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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 67

“You really have imagination…” Alexia sighed, “Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to you. The one who brought you back was mine…well, Let’s call it a partner, other girls are changing your clothes, I didn’t touch a finger on you.”


Elsa didn’t believe it.


“I can swear to your Lord that I have never touched a hair or finger of Ms. Aisha Alget. If I lie, you can directly punish me with divine punishment——”

“No, no need, I believe you!”

Hearing Alexia make such a serious vow, the uneasiness and doubt in Aisha’s heart immediately disappeared!

After all, she is a nun, and she knows very well what a solemn and serious oath Alexia has made, and since he has said so, it means that he has indeed not done anything dirty.

“I’m really sorry…I actually suspected you of doing something like that.” Aisha looked apologetic.

“No, it’s okay. Just explain it clearly. Are you hungry? I brought some food back. Do you want to eat some?”

Alexia said as she threw the food in the plastic bag to Elsa’s hand.

Basically, it’s food from convenience stores, including packaged rice balls, sandwiches, bread, and drinking water.


Aisha was not polite, because she was indeed hungry. According to what Aixia said, it was already the afternoon of the next day, and she could be said to have not eaten anything all day long.

However, after picking up a packaged rice ball, Aisha held it in her hand and looked through it repeatedly without moving for a while.

Alexia frowned: “Don’t you…don’t know how to eat?”

“Well, because I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.”

“…Then what did you eat before?”

Aisha thought for a moment: “Everyone eats together in the church, and after I come out, I occasionally meet some kind-hearted people who give me food.”

(Thankfully she came all the way from Europe to Japan.)

Alexia couldn’t help but sigh in her heart. If she accepts a gift from a stranger without any precautions, wouldn’t she be doomed if the other person has ulterior motives?

“Look, this is to be torn open like this, and then eaten directly with your hands.”

Looking at Aisha who was still playing with the rice balls over there, Ixia had no choice but to walk over and help her tear open the packaging bag.

“Thank you, sir… By the way, what’s your name?”

“Axia. Her full name is Axia Kaslana. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…Thank you, Mr. Exia.”

Holding the rice balls in both hands, Aisha showed Aixia an angelic healing smile.

(Too cute!)

Even Exia had to praise this in her heart.

You must know that none of the women he has been in contact with before are so cute. Theresa, who is relatively close to him, is also his aunt, so he cannot have cute thoughts about her. Bianca when she was a child can be said to be cute. But after so many years, the pure cuteness in her has long been gone.

And Elsa is so cute and weak that people will naturally want to protect her.

“You’re welcome.”

Alexia stood up and turned away to avoid showing her embarrassed face in front of Aisha. Seeing her smile, Alexia herself became inexplicably shy.

“Eat quickly, I have to take you to a place after eating.”

“Huh? Where are you going?”

“Go and meet the people who manage this town. After all, the church here is finished now, and it is necessary to decide where you will go in the future.”

19. Reincarnation as a devil? Or deportation?

A few minutes later.

After watching Aisha eat the food she brought back, Exia took her to the activity room of the Supernatural Research Department.

“Welcome, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

In the club, Rias said with a smile as soon as she saw the two people who came in.

Around her, Himejima Akeno and Kiba Yuto were standing there as servants as always, while Tashiro Koneko was sitting quietly on the sofa eating a snack called yokan. When they saw the two He also nodded slightly as a greeting.


Looking at the room full of strangers, Aisha couldn’t help but hold on to Alexia’s clothes, and hid behind him rather shyly.

This scene made Rias’ lips curl up a bit: “It seems that you two get along very well, Alexia. It is indeed the right choice for you to take care of her.”

“Why do I vaguely remember that I called you yesterday and asked you to take care of her?”

“We are demons. We have been sworn enemies of the church for a long time. We brought her back because of your help. We will not take care of her in the future.” Rias simply put aside the responsibility. A clean one.


And when she heard Rias calling herself this, Elsa’s face instantly turned pale!

“Devil…could it be that I am…”

“Well, that’s right, you are in the devil’s lair now, lovely nun.”

Perhaps in order to scare Elsa, Rias directly stretched her devil wings behind her, and Akeno and Himejima also spread their wings in cooperation.

The four demons that suddenly appeared suddenly frightened Aisha so much that her body began to tremble uncontrollably. Feeling the trembling body tightly pressed against her behind, Aixia cleared her throat: “Ahem, don’t be scared. Ms. Elsa, Ms. Rias.”

“It’s not to scare her, it’s just to show your identity.” Rias smiled.

Alexia glared at her helplessly, turned around and put her hand on Aisha’s shoulder and pressed: “Don’t be afraid, Ms. Aisha, they won’t hurt you. I can assure you that they are not evil. Demon. In fact, it was the two ladies over there who brought you back and changed your clothes.”

“Mr. Exia…” Aisha shrank her neck, “Are you…are you a devil too?”

“No, I’m human.”

“Yeah…that’s good…”

After receiving the confirmation, Aisha felt slightly relieved, and the trembling of her body stopped: “H-Hello… I am Aisha Alget, thank you for bringing me back.”

“She is really a weak nun. Her fragility makes me feel a little pity for her.”

Rias put away her devil wings: “Sit down first, it is not good to let the guests stand and talk. Akeno, serve tea.”

“Yes, Minister.”

