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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 81

“If so, then I’m sorry, it’ll be me next – it’s a waste of time for you to continue.”

The moment the words fell, Alexia’s figure disappeared directly from Risel’s sight!

(Space transfer!? No, no, there is no magic reaction and the shadow of the magic circle, he doesn’t even have magic power at all!)

“what’s on your mind?”

A cold voice sounded from behind, and a hand was placed on Risel’s shoulder so abruptly that it almost frightened him so much that his heart stopped for a moment!

The next moment, Alexia, who had arrived behind Risel at some point, grabbed the wings of flame, and then landed a punch on Risel’s back with all her strength!


The phoenix flying in the sky had its wings broken on the spot! It was blasted into the ground like a cannonball!

43. What do you want to do to my friends and family?

Risel was now filled with surprise and disbelief.

“How is this possible…how is this possible?”

A human could actually block his greatest firepower with one hand? And it was pinched from the front? !

How could humans have this level of power!

And when did he come behind me just now? Could it be flying? Or is it space movement? At first, Russell clearly didn’t feel any magic power, and there was no shadow at all in the magic circle?

Is it possible…

“Did you… just rely on your physical ability to jump up?”


Falling from the sky, it made a small dent on the ground. Ixia pointed to the sky: “I just jumped above your field of vision, then turned around and fell behind you. ——If it were another person, I would probably come directly behind you, but I can’t do it yet, so I can only make a big detour like this.”

Exia didn’t learn how to use [Exia’s] super-fast movement after watching it for two days. When asked how to use it, he didn’t tell him, as if he wanted Exia to study it on his own.

But if you think about it carefully, you can probably understand it – Alexia was rushing to knock him down and wanted to use the power of the Sekiryuutei that he resisted. It was good that [Exia] finally let go. Now, you want him to teach Ixia?


“But to be honest, I was a little surprised myself. Originally I just wanted to jump in front of you, but with four times the strength, I still couldn’t control myself very well.”

Four times.

This was Exia’s previous physical ability. The Sekiryuutei’s cage hand had activated the effect twice just now, but with the blow that hit Risel just now, the multiplication effect had disappeared.

Once the Sekiryuutei’s power is released or the duration is full, it will return to zero and needs to be accumulated again. With Exia’s proficiency in using artifacts, the multiplication state can be maintained for about one minute.

Anyway, I only used it for a few hours.


Ten seconds passed again, and Exia’s power returned to twice the state.

“By the way, you should have recovered by now, right?”

Alexia asked.

“When you’ve recovered, stand up and let’s continue. The game isn’t over yet.”

“Wait, wait a minute! Just wait a minute!”

Risel got up from the ground on his hands and knees. Now his face and eyes no longer had the ease and pride that he had at the beginning. His attacks were completely unable to hurt Aixia, and Aixia’s attack just now was completely gone. With one blow, Risel actually suffered fatal damage!

If he wasn’t Phoenix, he’d be dead by now!

“Think carefully about Sekiryuutei! Do you know how important this engagement is! This is a major event involving the continuation of the demon race! If it is cancelled, the number of pure-blooded demons will–“

“You can figure it out yourself.”

Alexia simply threw the question back.

“I am a human being. Whether you pure-blood demons will live or die in the end, whether you will be completely extinct or linger on, is none of my business. That is something you need to consider.”

“I’m standing here now purely because Rias doesn’t want to marry you, so I’m helping her – I haven’t considered anything else.”

[Exia] There is a saying that is right.

——This world has nothing to do with Exia.

He is just an outsider, and he can do anything in this world without worrying about the subsequent consequences, because no matter what the impact is, he only needs to leave this world in the end, and it will not affect him at all.

Therefore, whatever she wants to do with this world and what she wants to do in this world, it all depends on her own preferences.

If he wants to do it, then do it. If he doesn’t want to do it, then he won’t do it.

No one can control him, the only one who can control him is himself, or someone who can knock him down and subdue him.

And obviously, Risel can’t subdue him now and can’t stop what he does.


“Are you done talking nonsense? When you’re done, stand up and continue.”

“You…you will regret it, Sekiryuutei!” Risel shouted through gritted teeth, “Your behavior is a humiliation to all pure-blooded demons! Don’t think that the Sekiryuutei is invincible! You Trying to cut off the continuation of the devil! You will get the revenge you deserve!”

“Perhaps it is true that you cannot be killed, but your family, your friends, and your lover will all become targets of revenge because of you! Making a life worse than death is not only a way to torture him!”

“…Are you an idiot?”

Alexia was a little speechless: “I really want to ask, what right do you have to speak for all pure-blood demons? Are you the full agent of pure-blood demons? The pure-blood demons conducted a collective vote and decided Have you elected him as the pure-blooded devil representative?”

“Obviously, you are not. You are just the third young master of the Phoenix family. You are an ordinary pure-blooded demon who does not even have the right to inherit the family. Ordinary people among pure-blooded demons do not have such great rights.”

