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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 72


After a moment of silence, Ixia looked at her left hand: “What do you think? Ddraig.”

[Isn’t it great? If it is true as he said, the white guy will be coming soon, and you will probably be killed in a few or two strokes by then – no, that is for sure. 】

[Although you may not be unable to do it if you work hard, you definitely won’t be able to do it in a short time. You have failed for more than a month. Have you vomited enough blood? 】

Are you sure?

Is the White Dragon Emperor already that powerful?

“…Mr. Azazel. I would like to ask, who is stronger, you or the White Dragon Emperor?”

“Well, I’m probably a little stronger now, but he’s probably faster than me. Young people evolve very quickly.”

In other words, on the same level as Azazel.

With the current power of Exia, she would definitely be killed instantly.

“I know, I just believe in your good intentions, Mr. Azazel.” Alexia said, “I hope you can really make me stronger.”

28. If you don’t want to get married, don’t get married.

At night, it was almost eleven o’clock.

Although he accepted Azazel’s invitation and help, the place he lived in was just an apartment with nothing special. He really wanted to seriously start researching the power held by Exia. , then no matter what, we have to return to the Fallen Angels headquarters in the underworld.

But because Azazel finally got out of there after finishing his work, he did not rush to take Exia there immediately. Instead, he gave him a phone number and a leaflet similar to the devil’s leaflet, but What is painted on it is the magic circle dedicated to fallen angels.

[I will call you when I am ready. When the time comes, just say teleport to this magic circle and you will be able to reach me]

“Mastering the artifact and having a method that doesn’t have to worry about the spread of Honkai energy… It would be really best if it could be completed while I’m still in this world.”

Walking in the corridor of the old school building, Alexia shook her left hand uneasily.

“Speaking of which, Ddraig, what abilities does the Sekiryuutei’s cager possess?”

Regarding the God-destroying tool he held, Exia only knew that it seemed to be very strong, enough to arouse the vigilance of all forces, but he had never understood its specific abilities.

[Basically, there are only two abilities, one is ‘multiplication’ and the other is ‘transfer’]

“Multiply and transfer?”

[Multiply is the ability to double the power of the holder every ten seconds, and transfer is the ability to transfer one’s enhanced power to other people or weapons – it is said to be once every ten seconds, but it can be done anytime. Depending on your use of the artifact, it is possible to activate continuously]

Alexia looked at her left hand in disbelief: “You…are you kidding?”

Double every ten seconds? !

Doesn’t that mean that as long as the preparation time is long enough, Exia can have dozens or even hundreds of times the power of itself? !

【certainly. But you should note that although there is no upper limit to the increase in strength in theory, if your body cannot bear it, excessive expansion of strength will cause you to destroy yourself]


Exia itself is an example.

He awakened the power of Kaslana’s blood seven years ago, but when he was only nine years old, it was impossible for him to control this power well, so he was always sealed by Bishop Otto.

The same goes for Sekiryuutei’s power.

“Is even just a moment enough to kill gods… Theoretically speaking, this is indeed the case.”

If he can master this power in the future, then when facing Beng or even facing the Herrscher in the future, mankind will no longer need to pay an extremely painful price like in 2001.

“I am more motivated, Ddraig. I will successfully master your power, and then use this power to better protect my most important people.”

[It’s a good thing to be motivated, partner]

Pretty pure faith.

As a being residing in his soul, Ddraig can clearly feel that only the belief of “guarding” has always been strong and pure in Ixia’s heart, and purity is the expression of dragon power. The key to strength.

Whether it’s to protect your family, your companions, or even the world.

As long as his belief in protecting is strong and pure enough, Exia will be the strongest dragon.

(However, it’s useless for me to be motivated. I can’t reveal the divine instrument myself, so I can only wait for the notification from the fallen angel… It’s getting late, so go to bed.)

With this thought, Alexia walked towards her room, but when she looked towards the front of the corridor, a light that lit up at the end of the corridor made Alexia stunned for a moment.

(Light? Is there anyone from the Paranormal Research Department at this point?)

Demons are nocturnal creatures, and they become more energetic at night, but even demons rest at night. It is already close to eleven o’clock, and logically everyone should have gone home to rest.

When he came to the door, Alexia gently opened the door and looked inside. At the first glance, he saw the figure standing by the window and the bright red hair blowing in the wind in the moonlight.


Who else could it be but Rias Gremory?

However, contrary to the usual confident Rias who always maintained a majestic and elegant look, Rias, who was leaning against the window and looking up at the night sky, had only sadness on her face and looked pitiful. Like a rose that may wither at any time.

Alexia had seen Rias like this before, but that was a month ago, when Sona Shitori mentioned Rias’s family affairs.



Accidentally, Alexia’s foot touched the door, and the rotating door made some noise, causing Rias in the room to immediately turn her head and look over.

“…It’s you. It’s really rare to come back so late.”

“Well, I met a rather troublesome summoner and was forced to play the game for several hours.”

This is true. After confirming the cooperative relationship with Exia, Azazel did not let him go immediately, but dragged him to stay and play games, otherwise he would not have come back at this time.

