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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 71

Does this man know about artifacts?

“You…are not human?”

“I never said that I was a human, right? Demon Agent.” The man smiled a bit ruthlessly.

Without any hesitation, Ixia directly knocked the man’s hand away, immediately jumped up and distanced herself, and looked at him with a wary face.

The man clenched his fists several times in the air.

“Oh haha~~~ You are quite strong, and your physical fitness is good. You have such power even before the power of the Sekiryuutei has been awakened. So we can look forward to how far you will grow after awakening the divine weapon – ah, Don’t show such a vigilant look yet, let’s say it first, even if you use the power of that frost, you can’t beat me.”

“…….Who are you?”

There was a slight chill in Alexia’s hand.

The man grinned, and behind him [Shua——! ] unfolded something very familiar to Exia——

“Azazel, the governor of the fallen angels, also the boss of the fallen angels.”

“Please give me your advice, people from another world, Sekiryuutei, and Demon Agent-kun.”

The man with twelve jet-black wings behind him said with a smile.

26. A battle that ends in an instant


I have learned about this name Alexia in this month. It is said that he is the governor of the fallen angel organization [Grigori], the highest-ranking twelve-winged fallen angel, and he also belonged to the group of angels before falling into heaven. the highest level in.

According to demon standards, it is equivalent to the level of the four demon kings.

“Looking at your expression, it seems that you are surprised that I will suddenly appear?” Azazel looked at the extremely vigilant look on Alexia’s face, smiled and folded his wings, “It’s not difficult to understand, after all, you are the only one You just killed the four little guys under me a month ago. Even if you thought that someone from our side would come to take revenge on you, you never thought that it would be me, the boss, who would take action personally, right?”

“…So, are you here to avenge your men?”


After pouring himself a glass of wine and drinking it in one gulp, Azazel slammed the glass on the table with a smirk on his face.

“What are you going to do if I say yes?”


In an instant, a frost storm broke out in front of Ixia!

Without intending to reply to Azazel, Exia directly used the most direct behavior to express her meaning!

(Freeze it and then distance yourself and start thinking about what’s next——)

“Hey hey hey~~~This is different from the information I received. Did you just break your own restrictions like this?”

However, such a sentence directly interrupted Alexia’s thinking, and then the blizzard that filled the entire room dissipated in an instant like a balloon that had been popped!


“Oh, this special energy is Honkai energy. I see, it does have very dangerous properties. Guys who don’t meet the standard of strength will be attacked soon, right?”

Azazel, who was holding a light gun in his hand, grabbed a handful of air as he spoke, and after crushing it a few times, he continued to laugh; “By the way, don’t worry, don’t worry about this energy spreading out, I have it.” If you set up a good barrier, not a single bit of Honkai energy will escape.”


After a moment of silence, Exia squeezed her hand and collected all the Honkai energy in the air into her hand, condensing it into a sword: “What is your purpose?”

“Hey~~~ There is such a way to use it. The awareness of environmental protection is really good. Young people nowadays really care about nature.” Azazel touched his chin, “But it’s not good to be too angry. I’m not here to Those who are fighting with you, please relax.”

The last words rang in Exia’s ears.

Alexia’s eyes widened instantly!

(Next to me!? When…I failed to react?)

“See? If I want to attack you, you won’t be able to survive even a second in front of me.”

Azazel smiled and pressed Alexia’s hand: “So, don’t be so aggressive. Let’s have a good communication. I’m extremely curious about people from other worlds and what Honkai can do.”

“…….I see.”

(no solution anymore.)

Alexia slowly put down the sword in her hand. When Azazel saw this, he smiled softly and raised his hand——


However, at this moment, Exia suddenly raised the sword blade again and swung it towards Azazel!


A finger-sized light gun suddenly appeared next to Azazel, accurately blocking the sudden blow. Then dozens of chains suddenly swept in from all directions, and in an instant, Ixia The whole person was tied up and hung in the air.

