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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 69


Alexia suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that everything is fine over there in the dungeon. You must know that countless adventurers go down there every day. If they are infected by Honkai energy and then brought to the ground for large-scale spread… use Before long, the world over there will become the same as the original world!

It’s good to be sure it’s okay now.

(Speaking of which, existence

The old abacus can’t be moved unless it is adjusted.

But no matter what, there is no need to worry about the underground city, and the next step is to recover all the Honkai energy that may exist in the mansion and the sky that we visited yesterday, and there is no need to worry about the world here.


Looking up at the sky, Exia frowned deeply – he couldn’t fly.

After all, humans are creatures that cannot fly with their own bodies.

But if he didn’t fly into the sky, just by jumping up again and again, he would probably be exhausted in the end.

“You run really fast, Alexia.”

Suddenly, Rias’s voice sounded behind Alexia.

Walking out of the magic circle with Shitori Sona, Rias put one hand on her hip and said, “You came here in such a hurry. Did you remember something important?”

“Find a solution…”

Alexia suddenly came to Rias and took her hand.

“Ms. Rias, in case of emergency, could you please take me to fly?”


22. Rias is going back to the underworld?

Ten p.m.

Within the Paranormal Research Department.

“Um…no…I’m really tired.”

“me too……”

The moment they flew in from the window, Rias and Shitori Sona seemed to have lost their strength and all collapsed and sat on the ground, panting quickly out of breath, looking extremely tired.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Previously, after hearing Exia’s request and learning some information about Honkai Impact and Honkaimon from him, the two realized the seriousness of the matter and started recycling with Exia. Honkai energy work.

And because Exia was a bit heavy, Rias couldn’t carry it alone, so in the end, Rias and Shitori Sona just carried her together.

As for the results…

“As a result, the entire Kuoh Town and the space above at least three hundred meters will lose all Honkai energy. Thank you for your hard work this time, Ms. Rias and Ms. Sona.”

Exia, who was also brought back by two people’s arms and hung in mid-air, now looked at the personal terminal in her hands and said to the two of them.

In about five hours from the afternoon to now, in order to eliminate the root cause, he directly asked Rias and Shitori Sona to take her throughout the entire Kuao Town, and even flew to a height of 300 meters, flying all the escapees. All the dissipated Honkai Energy was completely recovered!

Of course, the pocket-sized Assault-level Honkaimon that Shitori Sona took out before was also eaten by him in one bite. Although the taste was so weird that it was completely indescribable, in order to avoid the residue of Honkai energy, Exia still ate it reluctantly. Lost.

In this way, all the Honkai energy was completely recovered by him.

Rias held on to the table and limped to her chair: “It would be nice if we could solve everything… Hey, I’m wondering whether to charge you for this extra work. “

“I don’t think we should charge a fee, Rias.”

Shitori Sona also sat down on the sofa with some difficulty: “Although the root of the matter lies with him, he did take the responsibility to remove all the influences, and also let us know important information about the other world. I think No more compensation is needed.”

As for the Honkai energy mentioned by Exia, Shitori Sona and Rias can actually feel it. What Shitori Sona wanted to talk to Rias about when she came was originally what she sensed in the church. Honkai energy.

Although the demon’s physical strength is not enough to infect her with the Honkai energy, it is still a polluting ability, so you can’t do it if you don’t pay attention.

Fortunately, you don’t have to think about it now.

Rias smiled helplessly: “I know, Sona, it’s just a little joke… It’s getting late, do you want to stay over?”

“You don’t have a place for me to stay here. I will go back by myself.”

Shitori Sona stood up as he spoke: “However, I think I will be free after a while. After all, you -“


Rias suddenly spoke, interrupting Shitori Sona’s words.

The two stared at each other in mid-air for a long time, and then Shitori Sona admitted defeat first: “Okay, it was my fault for bringing that up. I apologize, Rias.”

“No…it doesn’t matter, it’s just me…”

There was some melancholy and loss on Rias’s face – although they had only known her for two or three days, Ixia really didn’t expect that Rias, who usually showed a confident expression, would show such an expression.

“……I go first.”

After a moment of silence, Shitori Sona turned and walked towards the door.

“By the way, Kaslana-san, can you come with me?”

“Okay – I’ll take my leave, too, Ms. Rias.”

“Well…see you tomorrow.”

Rias waved to the two.


In the corridor outside the Paranormal Research Department.

“So, what is it you want to tell me? Ms. Sona.”

“Just call me Sona-san.”

Standing at the top of the stairs, Shitori Sona stopped and said, “Can I invite you to the student union after school tomorrow?”

“Student Union? What’s wrong?”

“I would like to ask you to check the health of the members of our student council.” Shitori Sona said, “In addition to me, the people who entered the church at that time were also my two other dependents. Although I can resist the erosion of Honkai energy , but I can’t be sure about them, so…”

“Then it’s best to go now.”

Alexia immediately looked serious: “However, if it is corroded, I actually don’t have a good solution. After all, I don’t have a special medicine to solve the corrosive problem. If I want to solve it, I may need to remove the infected Partial removal.”


This is also the most primitive way to deal with Honkai infection, although Ixia doesn’t think that a little Honkai may evolve to the point of requiring amputation.

Shitori Sona nodded: “I understand, let’s set off now. I will wake up the two sleeping people – I’m sorry to bother you so late.”

“No, it was me who caused the trouble, and I should solve it myself.”

Who said that Exia was the instigator of Honkai’s emergence?

