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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 66

“Bang bang bang bang!”

The fallen angels who were flying in the air one second fell directly to the ground the next second, and the dark wings behind the four were now frozen into crystal clear ice sculptures!

Falling from the air, Aixia picked up the big sword: “I can’t fly, but that doesn’t mean I can’t jump. It’s just five or six meters above the ground. Who are you looking down on?”

Normally, can any human being jump to a height of five or six meters? ?

“You seem to look down on humans? So now that you can no longer fly like humans, how do you feel?”

Walking up to the four of them, putting the edge of the ice sword against Linali’s neck, Aixia asked coldly.

“I don’t know what the fatal weakness of the fallen angel is, but if you cut off the head or pierce the heart, you will probably die, right?”

“Wait, wait a moment! Wait… No, please wait! Please wait a moment!”

After feeling the shadow of death that was already approaching, Linali immediately gave up her calm attitude and began to speak with honorifics: “I think there should be no conflict between us and you! Even if I did yesterday I killed a human in front of you, but it was just a human! There are so many humans in the world, so it doesn’t matter if one or two die?”


“What’s more, what’s more, the one who died was a Serwolf full of disgusting thoughts! If you let him continue to live, he might do something outrageous. I purified him…”



Seeing Alexia, whose face didn’t waver at all, just listening to her sophistry quietly, the charming smile on Linali’s face became stiffer and stiffer, and finally… as if she was giving up, Linali She forced herself to smile like a very charming and innocent girl.

“Well…please…please let me go, I’m willing to do anything…as long as you spare my life, I’m willing to do anything, even if you ask me Becoming your slave and plaything-“


Alexia kicked her directly in the face, sending her flying and smashing her into the half-destroyed statue!

“I told you, don’t disgust me, ugly girl… Although your breasts and buttocks are indeed in good shape, your face is too disgusting – of course, even if you are a thousand times prettier than you are now. , I will still give you a kick like this.”

After frost spread under the feet and froze the entire bodies of the remaining three fallen angels to the ground, Exia came to Linali: “In addition, I have to remind you… you said That’s right, Hyoudou Issei is a perverted Serang, and his reputation in the school is very bad.”

“But that doesn’t mean you can arbitrarily sentence him to death. At this stage, the only people who can punish him are the teachers at the school he attends and his parents. At most, the police will be added.”

“So, to put it simply, you have gone too far. You are the one who needs to pay the price for your words and actions.”


The ice sword sank into Linali’s chest in an instant, and a third of the sword blade pinned her to the half-destroyed statue.

For a fallen angel who once served the gods, this way of death must be quite ironic.

“Then…it’s you next.”

Alexia turned to look at the three fallen angels who were frozen on the ground: “About Aisha Alget, I have something to ask you, such as the artifact I heard outside just now, such as Why she came here…and the whole story of how you deceived her.”

“Before I crucify you all too, tell me exactly what you know – then I will probably take action more easily.”


A few minutes later.

Inside the church.

“Ah la ah la, this is really…”

Looking at Linali who was nailed to the statue and the other three fallen angels who were nailed to the ground, Himejima Akeno’s smile faded slightly: “He is really making a big fuss, Minister.”

“Well, it’s really beyond my expectation. Although I knew he had a certain amount of power, I didn’t expect it to be to this extent…”

Rias glanced at the church, which was almost an ice cellar.

The power that can cause such an impact must be at least an intermediate level demon, and judging from the light she saw flying out from the church before…

“It seems that a human with the power of a superior demon has to report to my brother.”


Himejima Akeno suddenly pointed in a certain direction.



Rias looked in that direction, although it was only a little bit, but…


Looking at the tiny figure slightly exposed in the ice, Rias couldn’t help but frown – there were still bugs alive in this situation, white bugs were really rare.

Looking back, Rias said to Akeno Himejima: “We probably can’t hide the things here completely just by ourselves. Let’s contact the student union later. Let’s go back today.”

“Yes, Minister.”

17. The saint sent to bed

Elsa Alget.

