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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 82

At the same time, a small amount of fragments fell from the sleeve of his right hand, as if something he was carrying was broken.

But no one noticed this, because all the demons, including the Demon King, were stunned by the blow delivered by Exia.

Dispersing the ice sword in her hand, Exia looked up at the sky: “It’s over, Ms. Gurefia, and all the demons watching this game.”

Yes, it’s over, anyone would think so, because Risel Phoenix no longer has any strength to fight again. Even if he fully recovers, he will be as helpless in front of Exia as before. Fight back!


As soon as he finished speaking, a magic circle, no… two magic circles appeared in front of Exia. One of them was the magic circle of the Gremory family, and the one who walked out of it was Gulefia. figure, and the other——

“elder brother!”

A blond girl rushed out of the magic circle in great panic, flapped her flame wings similar to Risel’s and pounced on her brother. She anxiously put his scattered body back together piece by piece.

It is true that the phoenix has an immortal body, but if the body is broken like this, if it is not put together quickly, it will definitely be seriously injured that cannot be healed for the rest of its life!

Alexia frowned slightly as she watched her actions: “She is…”

“Ms. Risel Phoenix’s younger sister, Miss Revel Phoenix.” Gurefia introduced, then louder her voice, “So… everyone, the winner of this ranking game has been decided. As this time The referee, I declare the winner to be [Sekiryuutei] – Alexia Kaslana.”


——Axia Kaslana.

Regardless of whether Ixia has this intention or not, from today on, his name will undoubtedly spread throughout the underworld. Anyone who has watched such a game will definitely remember this name in their hearts.

45. Settlement of accounts after the fall

Exia will win.

Although Sirzechs had thought about this possibility, he never expected that it would end in such a situation.

As a pure-blood demon and a member of the Phoenix family, Risel is definitely not weak in strength. He can win several victories in ranked games and become a dazzling new star among the new generation of demons, which has already proven his strength.

However, Exia’s power is still above him.

“The Sekiryuutei, Welshdragon, really lives in the body of an incredible person, Lord Apokalis.”

[Hehehe, to be honest, we should be the most surprised by this result. 】

Next to Sirzechs, Otto, who appeared as a holographic image, sat on a chair with a look of surprise on his face.

Alexia will become stronger and stronger as she travels to different worlds again and again.

Otto confirmed this during his first trip to another world, but he believed that this should be a gradual process, at least there should not be an excessive explosive improvement.

However, now, Otto really needs to re-evaluate the value of the divine annihilation device called [Sekiryuutei’s Cage] – it will be the ultimate weapon that can reverse any desperate situation and despair!

It is multiplied once every ten seconds and the power can be transferred to other things.

If this ability can be applied to the research of Honkai weapons and the battle against Honkai, then it is almost certain that where Exia is, Honkai will no longer be a threat, and even only need to give him enough Time, I’m afraid even the Herrscher won’t be a threat.

[Regarding the matter of Sekiryuutei, could you please explain it to me in more detail later? Lord Sirzechs]

“Of course it’s no problem. I want to communicate with Exia later. Let’s talk about it then.” Sirzechs said with a smile, “So, how about this call ends here? I have to deal with it next. Let’s talk about the follow-up matters of this competition.”

The explanation to the Phoenix family, the condolences for Rysel Phoenix’s injury, the handling of the impact caused by Exia… one thing ended, but more things happened soon after.

[Okay, I’m looking forward to our next meeting]

After saying this, Otto hung up the call on his own initiative.

Standing up from the chair and coming to the window, Sirzechs looked out the window at the vast underworld: “A person from another world, the Sekiryuutei… has already shown such power just by joining hands for the first time, giving the devil It has brought such a huge influence and impact, if he continues to grow, he should become a personal force that can influence the world structure.”

“Then – vanishingdragon, White Dragon Emperor, I’m afraid it’s almost time for the two of them to meet.”

The Sekiryuutei and the White Dragon Emperor are the two major mobile demolition agencies that have caused headaches to mythical forces around the world. Since this generation of Sekiryuutei already possesses such powerful power, what about the White Dragon Emperor?

