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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 74

If it were Exia, she would probably use this vacation to inspect the living conditions of the demons.

When Rias heard this, she sighed heavily and said with a sad expression: “Urge the marriage.”

These two words were simple and easy to understand, but they silenced Ixia, Shitori Sona, and even everyone else in the room.

(It was actually the Demon King himself who came directly to urge the marriage.)

(It seems that the Gremory family is serious about getting Rias married to the third son of the Phoenix family.)

“No, it’s not quite right to say that they are urging me to get married. They are actually here to inform me of the engagement date.” Rias corrected her words, “The Phoenix family seemed to be a little anxious, so they discussed it with their father and brothers. I decided to set the time for the engagement without permission, and this time my brother and sister-in-law came here just to talk about it.”

She got engaged while in school, and after Rias graduates from Kuoh Academy High School, she will officially return to the underworld to get married. Although she should be able to return to the human world and enter the university after that, there is no doubt that she will be a wife.

“…Can’t you think of a way? Rias.” Shitori Sona hesitated and asked, “Do you really plan to just…”

“Thank you, Cang Na, for still caring about me like this.”

Rias lowered her head, her bangs hanging down covering her eyes.

“But my brother and my sister-in-law both came directly… It’s already a foregone conclusion, I’m going to be [checkmate].”

A direct notification from Demon King Lucifer and his Queen, this is the most valuable and important notification in the underworld. Presumably this is to avoid Rias’ rejection.

Seeing Rias in such a depressed state, Himejima Akeno and three other family members showed worried looks on their faces. As family members, they naturally didn’t want to see their master like this, but they just The three intermediate demons were completely unable to interfere with Rias’s affairs.

Not to mention Elsa, who has nothing to do with it.

Shitori Sona turned to look at Exia, conveying some kind of message to him with her eyes, but what she received was a silence as deep as the ocean.

(There’s nothing you can do…no, you’re not going to help, are you?)

So, from now on, it is a certainty that Rias is going to get married.


The door was opened from the outside, and Gurefiya’s figure appeared in front of everyone.

“Everyone, the meeting between Lord Sirzechs and Lord Apokalis is over. Please move to the ministry room.”

32. It has nothing to do with justice and the future

After following Gurefia back to the activity room, there was no longer a three-dimensional image of Otto in the room, only Sirzechs sitting on the sofa.

He came to the coffee table and picked up the personal terminal, and then unlocked the screen.

【I’m back, Exia】

The video call still didn’t end, Otto’s face appeared on the screen.

“Is the negotiation over? Your Majesty Bishop.”

[Well, it was a very pleasant conversation. You directly informed me that my judgment was very correct. Thanks to this, I learned a lot of new knowledge and opened a new door to the unknown world for me – you Well done, Alexia]

“It’s just my job.”

[Hehehe, there is no need to be so humble. Dear Aikesia, your achievements are beyond doubt. When you come back, I will prepare a special gift for you to reward your contribution. You can look forward to it]

[In addition, I have also discussed with Mr. Sirzechs some matters related to your identity in another world. Different from the previous one, you are now the official ‘Destiny’s Diplomatic Ambassador to the Underworld’. From now on, you will interact with the underworld and demons. Cooperation, I specifically grant you direct management and decision-making rights. There is no need to specifically ask me for instructions. You can make your own judgment]

In other words, at least in this world, when dealing with demons, Exia can directly proceed with her own ideas, and no matter what she does, Destiny will not interfere.

Alexia nodded and said: “I understand, Lord Bishop.”

[We will prepare the formal documents here. Although we cannot send them directly to you, they will have practical effect. Lord Sirzechs will also prepare a formal letter of appointment, right? 】

“Of course, please give me your advice in the future, Your Excellency Kaslana.” Sirzechs said with a smile, “I am looking forward to your future performance – Oh, by the way, as proof of our formal contact and understanding of each other, I am Bian will also prepare a gift and someone will send it over after a while.”

“Thank you very much.”

“No, no need. This is what I should do as the Demon King. It can also be regarded as a thank you gift for helping Rias during this time. Please continue to work hard as a [Devil Agent] in the future.”

