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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 76

This…is this the headquarters of the Fallen Angels?

“Welcome to the Son of God Watcher, Sekiryuutei.” Azazel patted Alexia on the shoulder, “How is it? It’s a very nice place, isn’t it?”

“It’s not so much good…it’s almost nothing like I imagined.”

Alexia thought this place would be more profound and mysterious, with some kind of ominous atmosphere everywhere, like a dark castle or a dilapidated church.

Azazel smiled and said: “Hahaha! Everyone who comes here will have such a reaction, but in fact, except for a small number of guys and grassroots members, those of us who are cadres basically have no spirit after the war. Instead of going out to fight and kill, it would be better to stay in the laboratory and do scientific research.”

“Huh? Azazel?”

At this moment, a fallen angel suddenly walked in front of him – it looked like an uncle with a somewhat sinister expression.

“Oh, Baiqiu. What’s wrong? Are you ready to go out?”

The fallen angel known as Bai Qiu nodded: “Shemhasa asked me to do something. Who is this?”

“The otherworldly and contemporary Sekiryuutei I mentioned before – remember not to tell that kid that I brought him back.” Azazel introduced, “Let me introduce to you, he is the Watcher of the Son of God. One of the six cadres, the ten-winged fallen angel known as [Thunder Light], Baiqiu, my right-hand man.”

“Ah…Hello, Mr. Baichu, my name is Alexia Kaslana, and I am the Sekiryuutei.”


Baiqiu nodded slightly, and then left immediately, looking very anxious.

Watching Bai Qiu leave, Azazel put his arm around Alexia’s shoulders: “That guy actually has something to do with you… No, he has something to do with someone you know.”


“He is Himejima Akeno’s father.”

Himejima Akeno’s…father? !

Alexia looked at the uncle-looking fallen angel just now with some disbelief: “There is no similarity at all! By the way, the daughter of the fallen angel became a reincarnated demon… Is there such a thing?”

“This means Himejima Akeno should follow her mother. As for the matter of reincarnated demon… there are many things involved, and in the final analysis, I have to be blamed.”

Azazel seemed to be remembering something from the past, and his expression showed some self-blame.

But he soon turned back into that cynical scoundrel: “Forget it, let’s not talk about it for now. I’ll take you to my research laboratory.”

As he spoke, he once again deployed the magic circle at his feet. The scene around the two of them changed rapidly again. In an instant, it changed from an endless corridor to a super messy research laboratory filled with all kinds of debris. .

Alexia: “……”

For a moment, he felt like he was in the office of Emperor Changguang Seventeenth, but in terms of the level of filth, this place was one level higher than there… no, several floors higher!

“Hey hehehe~~~No one has been here for almost ten years, and I didn’t even think about cleaning it up. It’s a little messy, so I’m sorry.”

Azazel said without apology, and then he pushed aside all the things scattered everywhere, forcibly clearing a path for himself and Alexia, as well as a bed like an operating table. , there are many electrodes and a rather strange-looking helmet scattered around.

“This is?”

“It’s something that allows you to talk to your instincts for a while. I named it [Sleeping on a Half-Dead Bed].”


Sleeping in a half-dead bed?

What kind of weird naming is this?

“The name is not important, what is important is the effect of this thing – it can keep your brain active while you are asleep. Simply put, it means that you can stay awake in your dreams.” Azazel explained, “And as long as you slightly change its operating formula and output, you can directly transfer your consciousness into your soul through it and become the same existence as Ddraig.”

Same as Ddraig… Was it the first time he met Ddraig?

“After that, you should be able to see your instinct. Although I don’t know how your instinct will manifest, but the moment you meet, you will definitely know whether it is your instinct. You and I Just communicate with it and let him allow the power of the Sekiryuutei to be active in your body – now you lie down and put on the helmet, and I will do the rest.”


Lying on the operating table with his helmet on, Exia closed his eyes slightly, and shortly after he closed his eyes——


A burst of electric sound rang in his ears, and a strange feeling enveloped his brain.

Immediately afterwards, as if something had been removed from the body, and as if it felt like falling from a high altitude when traveling through the world, Exia could clearly feel that she was “falling”.

From the surface world, he was dragged bit by bit by something into an extremely deep realm. He had never been in contact with it before, or even realized it.

His field of vision began to shrink, as if he had fallen into a cave, and the light spots in his eyes gradually shrank and disappeared.



There was light coming from below.

Alexia turned her body over and looked towards the light – what came into view was an extremely vast area, which could be said to be an endless stretch of snow-capped mountains.


Alexia recognized this place, he remembered it.

This is clearly…

“The snowy mountain I fell into seven years ago?”

Seven years ago, when she jumped out of the aircraft, this was the scene that greeted Exia.

The scene at this moment is no different from the memory.


A shout came from the side, and Ixia looked around and saw a giant red dragon flying beside him at some point.