Himejima Akeno turned around and walked aside and started to make black tea. After taking Aisha and sitting across from Tacheng Koneko, Exia also said straight to the point: “So, Ms. Rias, what’s next about Aisha?” Have the arrangements been decided?”

“Well~~~it can be said to be decided.”

Rias said: “Because there is no church in this city now, and she is also a nun expelled by the church, so in fact, her stay or stay is completely decided by me and another group of demons in this town.”

“It was finally decided to give her three options – leave this town. Be killed by us demons as enemies. And stay as our companions.”

The three options did not exceed Aixia’s expectations.

No, actually there is still a little bit.

“As a companion?” Alexia frowned, “Aren’t you demons and the church mortal enemies? Now you actually want to accept a nun as a companion?”

“Of course we are not accepting nuns, but [demons].” Rias took out the demon chess piece in front of Exia for the third time. “Although it has never been heard of turning nuns from hostile organizations into demons, the theory is It’s not impossible, not to mention she has a rare healing artifact.”

“So, if she is willing to serve as my demon servant and become a reincarnated demon, then I can allow her to stay in this town.”

Make a nun a reincarnated demon.

From a devil’s point of view, this is outrageous. After all, the two families have been enemies since ancient times. Turning people from hostile organizations into one’s own is a very risky thing no matter how you think about it, in case something happens later. If there is a large-scale conflict between the two families, they will definitely be held accountable later.

But if the target is Aisha… the situation will be different.

“Although she is a nun, she has already been expelled by the church. Now she is a witch in the eyes of the church and should be hunted down. Even if the church and the devils want to make a fuss about this later, There’s no place to start.”


Alexia nodded, then looked at Aisha: “Aisha, what do you think?”

“Huh? What’s my idea?”

Elsa looked a little confused when she was suddenly asked.

She could understand the content of the conversation between Exia and Rias just now – either return to the previous life of wandering in different cities, or be killed by several demons here, or abandon everything in the past and become what should be. The devil is one’s own enemy.

If I had to choose one…

“I…I don’t want to become a devil.” When Elsa said this, her hands were shaking slightly, “But…I also don’t want to leave and be killed.”

“…Let me tell you first, you don’t have a fourth choice, Aisha.”

Rias said with her chin in her hands.

If you don’t want to become a demon, that means you can only leave or be killed. But Elsa doesn’t want to leave and be killed, so she can only become a demon.

Although there are three types at the beginning, in the final analysis, Elsa only has two options – to become a devil. Don’t become a demon.


Rias’ gaze made Elsa become more and more uneasy, and her body that had just stopped trembling fell into fear again.

But, soon, a hand was placed on Elsa’s hands.

“Ah~~~Hmm, let me express my opinion first. If you plan to kill Aisha, then I will stand on the side of protecting Aisha.”

Just like the students who spoke in class, Alexia raised her hand and said this.

Rias frowned: “Are you planning to protect her? Exia.”

“I didn’t say it. But you also know it, right? I don’t want to watch people die in front of me. If it is a heinous person, that’s fine. I will do it myself without anyone else taking action. Do it, but not Elsa.”

Aixia said while slightly clasping Aisha’s hands: “So, I won’t watch you kill her. Similarly, I also feel that letting Aisha leave is not a good decision – Aisha, how many years have you been this year?” age?”

“Uh…Sixteen years old.”

“Let a sixteen-year-old innocent girl who is ignorant of the world wander outside alone – even if it is a devil to do such a thing, it is too evil, right? I think you are not such evil devils.”

Listening to Alexia’s eccentricity, she didn’t know whether it was intentional or not, Rias couldn’t help but frowned: “In other words… Aisha doesn’t intend to choose any of the three plans I gave. Is it?”

“Yes…I’m sorry.” Aisha lowered her head apologetically.

“It doesn’t matter, there is a backup plan anyway.”

Rias looked at Aisha: “Since you are ready to stand on Aisha’s side, then please take on the task of taking care of Aisha, Axia.”


Exia, who was suddenly given a task, couldn’t help but scream.

20. Panic.jpg

Let yourself take care of Aisha?

Alexia thought for a moment: “You don’t mean to ask me to take care of her food, clothing, and daily life, right?”

“No, that’s what it means.”

Rias smiled.

“In fact, if Aisha wants to stay as a demon, I am going to let her transfer to your class and let her join the Supernatural Research Department. After all, she is an outsider like you and must prepare An identity and a place to stay will do.”

“But since she neither wants to become a devil nor leave, and you will prevent us from destroying her, then we can only let her live with you. Anyway, your room is quite big, and it would be nice to have an extra bed. It’s okay, or you can change to a bigger bed.”

To put it bluntly, it means living together.

“Also, let me tell you in advance that based on the current situation, you should not have the right to refuse.”

Rias added a reminder.

Alexia can naturally think of this.

As he said just now, it is definitely not possible for Aisha to leave Kuoh Town alone, and he will not watch her be killed. Aisha also refuses to become a devil – since all the requirements are not acceptable, then If you still want Aisha to stay, you can only ask one person to take care of her.

The devil definitely won’t do it.

The church has suffered a long time ago, and what the fallen angel said is even worse. As for finding a random family and asking them to accept Aisha… this is impossible to achieve no matter how hard you think about it.

In the final analysis, the only one who can accept Aisha now is Alexia. Judging from the current situation, Aisha is quite dependent on Alexia.

“Does that mean, let Aisha live in the old school building like me, and then I will be responsible for all her food, clothing, housing and transportation?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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