Sirzechs stood up as he spoke: “Well, it’s almost time, and I have to go back to the underworld.”

Rias took a step forward: “So soon? Aren’t you still on vacation? Brother.”

“Even if you are on vacation, there are still a lot of things to deal with. Inspecting the development of the revitalized area, confirming the work progress with other devils… There is a mountain of things to do, and the so-called vacation is just a break in the busy schedule, and I squeezed out a little. It’s just time to come out.”

As has been said many times before, the three parties in the Bible still have not been able to escape from the decadent state after the war, and are still in the process of gradually recovering their strength. As the leader, the devil has to deal with all aspects of things. There are so many that the underworld is full of waste and is waiting for their instructions.

“As for that matter…the engagement time is just as I said before, it will be held next weekend. Gurefia will come to pick you up before then, so be prepared before then.”


Rias’s answer lacked any strength.

got engaged.

Although there is still resistance in her heart, Rias can’t overturn this by herself.

The hands hanging on both sides of the skirt were clenched several times, but each time they were clenched, they were quickly released, until in the end they could no longer be clenched.

She admitted it.

Staring at his somewhat gloomy sister, Sirzechs’ eyes flickered several times, but finally regained his composure. He spread out a bright red magic circle at his feet, preparing to teleport back to the underworld with Gurefia.

“Master Bishop, can I confirm again?”

However, at this moment, Exia’s voice sounded again.

“Everything I do in this world, I have all the right to decide. What I want to do is all based on my own judgment. You have no right to interfere, and you have no right to hold anyone accountable afterwards – right? “

【indeed so】

Otto, who had not hung up the call yet, affirmed.


Alexia walked up to Rias earlier and looked directly at Sirzechs: “Your Majesty the Demon King Lucifer, can I delay your time for a little bit? Just a minute or two, regarding the marriage between Gremory and the Phoenix family. I would like to make some suggestions.”

Rias: “!”

Shitori Sona: “!”

All the family members and Aisha: “!”

This is a situation that no one has ever imagined.

Sirzechs canceled the magic circle at his feet and asked with a smile on his face: “Okay – what’s your suggestion?”

“I have asked Ms. Rias and Ms. Sona during these days. Regarding the marriage contract between the Gremory family and the Phoenix family, it seems that it was negotiated and established by Ms. Rias’s father, the Phoenix family, and you. Bar?”

“Well, that’s true.”

“Then I would like to ask, when you were discussing the engagement, did you ask or ask for Ms. Rias’s personal advice?” Alexia asked, and then gave her own answer, “I think not. “

“…Indeed. Any questions?”

“Of course there is a problem.” Alexia turned to look at Rias, “Marriage is the most important thing in a woman’s life, but you ignored Ms. Rias’s wishes and forced her to establish She has entered into such a marriage, and as a demon king and a blood relative, you have come to announce it to her in person – I don’t know the laws of the demon world, but in the human world, this is an undoubted infringement.”

Engagement contract – that is, a marriage contract, in a not-so-nice way, is a contract confirming the marriage of both parties. It requires the signature of both the groom and the bride to be effective.

However, the current situation is that Rias herself did not agree, but her father and brother signed on her behalf, and they did not even get her consent.

Alexia’s words made Sirzechs couldn’t help laughing, but it was not a bitter smile, nor was he amused, but a smile that seemed to finally hear what he wanted to hear, so he showed it. happy smile.

“It’s an interesting statement to deny the devil’s contract from a human perspective and law. Indeed, devils are now in a difficult situation without humans. For future development, it is also important to learn human laws and behavior. A very necessary thing.”

“So, do you want to object to this engagement? [Devil Agent].”

Faced with Sirzechs’ inquiry, Ixia shook her head: “It’s not me who wants to object. I don’t have any qualifications to raise objections. After all, I’m not the party involved – the person who wants to raise objections is you. .Ms. Rias.”

“…Me?” Rias was stunned.

“Yes. If you want to get married like this, then please nod. If you don’t want to get married, then please say it directly. I think that whether you are a demon king or an elder brother, you should not give up to a demon. Expressing opinions is not allowed, right?”

The corners of Sirzechs’ mouth rose even more obviously: “How could it be? I welcome demons to give me suggestions. After all, even I don’t make all the right decisions.”

