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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 80




It should be said that it was an artillery attack.

A beam of red light cannon suddenly tore through the sea of ​​fire! After forcibly extinguishing the blazing phoenix’s flames with the purest wind pressure, it quickly passed by Risel’s ears while maintaining the momentum that penetrated everything!


The gymnasium was shot through instantly!

The circular gap starts at the entrance and penetrates the entire stadium.


A little fire burned in my ears.

This is a symbol of the activation of Phoenix’s immortal body. Although it seems to have passed by Risel’s ear, it should still have hurt him a little, right?

But that’s not the point. The point is – where did this attack come from?

Risel turned around stiffly and looked at a charred grove. Just as he expected, all the trees, lawns and bushes had been burned to ashes, leaving only charred tree trunks and charred ground. .

However, there was an unexpected figure standing there.

“What’s wrong?”

Alexia, who was completely unscathed, stood in the same position as before, staring at Rysel Phoenix with a calm expression.

Why is he still alive? Did he survive Phoenix’s flames?

No, compared to this…

“The thing in your hand is…an artifact?”

“Ah, you mean this?”

Ixia raised her left hand. The left hand that usually had nothing on it was now covered by a ferocious red cage hand. The cage hand was inlaid with green gems. From a distance, it looked like the claws of a giant dragon. .

“The Divine Killing Gear, [Sekiryuutei’s Boostedgear]—so you should understand, right?”


The expression on Risel’s face froze in an instant.

At this moment, the countless demons watching this duel in the underworld almost had similar reactions.

The God-killing Gear is an extraordinary artifact that is said to be able to kill even gods even if it lasts only a moment—how could such a thing actually appear in this situation? ! And it happened to be [Sekiryuutei’s Cage Hand]? !

The evil name of Sekiryuutei is known to the whole world.

In the past, the Sekiryuutei and his old enemy the White Dragon Emperor, as well as the host they chose, were all the most troubled children in the world! And once the two boarders meet, they will definitely start a red and white battle!

Countless mountains and islands have disappeared due to the battle between the two dragons, and even the terrain will change as a result!

“Are you the Sekiryuutei of this generation?”

“It’s only been a little over a month, and it’s only been today that I’ve been able to use it.”

The battle between Exia and [Exia] really ended three hours ago.

After being ravaged by his other self countless times, and experiencing the gap in power control between himself and him countless times, Exia finally managed to defeat the opponent three times.

No, it can’t be said that he was defeated, but he was hit three times with attacks that met his satisfaction. He was still far from being defeated. In his own words, there was at least a seven-year gap between Exia and him. .

In return for fulfilling his request, [Exia] allowed Exia to use the power of the Sekiryuutei, although her face was still full of reluctance at the time.


A notification sound came from the green jade, and the ten-second doubling was activated again. Alexia could clearly feel that her power had been increased explosively!

“Go ahead, Rysel Phoenix.”

Ixia held her left hand emptyly, and a crimson ball of light condensed and formed between the sharp claws.

“Don’t tell me that the blow just now was your full strength. I also want to use you to confirm what kind of strength I have now.”

“You… stop being so arrogant————————!!!!!”

Like a detonated explosive barrel, Riser Phoenix instantly fell into an uncontrollable rage!

Contempt, there was only contempt in Alexia’s words just now!

From the bottom of his heart, he didn’t take himself seriously, and he didn’t regard himself as his enemy or opponent at all! ——Risel can understand this meaning from his words!

What a joke!

Just a human, just a human… So what if it’s the Sekiryuutei! He is still just a human after all! What’s more, he said he could only use the artifact today? Doesn’t that mean that he is still a complete novice!

“Don’t think that with the God-killing Gear, you can be unscrupulous! Humans!”

Spreading out his huge wings of fire, Rysel Phoenix flew high into the air!

“The flames of our Phoenix clan are called Phoenix and Phoenix! Feel it firsthand, and then be reduced to ashes in it!”

The fire of the Phoenix burned with the most violent momentum!

The magic power and heat it erupted enveloped the entire Kuou Academy, and there was no need to bear it. Just by observing it from a distance, one could understand that the power of this attack was indeed huge.

With his wings vibrating and his whole body covered in flames, Risel seemed to have truly turned into a phoenix, swooping down towards Exia at great speed!


The fire storm burst out in the next second! The vibration, like a meteorite impact, almost made the entire academy tremble!

There was no way a human could survive this blow.

Almost all the demons watching the battle thought this way. Even the Sekiryuutei, if he had mastered the artifact today, would never be able to withstand this blow!

However, spectators and contestants experience different things.

Compared with the spectators who cannot see everything, Risel, as a contestant, may be the one with the most uneasy mood among all the demons.


Red light bursts out like a fierce wind,

The blazing fire of the Phoenix was directly crushed and extinguished in the light!

Firmly squeezing Risel’s fist that was attacking her, Exia pulled it aside, and then——


Fly up with one kick!

Risel’s body was immediately kicked and slammed into the gymnasium wall!

