat?

That perverted priest?

(Is that guy really doing demon extermination?)

Regardless of whether he has actually killed a demon or not, judging from the information Exia received from Rias, there has not been any demon in Kuoh Town in recent times. The demon she knows has died, died. There are only a few demon contractors, that is, humans.

In other words, Fried has not killed a single demon at least in the past few days. The demon retreat he talks about actually means constantly killing demon contractors.

And the reason is just like what he said, because those people have contact with the devil, even if they just hope to talk to the devil about their troubles, this is undoubtedly evil in his opinion and is pure garbage behavior.

This is really a radical idea, even…

(Maybe this is just an excuse.)

Alexia thought back to Freed’s expression. When he talked about killing the devil’s contractor, the expression on his face was not that of completing a certain mission, but an expression of satisfaction, like a drug addict who had been holding back for a long time and finally got high. Like a puff of cigarette.

Coupled with the corpse full of wounds, you can imagine what kind of torture Fried performed on him when he did it.

And after combining these circumstances, the inference that can be drawn is…

(A lunatic who takes pleasure in killing demons and demon contractors…?)

Alexia didn’t know.

From the church’s point of view, the exorcism of demons by exorcists should be a sacred ritual to destroy demons in the name of God. Basically, all regular exorcists are noble warriors who aim to protect the people. However, there will occasionally be evil exorcists like Fried who take pleasure in killing demons and demon contractors. They feel pleasure from the bottom of their hearts in killing demons.

For this kind of behavior that can be called blasphemy, the church will usually deal with it directly and secretly. However, there are always some exorcists who can escape the treatment and survive, and after escaping from the church, they become lost exorcists.

Fried is a typical lost exorcist.

But the reason why exorcists can use the power of light to fight against demons with lightsabers and guns that can shoot bullets of light is rooted in the blessings they receive from angels and gods, which the lost exorcists who betray the church will not receive. bless.

Therefore, all lost exorcists have only one final destination – to take refuge in the fallen angels. After all, fallen angels are originally angels. They fall into heaven only because they have worldly desires in their hearts and are defeated by desires. The fact that they can use the power of light does not change.

In this way, the lost exorcists took refuge in the fallen angels, and then regained their blessings and continued to use the power of light to kill demons and humans to satisfy themselves.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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