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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 77

Behind you?


After [Exia] said this, Exia vaguely heard some sounds like metal friction, and then the outlines of certain things appeared in her field of vision bit by bit.

It is a slender one that seems to have many parts connected and assembled, and has considerable weight…


Yes, it’s the chains.

Dozens, hundreds… A large number of chains appeared in Exia’s field of vision at some point, as if they had pierced into [Exia’s] body, all connected to his back. On your back! They are so densely packed that just looking at them can make people feel chills running down their backs!

“what is that?”

“Seal. Didn’t the bishop say that? In order to suppress the huge power that you couldn’t control at that time, two seals were imposed on you.” [Exia] said as he stretched his hands behind him and pulled out countless Two chains of different colors were grabbed from the chain.

One is gold and one is silver.

“The golden one is a spiritual seal, and the silver one is… that’s right, it can be regarded as a physical seal – and these two have been broken, in the dungeon, When you were beaten half to death by that pig.”

“You should understand by now, right?”

[Exia] crushed the two chains in her hand.

“The way to become stronger is very simple! Just smash the chains that bind us! Dragon? Divine weapon? Divine destroyer? No need! We are strong enough on our own! We don’t need external power at all!”

“Free me~ Exia. In this way, both me and you, we can all gain the strongest power!”

“This is the strongest power that can completely kill Honkai and protect everyone as you wish!”

The strongest.

The strongest power.

The strongest power that can protect everyone.

The strongest power that can completely kill Honkai!

Alexia gritted her teeth, took a deep breath as if to stabilize her mind, and then exhaled all the breath, her expression returned to calmness: “Answer me a question.”


“This power can also cause a great collapse, right?”

The power that Exia can use now is enough to give birth to ultra-small Honkaimon, and if stronger power is obtained, the Honkai energy pollution caused will definitely increase significantly!

if that is the case……

“Does it have anything to do with you?”

[Exia] asked coldly.

“What happens to the world, does it have anything to do with you?”


“Think carefully about your goal, Ixia. It is to get the strongest power, and then go back and kill Honkai! It is to become the strongest existence, and go back to save your world!”

“——Then why do you care so much about this world?”

[Exia]’s question made Exia froze on the spot.

Then, [Axia] continued: “The most important thing to you is that world, right? All other worlds are irrelevant. Just protect your own world and save your own world. There are so many things you can do. Well? My skills will become sluggish.”


Alexia lowered her head and whispered in a low voice in denial.

“Ah? What’s wrong? Is this the most efficient way to do it?” [Exia] sneered, “Treat all other worlds as food on your way to becoming stronger, fight, fight, fight, fight! Keep on fighting. Fight powerful guys, and then release more power in desperate situations of life and death again and again! Finally, kill Honkai completely!”


“This is our (Kaslana’s) mission! Admit it, Alexia, this is your best approach!”


An angry roar erupted on the snow! Ice blue light suddenly gathered in Ixia’s hand, and instantly formed a huge ice sword exactly like the one in [Ixia’s] hand!

[Exia] sneered: “What? Are you angry from embarrassment?”

“No.” Exia said coldly, looking at her other self with calm and indifferent eyes, “That kind of power is not the power I want… I will not become a slave to power.”

“Slave? Ha! Interesting statement! But…”

[Exia]’s figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of Exia, and the ice sword chopped off her head!


The sword blade collided with the sword blade, and the extremely cold impact and blade storm broke out in an instant and swept away!

Across each other’s swords, [Axia] smiled and said: “Let me tell you a truth, Axia. Victory is everything. The loser will have everything taken away and lose everything. Only the person who wins in the end can get it. So, the one who wins in the end is the right one.”


“Fight me, Exia – and if you win, then I will allow you to use the power of that dragon. Come and prove to me that the path of power you have chosen is the right one and that my approach is the wrong one. “


The sword blade suddenly exerted force, and Ixia knocked [Ixia] away with all her strength. She immediately raised the big sword and showed the Taixu Sword Qi hand gesture.

“You don’t need to tell me, I think so too.”

37. Xingyue Tradition

Exia and [Exia].

They look exactly the same, have the same abilities, and even have the same powers.

Theoretically speaking, the battle between these two people should be a completely even battle.


