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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 73

He didn’t fall asleep until after eleven o’clock last night. He was really sleepy today. It was great to catch up on a day’s sleep.

When she heard the sound of him waking up, Aisha, who had just packed her schoolbag, also came over: “I’ve been sleeping for another day… The teacher also glared at you several times today, Mr. Exia. “

“It doesn’t matter, I will get perfect marks on the test.”

To put it bluntly, grades are everything in school. As a person who has perfect scores in all subjects except Chinese and Japanese history, Aixia is not afraid of the teacher putting him in trouble. After all, his test scores are only full marks and zeros. In addition, he is not a bad student. He usually doesn’t cause trouble or commit crimes. At most, he sleeps in class. There is no good reason to give him small shoes.

Even if the Chinese language teacher and the Japanese history teacher planned to give him small shoes, the teachers of other subjects would join forces to resist – a good student who can get perfect scores while sleeping is a treasure!

“Compared with this, what is today’s homework?”

“I wrote it down.”

Aisha handed a notebook to Alexia: “Also, if possible, I would like to ask you to tutor me in math. I didn’t keep up with some parts of the class today.”

“Well, yes, but tomorrow is Saturday anyway, so let’s talk about it tomorrow. I want to train first today.”

The contact from the fallen angels hasn’t come yet, so there’s no other way to wait. I might as well continue trying to manifest the artifact myself.

After packing her schoolbag, Aixia followed Aisha out of the classroom.

However, the moment they walked out of the classroom, two figures appeared in front of Alexia.

“Student Council President? And…it’s Shinra-san, right?”

Take Cang Na, Shinra Chunji.

The two student council members, who are also demons, stood at the door as if they had been waiting for a long time.

“Are you ready to go back to the old school? Kaslana-san.”

“Well, what’s wrong? Is there something urgent?”

Shitori Sona adjusted her glasses: “Indeed… I think it would be better for the two of you not to go back today, especially Algit-san. It might be a little dangerous to go back.”


Alexia frowned: “What do you mean?”

“I just got the news not long ago. Today, a big shot from the Gremory family is coming to visit Rias. Although I think there are many reasons, the most likely one is probably the marriage.” Shitori Sona explained. He said, “At this point in time, don’t worry, it is a bit dangerous for Aljie to go back. She is a nun.”

The devil and the church are mortal enemies. This has been said many times, and Elsa is a former nun. If the devil discovers that she is living openly on Rias’s territory, there may not be big trouble, but there will be a small conflict. There’s no way to avoid it.

“If you don’t mind, I can accommodate you for one night in the student union room, although there is no shower.”

“I understand, thank you, Student Council President——”

Beep beep beep beep!

Just when Alexia was about to agree, the personal terminal placed in her schoolbag suddenly made a sound – it was a call from Rias.

After turning on the speakerphone, Alexia asked: “Hey, what’s the matter? Ms. Rias.”

[Exia, you should have finished school already, come to my place]

Rias said on the other end of the phone.

【My elder brother wants to see you】

Shitori Sona: “!”

Shinra Chunji: “!”

This sentence directly made the two people’s faces tremble.

30. An epic meeting

Inside the old school building.

The activities department of the Paranormal Research Department.

After handing Aisha to Shinra Tsubaki, Exia came here with Shitori Sona. And as soon as he opened the door and walked in, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but an extremely depressing atmosphere rushed towards Alexia!


Alexia frowned instinctively, and Shitori Sona next to him immediately felt the temperature drop a bit.

“Hey, did it scare you?”

A kind voice that sounded like the big brother next door entered their ears, and then they came back to their senses and noticed the two unfamiliar faces in the room.

No, it should be said that they are new faces to Axia, Shitori Sona still knows these two faces.

But precisely because of the recognition, she now felt uncontrollable surprise in her heart.

The speaker was a handsome man sitting on the sofa who was dressed in gorgeous clothes. He looked very young and had shawl red hair. The color was exactly the same as Rias, very bright red, and his appearance also had some similarities with Rias. .

Behind him stood a beautiful woman, wearing a maid outfit that was not suitable for the environment. Her beautiful silver hair was braided into a twist. For a moment, Alexia felt like she was facing Rita. With.

“Greetings from Jiu Shu, my lords.”

Shitori Sona reacted first.