When the two meet, what changes will the fateful battle between the two dragons bring to the world?

“It might start a storm.”

Sirzechs laughed.


Kuoh Academy, Paranormal Research Department.


Along with the emergence of a magic circle, Alexia’s figure appeared in the activity department room.

Rias was the first to welcome him: “Welcome back, Alexia.”

“Oh, I’m back.”

“…It’s really a dull reaction.”

Seeing Alexia’s expression without any change, Rias seemed helpless and didn’t know what to think. She could only laugh twice and said, “Thank you for your hard work this time. You did it for me.” This kind of thing happened.”

“It’s not a big deal. Anyway, I also got some benefits from this matter.”

He has further understood his own power and has initially mastered the power of the Sekiryuutei – these two things alone have made Exia quite satisfied. For him, the focus of this matter is actually to be with his other self. of confrontation.

The battle with Risel was more like an experiment to confirm his current strength.

“By the way, Rias, you won’t have to marry Risel, right?”

“Well, that’s true…” Rias nodded slightly.

Risel lost the duel with Exia, and according to the rules mentioned by Grafia at the beginning of the ranking game, Rias’s fiancée has now been changed to Exia, and she will only need Exia from now on. Go negotiate with the Gremory family and the engagement can be completely broken off.

Sirzechs promised him this.

However, they said they were going to negotiate with the Gremory family, but in Exia’s view, as long as she and Rias both expressed their intention to refuse the marriage, the engagement would be completely broken.

“That’s great, Rias.” Shitori Sona said with a smile, “Congratulations, you no longer have to worry about being troubled by your engagement.”

“Thank you, Sona.”

Rias’s expression has obviously relaxed now. She has been worrying about her engagement before, but now she doesn’t have to do so. From now on, she can fall in love freely and be with the person she likes in the future. get married.

Seeing their master’s expression, the Gremory family members also breathed a sigh of relief, and Aisha and Shinra Tsubaki also looked much more relaxed.


Suddenly, another Gremory magic circle appeared on the floor, and Grafia’s figure appeared from it. She bowed slightly to several people and then looked at Exia and Rias.

“Lord Axia, Rias. The head of the family and Lord Sirzechs hope that the two of you can go to the underworld now to discuss the marriage contract between the two of you. In addition, this is your communication equipment. I hope it is not damaged. , please check.”

As she spoke, Grafia returned the personal terminal to Exia, checked her commonly used functions as usual, and after several anti-virus attempts, Exia put it away: “Well, it’s okay – let’s talk about going to the underworld. ?Now?”

“Yes. Apart from Rias, the master of the house really wants to see you.”

The master?

You mean Rias’ father, right? The current head of the Gremory family.

“In addition, regarding your previous appearance through the fallen angel’s magic circle, we also hope that you can explain it later.” Grafia added.

When she said this, Rias and others also remembered – Exia had just used the fallen angel’s magic circle to come here!

Looking at the suddenly nervous eyes on her in the room, Ixia shrugged: “Okay, I understand. Please lead the way, Ms. Grafia.”

46. ​​The Pawasan who doesn’t want to get married


The Gremory family.

After arriving here through the teleportation magic circle, the first feeling Alexia felt was [big]!

It’s more like a huge damn castle than a home. The ceiling of the corridor is ridiculously high. I feel like I can’t see the top or the end at a glance – of course, it’s almost the same in reality.

“It’s really big enough.”

“Really? I’m used to it.” Rias smiled, “Compared to the Gremory family’s territory, my family is nothing.”

“Does the Gremory family have a large territory?”

“The area is roughly equivalent to Japan’s Honshu Island.”

If there was a table here, Exia would have probably bumped into it.

The territory of a pure-blood demon family is as big as Japan’s Honshu Island?

“Ms. Rias…your family…”

“I know what you want to say, but that’s the truth.” Rias gave Alexia some knowledge. “The underworld has only land and no ocean. Although there are fallen angels living in addition to us demons, due to the large number The differences are basically the territory of the devil.”