Born in Europe, he was abandoned by his parents when he was a child and was raised by nuns in a church that also served as an orphanage. Therefore, he developed an extremely devout heart of faith at a very young age and has always believed in the God in the Bible.

Then, as if to repay her faith and piety, she awakened the artifact named [Mother’s Smile (twilighthealing)] when she was eight years old.

, is an artifact that can completely heal injuries.

Not long after, this ability was discovered by the people of the church. They took Aisha to the headquarters of the church, worshiped her as a saint, and asked her to use her ability to heal the believers who came for help, so that the believers could feel God’s protection.

Aisha, who is naturally kind-hearted, did not have any doubts about this. After all, as a nun who believes in the Lord, she has always had the dream of helping others. If her modest power can bring health to the sick believers, , then she would be happy to dedicate her strength to this.

As a result, Elsa became a saint, and her reputation began to spread under the control of the church. More and more believers gathered in front of Elsa and prayed for her divine protection.

Up to this point everything was normal and there were no problems. Aisha’s actions expanded the influence of the church and allowed many wounded and sick people to recover. Aisha herself also felt joy in the process of helping others and firmly believed in God loves the world, and his faith becomes more and more pious.

However, just because of a normal help, Aisha fell from heaven to hell overnight.

One day she healed an injured demon with her own abilities.

This incident directly led to the collapse of Elsa’s situation.

The reason is simple, because the power of God cannot cure demons. After all, whether in the Bible or in other myths, the most common one is the hostile relationship between the god called God and the demons of hell.

For the church that believes in light, demons are undoubtedly dark and evil entities that can corrupt human beings.

In fact, in the past, the heaven headed by God did frequently fight with the demons and fallen angels living in the underworld and hell, and even stopped after fighting to the point where both sides were harmed. As a result, the current demons, angels, and fallen angels are still accumulating the losses caused by the war, and have fallen into a tragic situation that cannot continue without humans.

Therefore, for the church that believes in God, the power that can heal even demons who are not protected by the Lord is no longer the protection and blessing of God, but the real power of heresy!

Of course, Elsa lost her title as a saint, was demoted as a fallen witch, and was expelled and hunted by the church. What’s more, what’s sad is that none of the people who have been cured by Elsa’s ability have any cure. One wants to believe Elsa! Qiqi showed fear and disgust towards her!

Under such circumstances, Aisha started her own escape, and as she said, she only came to this Kuoh town a few days ago—the day before yesterday to be precise—and accepted the asylum of the local church. .

After all, unlike Europe where the church has a strong influence, the influence of the church in the Far East is not strong, and it is not known that Aisha is an expelled witch. It is so difficult for Aisha to find a place to stay.

Yet this is also false.

The church in Kuoh Town has long been reduced to the base of the fallen angels, and the only priest is the pervert Fried. For this ignorant girl who came to her door, Linali took a fancy to her healing ability at a glance, and it happened to be inside the fallen angels. He has been conducting research on artifacts, and he also has the technology to take artifacts out of other people’s bodies and transplant them into his own body.

Although the consequence is Elsa’s death.

Therefore, in order to possess Elsa’s artifact, the fallen angels and Freed deceived Elsa and asked her to go through the demon treatment with Freed first, and then kill her after the fallen angels were ready for the transplant operation. Seize its artifact.

————These are the causes and consequences of what Exia learned from the mouths of the fallen angels.

“Just listening to it really makes people feel unhappy. Whether it’s the fallen angels or the church… is it really fun to bully a girl like this? Is there something wrong with the minds of the church’s upper echelons?”

Walking in the corridor of the old school building, Alexia frowned.

He couldn’t understand what the church was thinking.

Even if it is a power that can heal even demons, it does not change the fact that Aisha has indeed saved many people in the past. Even if afterwards, in order to maintain the faith of the people, Aisha cannot continue to save others openly. But there is no need to expel her or even hunt her down, right?

Wouldn’t it be enough to hide and protect her? Why do you have to do this to persecute a kind girl?