“Cana Siddi, I have met Lord Lucifer, the Demon King.”

“Ah haha, you don’t need such luggage, Serafall’s sister.” The red-haired man known as the Demon King Lucifer smiled and waved his hand, “This time I am not going as the Demon King, but as the elder brother. Come, just be casual.”


Shitori Sona nodded, but looking at her, she didn’t dare to relax at all.


“Lucifer the devil?”

Alexia frowned.

“One of the four demon kings, brother…could it be that you are——”

“Well, it’s my brother.” Rias held her forehead and said, “He came here suddenly just now. I received the news only two or three minutes before my brother came.”

Demon King Lucifer stared at Ixia: “After all, I don’t want too many cumbersome etiquette. This time I came here during the short vacation after work. I am Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias’s Brother, please give me some advice, [Sekiryuutei from another world] Alexia Kaslana.”

The deliberately emphasized prefix made Exia look at Rias: “Did you say that?”

“It’s impossible not to report such a big matter to my brother. The special position of [Devil Agent] you applied for was also approved by my brother.” Rias explained, “In addition, this person here is my brother’s wife. My sister-in-law.”

The silver-haired mature maid nodded slightly: “First time meeting, Lady Kaslana, I am Grafia Lucifergus, the maid of the Gremory family and the [Queen] of Lord Sirzechs. Please give me your advice. .”

“Ah…well, please give me some advice.”

Alexia responded simply.

“So, what you just said on the phone about wanting to see me is… Mr. Sirzechs wants to see me? As the Demon King?”

“Half and half.” Sirzechs said with a casual smile, “I am the elder brother now, but as the Demon King, I can’t be too rude to you, a guest from another world, not to mention that you also help Li on weekdays. There are many things about Yasi that I have to have a good talk with you about, both in public and private matters.”

For public and private purposes…

Alexia took a deep breath: “In other words, you want to know something about another world from me, right?”

“You can say that.”

No one is not curious about another world, especially for a management like Demon King. There are many things to consider, such as whether people from another world will have an impact on this world, and whether they are friends or enemies of this world. Is there the possibility of large-scale world transfer… Although it has been more than a month since Exia came here, and there seems to be no problem so far, we cannot ignore the bad aspects.

“I understand, so please wait a moment.”

Alexia took out her personal terminal and made a video call to Bianca.

[Beep~~~Beep~~~Beep~~~Hello? Is it Lord Exia? 】

A voice sounded, but it was Rita who appeared on the screen.

“Rita? Why did you answer the phone? Where’s Bianca?”

[Bianca-sama is still in training, and the personal terminal is temporarily under my custody] Rita explained, [It shouldn’t be time for regular contact yet, right? Is there something urgent about calling back all of a sudden? Lady Alexia]

“Well, actually, I have met one of the leaders of this world now, and the other person wants to know something about our world. I feel that it is not appropriate for me to handle this matter alone, so I should let Bishop Otto handle it. It’s better to negotiate, can you help me get through to the bishop?”

【I understand, please wait】

Looking at the personal terminal in Exia’s hand and the voice that just sounded, Sirzechs suddenly became curious: “What about the thing I haven’t seen before? Is it the communication device of your world?”

“Yes. I have connected you to my boss now. After all, you are the Demon King, and I am just an executor. If I want to communicate with you, it is best for my boss to do it.”

This dialogue can basically be regarded as a formal cross-world diplomacy between this world and the world over there. Since the demon king Sirzechs is the negotiator in this world, Exia cannot be too rude. , Bishop Otto must be carried out.

If the world is compared to a [country], Sirzechs is the prime minister, or president, and the one who can talk to him will naturally not be Exia, the [messenger], but Otto, who is also the president. Bishop.

[Beep, beep, it’s me, Alexia]

“Excuse me, Lord Bishop. Have you listened to Rita’s explanation?”

[Well, of course, switch to projection mode, it will be more formal. 】


After operating the personal terminal for a while, Ixia placed it flat on the coffee table. Then in the somewhat dim room, a beam of blue light rose from the camera position of the personal terminal, and then quickly unfolded, in mid-air. A full-length image of Otto in another world was projected in the middle.

