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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 70

“Reminder of what?”

“You said that you are a person from another world. In order to save your hometown, you wanted stronger power, so you came to our world. So for you, your mission should be the first priority. , instead of being dragged into our devil’s private affairs here.”



Shitori Sona was right. In the past two or three days, he had encountered some things just after he came to this world, and he had become a person like Aisha who needed to be taken care of. Judging from his original purpose, he has already deviated somewhat from his purpose.

“You’re right, thank you for your advice, Sona-kun.”

(The most important thing I should do at the moment, apart from collecting soul-related information as instructed by Bishop Otto, is to master the Sekiryuutei’s cage – first set a small target and use it initially.)

Shitori Sona smiled: “It’s not advice, it’s just a reminder for you – let’s go then. The student union is some distance away from here. If possible, I don’t want to delay your sleep time. Staying up late is not good for your body. good.”

“No, I’m used to it.”

“That’s good.”

After saying this, Shitori Sona walked down the stairs first.

What Alexia didn’t know was that there was actually a sentence in her heart that she had not yet said.

(However, if possible, I still hope you can help Rias then.)

Although we understand that marriage between pure-blood demons is a major event related to the continuation of the demon race, even more so for the Gremory family, after all, Rias is the only heir in this generation of the family. If she does not marry a pure-blood demon, The noble bloodline of the Gremory family with a long history will be completely cut off in her generation. Rias also understood this very well, that’s why she showed such an expression.

But this also means that she has to give up her personal happiness. As her childhood sweetheart, Shitori Sona actually does not want to see her enter that kind of future.

Therefore…if Rias really asks Alexia for help later, Shitori Sona will definitely help her and also ask Alexia to help Rias.

24. Suppressing internal injuries

After completely solving the remaining problems of the Fallen Angel incident, Exia officially began her life in this world.

But when it comes to life, in his opinion, he is completely wasting his time.

After all, he was basically sleeping during the day, which took up most of his time, from the first class in the morning to the last class in the afternoon. Unless he really couldn’t sleep or wanted to listen for a while on a whim, he was all the time. sleep.

After all, the things taught were either something he didn’t understand at all, or he knew more than the teacher. Plus, he wasn’t here for the class. The class was just to show off to Rias, so he didn’t do anything but sleep. There’s really nothing to do.

By the way, this kind of behavior also led to him becoming famous in Kuao Academy, known as the “white-haired sleepy genius prince” – the origin is that he didn’t understand anything about Japanese history and Japanese in an exam. I got full marks in all subjects except Chinese.

He fell asleep in class and only failed two subjects, which shocked the whole school. Of course, Exia never cared about this kind of thing.

At night, Exia was quite free in a sense, and the most important thing she did was to help Rias and her family members deal with the following devilish business that they were too busy with.

As mentioned before, humans can sign contracts with demons, but compared to the huge number of humans, the number of demons is too rare, not to mention that there are only so many demons in Kuoh Town, so different things often happen. The situation where the contractor summons the same demon.

This kind of thing is very common among the Gremory Familia.

So if someone is summoned by multiple contractors, Exia will help take over the job – most of the time it will be Kiba Yuto’s business, taking care of the workplace ol, listening to them talk about their worries, etc.

Of course, he had also handled the business of another dependent, Tacheng Maomao, once, but that was the time he almost couldn’t hold back his temper.

Different from Kiba Yuto’s normal business, Tacheng Koneko’s business… Let’s put it this way, most of the people who summon her are some otakus, and most of the requests they make are to let Tashiro City Kitty put on the cosplay costumes of anime characters that they prepared at their own expense to feast their eyes.

[Having a cute kitten wearing the clothes I like and saying the lines I want to hear is simply the greatest dream! A bastard handsome guy like you wouldn’t understand! Charge now and die a million times! 】

The above are the exact words of a certain Tacheng kitten contractor.

To be honest, Exia really doesn’t want to understand.

And because of this, after that time, Exia basically became Kiba Yuto’s exclusive successor.

As for the time when you don’t have to cover your shift…


A large open space behind the old school building.

Alexia clenched his left hand hard, and continued to make sounds that would be suppressed by a person sitting on the toilet. As he roared, the red light spots covering his arms also grew bit by bit. Condensed and formed.