“By the way, Sona…classmate, what you and Ms. Rias mentioned just now…could it be that she will leave here soon?”

It’s not unusual for students to leave school. Rias is a third-year student at Kuoh Academy. She will graduate at the end of this year and will probably directly enter the undergraduate department of Kuoh Academy.

This is really a normal thing, but Rias’s expression and Shitori Sona’s apology clearly imply that the so-called leaving is not simply about entering a higher education and leaving school. Perhaps the actual situation is——

“Will Ms. Rias return to the underworld soon?”

“…Your insight is really amazing. You can think of so much in just a few words.” Shitori Sona came to the window and looked up at the moonlight outside. “According to what I think about the situation and the underworld, According to the progress, maybe Rias will indeed return to the underworld once in the past one or two months… and there is a high possibility that she will not come back after that.”

“Why? What’s the reason why you have to go back to the underworld?”

“Marriage. Or political marriage.”

Shitori Sona said.

23. A man’s ultimate dream is to have a harem

Political marriage.

Hearing Shitori Sona say this, Alexia could probably figure out why Rias had that expression.

“Because of the war a long time ago, there are not many pure-blooded demons left. Although there are reincarnated demons, they are not pure demons after all.”

Shitori Sona continued to explain.

This kind of thing, to put it bluntly, is a matter of face and dignity of the older generation.

The emergence of reincarnated demons has alleviated the problem of a very small number of demons to a certain extent. As time goes on, the number of reincarnated demons will definitely increase. As long as there is enough time, it is not unimaginable that the demon clan will return to its heyday. .

But reincarnated demons are only reincarnated demons after all, not pure demons. For those pure-blooded demons who have existed in the world since the long past, watching more and more impure demons join their group and gradually become The mainstream of the demon race must feel very uncomfortable.

Pure-blood demons still have the final say in demon society now, but what if the number of reincarnated demons in the future becomes so large that pure-blood demons cannot fully control it? Or are the reincarnated demons so powerful that they surpass pure-blooded demons?

By then, these reincarnated demons who are not demons will definitely threaten the power and status of pure-blooded demons. In addition, there are two hostile forces, angels and fallen angels. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for pure-blooded demons to be killed by enemies, resulting in the entire ancient family line being severed.

Therefore, the number of pure-blooded demons must be increased, and the method is to marry pure-blooded demons with pure-blooded demons.

“Rias was born in the Gremory family, one of the oldest seventy-two pillars among demons. She is a noble among demons. It can be said that she has been responsible for the mission of reviving the demon race to a certain extent since she was born. As the next head of the Gremory family, she must also think from the perspective of the family.”

“The result is that political marriage is completely unavoidable.”

Noblesse Obligation.

(This is also the case in the world of demons.)

It’s not that Alexia can’t understand this kind of thing, to a certain extent, he is actually a noble. The Kaslana family has been a knight family since a long time ago. They have been granted the status of nobles in the past and have the obligation to protect the people.

Because this is the mission of every Kaslana, Alexia, who was also born in Kaslana, did not feel rejected by it.

But Rias’s situation was different.

“She doesn’t seem to want a political marriage.”

“Well. After all, no one wants to marry someone they don’t like, right? Not to mention that the other person’s reputation is slightly bad.” Shitori Sona said, “The marriage partner is the third son of the Phoenix family. Although He is a very outstanding pure-blooded demon in the new generation, but his behavior is not very good, so he is considered a very powerful playboy.”

“Dandy boy? Specifically?”


Shitori Sona sighed slightly: “Although there are no hard and fast rules for choosing dependents, the Third Young Master is also quite extreme in the choice of dependents – all the dependents are lovely and beautiful girls, and all of them are There was an actual relationship, it was basically his harem.”


Alexia was immediately silenced.

Each demon holds fifteen demon chess pieces. Except for those special cases that require multiple chess pieces for reincarnation, basically each demon has fifteen dependents. This means that the third young master can enjoy it by himself. There are fifteen beautiful girls with different styles.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has realized the ultimate dream of most men. After all, how many men don’t want to be hugged by themselves? Even Exia occasionally has such delusions.

But it was just a delusion. If he really wanted to do that, he would be hit against the wall by Bianca’s lance or Rita’s scythe in a minute.

(Speaking of Phoenix…the demon of the Phoenix?)

Phoenix, Phoenix, Firebird, Phoenix – this is perhaps one of the most famous demons in the world. According to legend, it has an immortal body that can rise from the ashes even if it dies.

The person Rias is going to marry is a great devil of that level.

“By the way, I also had my own fiancé before.”

“you also have?”

“Of course, I am also a pure-blooded devil. But that’s no longer the case. I broke off the engagement by defeating him in chess.”

Shitori Sona turned around: “But Rias can’t do that…or maybe she doesn’t dare to do that.”

(I don’t dare to do this… As a pure-blooded devil and the next head of the Gremory family, this is my position.)

Alexia sighed slightly: “It’s not easy for her – but it has nothing to do with me.”

“Are you sure?”


“I heard Rias talk about the cooperation contract between you and her. If you judge that the request she makes to you is something you can handle, then you will help her handle some things, right?”

Alexia nodded: “That’s right… are you trying to say that Rias will use this to hope that I can help her break off the engagement?”

“Who knows?” Shitori Sona smiled slightly, “She is actually a very strong person. If she is really forced into a desperate situation, she might really ask you to do that – I am telling you these things in advance. Please give me some reminders.”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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