“Ddraig? How did you…”

“I live in your soul. Since you are here, I must be here too.” Ddraig stretched out his hand to catch Alexia’s falling body, “Stand still, I will take you down.”



The dragon’s wings suddenly fluttered, and the wind roared around him.

Alexia subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the blizzard that was heading towards him, but just as he stretched out his hand, the blizzard suddenly split in front of him, as if to avoid hitting him.

(By the way, this is my inner world, and my thoughts will affect the scene here…)

Thinking like this, Exia came up with the idea of ​​”Stop the Blizzard”.

The next moment, the blizzard flying all over the sky disappeared without a trace, leaving only countless falling snowflakes floating in the air.


The dragon’s wings fluttered again.

A flat snowfield can already be seen in the field of vision.


Landing heavily on the snow, Ddraig lowered Exia in his hand to the ground: “Look at the front, partner, the instinct you want to face is there.”


Alexia jumped off the dragon claw and looked up ahead.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a giant tree that is completely icy blue and seems to be carved directly from ice. The height is about ten meters, and the crown of the giant tree is like a cover, blocking a huge shadow on the snow.

And in the shadow, at the bottom of the Ice Tree, there is a throne that is either naturally formed or deliberately carved.

A figure was sitting there, with his left foot hanging down, his right foot on the armrest, his left hand on another armrest, and his right hand leaning on his bent knee. After seeing Exia and Ddraig landing not far away, the figure lowered its hands and feet and seemed to smile——

“Hey, long time no see, it’s me (Kaslana).”

[Axia Kaslana] said this to her other self.

36. Conflict, me and me

(That’s…the other one, me?)

Alexia stood there and did not step forward.

The person sitting on the Ice Throne in the field of vision is undoubtedly [Exia Kaslana].

However, even he could see that there was an extremely huge difference between him and himself, and this difference was huge enough to make them truly “different”!

Calm madness.

Silent rage.

A wordless roar.

Precisely because they were both Alexia Kaslana, he could feel this extremely contradictory impression so clearly. Countless similar impressions were mixed together like a flood, constantly rushing into his mind and spirit. .

Is this… my own instinct?

Is this… his… nature, Alexia Kaslana?

“What’s wrong?”

[Exia] grinned, as if greeting an old friend.

“Don’t you want to come over? Are you here to see me?”


Alexia nodded, but did not move forward. Instead, she stood where she was: “I’m here…to ask you why you reject my use of artifacts. You have always rejected Ddraig. With the Sekiryuutei’s cager, right? Why?”

“Tch, it’s just such a small thing.”

[Exia] curled her lips.

“It’s boring. I can’t even figure out such a small thing.”

“What did you say?”

“I’m telling you you’re stupid as hell.”

Standing up from the throne, [Exia] put her hand behind her back, holding it with five fingers as if to pull out something, and slowly pulled out a huge ice sword from behind her right shoulder.

That shape was very familiar to Alexia. It was the shape of the ice sword he used most often, even though he just made it casually and intuitively.

Pointing the ice sword at Ddraig, [Exia] sneered: “Okay, I’ll tell you, the reason is…it’s not necessary!”


“I’m saying you don’t need to borrow that dragon’s power, Exia.”

The ice sword waved.

He really just waved his hand and slashed the ice sword to one side along [Exia]——


It was as if the entire ground had been split open by a sword, as if the entire sky had been torn apart by a sword.

The sword light, as bright as diamond stardust, directly cut apart everything around [Exia], and a huge crack was visible to the naked eye in the endless snow-capped mountains!

Alexia was shocked to the spot.

Incredible power! It’s really just one hit! ? A blow without any power! ?

Hefting the ice sword on his shoulders, [Exia] smiled contemptuously: “It’s a bit exaggerated. The world here is quite easy to destroy and regenerate. The actual effect should be only half or one-third of this.” Bar.”

“But – you also saw it, right? Exia, this is the power we have.”

“No…that’s the power you have.”

As if he was showing off his own strength, or promoting some extreme ideas, [Aikesia] seemed like a fanatical believer, with a fanatical scornful smile on his face: “You are strong, Aikesia. In During the thousands of years since Kaslana’s bloodline began to be passed down, you are the [genius] with the strongest talent.”

“Seven years old, this is the age when you awaken your power. Do you know what this means? It means that when you were seven years old, you surpassed all Kaslana’s successors and became the impeccable and strongest successor. Those who are.”

The strongest.

Surpassing all previous generations, reaching a state that no descendant of Kaslana has reached in thousands of years at the youngest age in history.

“But, I don’t have that power now.”

Alexia retorted.

“If I had that kind of power, I wouldn’t be here. My power is far from enough.”

“Ha! That’s of course!” [Exia] laughed, and then pointed behind herself, “What? Could it be that you can’t see it? These things behind us.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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