Before even the specific shape could be condensed and completed, the light spots suddenly exploded and disappeared, and Ixia seemed to have received internal injuries, coughing up a little blood from the corner of her mouth.

“Mr. Exia!”

Aisha, who had been sitting aside and watching, quickly ran over when she saw this, placed her hands on Alexia’s chest and released a burst of green light: “You failed again…Does this feel better?”

“Well, I trouble you every time, Aisha.” Alexia smiled bitterly, “But it also failed this time – it’s been more than a month, and I didn’t expect that I couldn’t use it successfully even once.”

Yes, a month.

This is the time that Exia has stayed in this world, and during the time when he does not need to take over the job, he will train on the use of artifacts as he does now.

But unfortunately, for more than a month, let alone using the divine weapon, he was still the same as at the beginning, unable to manifest the divine weapon at all, and even suffered internal injuries as a result. According to Ddraig, he This is forcing yourself to do something that goes against your instincts.

Just like a person who hates green peppers is forced to take a bite of green peppers, and then suffers from psychological and even physical discomfort, Alexia also forced herself too much, causing herself to hold back internal injuries, and had to let Aisha do it for her. treat.

Although such a minor injury could be recovered in an instant with Alexia’s self-healing ability, it was still Aisha’s good intention.

By the way, Aisha is now also a member of Kuoh Academy. She is in the same class as Exia. She has successfully integrated into the class over the past month and gets along well with her classmates.

However, as a price, Alexia is basically regarded as the public enemy of boys in the class. With such a harmonious relationship with such a cute foreign blonde girl, the group of sixteen-year-old boys simply cannot suppress their inner envy. and jealousy.

“Well, okay, that’s enough.”

After treating Aixia for a few seconds, Aisha withdrew her hand.

“Thanks, Aisha…Oh, it would be great if I could use the artifact as freely as you.”

This was the first time that Alexia had sighed like this.

The green light that lit up in Aisha’s hand just now is Aisha’s artifact [The Smile of the Virgin]. As long as the artifact appears once, it can be used at will according to one’s own will, and if the user’s consciousness is strong enough, Artifacts will also evolve.

Aisha is still at the stage of using the artifact, and Exia can’t even manifest it.

“Please don’t be discouraged, Mr. Alexia.” Aisha encouraged with a smile, “Even if you can’t do it now, you will definitely be able to use the magic weapon skillfully if you continue to practice like this for a long time. Didn’t the teacher in class today also tell you about a magic weapon? It’s a story about persistence.”

“Ah? Do you mean Chinese class or history class? I was sleeping at that time.”

Alexia looked at her left hand: “Speaking of Ddraig, is there really no other way?”

[Well, you can only overcome the manifestation of the artifact by yourself, or control your instincts. Well, don’t worry, maybe you just lack an opportunity]

“What an opportunity… Could it be that I need to be on the verge of death before I can awaken?”

【Isn’t it impossible】

If that were really the case, then Alexia would be really uncomfortable.

“Beep beep beep!”

Suddenly, the personal terminal placed in Alexia’s pocket rang. After taking it out and taking a glance, Alexia sighed slightly: “It seems that we can only go here today.”

“Are you Kiba-san’s top class?”

“Well, there wasn’t one originally, but now one suddenly came – then I’ll leave first, and I’ll bring you dinner when I come back.”

Aisha smiled and nodded: “Okay, please be careful on the road.”

25. Attack again, fallen angel

When the demons respond to the summons, they will be transported directly to the contractor through the magic circle on the flyer held by the contractor, and once the contract is formed, they can also come back directly through the magic circle.

But the magic circle requires that the person being transported has magic power. If the person does not have magic power, or the magic power is too low, the magic circle will not react.

Of course, Exia, who is just a human, cannot use the magic circle at all, and there is no magic power in his body.


“Ding dong!”

Ringing the doorbell at the door of a certain household in a building, Ixia shouted into the house: “I am the devil’s agent who came in response to the summons. Please open the door.”

Demonic agent.

Rias temporarily set up an identity and position for Alexia with her authority as the manager of Kuoh Town. It is said that she has applied to the underworld before, and it was passed quite easily. Within the scope allowed by Rias, Exia can also use some props that the devil will use when executing the contract. Naturally, there will be no problem in forming the contract.

