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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 65

After confirming this characteristic of Fried, a complete guess gradually emerged in Exia’s mind.

(A new nun who has just arrived and is ignorant of the world…a perverted priest who enjoys killing…a church that lets the two of them act together…a fallen angel who has a relationship with Freed. …..)

After connecting several clues in her mind to formulate an overall picture of the incident, Aixia sighed slightly: “So that’s it…Okay, Ms. Aljit, I have no problem. I’m sorry that I took some excessive actions against you, I will let you go now.”

“Ah…ok, thank you.”

(Is this something I need to be grateful for?)

Aisha Alget’s reaction made Alexia sigh slightly, and at the same time, she also slightly changed her impression of the girl in front of her – she was really a girl who was inexperienced in the world and was particularly easily influenced by others.

To put it nicely, she is quite kind, so kind that she is as good as a blank sheet of paper, and she can even treat people who treat her with evil behavior with kindness.

(Deceive such a girl and let her follow a pervert to do evil things everywhere… That church is really – no, after all, it is not a church at all. If I have to say it, where is it now? should be…..)

Untying the restraints on Aisha’s hands, Alexia stood up: “By the way, Ms. Alget, I have one more request. Can you please tell me where the church is?”

“Hey, where is the church? Well… the direction is over there.”

Elsa pointed in a certain direction outside the window.

(It’s no problem if you have direction, the rest is…)


Alexia suddenly hit Aisha Alget on the back of the neck with a hand knife, beating her until she fainted on the spot. Then she reached out to catch her: “Let’s put her here first, and talk to Miss Rias.” She should settle down after a while.”

“Then what happens next-“

Looking in the direction that Aisha Alget pointed just now, Alexia’s fingers slightly bent a few times.

——It’s time to pull the ruthless crow down from the sky.

15. It’s fantasy time

Time soon came to night.

In a church some distance from the center of Kuao Town.

In front of some damaged statues, four figures were sitting on a bench, seemingly waiting for someone.

“Well…he’s not here yet. What is that guy Freed doing?”

The man wearing a coat and a round black hat spoke first with some dissatisfaction.

“Don’t you know that the day of the ceremony that Lady Linali has been preparing for is coming soon?”

“Maybe that idiot is in trouble again? That’s why I said don’t give him too many good looks.”

On another bench in front of the man, a loli girl with golden twin tails crossed her legs and smiled: “But to be honest, it’s quite tiring to act with that little girl, pretending to be a nun and a priest. Something like that, it’s so disgusting!”

“This is also for Lady Linali’s plan. We can’t let that saintly lady lower her guard against us, Mitielt.” Sitting on another bench in the same row as the Loli girl, there was a girl with a very good figure. The royal sister glared at her slightly, “However, this game of playing house will be over in a few days.”

“You are obviously the one who can’t stand it the most, right, Karavana?”

The man in the coat smiled.

“Of course, the same goes for me, Donacic.”

Mitielt, Karavana, Donacik.

Even though they were in the holy church, the three of them said words that could be said to be blasphemous and did not take the church into consideration.

But this is natural.

After all, the three of them are all fallen angels. They fell from heaven because of their own desires and were abandoned by the gods. They no longer have any respect for the gods in their hearts.

On the chair closest to the statue, the last fallen angel present, the female fallen angel named [Linali] by the three, looked at the three with a smile: “I can understand your mood, but Think of it as giving the poor lamb the last bit of mercy, before we strip her of the artifact and take away her life, it doesn’t hurt to give him the last bit of happiness.”

“Who made us [angels]?”

Listening to Linali’s words, smiles appeared on the faces of the three fallen angels.

“You are really considerate and compassionate, Lady Linali.”

“You are so merciful that you are very suitable for the saint’s artifact. When the time comes, you will definitely be able to exert more powerful power than the saint.”

“Lord Azazel will definitely be impressed by you!”

Obvious flattery.

But it was obvious that Linali was quite satisfied after listening to the compliments of her three subordinates, her face full of intoxication and intoxication.

“Ah~~~~Yes, as long as [The Virgin’s Smile] can be transplanted into my body, I will definitely be able to enter the upper echelons of the fallen angels and become the confidant of Lord Azazel! Hahaha~~~ That day It won’t be long, my beloved Lord Azazel.”

“By then we will be able to follow the rising tide and lift all boats.”

“Come on, Lady Linali.”

“We are all your most loyal followers and advocates.”

It seemed that in order to better satisfy Linali, the three fallen angels began to flatter her more actively, and with the compliments of the three, the intoxicated look on Linali’s face became even deeper.

However, just as the four of them were thinking about their own bright future and indulging in fantasy time——


Without warning.

A roar suddenly erupted from outside the church and spread inside, and the impact that followed swept through the entire church in an instant!

The extremely cold storm poured in through the broken door and raged inside the church.

The illusions of the four people were immediately frozen to pieces in the ultra-low temperature environment!


The sound of freezing gradually came. Starting from the shattered doorway, a layer of ice spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, most of the surrounding walls were completely frozen. The ice layer on the ground It also extends rapidly.

The sudden change made the four fallen angels stunned for a moment.

what’s the situation? Were they attacked?