In addition, Azazel also specially reminded Aixia not to tell the local demons about his arrival here for the time being. He still wanted to relax and take a vacation, but he didn’t want to be troubled by the demons.

Alexia also agrees with this point. If there is work or trouble coming to your door during the vacation, that is really the worst thing that can happen, it will make people’s blood pressure soar.

“It’s you, you’re still here so late, don’t you need to go back to sleep?”

Alexia brought the topic back to Rias.

Turning around and sitting next to the window, Rias smiled and said, “I just want to be alone for a while so I can think about something seriously.”


“Um…Eh?” Rias looked at Alexia in surprise, “How do you know?”

“I heard the student council president mention it before, although I asked it myself.”


Rias smiled bitterly: “That’s right… Well, yes, I am indeed thinking about marriage.”

“Don’t you want to get married? The continuation of the family and the status of a pure-blooded devil… The student council president told me something, it’s quite important, right?”

“Yeah…that’s why I’m hesitant.”

He is a pure-blood demon and the next head of the Gremory family. In order to continue his bloodline and stabilize his status as a pure-blood demon, he must marry other pure-blood demons and give birth to a new generation of pure-blood demons.

Of course Rias knew these things.

But she didn’t want to get married so early. After all, she was only eighteen years old in human terms. Even though she was already an adult, she got married so early… and to someone she had no feelings for at all. If possible, Rias hopes that she can fall in love freely and choose her own marriage partner.

This is just the most common wish that every girl has. Unfortunately, the more high-status a woman comes from, the less power a woman has to make such a choice. Her inherent status requires her to shoulder the responsibility. Innate responsibility.

“Really? I think you think too much.” Alexia leaned sideways against the door frame, “I am from a noble family, so I can understand your thoughts. If one day I am also arranged If there is a marriage, then I will probably reject it – it’s just that our positions are different and the situations we are in are also different, so you probably can’t adopt my decisive approach.”

“But I think you’d better not lie to yourself about your true inner thoughts.”

“If you don’t want to get married, just don’t get married.”

29.Don’t lose faith

Pretty straightforward advice.

Rias couldn’t help laughing when she heard this: “If you don’t want to get married, just get married… It’s easy for you to say this, and it’s also easy for me to say what I want to say, but what I actually have to do is That’s not possible.”

Devils also want to save face.

The marriage between the Gremory family and the Phoenix family was decided personally by Rias’s brother and father. If Rias directly refused, both the Gremory family and the Phoenix family would be disgraced. The two families were originally close. The relationship will also deteriorate a bit.

As the next head of the family, Rias cannot act in such a willful manner.

She was born in the Gremory family and received all the benefits brought by the name [Gremory]. Therefore, she received countless honors and lovely servants. Now it is her turn to fulfill her role as [Gremory]. It’s time to fulfill our obligations.

“Really… Then I’m sorry, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Alexia shrugged.

“It’s getting late. I’ll go back to bed first. You should go to bed early too.”


Looking at Exia who turned around to leave, Rias suddenly shouted.

Alexia stopped and said, “What’s wrong?”

“….No, it’s nothing.”

Rias shook her head and put away her inner thoughts.

Maybe you can ask Exia for help.

This is what she thought just now. After all, she has a cooperation contract with Alexia. Although Alexia herself has the right to refuse, if she asks her seriously and even pays some price, he should still help.

However, she didn’t know what to ask him to help her.

Help her break off the engagement? That would only involve him, an unrelated person, and cause him unnecessary trouble. He is from another world, and he already has the burden of becoming stronger in this world and saving his original world. How can he be made to carry more things?

(Don’t embarrass him.)

Looking at Rias’ retracted hands, Alexia narrowed her eyes: “Really, good night then.”

“OK, good night.”


[What are you going to do, partner? 】

When he returned to the door of his room, Alexia’s left hand suddenly rang.

“What to do?”

[That devilish little girl will probably give up if this continues]

give up.

This is how Ddraig made a prophecy to Rias.

Alexia nodded slightly: “I think so.”

Rias has a strong sense of responsibility and is a typical strong woman, somewhat similar to Bianca, but precisely because she is such a person, she is more easily defeated later. Compared with the “great righteousness” of the entire pure-blooded devil, personal thoughts are not worth mentioning, and can only be “sacrificed” for the righteousness.

In Exia’s case… Bishop Otto arranged a marriage for him without authorization and told him that his child would become a winning weapon against Honkai in the future – or so it was.

[Aren’t you going to help her? 】


Give Rias a hand.

Ddraig’s proposal made Exia purse her lips: “…it depends on the situation.”

[I understand, but what you said to that girl just now, I will say to you again now – don’t deceive yourself about your true thoughts, partner. The most important thing about you is your purest belief in protecting]

【Don’t get lost】


The night passed like this.

Immediately afterwards, the next day’s class time also passed by in a blink of an eye as Alexia dozed off.


As the school bell rang throughout the school building, the students with club activities in the class packed their schoolbags and headed to their clubs. The students without clubs were also preparing to go home in twos and threes.

Alexia climbed up from the table leisurely.

“Huh~~~~Ahhhh~~~Have a good sleep…”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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