The territory of the fallen angels – the watchers of the Son of God.

Less than an hour ago, Exia was still there. It was said to be territory, but it was actually a research institute.

“And the number of demons is also very small, at least compared to the underworld, so in order to prevent the underworld from having abandoned land as much as possible, each family has been assigned a large territory – having said that, But there are still a lot of idle wastelands.”

Various businesses in the underworld are underdeveloped. Although it has power beyond ordinary people and technology has indeed developed to a certain extent, food problems still exist, and a large amount of land has not been developed…

As said many times before, the devil still has not recovered from the long war, not only the population, but also the social conditions and living environment.

Listening to Rias’s words, Alexia thought about it for a while, but finally put away the knowledge about agriculture that came to her mind.

The underworld is different from his original world, and the theories there should not be of use. What’s more, there is also the human world here. At least on the surface, the development of the human world in the two worlds is similar, and There is no need for Exia to do anything extra.

“So, where are we going to meet Ms. Rias’s father? Ms. Grafia.” Exia asked Grafia who was walking in front.

“We’ve arrived.”

Stopping in front of a large door, Grafia opened it for the two of them. After following Rias and walking in, Exia immediately saw Sirzechs sitting at a table in the room, but he looked dusty, as if he had just arrived.

Then, sitting next to him was a young man who looked somewhat similar to him and had the same bright red hair, but he looked older than Sirzechs – he should be his and Rias’s father. ?

Seeing the two people coming, Sirzechs immediately waved: “Here, Ixia, Rias. Take a seat – Father, let me introduce to you, this boy defeated Risel this time. Alexia Kaslana, the contemporary Sekiryuutei.”

“I watched that game, Sirzechs. I’m not so forgetful that I forgot about it after ten minutes.”

The head of Gremory said with a smile, his tone of voice was quite casual, he didn’t give off an aristocratic temperament at all, but more like a father who could be seen everywhere.

Under the guidance of Grayfiya, she sat down opposite Sirzechs. Exia nodded slightly to the two of them: “I am deeply honored to be invited to visit this time, but -“

“It doesn’t have to be like this, Ixia.” Sirzechs stretched out his hand to signal Ixia to stop, “Although the Gremory family is a noble, there are no nobles at this table now, there is only one family. Just be casual.”


Alexia’s brows twitched: “Uh… does it mean that I am now Ms. Rias’s fiancée?”

“That’s right.” The head of Gremory – Geoticus Gremory – affirmed, and then asked: “The main reason why I asked you to come here this time is for this aspect.”

(Is the engagement terminated?)

(It would be nice if the engagement could be terminated.)

Exia and Rias both thought of this.

However, what Geoticus said next was——

“Sekiryuutei, Exia Kaslana, when are you going to marry my Rias?”


Alexia felt that she might have heard wrong.

marry? Shouldn’t the engagement be called off?

Rias couldn’t help but ask: “Father, why did you mention marriage? You should also know that the current situation is-“

“Of course we know, Rias.” Sirzechs interrupted his sister, “Let me explain here – as you two know, after Exia defeated Risel, he has You have become Rias’s new betrothed, and this result is now publicly known to everyone, and we originally planned to void your engagement.”

Originally scheduled?

Exia and Rias both frowned.

“Does that mean you’ve changed your mind now?”

Sirzechs said sternly: “If you had not shown such great strength today, then we would not have changed our mind, but unfortunately, the power you showed in the battle with Risel exceeded all of our expectations. ——To put it bluntly, it is already equivalent to the power of the highest-level demon, and even approaches the power of the Demon King.”

Thirty-two times enhancement is the level of the highest level demon?

This surprised Exia. It seemed that there was a huge gap between the superior demon and the most superior demon.

“So, my power exceeding expectations is the reason for you to change your mind?”

“It can be said that from the perspective of the Demon King, I very much hope that as the Sekiryuutei, you can officially become a companion with us demons.” Sirzechs extended his hand to Exia, “If possible, can you Will you please officially become Rias’s fiancée? Sekiryuutei.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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