As the leader of the four, Linali took the lead in asking the ice mist filling the door.

“Da da da……”

What responded to her was not her words, but the sound of someone stepping forward on the ice one by one. As the footsteps got closer and closer, after a few seconds, the four fallen angels finally saw the person who came from the ice mist. The figure walking out.

“It stinks.”

Putting the ice sword in his hand on his shoulder, Alexia slapped her nose with her hand: “It’s obviously a church, but why does it smell like crow shit? Do the crows living in groups here not flush the toilet?”


Looking at Alexia appearing in front of her, the four fallen angels who were tense due to the attack suddenly relaxed. After seeing Alexia’s appearance clearly, Linali suddenly discovered——

“Ah~~~Isn’t this the righteous partner whose life I spared yesterday?”

With dark angel wings spread out behind her, Linali slowly flew into the air and supported the side of her face with her hands.

“Obviously for Gremory’s sake and my good mood yesterday, I allowed you to go back with your life. I didn’t expect you to find this place on your own initiative~~~ You were fascinated by me, so you wanted to Come and throw yourself into my arms?”

“I’m not interested in broken shoes.” Alexia said coldly, “Besides, in my eyes, you are just an ugly girl, so don’t disgust me.”

Pure insult.

It was as if Alexia didn’t take Linali seriously at all, completely ignoring her alluring figure and innocent face, and devaluing her as worthless in just two sentences!

Linali’s beautiful face immediately twisted.

Also twisted together were three other fallen angels.

“A mere human being has such a strong tone.”

“It looks a little level, but it’s too arrogant!”

“The most important thing is that he actually dared to speak rudely to Lady Linali! It’s so infuriating… Lady Linali, let me, Mithilt, teach him a lesson!”

The blond twin-tailed fallen angel who finally said this directly unfolded his dark wings, and at the same time, the power of light in his hands gathered, forming a sharp light gun in an instant!

“Pay the price for your pride, human.”

Aiming at Exia’s head, the fallen angel named Mitielt threw the light gun in his hand with a grin, and the meteor of light shot towards Exia in an instant!



It was frozen into ice while flying in mid-air – this was just touched by Exia’s finger.


Milte’s expression froze, and so did the expressions of the other two fallen angels.

He stretched out his hand to hold the frozen light gun, weighed it and crushed it into pieces. Exia threw away the ice shards in his hand: “Is this the level? Although it is a mythical existence,… It’s much weaker than I imagined. It’s nothing special, fallen angel.”

“It seems that he does have some strength.” Linali looked at Alexia with interest, “Step back, Mitilt, Donacik, and Karavana. I’ll have a good time with this human being. Let’s communicate~”


Just as Linali finished speaking, a huge icy blue light suddenly burst out in her field of vision! It was like a crescent moon that shot straight into the sky and passed directly over her head!


The statues behind the four fallen angels were directly frozen and shattered, and the church walls and ceilings behind and on both sides were also frozen in the light, then cracked and shattered!

Slowly lowering the sword from the slashing motion, Exia glanced at the four fallen angels who were stunned in front of her.

“Sorry, my hand was shaking and I missed. But I will hit it next time.”

“I told you, don’t disgust me, ugly girl.”

16. Pay the price for your words and deeds

(What is going on with this human being?)

Under the gradually collapsing frost walls and frozen statues, Linali and the other four fallen angels looked at Exia in shock.

The blow just now… although it didn’t hit, Linali could really feel the power contained in it. It was a power that even a lower-level fallen angel like her might not be able to exert.

Is this a power that humans can master?

“At least an intermediate level… No, it’s not a bad idea to say it’s a high-level demon, right?”

A human with superior demon fighting power?

Do such humans exist in this day and age?

If we go back thousands of years, when the three major forces were still strong and the world was still in the age of myth, then such human beings do indeed exist, heroes, great men, warriors, heroic spirits… Almost without exception, those great heroes who have gone down in history possess great strength.

However, just as the three major forces have weakened due to war today, there are almost no heroes in the human world today. An era that is too peaceful cannot give birth to heroes.

“…It really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to have such strength.”

Linali gradually raised her flying altitude so that she could retreat at any time, Linali pretended to be calm and smiled.

“However, no matter how powerful you are, you are only a human being after all, and you do not have the ability to fly into the sky – Miltim, Donasik, and Karavana.”

“Yes, yes, I am here, Lady Linali!”

Miltim smiled and flew in front of Linali, and at the same time condensed the spear of light in his hand again.

“In short, it’s just about shooting humans from the air, right? Humans who can’t fly are really weak.”

“You are absolutely right – there is no need for Lady Linali to take action, we can just solve it ourselves.”

Karavana and Donacik also condensed the spear of light while talking.

That’s right, what about humans with superior demonic powers? After all, he is just a human being, and there is a natural gap between him and their fallen angels.

“Just stand on the ground and let us shoot you into pieces!”

Miltim, who was laughing like this, was the first to throw the light gun, followed closely by Karavana and Donasik. The three light guns quickly crossed the space and shot at Exia!


“too slow.”

A cold voice sounded from behind the four fallen angels without warning!

The four people looked behind them hurriedly, but only halfway through their vision, the impact of broken ice falling from the sky instantly forced their vision back!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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