Patting a few ice chips on his body, Azazel looked at Alexia helplessly: “You are so thoughtful. I told you I’m not here to fight with you.”

“Do you think I will believe you?”

“Oops, I think I’ve shown enough sincerity, so there’s nothing I can do about it, let’s just talk about business like this – ah, by the way, I’ll confiscate this, I always think you’ll suddenly turn it into something else. The shape then comes over from a distance.”

As Azazel said, he took away the ice sword from Ixia’s hand and threw it into the trash can. He sat on the sofa again and drank another glass of wine.

“Then, let me introduce myself again, kid. I am Azazel, the Governor of the Fallen Angels. The main purpose of this sudden visit is actually to meet you, the Sekiryuutei from another world.”

“see me?”

“Well, after all, although I am the boss of the fallen angels, I am actually a researcher and an ultimate artifact enthusiast. After hearing the information about you submitted by my subordinates, I became extremely itchy. So I couldn’t wait to come to you.” Azazel smiled and said, “By the way, in order not to let Shemhasa and Baiqiu bother me later, I worked overtime for a month and completed most of the work. When I came out, I was really exhausted…I have to work overtime and so on at my age.”

(Yeah, yeah, I understand, I understand, working overtime is something that shouldn’t exist in the world!)

Feeling the meaning conveyed in Alexia’s eyes and expression, Azazel smiled even more happily: “Hey, it seems that we have a little bit of a common language. Men can chat as long as they have a little bit of a common language. ——But to be honest, I was not expecting to see you as soon as I came here.”

Kuoh Town is a town run by demons. Fallen angels will definitely be hostile if they want to come in. If it is other demons, that’s okay. Azazel thinks it doesn’t matter if he kills her, but Rias Gremory doesn’t It was too the same, so Azazel was initially prepared to try one full try through flyers.

Anyway, he had been working hard for the past month and was now on a week-long paid vacation. Summoning the demon a few more times would eventually help him summon it.

Unexpectedly, he won the first prize for the first time, and it was only at this time that he would thank God.

“So…what are you looking for me for? To avenge your subordinates?”

“No, it’s not.”

Azazel shook his head and continued to take a sip of wine: “It may be a little weird to say this… but I basically didn’t pay much attention to the four fallen angels you killed. I’ve never been too involved in things—although it was indeed me who gave Linali the task of monitoring the former Sekiryuutei in the first place.”

“The reason why I came to see you now is the same. In addition to satisfying my own curiosity, I also want to confirm the situation of the God-killing tool. After all, no matter which God-killing tool it is, it is a dangerous and deadly thing. If it is not managed well, Surveillance is not an option.”

27. White Dragon Emperor and Red Dragon Emperor

Demons, angels, fallen angels.

Among the three forces that exist in biblical mythology, the fallen angels can be said to be the weakest. They are not as numerous as demons and angels, and their influence is not as perfect as the first two to integrate with human society.

But this does not mean that the fallen angels are scattered. After the war in the past, or even before the war began, Azazel gathered the fallen angels and established an organization of fallen angels called [Son of God Monitor] (grigori)], designed to monitor those sons of God-that is, people with artifacts lodged in their bodies.

“This artifact is actually a double-edged sword.”

Azazel looked a little more serious.

“If it is controlled well, the artifact will become a powerful boost to the host, giving the host power beyond ordinary people. But if it is not controlled well, the artifact will go berserk and involve the host itself in the whirlpool of tragedy.”

“And the mission of our Son of God monitors is to monitor those who have artifacts on their bodies and guide them to master their own power. The previous Sekiryuutei was also part of the plan, but what happened happened.”

(So ​​you shifted the target to me?)

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“…You can read minds?”

Azazel smiled: “There is no such thing as mind-reading. You can tell what you are thinking at a glance. This is the experience of us old guys. Well, although other than that, You being a person from another world is also one of the reasons, as well as the special energy you call Honkai energy… and the most important thing is that the kid over there probably can’t bear it any longer. “

“That boy? Who?”

“White Dragon Emperor.”

