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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 78


[Exia] suddenly disappeared from Exia’s field of vision!

And then…

“This way.”

His figure came from behind, and before Ixia could even turn around, the ice blade was already on his neck!

[Axia] said coldly: “Did you see it? Didn’t you see it? Of course, I am different from you. When you slowly master your power like a novice, when you When we learn the power of other systems without dignity, I have been honing the power we already have.”

“With the same power, I can exert it 100% or even 200%, but you can only exert 80% or even 50% – this is the relationship between you and me The gap.”


It was not a slash, but a punch. A powerful punch hit Alexia directly in the face, sending him flying to the feet of Ddraig who had been watching!

“Take him away, Dragon.”

[Exia] walked towards the throne under the Ice Tree with her sword in hand.

“You can’t even use your original power, and you still want to master other powers? It’s ridiculous. You are eating from the bowl and looking at the food in the pot. You don’t understand that you have to finish the food in the bowl before you can pick up the food in the pot. ? Idiot.”

“Go back and practice for seven years before you come back!”

38. Staple dishes and side dishes


Undoubted defeat.

Even though their powers and abilities are exactly the same, there is a huge and insurmountable gap between Exia and [Exia] in the use of their own power, that is, their proficiency and level of study.

If you think about it carefully, Exia has never seriously studied her own power.

Since being able to use this power again, almost all the battles he has experienced have been one-sided battles. The only hard battle was the one with Jagannath, and that time he did not think carefully about how to use this power, just Use your most primitive instincts and impulses to exercise power.

[Axia] Of course I am very satisfied with that approach. You should not think too much when fighting, just let your instinct control your body. Thinking too much will only slow down your movements, and then fatal flaws will appear.

Of course, planning everything out from the start is another matter. Mastering all the intelligence in advance and then formulating a foolproof combat strategy based on the intelligence is also an excellent way of combat.

But now Exia has only scratched the surface of any combat method. The instinct-based fighting method needs to be based on the complete mastery of abilities. The more he knows what kind of power he has and the more proficient he is in his own power, the instinct will subconsciously allow him to exert that level of power.

In contrast, a rational combat method needs to be based on a complete understanding of the enemy, using intelligence and experience to judge the next step the enemy may take, and taking measures sufficient to neutralize the opponent’s actions before they act.

Exia can’t do either now.

Just a [half-baked].

You shouldn’t be tempted to eat too much in one bite. If you want to eat something else, wait until you finish what you have on hand.


A weak voice came from behind.


Slowly getting up from the ground, shaking off the broken ice and ice shards from her body, Ixia gasped and looked at [Aikexia]: “It’s not… over yet. return……”


Turning around and putting down the sword he was carrying, [Exia] looked at herself opposite and took a step forward——


Without any warning, the distance of dozens of steps was covered by him in an instant, and Aixia’s vision was instantly filled with his face!

“Twice, did you see clearly this time?”

[Exia] asked, while pointing the tip of the sword at Exia, as if the fort gathered energy, the frost gathered at the tip extremely quickly and formed a sphere——



A beam of light like a laser burst out from the tip of the sword in an instant! It directly tore open the snowfield within at least two hundred meters in front, and at the same time, a layer of ice cones also sprung up one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But it didn’t hit Exia.

After several consecutive rolls to avoid the bombardment fired towards the face, Exia quickly stood up and re-condensed the ice sword——

“too slow.”

[Exia] who was still a few meters away in the last moment seemed to have moved in space and suddenly followed him. He spread his fingers and pressed down on Exia’s face, and smashed it into the ground!


The snow was splashing like a spring.

Facing Exia, who was floating slightly in the air, [Exia] added another kick to the abdomen.


The expected feeling did not come, but the feedback was the feeling of his feet being caught.

And before [Exia] could pull her foot back——


Along with a roar, an extremely strong frost impact suddenly erupted at zero distance!


The strike that shot up into the sky directly swallowed up [Exia]’s figure! A fan-shaped iceberg of the same size as the one wielded by [Exia] just appeared on the spot in front of Exia! Then——


With a crisp cracking sound, the iceberg collapsed!

[Exia], who was frozen inside, immediately shook her body several times and took several steps back before she stabilized her body.


Covering half of his face with stiff hands and wiping away the frost and snow that covered most of his body, [Exia] smiled quite purely this time: “This is not bad, a blow from zero distance… ….Don’t you ever think about getting yourself involved again? You idiot.”

“have not thought.”

Alexia stood up with her sword in hand: “What I want to do most right now is to knock you down and make you allow me to use the power of the Sekiryuutei.”

“…Tsk, you are really stubborn.” [Exia] looked helpless, “We have shown you the power we can exert, and you are still thinking about the power of this dragon – Kaslan Na’s name will make you cry.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Whether it’s Kaslana’s reputation or Kaslana’s honor, it doesn’t matter to Axia.

“Rather than dwelling on honors that are of no use at all, I want the power that can actually achieve my goals.”

“So, just cut off my chains! You can do it!”

Countless chains appeared behind [Exia] again.

