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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 79


Rias couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Exia actually walked out of the fallen angel’s magic circle? Does this mean that he has been with the fallen angels before this? Was it also a fallen angel who sent him here?

(When did he come into contact with fallen angels?)


“This way, all the contestants will be here.”

Just when Rias was about to ask something else, Gulefia’s plain voice interrupted her: “You came back in time, Lord Axia, if you are five minutes slower, the game will be automatic.” Russel Phoenix wins.”

“Sorry, I’m having some trouble with my practice. I was asleep until a few minutes ago.” Alexia smiled, “But it’ll be okay if we catch up, right?”

“Yes. Then, I will teleport you to the competition venue. The detailed rules will be explained to you after that. In addition, if possible, please hand over the device that you used to communicate with Mr. Apokalis. I.”

Personal terminal?

Alexia frowned: “What do you want that for?”

“It is Lord Sirzechs’ proposal. He believes that this duel is a good opportunity for further communication and understanding between the two worlds, so I hope that Sir Apokalis can watch it through a remote call.” Gurefia Explained, “Of course, we assure you that we will not perform any operations on your equipment. The only person who can see Lord Apokalis is Lord Sirzechs. This is the contract.”

Gurefia snapped her fingers, and a contract engraved with a certain bright red magic engraved appeared directly in front of Ixia’s eyes, and its content was just like what Gurefia said. The security and concealment of personal terminals are completely guaranteed, and there is no place that can be used for tampering.

“Wait a mininute.”

Alexia took out her personal terminal from her clothes and called Bianca as before.

[Beep~~~Beep~~~Beep~~~Hello? Alexia? What’s wrong? 】

The voice that sounded this time was indeed Bianca’s.

“Bianca, please get through to the Bishop. I have something related to him.”

[Oh, okay—Rita! 】

Bianca on the other side of the phone called Rita’s name directly, apparently planning to ask Rita to notify Otto, and very quickly, within ten seconds –

【Is there anything urgent? Alexia]

Otto’s voice came over.

“Your Majesty Bishop, this is actually…”

40. Pre-game trash talk

Destiny Headquarters.

Inside Otto’s private office.

After receiving a call from Alexia.

“Your Majesty, do you have any urgent tasks?”

Wearing combat uniforms, Bianca and Rita arrived one after another.

Otto smiled and said: “No, it’s not an urgent mission, but our friends in another world specially invited me to watch a unique drama remotely. I think it would be too wasteful if I only watch it by myself, so I I hope you two can watch it with me.”


Bianca and Rita looked at each other, then came behind Otto and looked at the scene displayed on the big screen in front of him.


At the same time, another world.

In a different space copied from Kuoh Academy.


With the emergence of a magic circle, Exia’s figure came into this different space in a burst of light.

He put his hands in his pockets and looked around. After checking the surrounding landmarks, Ixia roughly understood which area of ​​the school she was in.

“It’s a small playground near the gymnasium…I can’t see my opponent.”

There were only buildings and a lifeless sky in his field of vision, and there was no sign of Riser Phoenix, who was supposed to be Exia’s opponent.

In another area?

[Lady Alexia Kaslana has confirmed her arrival at the competition venue]

Suddenly, Gulefia’s voice sounded from above.

[I am the referee of this ranking game, Grafia Lucifergus. Next, I will explain the specific rules of this game to the two contestants. 】

[The content of this game is one-on-one duel]

[The stage of the duel is the entire Kuou Academy, no restrictions on means, no time restrictions, until I judge that one of the two parties cannot continue fighting]

A one-on-one unrestricted duel.

It’s really simple and easy to understand without too many rules. To be honest, Ixia had thought that the other party would deliberately set up a bunch of conditions that were beneficial to the other party, but it didn’t seem like that.

(I guess you think it’s not necessary to use such a small trick to deal with a mere human being, right?)

Even though they have fallen to the point where life would be difficult without humans, demons still look down on humans.

[Finally, let me explain to you that this ranking game will not be counted in the official competition record, but it will be broadcast live to all the demons. Please show your strength in front of all the demons to prove that you are Jimon. Qualifications of the son-in-law of the Li family]

[Then – the game begins]

Gurefia’s voice disappeared.

However, Alexia froze on the spot as if she didn’t understand.

“No…no no no, is there something wrong?”

Exia carefully recalled the last words that Gurefia just said – to prove her qualifications as the Gremory family’s son-in-law?

If he remembered correctly, the purpose of this ranking game should be to cancel the engagement between Rias and Rysel Phoenix, but if according to Gurefia, wouldn’t that mean that she became Ike? Are Thea and Rysel Phoenix competing for the chance to marry Rias?

He doesn’t want to marry Rias at all!

“Ms. Gulefia, did you tell me the wrong conditions? The key point is to terminate the engagement!”


no respond.

It seems that after the competition starts, the contestants will no longer be able to make any contact with the outside world. In this way——

(In short, you can only win the game first and then refuse to receive the prize? Speaking of which… Rias is probably a little surprised at this time, right?)