“Hey, you’re back, Alexia-san.”

In front of the corridor, Kiba Yuto who didn’t know when he appeared there smiled and said hello to him.

“thanks for the effort.”

“How did you know?”

Kiba Yuto smiled: “The noise coming from the church can be seen even here. Exia-san, you really don’t know how to restrain yourself.”

“I see, I’m sorry, because in the world over there I basically don’t need to care about the impact on the surroundings, so…”

“No, it doesn’t matter. We will deal with it later. I just hope you won’t cause too much commotion next time. After all, there is a limit to the extent to which we demons can deal with the aftermath.”

Alexia nodded: “I can understand. It is indeed my fault this time for causing you trouble.”

Seeing his attitude, Kiba Yuto was slightly relieved. He had received a remote contact from Rias before Exia came back. Facing a human with the power of a superior demon, he, a little The little intermediate demon was still a little panicked.

Fortunately, Alexia is easy to talk to and is not an unreasonable person.

“Then, I’m going to help with the aftermath. See you tomorrow, Alexia-san – by the way, the girl you asked us to take care of before will be in trouble for you next.”

After saying something of unknown meaning, a magic circle appeared at Kiba Yuto’s feet and disappeared.

Listening to his last words, Ixia thought for a while: “I will take care of it… Could it be that-“

He quickly came to the door of his room and opened the door. The first thing that caught Exiya’s sight was a big bed with the strongest presence. Then on the bed… Just as he thought, there was A figure with a strong sense of presence.


Elsa Alget is lying there now, sleeping peacefully like a sleeping beauty.

(…Is it true?)

18. The healing smile of the saint

Elsa had a rare dream.

I dreamed about my life in the church when I was a child, the nuns who treated me with a gentle smile, the priests who were a little strict but kind in nature, and the companions who were always full of energy…

For her, who has long been excommunicated from the church, these memories can be said to be the most precious treasures.

However, the memories in the dream soon came to the day that changed her destiny.

A badly wounded demon fell before her, and she healed it out of the goodness of her heart.

This scene was witnessed by church personnel who happened to be passing by at the time, and her originally perfect and beautiful life was shattered in an instant!

The feeling as if the world was collapsing gave Elsa a strong shock, and after that——

“…Is this a dream?”

Subconsciously she opened her eyes and looked at the somewhat old ceiling that reflected in her eyes. Aisha murmured softly, raised her hand to wipe away the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes, and then slowly sat up.

“Hmm…huh? This…isn’t a church?”

The layout of the room made Elsa feel strange.

She originally thought she woke up in the church dormitory, but the room she was in now was completely different from the dormitory. Even the bed under her body was not the wooden bed in the church dormitory, but was extremely comfortable and soft. Huge bed.

“Why am I here?”

Aisha couldn’t remember her previous memories. She remembered that she and Father Fried went to exorcise demons…


Just when Aisha was thinking like this, the slightly closed door was opened, and Alexia walked into the house carrying a plastic bag: “Oh? You’re awake. You can really sleep. You can sleep until the next day.” In the afternoon of the day.”

“You…you are the gentleman from yesterday!”

Seeing Aixia’s appearance, the things she experienced yesterday suddenly came to Aisha’s mind!

She was attacked by the man in front of her and then passed out!

(No, wait a minute, are you saying that I was brought back by her? And then this bed… my nun uniform was also changed… Huh? Could it be, could it be that I have already …….)

Aisha’s little mind suddenly imagined a lot of scenes that a nun should not understand! Her cute face was even blushing from embarrassment visible to the naked eye! He pursed his lips and looked at Alexia with a slightly blushing face: “Then, um… Excuse me… Have I dedicated myself to you?”


Hearing Aisha’s sudden inquiry, Alexia, who was drinking water, spurted out a mouthful of water!

Dedicate yourself? !

“Ahem…Why do you ask that?”

“Because, because… I am in your room, right? You gave me such a comfortable bed, and then you said that I have changed my clothes since I slept until now… ….This should be the dedication that the nun said——”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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