In fact, several of Kiba Yuto’s contractors also proposed contracting with him after coming into contact with Exia, but he refused every time – he didn’t know how long he would stay here. , and he will definitely leave this world, so forget about the contract and so on.

As the doorbell rang, a person quickly opened the door and walked out.

What came out was a very handsome man, who looked to be in his twenties, a foreigner, with a little moustache, giving people the impression of a delinquent who grew up.

“Oh~~ It came quite quickly, Demon Lord.”

The man patted Alexia on the shoulder in a familiar manner.

“This is also my first time to summon a demon. I don’t understand many things. Please give me some advice – shouldn’t the demon come out of this magic circle? I heard the person who handed out the leaflet said so. Why did you press The doorbell?”

“Because I’m not a demon, I’m just a demon agent.” Exia explained, “Because the demon you were supposed to summon was busy with business, I was the agent for this summons. Since I am a human without magic power, I can only walk on foot. Come, please understand this. But please don’t worry about the devil’s contract, we have made sufficient preparations in advance and will effectively realize your wish.”

The man was silent for a while after listening to this introduction, and then turned sideways with a smile: “It seems that he has summoned a somewhat strict demon agent. Well, let’s come in first.”

“Okay. Excuse me.”

Taking off her shoes at the entrance and walking into the house, Alexia followed the man into the living room.

After sitting down on the sofa, the man pointed at the TV: “Do you know how to play racing games? Demon Agent-kun.”

“Not very good at it. Is playing games with you what you want this time?”

“That’s right… I mean, you’re really a bit boring.” The man took a big sip of the high-end-looking wine, “I summoned the devil just to have some fun, but you… If you act a little more positive, can’t you show off a business smile? The girl at the front desk of the convenience store will still smile at me.”

I encountered someone who was a bit troublesome.

If it were those OLs in the workplace, they would not specifically ask Alexia to smile. Rather, some people thought that such a serious Alexia was quite handsome, and strongly urged Alexia to do the same to them in the future!

“If you wish, then I will do it.”

Alexia rubbed her face with her hands and naturally showed a business-like fake smile.

The man slapped his thigh: “Hey, that’s cool – well, since you know how to play games, you can play a few games with me. As long as men play games together, they will become best friends!”

It’s obviously wrong, but it has to be said that it makes some sense.

Picking up the controller from the coffee table, Ixia tried to play with it a few times. It was similar to the joystick-type games in the arcade that he had been exposed to before in Changkong City.

“Sorry for not playing well.”

“It doesn’t matter! I’m very strong anyway, and I will never lose to the devil in this regard!”

The man said it quite confidently.

And the fact is just like what he said, unlike Exia who was first exposed to this kind of game, he showed quite excellent skills and has been leading the whole process from the beginning, so that the sports car operated by Exia could only follow. Eating exhaust fumes from behind.


Looking at the victory logo displayed on the TV, the man immediately patted Alexia on the back hard: “Hey, how about it? Let me tell you, you, a beginner, are still far from winning against me.”

“I never thought about winning you, I just accepted your wish to play games with you.”

“….Ah~~~~ I probably understand, okay, I probably understand.”

The man put down the handle and reached out to hook Alexia’s shoulder: “You don’t understand what [service] is at all.”


“Listen up, Devil Agent. Maybe because you are a devil agent, just an agent, you feel that you do not need to serve the summoner as enthusiastically as a real devil, but the job you are doing is originally a In the service industry, it’s unacceptable not to make the summoner happy.”

Alexia paused: “Do you need me to be more natural?”

“That’s a must! You make me feel uncomfortable with your strictness! It’s just like having a serious meeting with your subordinates. My hands and feet are itchy!” The man laughed, “In the service industry, you don’t just have to do what you want to do seriously. , obeying others, catering to others, and cooperating with others are the key points.”

(The problem is that I am not in this field…sigh.)

After sighing helplessly, Aixia said: “I understand, next time I will-“

“No, no, you still can’t do this, Demon Agent.”

The man held his forehead with a look of discomfort on his face.

“Don’t talk about mastering the artifact like this. You won’t be able to summon the artifact in your lifetime, right?”


The words that came out of the man’s mouth stopped Exia’s thoughts for a moment.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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