On the snowfield, the ice sword and the ice sword collided with each other, causing a violent impact and snow tide, and the biting cold wind and snowflakes burst out together.

(The strength is the same as mine…the force of one blow is the same as mine.)

Holding his arm against the sword blade, Ixia stared at the other self on the opposite side. The arm holding the sword hilt suddenly exerted force, and at the same time, the arm followed the forward pressure. The originally evenly matched confrontation between the two people was due to this temporary addition. The power instantly transformed into Exia taking over the power of suppression.


The ice sword slashed down, and [Exia’s] defensive posture immediately collapsed.


Instantly taking a step forward and stepping into his arms, Exia suddenly raised the sword blade with all her strength!


However, the blade of [Exia], which should have been deflected and unable to be recovered in time, turned back with an extremely weird move before Exia struck him, blocking it at the extreme distance. This blow!



Not a slash, but a kick.

[Exia] flew up and kicked Exia suddenly in the abdomen. The sudden impact kicked Exia several meters away on the spot, and before he could stabilize his body, [Ikexia] West Asia] followed him like a shadow and instantly caught up with him!



He hurriedly swung his sword to block, unable to completely resist his own blow. Like a football that was intercepted midway, Exia’s flight path turned straight at a right angle!

(Very fast and powerful, but——)

Stomping her feet hard into the ground to stabilize her body, Exia directly responded to [Exia] who was charging straight towards her!

(That is, just like me!)


Like mirror images with reversed directions, the two ice swords slashed out from different directions, and then collided together in the middle!

The blizzard broke out again, and the violent impact directly scattered the snow under the two people’s feet, instantly forming a pit with a radius of tens of meters!

“not bad.”

[Exia] sneered.

“I thought you would be a little weaker, but it’s still reasonable.”

“It’s as if you are stronger than me.” Alexia frowned, “There is… no gap between us!”

No gap?

Hearing what Exia said, [Exia] suddenly showed strong ridicule on her face: “Equally matched? Is that really the case?”



[Exia] suddenly attacked, and his strength, which was originally tied for victory with Exia, instantly increased a lot! It was clear that the opponent was lifting up and slashing from below, so logically speaking, Exia should be the one suppressing it.



Like an unstoppable volcanic eruption, [Exia’s] ice sword directly broke through Exia’s suppression, and the ice sword in his hand flew aside! Even Exia herself was thrown away by the sudden impact!



Ice-blue light suddenly gathered on [Ixia]’s ice sword, as if it absorbed energy and was filled with power. An extremely strong aurora bloomed on the ice sword!

(This attack was the one I used against the temple-level Honkaimon before——)

At this distance, it is impossible to dodge this move!


The same light lit up on Ixia’s ice sword, and the same aurora bloomed on the sword.

The next moment——


Two beams of extremely cold shocks were released from their sword blades at the same time, as if they had been agreed upon! The icy blue aurora was enveloped by a blizzard and instantly tore away all the obstructions on its path!

A stronger impact than before erupted right between Exia and [Exia]!

This attack is also evenly matched. Two people with exactly the same strength will not have a complete upper hand.



As if scoffing at this theory, the aurora struck by [Exia] suddenly doubled in size! In an instant, he completely suppressed Ixia’s Aurora, and then swallowed it in one bite!


Without even having time to think or dodge, Alexia’s figure was directly submerged by the overwhelming frost impact and snow tide!

A huge fan-shaped iceberg rose from the ground in an instant, and then——


The iceberg suddenly shattered! Exia, who was frozen in it, fell down like a puppet with its strings cut off!

Hefting the ice sword and putting it on his shoulders, [Exia] looked at his other self on the ground with a sneer on his face: “Come on, let’s talk now, who is evenly matched with whom? You idiot.”


Slowly recovering from the frozen state, Exia climbed up from the snow bit by bit, supported her body with her sword and staggered to her feet: “You and I… …”

Still talking hard.

[Axia] curled her lips coldly: “Tsk, you won’t shed tears until you see the coffin, right? Then I’ll show you the bigger gap between you and me.”


“Open your eyes wide and see clearly. Don’t blink or be distracted for any moment.” [Exia] reminded, “Then you will understand that even if the power and ability are exactly the same, if the users are different, the The actual effect that can be exerted will be very different!”

The moment the words fell——


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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