White Dragon Emperor?

Exia remembers this name. It seems to be another dragon called the Second Heavenly Dragon together with Ddraig, right?

[Yes, you can also say that he is my old enemy]

Ddraig’s voice sounded on Exia’s left hand.

Azazel moved slightly closer: “It’s been a long time, Sekiryuutei. But we only met once during the war. At that time, I shot you hundreds of times.”

[Governor of the Fallen Angels, I have an impression]

“Do you two know each other?”

[Well, we met during the war – the White Dragon Emperor, also known as the dragon known as Albion, and I have been fighting for a long time to determine the winner, even during the war between their three parties. Same. 】

Azazel smiled and nodded: “Yes. At that time, all three of us were fighting, but Er Tianlong suddenly broke in and started fighting on his own. He also said, “Don’t come to hinder us, or I will kill you all.” [dropped], so in order to allow the war to continue, our three forces simply joined forces to kill them first.”


It is truly a past that is difficult to evaluate.

(You and the White Dragon Emperor are really arrogant enough.)

[Dragons are basically such simple creatures. The stronger the dragon, the simpler it is – Speaking of which, Governor of the Fallen Angels, do you mean that the White Dragon Emperor is under your control this time? 】

“Well, I have trained him since he was a child… That guy is incredible. In my opinion, he will be the strongest White Dragon Emperor ever.” Azazel’s evaluation was unequivocal. Stingy, “But in contrast…the previous Sekiryuutei was an ordinary person who was not even aware of the divine weapon, and the current Sekiryuutei is a person from another world who cannot manifest the divine weapon – your luck seems to be It’s not good, Sekiryuutei.”

Alexia curled her lips: “I’m really sorry that I couldn’t manifest the artifact. I couldn’t control my instinct.”

【Is it? I think my luck is pretty good this time]

Ddraig’s tone became more serious.

[In a sense, he and I… no, his compatibility with dragon is the best among all my hosts. As long as he can successfully cross the initial threshold, his growth rate will be It’s so terrible that no one can stand it]

The artifact will swallow the user’s thoughts to exert greater power, and even evolve into new forms. And Ddraig was certain that if it were Exia, he might be able to evolve the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand to a new level right away.

“The premise is… he can reveal the cage hand.” Azazel leaned on the sofa, “The White Dragon Emperor has now practiced to the extent that he can maintain that posture for a month, and even goes further. The posture can already be used initially – that guy is a fierce fighting maniac, I guess he won’t be able to bear it for a while longer.”

[In other words, my partner and I don’t have much time left, right? 】

“That’s it, so-“


Azazel slammed the table hard: “I have a proposal here now, Sekiryuutei, do you want to listen to it?”

“What proposal?”

“Let me help you master the artifact.”


Alexia couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Help yourself master the artifact?

“what do you mean?”

“That’s the literal meaning. Aren’t you unable to master artifacts? And I am an artifact enthusiast. I have studied artifacts over the years, so I should be able to help you a little.”

“So what do you mean by this?” Ixia asked, “The White Dragon Emperor is from your side, right? Since the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor are old enemies, then aren’t you… ..”

“What does it matter?”

Azazel laughed: “I think that guy will be very happy when he finds out. His old enemy has finally begun to grow up, and he finally has a good opponent. This is the best thing for him. .”

“And I’m not helping you for free – what will happen to the artifacts in our world after they come into contact with people from another world? What’s special about the energy from another world? What’s the difference between the other world’s races and ours? What is the difference? Are there any differences in body functions… To put it bluntly, I really want to study you.”

When he said this, Aixia roughly understood what he was thinking.

“In other words, you want to help me to satisfy your curiosity, right?”

“You can say that – in addition, although it is just an idea now, I may be able to develop a method that allows you to use the power of frost without thinking about the consequences and effects.”


Alexia’s eyes trembled slightly.

Rather than mastering the artifact, what Azazel said made him care more.

“…Can you really do it?”

“Who knows? I told you it’s just an idea.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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