Otto quickly glanced at the few strangers present, and finally set his sights on Sirzechs, who was facing him. Otto made a standard understanding: “First meeting, the most expensive guests from another world, let me You have been waiting for a long time. I am the Bishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalypse.”

“I am honored to be invited to participate in this unprecedented exchange meeting in another world. Due to various reasons, I can only talk to you in such a rude way. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will not mind. .”

Like a character on stage introducing himself to a packed audience.

Sirzechs looked at the projection in front of him with a smile: “I am very happy to meet you like this, Lord Apokalis. I am one of the four great demon kings in this world, the devil Lucifer, Sirzechs Lucifer. .”

The unprecedented contact between worlds now begins with this sentence.

31. Urgent marriage

An unexpected surprise.

From Otto’s point of view, the meeting that Alexia suddenly connected for him was an unexpected surprise. Talking directly with the leader of the alien world group was an opportunity that could greatly improve his understanding of aliens. A great opportunity to understand the world.

Of course, it is just an understanding. Otto does not think that this first meeting between the two people can have any immediate impact on the world of both parties. If strangers want to start cooperation, they must first understand each other. , only after they have a certain degree of understanding of each other can further cooperation be carried out.

The same goes for Sirzechs.

His original intention was just to communicate with Exia, a person from another world, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be so direct. He moved his leader out on the spot, without giving him any room for testing.

It can be seen that he is very accustomed to this kind of behavior of directly leaving important interview tasks to his boss without having any involvement in it.

After giving the space for conversation to Otto and Sirzechs, Exia and others left the activity room and came to Exia and Aisha’s room.

What follows is a conversation between the two leaders. Their subordinates are not suitable to stay there. Only Gurefia, the queen of Sirzechs, is qualified to stay. Of course, Exia can see Otto’s side. He also kept Amber with him, otherwise Bishop Otto would ask him to stop when he left.

“A dialogue between two worlds… This must be the first time in history.”

Sitting on the chair, Rias sighed slightly: “Brother, I just want to have a conversation with you, but Ixia, you directly raised the conversation to the level of the world.”

“But this is more appropriate, isn’t it? The Demon King wants to understand the other world, and the Bishop has also asked me to collect as much information as possible about the other world in order to tell him. Wouldn’t it be best to directly facilitate a meeting between the two?”

What Alexia said is natural, and the truth is indeed such a truth.

However, Rias, who was born into a noble family, was used to probing and going back and forth in conversations, so she was a little surprised by Exia’s straightforward approach.

“However, I really didn’t expect that your brother would be the Demon King.” Alexia changed the subject, “I heard you say before that if you don’t get married, the Gremory family will be extinct. I thought you were the descendant of the family. It’s a single seedling.”

“I never said that. It’s just that I am the only heir.”

The current four demon kings all come from pure-blood demon families. Before becoming demon kings, they were basically the heads of the next generation of the family. But once you become the Demon King, you can no longer be the heir of the family, and even your surname needs to be changed to the Demon King’s surname.

Sirzechs’ original name was Sirzechs Gremory. After becoming the Demon King, he changed his name to Sirzechs Lucifer. Although there was no need to sever ties with the family, he could no longer stand on the family’s side. .

“By the way, Sona is the same.” Rias said with a smile, “Sona’s sister is the Demon King Leviathan, one of the four major demon kings in the underworld today, Lord Serafall Leviathan.”

“Rias…there’s no need to talk about my sister.”

When she mentioned her sister, Shitori Sona suddenly showed an unbearable headache expression.

(Sister of the devil Lucifer, sister of the devil Leviathan…)

Alexia couldn’t help but laugh: “Could it be that the brothers or sisters of the other two demon kings are also in this school? Is this the cradle of some demon king?”

“How come, the other two demon kings don’t have brothers and sisters.” Rias shook her head, “I know what you want to say, but Sona and I don’t have the rights to rely on any brothers or sisters in our lives in the human world. It’s not a related household.”

(No, just the name of the Demon King’s sister doesn’t make you a person even if you don’t want to be a relative, right?)

“Speaking of which, Rias, what is Lord Lucifer planning to do when he comes to the human world this time?”

Shitori Sona suddenly asked.

This is a very critical question. The mighty Demon King Lucifer came to the human world in person. Even if he said that he came half as an elder brother, he didn’t come just to kill time or spend a holiday, right?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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