After flexing her left hand, Ixia waved her index finger at Risel: “Come on, continue. I will also take the next blow.”

“That’s not the case with Phoenix, right?”

“The noble pure-blooded devil?”

42. Mental shock

Regarding how to defeat Phoenix, Exia has been told the method in these three days.

The first is to defeat Phoenix with absolute strength, as Azazel told him, or to use sacred objects such as holy water and crosses to cause mental and physical damage to Phoenix.

The former cannot be done by Alexia for the time being, while the latter requires the power of the Sekiryuutei. This is also the reason why Alexia will meet or even fight with her other self.

But during that time when she was beating herself up, Exia was told another method.

There is no need for holy water, no need for a cross, just relying on Exia’s current power can beat Phoenix to a mental breakdown.

[Defend all his attacks and that’s it! 】

This was a suggestion that [Exia] made casually after knocking Exia to the ground countless times.

Phoenix is ​​indeed very strong, whether it is immortality or fire, but just like Exia, as a user of power and abilities, Risel Phoenix himself is not strong and has not explored his power to the extreme.

Same situation as Exia.

Therefore, if we block all his attacks, give him a strong impression of “I can never defeat him”, and at the same time use words to put mental pressure on him, then there is no need for Alexia to take action, and Risel Phoenix will Will collapse itself.

The third young master of an aristocratic family is just rubbish who has become arrogant on his own strength. To expect his mental strength and willpower to be firm and strong enough, it is better to expect that a grass chicken can kill the dragon.

[The situation is pretty much what we expected, partner]

Ddraig’s voice sounded in Exia’s mind.

Although this was only their first meeting, through what she had learned from Rias and Shitori Sona before, and what she had learned directly from Risel face to face, Exia had already roughly grasped Risel. Your character and abilities.

(I can suppress him stably, and it is not difficult to block attacks – combine proactive attack with defense. I don’t know how long I will fight if I keep defending.)

[Leave it to you to judge, I am only responsible for giving you strength]


Looking at Risel, who was standing not far away with an increasingly grim look on his face, Ixia provoked: “What’s wrong? Why don’t you call me over? Have you used all your means?”


Risel gritted his teeth, and the flame wings behind him flapped hard and flew into the sky!

“Don’t be too arrogant, Sekiryuutei. Being able to block my attack is indeed worthy of praise, but no matter what kind of power you have, you are only human after all! If you can’t fly, just taste the rain of fire on the ground! “

Along with Risel’s roar, the flame wings extended several meters in one breath, and then countless fireballs shot out and fell crazily from the wings! Just like what he said himself, a dense rainstorm of flames spread all over the place in an instant, bringing the entire place where Ixia was within the scope of the bombing!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

The explosions continued in the next second, and the fireballs that hit the ground caused scalding heat waves and flames. It was like the minefields buried underground were detonated. The continuous firelight and explosions swallowed up the whole place for a while. block area!

Risel didn’t even think about targeting Exia. With such a huge number, he could blast Exia into charcoal without even taking aim.

“What’s wrong! Keep shouting! Sekiryuutei!”

As if he had concluded that he had a chance to win, Risel once again put on that proud and complacent look on his face: “Without the power of the Sekiryuutei, you are nothing! Even the Sekiryuutei cannot fly. You can’t do anything! You’re no different than a reptile—”


A deep voice suddenly interrupted Risel’s heroic words.

Still alive?

Sekiryuutei is still alive?

(No, it’s impossible. How could he still be alive in the face of my attack? It’s impossible for humans to escape, and it’s impossible to defend against it!)


Another ten seconds passed.

The corners of Risel’s mouth twitched a few times, and he suddenly raised his hands above his head. A large amount of flames gathered between his hands in an instant. Then, as if to give Exia a definite fatal blow, Risel used all his strength to put the gun in his hand. The super large flame was thrown down!

At first glance, it gives people the impression of a small meteorite falling.

The overwhelming pressure and heat even dispersed the smoke and sea of ​​fire splashed by the previous heavy rain of flames, revealing the figure of Ixia who was still standing unscathed!

(Even with the kind of attack power just now, he was still unscathed?!)

Risel’s eyes trembled – is this guy immortal?

(No, but there is absolutely no way you can block this blow, right? This is the flame I condensed with all my strength, my greatest strength! There is absolutely no way you, a human, can block it! Turn me into ashes!)

Using his full strength against humans was simply a shame for a pure-blooded devil. Risel could already imagine how he would be taught a lesson by his family elders when he returned this time.

On the ground, looking up at the huge flames falling from the sky, under the gaze of all the spectators, Exia just raised her left hand nonchalantly and took the initiative to meet it.



Like a balloon punctured by something sharp! The moment the huge flame thrown by Risel was touched by Ixia’s finger, it was crushed to pieces by a hard blow!


The expression on Risel’s face froze.

Loosening her five fingers and letting the sparks remaining in her palms disperse, Ixia recollected the touch just now, then raised her head to look at Risel.

“Was that your full strength just now?”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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