Rias didn’t want to accept the marriage arranged by her family. She wanted to have free love. However, the current situation only changed the fiancée from Risel to Alexia. There was no change in essence.

“Can you hear me? Alexia.”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Alexia’s ears, and a small magic circle also appeared in Alexia’s ears.

It was Sirzechs’ voice.

“This is the best result that can be obtained on the surface. After all, if we directly cancel the engagement, the Phoenix family will not be able to afford it in terms of face. Therefore, if the Sekiryuutei can win, then we can privately dissolve you and Li Yasi’s engagement—so you can understand it.”

“…If possible, I really hope you can stop beating around the bush like this.”

Alexia sighed slightly.

Just like the human world, the demon world also has this kind of intrigue and intrigue.

Breaking off the engagement directly would cause the two families to be at odds with each other, but if they were defeated by the [Sekiryuutei], then it would not be a break-up, but a robbery.

His fiancée was snatched away by one of the famous Ertian Dragons – this way the Phoenix family would not be too embarrassed. After all, the opponent was the Red Dragon Emperor, the holder of the God Destruction Gear. If it was the Red Dragon who was said to be able to kill even gods According to the Emperor, Phoenix did not lose unfairly.

The problem is that Exia will probably run into some trouble later.

But these are not things that need to be thought about now. After all, the enemy he needs to face has now come to him.

“Hey, are you the human who wants to steal Rias from me?”

The man who said this was a blond man who had his hands in his trouser pockets and looked like a delinquent gangster. He was wearing a red suit, but he didn’t wear a tie, and the shirt under the suit was casually open to his chest. Although his facial features were straight and handsome, there was a hint of ferocity in his expression.

Alexia frowned slightly: “Based on the current situation, let’s just say – are you Riser Phoenix? The third son of the Phoenix family?”

“That’s right. I am your Uncle Risel.”

This was the first time that Alexia met Risel, but after just one or two conversations, Alexia felt a little disgusted with him.

Fancy dress, rude words, plus the slutty behavior I heard about before.

(A playboy who is not doing his job properly and is brutal and unreasonable… is the type of person I hate.)

“Honestly, I don’t want to bully you, human.”


“Because this battle isn’t fair, right?” Risel laughed. “I am a demon, a pure-blooded demon, a bloodline of the noble Phoenix family, and a born noble. To kill a human, I can’t even join hands. No need to move.”

All humans are fragile, all humans are weak.

Risel has always thought so.

“So, why don’t you just kneel down and lick my shoes?”

Risel pointed to the high-end leather shoes on his feet.

“If you lick it clean, I will be merciful and kill you in a faster way. You don’t want to have your bones and muscles burned away bit by bit in the flames, right? I’m actually quite kind. .”

“…That’s it.” Alexia sighed slightly, “Then I’ll give you a suggestion – come over and lick my shoes clean, and I’ll let you die more comfortably. You don’t want to be trampled on the ground by me without dignity like a chicken, right?”

Almost identical in provocation and ridicule.

The corners of Risel’s eyes twitched a few times: “You’re really arrogant, human being.”

“I’m actually quite humble.”


What responded to Exia was a raging fire that suddenly hit like a volcano erupting!

Risel, take the lead!

41.That’s it?


Also known as phoenixes and phoenixes, they are a clan with immortal bodies. Their biggest feature is that they are almost impossible to kill. Even if they receive fatal injuries, they will recover quickly, including their physical strength.

However, in addition to immortality, Phoenix also has another great weapon.

That is [Flame].

Although it is not as powerful and invincible as the immortal body, and not as good as those demonic families who completely rely on flames as their inheritance, Phoenix’s flames are also ranked among the best in the underworld. Once burned by it, it will almost There’s bound to be a lot of damage!

Unless the other party is far stronger than Phoenix.

And if a human touches it, even just a little bit, it will be burned on the spot and no bones will be left.

“it’s over.”

Risel Phoenix put away the flames with a bored look on his face, glanced at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him that had not yet dissipated, and then turned around.

The blow he released just now turned the entire grove in front of the stadium into a sea of ​​fire. Exia, who was near the grove, had no chance of escaping. Humans are not that fast. speed.

And of course, it is impossible for human beings to survive this sea of ​​fire. Human beings do not have such powerful bodies and abilities.


Originally, Risel was going to sit in the gym and wait for Alexia to come to the door. After all, he was a noble pure-blooded demon. It was really embarrassing to take the initiative to find trouble for a human being, and he had no aristocratic demeanor at all.

The noble should show that he has everything under control, receive all the enemy’s attacks, and then defeat them easily.

This is the style of a noble, this is the powerful pure-blooded devil.

But he was really impatient to wait, and waited for more than 20 minutes before the game started. After it started, the opponent was still nowhere to be seen – he didn’t have time to waste on humans!

Ending this farce as soon as possible and hugging his beloved fiancée as soon as possible is what he wants to do now.



At the moment when Risel turned around and prepared to wait for the teleportation magic circle to take him away, such a low voice suddenly sounded from the sea of ​​​​fire!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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