In fact, this is indeed the case. If he wants to argue with Exia, Risel is still very early. The loopholes in his words can be caught by Exia in minutes.

After all, he was trained by Bishop Otto.


“However, there is another point in what you just said that concerns me.”

Arriving in front of Risel, Exia looked down at him who was slumped on the ground: “What did you just say you wanted to do to my family and friends?”

Because he didn’t have a lover yet, Alexia automatically skipped it. However, for his family and friends, Alexia was not prepared to skip it. Even if his family is not in this world now, there are still people in this world. his friends.

Therefore, Axia will not turn a deaf ear to Risel’s words.


Feeling of oppression.

You can feel a strong sense of oppression.

Risel looked up at the Sekiryuutei in front of him – he could really feel the strong sense of oppression released from him!

It was as if a half-asleep ferocious beast was stimulated by his words and became seriously hostile to him!



The fourth time.

After four times of doubling, Ixia’s power is now equal to sixteen times her own under normal conditions!

“Speaking of which, you let me see your full strength, right?” Ixia took a few steps back, “I think that for both sides of the battle, if one side tries its best, then the other side must also try its best. Just do your best.”

“Even if it’s only for a moment, it must be based on enough respect for the other party, so——”

Alexia raised her hand—not her left hand, but her right hand—and put it behind her back, grasping the air as if she were holding something, and then pulled it out from behind her like a sword from its sheath. A huge ice sword almost as tall as the others!

“I will also let you see my full strength now. As [revenge] for your evil thoughts against my family and friends just now!”


The ice-blue giant sword bloomed with an incomparably shining light!

44. Messiah·Kaslana, Sword of Oath to Salvation

“Hey, do you know the name of this move?”

In terms of time, it was last night.

During the battle between Exia and [Exia], after another duel between Frost Shock, [Exia] asked suddenly.


Alexia frowned.

“Does this move have a name? Isn’t it just about releasing power?”

“…You are really an idiot.” [Exia] put the sword on her shoulder, “Names are very important. Once a thing has a name, it will have a certain Strength, and existence itself will be more solid and concrete.”

For example, when people think of the word “fruit”, they will naturally think of various fruits, including apples. And if people think of [Apple] directly, they will only think of apples.

The same goes for moves.

If [name] is not used to fix it, no matter how powerful the move is, it will feel a little empty and give people a very casual feeling. But with [name], the move will be more powerful and the power will be more concentrated.

Because there is no longer a need to use a move from scratch. After mastering the method and determining the name, as soon as the name is mentioned, the body will naturally use that move.

“Why do you think I scatter your attacks every time? There is a huge gap between you and me in terms of the completion of moves.”

“Keep it in mind, Alexia. Although I thought of it myself, the name of this move is——”



In Kuoh Academy, the ice blue light filled the entire ice sword, making it more solid than ever before! It was as if the soft light was fixed in a certain shape.

Everything Risel could feel changed at this moment.

It is no longer a pure sense of oppression, but a further level of [fear]!

This blow was even more terrifying than the one that knocked him to the brink of death just now!

“Wait! Wait wait! Don’t do it! I withdraw what I just said! I apologize to you! I shouldn’t have done anything to your family and friends!”

Completely panicked.

Phoenix will indeed not die, but that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Minor injuries don’t matter, but the pain of a fatal injury is something that Risel and I don’t want to bear at all! He had already endured it once, and he didn’t want to endure it a second time in a short period of time!

Not to mention the full power of Exia who is now thirty-two times more powerful! Even Phoenix has this power——

“I think–“

“Crush it…”

Just like the final blow to pronounce the criminal law, accompanied by Ixia’s voice, the giant sword of ice suddenly slashed down!

The shining light accumulated on the sword instantly turned into a blizzard and rushed out!


The earth-shaking roar resounded throughout the alien space! All the demons watching the broadcast suddenly felt the scene tremble violently!

This was not because there was a problem with the equipment they held, but simply because the entire alien space shook and vibrated extremely violently under Exia’s blow!

Three days ago, Ixia’s strength was that of a superior demon. The biggest difference between him now and himself three days ago was not that the power itself had changed, but that it was his mastery of power.

In the past, as [Exia] said, he could only exert 50% of his power, and at most 80%, but now, he can stably exert 70% of his power. , coupled with the thirty-two times strength enhancement brought by the Sekiryuutei’s cage——


Wherever the blizzard reached, an iceberg tens of meters high suddenly rose from the ground! The entire space from the front of Exia to the boundary of the different space—about two-thirds of the different space—is frozen in it!



The iceberg breaks! Crystal clear ice crystals are falling from the sky like snow!

The figure of Risel, who was completely frozen, turned into dozens of burning flames under the reflection of countless diamond stardust, and slowly slid down from his original body like an ice sculpture.

“——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]”

The second half of Alexia’s words sounded slowly.

[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)].

[Exia] told Exia the [name] of the blow that froze everything and then shattered everything.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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