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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 68

“That’s right. Of course, you can take care of your own money. I think you must have a way, right? If that doesn’t work, I can introduce you to some jobs. We devils still have connections.”

(That’s not necessary. If you sell all the gold bars you brought over, and you don’t need to pay rent with money, you will definitely be able to live your daily life for three months. But the problem is… I will Maybe he will leave.)

The time that Aixia can stay in another world is three months to one year. At that time, he will have to leave no matter what. This means that he can take care of Aisha for a year at most, and the actual situation will definitely be much shorter.

At that time, Aisha will still be able to stay here alone.

“…Aisha, what do you think?” Alexia asked, “Can you accept living with me in this old school building?”

“I’ll be fine.”

This overly naive girl didn’t even raise any guard against Alexia.

To be honest, Alexia thought it was normal for her to think about it for a long time, but she actually agreed without thinking at all! ?

“You two are somewhat similar in this aspect.” Rias couldn’t help laughing, “It reminds me of yesterday when you refused me to become a devil… Could it be that you two are actually very similar? Is it fate?”

“Does the devil know this? Also, please don’t talk nonsense, as it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Alexia leaned on the sofa a little tired. It was only her third day in this world that she was going to live with a girl… He could already imagine that during regular reports, Bianca would What was Bianhui’s reaction?

“…Okay, I understand. I will take care of Aisha from now on. Please clear out another room.”

“Ah? Don’t we live in the same room?” Rias said deliberately with a bit of surprise, “I think for a girl like Aisha who is in a state where no one can rely on her, living together is the fastest way to heal her. A way to feel at ease and stabilize.”

“But living together will cause a lot of trouble! What if you see something you shouldn’t see? There are many cases where you don’t know where to put your eyes! And bathing is also a problem.”

As if to prevent and resolve possible sexual incidents in the future one by one, Exia mentioned them one by one.

But Rias just smiled slightly: “Isn’t it time to show your gentlemanly demeanor?”


“And unfortunately, the only shower room in the old school building besides mine is yours. Of course I can’t let a saint bathe in the place where I bathe, so from a practical point of view, the two of you can only live together. “

(Didn’t you already plan this?)

“Ah, yes, one more thing that needs to be explained is – other demons actually visit here from time to time. What if she is accidentally seen by other demons when you are separated…”

“Are you threatening me?”

“No, I’m just stating the facts to you.”

(We can only live together… Well, at worst, I’ll make a bed on the floor. Anyway, we have camping equipment and sleeping bags.)

Seeing Alexia’s helpless look, Rias smiled slightly: “It seems there is no problem. The relevant identity documents and luggage necessary for life will be ready tomorrow. I hope you can take good care of it in the future. Keep this nun in check and don’t let her roam our territory.”

“The same goes for you. Don’t let other demons mess with Aisha. I won’t show mercy to other demons I don’t know.”

“You don’t have to worry about this, because you will get to know them soon.”

Rias’s words made Alexia raise a brow.

Will we know each other soon?

“What do you mean? You have a demon coming here?”

“Well – come as you say, please come in, Sona.”

There was obviously no knock on the door outside, but Rias said so in advance. Immediately, the door of the Supernatural Research Department was opened from the outside, and two girls walked into the house one after another.

The leader is a girl with glasses and short black shoulder-length hair. Her delicate and pretty face is full of intelligence. She exudes a cold and serious aura. Her walking posture is quite upright. She gives people the impression of a well-educated young lady at a glance. .

Behind her was a quiet girl with the same black hair, but it had been worn down to her feet. She was quite tall, which was considered quite tall for a girl.

“Gui’an, Cang Na. Have things been settled?”

“Guian, Rias. It can be said that we have almost dealt with it. You really caused me a lot of trouble.” The bespectacled girl named Sona said, and then looked at the person on the sofa. Alexia and Aisha, “So, these two are the parties involved in yesterday’s incident?”

“Well, let me introduce you. This is the guest from another world, Ixia Kaslana. And the girl is the original saint who was expelled by the church, Aisha Alget.” Rias Said, “Then, Exia, Aisha. These two are the other demons I just mentioned.”

Sona pushed up his glasses and nodded to Alexia and Aisha: “Two gentlemen, I am Shitori Sona, my real name is Sona Sidi, and I am the student council president of this school. This is One of my retinues, [Queen] Shinra Tsubaki.”

Canna Sidi.

Shinra Tsubaki.

(The former is a pure-blooded demon, and the latter is a reincarnated demon – that’s probably it, right? It’s somewhat similar to Rias’s situation.)

“So Cang Na, why did you come to my place? Although you said you had something to discuss with me before.”

“Well, it’s about a special creature we found at the church.” Shitori Sona unfolded a magic circle in her hand, and a small white creature appeared in her palm.


A noise suddenly attracted everyone’s attention.

Alexia suddenly stood up from the sofa, came to Shitori Sona and carefully observed the creature in her palm: “This is… I’m sorry, Ms. Sona, where did you learn this from the church?” Did you get it?”

“Yes. What’s the problem-“


Before Shitori Sona could finish what she said, Exia opened the window and jumped out!

And although it was only for a moment, everyone present saw the look on his face.


This is the most appropriate word.

21. Self-produced and sold


How can it be?

How can this be?


Jumping quickly back and forth on the rooftops of Kuou Town, Exia rushed towards the church she had just visited last night with a look of anxiety on her face.

Although it is very small, only as big as a person’s finger knuckles, the white carapace, the lines emitting faint purple light… and the familiar shape, Exia will never mistake it!

That was clearly a pocket version of the Advance-level Honkaimon!

but why? Why does Honkaimon appear in this world?

This is a world where the concentration of Honkai energy in the atmosphere is zero, so it is impossible for a Honkaimon to be born.