“Cut these chains, you can use as much strength as you want! I will do my best to fight with you! Why are you dissatisfied with this!?”

“It will cause trouble.”


Putting down the ice sword, Exia let out a breath of cold air: “If I use my own power without restrictions, it will cause trouble in other worlds. I live in this world now, and the people in this world also take good care of me – I I don’t want to cause any trouble to them.”


Don’t know what to say.

[Axia] rubbed his hair with an irritated look on his face: “You are really stupid! How can there be such a hopeless idiot and fool like you! Your ideas are too naive!”

“Aren’t you the same?” Alexia asked back, “I am you and you are me. If I have such thoughts, that means you should actually have such thoughts, right? Scolding me is equivalent to scolding yourself.”


[Axia] cursed angrily, stomping her feet several times as if to vent her anger, and then glared at Aikexia fiercely: “I am stupid to compete with an innocent guy like you. Really, if I had known I would have refused you to come here from the beginning, trouble—do it again twice!”


“This is just one time!” [Exia] pointed to the frost that had not dissipated on her body, “Give me two more shots of this, and I will reluctantly allow you to use the power of that stupid dragon – but Remember, Exia, the strongest thing is our own strength after all, and external forces only add to the strength.”

“No matter how delicious the side dishes are, they are just side dishes. If the main dish is not delicious, the whole dish will be garbage!”

“……I understand, then let’s continue——”


Before Alexia finished speaking, [Exia] directly swung out a more violent frost impact than before!

39. Rush back in time

Time soon came to the agreed day for the duel.

After the sun once again sets from the sky and night falls over the earth.

In Kuou Academy, where all the students and teachers have left, only the old school building is still lit with some lights at this moment.

In the activity room of the Supernatural Research Department, Rias and her three family members, Shitori Sona, Shinra Tsubaki, and Asia, were all gathered here.

In addition to these seven people, there is an eighth person in the room.

“The time is almost up, Rias.”

Greyfia Lucifergus, Queen and wife of Sirzechs. As the only referee in this duel between Exia and Rysel Phoenix, he is now here to confirm Exia’s situation.

After all, Alexia has been missing since the night before yesterday. Although he had informed Aisha and Rias before that that he needed to go somewhere to practice for a few days in order to increase his strength, but he went there after all. There was no explanation as to where, and no news came back after that.

“If Lord Exia has not returned five minutes after the start of the ranking game, then according to the rules, Rysel Phoenix will automatically be judged as the winner.”

“Well, I know, big…Gurefia, but we really don’t know where he went.”

Rias’s face was filled with anxiety and worry.

There are less than five minutes left before the ranking game starts, which means that if Alexia doesn’t come back within ten minutes, then she will really marry that Riser – she was clearly asked to take the initiative to decide based on the results of the game. He is the one who decides whether the engagement continues or not. Why is he completely missing at this important moment?

【Hey Hey hey! Could it be that he escaped? 】

An extremely arrogant and arrogant voice came from a crystal ball placed on the desk.

Ranking games are all played in a specially created different space. After all, starting from the superior demon, the impact of the battle will be difficult to control. If you do not create a special different space, but directly play the ranking game in the real world, then No matter how huge the underworld is, it will one day be destroyed.

Therefore, ranking games must have a temporary venue, and the temporary venue used this time is a different space created by copying the prototype of Kuoh Academy.

As one of the contestants, Rysel Phoenix had entered dozens of minutes ago, and he was also speaking now.

[I’m really looking forward to today’s duel. It would be disappointing if my love rival ran away. To win back the heart of my beloved Rias, I have to burn him in front of Rias until no ashes are left, right? Um? 】

Listening to the words coming from the crystal ball, Rias’s expression became visibly uncomfortable!

If she could, she really wanted to refute it, but unfortunately she couldn’t. The only one who could talk directly to Risel was Gurefia as the referee, and the others could only accept the spam and nonsense from him unilaterally. bombing.

To put it bluntly, this was torture. If it weren’t for the fact that the people present were either nobles or had good patience, they would have been unable to help but curse each other in the void.


Time passed like this with Risel’s nonsense and provocations from time to time, and the six-minute countdown was getting closer and closer.

And Rias’s eyes and expression became more and more anxious.

“Ten seconds until the game starts.”

Gulefia almost issued an ultimatum. When the ten-second countdown ends, the game will begin. If Exia does not come back five minutes after the start of the game——


Suddenly, a magic circle suddenly appeared on the floor of the activity room. When they saw this magic circle, the demons in the room showed some surprise expressions.

Because this is the magic circle of fallen angels.

At this time, fallen angels invaded Kuou Academy! ? And it was done in such a high-profile way through a magic circle! ?

Rias and Shitori Sona subconsciously wanted to prepare their family members to attack, and Gurefia was also staring at the magic circle, ready to take action at any time.

But the next moment——

“You should have caught up, right?”

Along with such a voice, a figure appeared from the magic circle.

The white hair is slightly longer, and the blue eyes have become darker for some reason——


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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