“Brother…” Rias pursed her lips, “But this engagement is -“

“It has nothing to do with the continuation of the race, and it has nothing to do with the future of demons.”

Alexia interrupted Rias.

“You don’t need to think too much this time, not as [the next head of Gremory], but as a devil like [Rias], what exactly do you think about this engagement?”

“You just have to think like this now.”

The continuation of the race, the future of the devil, and the righteousness above the individual.

Rias has been struggling with this kind of thing before, which is also the reason why she now chooses to accept the engagement. As a noble, she cannot do such willful behavior as opposing the engagement.

However, if these do not need to be considered, if she only needs to consider her own thoughts, then her thoughts are…


Rias gritted her teeth, as if she had made an extremely important decision, and suddenly raised her head to look at her brother: “I don’t want to marry the Phoenix family! Brother!”

Speak up.

33. Duel

I do not want to get married.

Saying these words seemed to take up most of Rias’s strength, and she pressed her knees with both hands to barely prevent herself from falling.

(I said it…but…)

Looking at her brother, the clouds in Rias’s heart still hadn’t dissipated.

She had to say what she said, but the engagement was not something that could be changed with just one word from her. Expressing her thoughts had no practical effect, and was just a futile act equivalent to a desperate struggle.

“Yeah…I know, Rias.”

After a moment of silence, Sirzechs said something that cheered up Rias.


“Is this the first time that you can oppose my father and I’s decision like this? Although you are forced, but… I don’t think this is a bad thing, Rias, objections are also very important. .”

Rias has baggage.

The name Gremory made her worry too much and think too much. The name of the next head made her always think and deal with everything from the position of the next head. This is indeed what a pure-blooded demon and noble should do, and she did it very well.

But she is only 18 years old in human terms. She is a child in the rebellious stage. It is okay to be willful once or twice, not to mention the most important thing to herself. How can she be willful if she is not willful at this time?

As an older brother, Sirzechs didn’t have any dissatisfaction in his heart when he saw that his sister could make such a change.

“But, what are you going to do next? Rias.”

Sirzechs then asked.

“You don’t want to get married, but the engagement period has been set, and the marriage is almost certain. If you propose to terminate the engagement now, whether it is the Gremory family or the Phoenix family, even I, who provides a communication bridge between the two families, will be embarrassed. Shame on you.”

“So…what are you going to do? How are you going to deal with this?”

Demons care about face, just like humans, and more specifically about dignity. If Rias wants to regret her marriage, she will undoubtedly offend the Phoenix family’s dignity, and even her own family’s dignity and reputation will be damaged.


Rias took a deep breath and said, “I…apply to my fiancée, Risel Phoenix, for a ranking game.”

[Ranking game (ratinggame)]

One of the ways to determine the status of demons in today’s demon society is that the upper-level demons or the highest-level demons holding demon chess pieces bring their respective families to compete under various competition rules, and certain things are decided based on the outcome. the result of.

It is the most important entertainment activity in the current demon society, and it is also one of the most important components. From the beginning, it was a small fight between nobles, and now it has developed into a formal large-scale event. Its importance and influence cannot be overstated. And metaphor.

“Are you serious? Rias.”

Sirzechs’ expression became slightly more serious.

“As a high-level demon, Risel Phoenix has participated in several official ranking games and accumulated considerable experience, and all fifteen of his followers have been gathered.”

“And not to mention your experience in participating in the competition, there are only three dependents that can be used – do you want to fight against the opponent’s sixteen with only four?”

To put it bluntly, this is suicide.

Not to mention the huge gap in numbers, the decisive difference in power between Rias and Risel alone made this a battle without suspense.

Rysel Phoenix, the demon of the Phoenix, can recover quickly no matter what injuries he suffers, even if he receives fatal injuries. He is impossible to kill. He is truly immortal!

On the other hand, Rias, although she is also a high-level demon and inherited rich magic power from her mother like Sirzechs, she still lacks strength after all, and it is impossible to fight against the immortal body.

Rias smiled and nodded: “Well, of course it’s not enough for me and three servants, but… Alexia, can you help me?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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