Leaping from the air to the ground, he rushed into the church as soon as his feet touched the ground. What came into view was a half-destroyed church that had recovered from the frozen state.

Linali’s body, which he nailed to the statue last night, is gone. Also missing are the bodies of the other three fallen angels. Presumably, they must have been taken away by Rias or Shitori Sona. After all, Judging from the content of their conversation, the two of them should have been dealing with this matter secretly.

However, the church is not empty. Although it still looks empty at first glance, Alexia can clearly feel that there is some kind of [foreign object] mixed in the air here that he is very familiar with.

“Honkai energy…”

Alexia gritted her teeth, took out her personal terminal from the inner pocket of her clothes and began to detect the concentration of Honkai energy around her.

The concentration is very low, incomparable to any Honkai incident, not even a small Honkai event.

But this means that Honkai energy does indeed exist here!

But why is there Honkai energy here?

【It is emitted by yourself】

Ddraig’s voice sounded on his left hand.

[I don’t know what kind of material Honkai Impact is, but when you did it last night, I could definitely feel something being released from your body, and that kind of thing was all in your body—— That’s the special energy called Honkai energy from your original world, right? 】


Alexia looked at her hands in disbelief.

Does he have a lot of Honkai energy in his body? But he clearly practices Taixu Sword Qi, which itself cannot contain any Honkai energy——

“Could it be…that it’s because of my Kaslana blood?”

Frowning, Exia condensed a small piece of ice in her palm. This time he did not condense it casually, but seriously felt the process of condensing the ice.

He has never thought about why he can control frost. After all, this is his instinct and a very normal thing. It is as natural as breathing. Would anyone doubt why he can breathe?


“Gathering here…”

Because it was only a small piece of ice that was condensed, the feeling was not very obvious, but Ixia could clearly feel it this time. The extremely weak Honkai energy that filled the surrounding space gathered in the palm of her hand along with her movements. And there is very clear Honkai energy flowing in his body.

The flow of Honkai energy that he had subconsciously ignored in the past was now something he could accurately perceive.

[It seems the result is very obvious, partner]

[Every time you use this ability, part of the Honkai energy in your body will leak out with the frost… No, it should be said that the frost you condensed itself has its own Honkai energy. After all, your strength is limited. The root cause is this Honkai energy. 】

“……how so?”

Alexia frowned tightly.

It’s not that he can’t accept that his power comes from Honkai energy. After all, Honkai weapons have been used by Destiny five hundred years ago. What kind of weapons are there that don’t contain some Honkai energy?

If it were in the original world, such a small amount of Honkai energy pollution would not be a serious matter, not even a big deal. Compared to the original world full of Honkai energy, such a small amount of Honkai energy would be as big as the vast ocean. The waves are like foam.

But for another world, the emergence of Honkai energy is undoubtedly pollution.

Alexia is very aware of the dangers of Honkai Energy. In the original world, there was a special medicine developed by Destiny. Even if you were infected, you would be fine as long as you received timely help. However, there was no such special medicine in this different world.

Once the indigenous people of this world are infected with Honkai energy, even just a little bit will be incurable.

“…I should be able to collect this Honkai Energy again.”

Alexia took a deep breath and once again condensed a small piece of ice in his hand. This time he deliberately controlled the activity of Honkai energy in his body. It was just the method of etheric sword energy that controlled the Honkai energy in the outside world. .

A piece of ice the size of a fist gradually formed in Exia’s hand – with the current concentration of Honkai energy around here, only a small amount could be produced, and most of the remaining 80% was used to give birth to the little one. It’s probably on the small Assault Level Honkaimon.

(I have to deal with that one later… Tsk, I should have killed it before I came here.)

And with Exia’s actions, the Honkai energy concentration display on the personal terminal also dropped to zero visibly to the naked eye.

(That makes it okay, all that’s left is…)


Alexia bit directly on the ice cube in one bite, and ate all the ice cubes in her hand in a few seconds.

[Self-digestion, indeed, your words can do it. But do you plan to do this every time in the future? 】

Ddraig asked.

[It doesn’t matter in your original world, but you can go to other worlds, right? Do you plan to deal with the aftermath by yourself every time you have a fight with someone and eat the concentrated Honkai energy yourself? 】

Alexia sighed slightly: “That’s all I can do… If I can master powers other than the power of frost, that would be okay.”

[Yes, in this world, if you can use the artifact smoothly, your own power can avoid using it to a certain extent – unfortunately you can’t control your instinct, which leads to it even allowing my existence. Nor am I allowed to move freely]

【Your nature is really arrogant】

arrogant? he?

Alexia laughed dryly: “I think I’m actually quite kind. Didn’t Rias say I’m a good person?”

[Indeed, from your behavior just now, we can conclude that you are a good person – but instinct cannot fool people. Forget it, let’s not talk about this kind of thing for now. All in all, avoid using abilities or combat as much as possible until you can use the artifact. 】

“Well, that’s all we can do. If Honkai energy spreads on a large scale, the world will probably suffer… That’s right!”

【What’s wrong? 】

“Besides here, yesterday I also attacked the place where I killed the perverted priest, and here I also hit an attack into the sky…Wait a minute, isn’t it over there in the dungeon? also–“

Alexia suddenly remembered what happened before. He had squandered this ability in the dungeon before. In the battle with Udaios and the battle with Zaganat, almost two floors were occupied. His abilities were affected.

The concentration alone is definitely much higher than here!

(Isn’t it the same over there…)


[The dungeon has a special mechanism, and the remaining Honkai energy will be gradually digested and cleared. Within a week when the dungeon was banned from entering, the internal Honkai energy has been cleared]

Burning text suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Is the dungeon okay?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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