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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 83

These words were not spoken to Exia, but to the Sekiryuutei.

Sirzechs made it very clear that the underworld was aware of Exia’s power and considered him a worthy target, so it wanted to keep him in the underworld through the Gremory family.

Of course, Ixia could also hear that Sirzechs himself probably didn’t mean this, after all, he said it himself [if possible].

“It’s really scary that demons can think so highly of me, a human being. But unfortunately, I have no thoughts of marrying Ms. Rias at the moment, and I won’t have any in the future. I’m very sorry.”

Alexia answered without even thinking for a second.

He has no feelings of love for Rias, even though she is indeed a beauty, but rather than seeing her as a love or marriage partner, Alexia sees her more as a friend and a partner.

At any time, he would rather delve more into his own power. He has just mastered the power of the Sekiryuutei, and there is still room for improvement.

“Yeah, that’s really a pity.”

Sirzechs said this without any regret at all: “Does Rias have the same opinion?”

“Yes – I finally settled an engagement. If my father and brother arrange an engagement for me without permission, then I really have to consider whether to run away from home.” Rias said half-jokingly, letting Sirzechs and Geoticus both had wry smiles on their faces.

It’s a good thing that my daughter has such independence, but it would be really bad if it caused unhappiness in the family.

Geotyx said: “Well, since neither of you want to get married, the engagement between the two of you will be terminated, and notices will be issued to the families in the underworld.”

“Thank you both very much for your understanding.”

“It doesn’t matter, we were a little anxious to begin with. After all, we have seen that kind of hell before…” Geoticus sighed, “Then let’s talk about the next thing – Grafia has already and We have all told you that you came back through the fallen angel’s magic circle before, right? Sekiryuutei.”


“Are you related to the fallen angels?”

“To be precise, I just met a few days ago – the other person is the governor of the Son of God Watcher, the twelve-winged fallen angel, Azazel. At present, like Ms. Rias, he is also my cooperation partner.”

Alexia did not hide anything and directly told the truth.

47. Sudden resonance

“——So, you kid just turned me in like this?”

Kuoh Town, in Azazel’s apartment.

Seeing Alexia coming back to his side, Azazel held his forehead helplessly: “Can’t you hide it for me?”

“You were the one who used the fallen angel’s magic circle to send me directly there. You can’t hide it.”

Alexia explained.

It was already half an hour after he returned from Gremory’s house.

After Sirzechs and others confessed their cooperative relationship with Azazel and emphasized that he was able to awaken the artifact with the help of Azazel, Sirzechs did not ask too many questions.

After all, according to this statement, Azazel was also the one who indirectly helped his sister. No matter how bad the relationship between the devil and the fallen angel was, they could not cause trouble with Azazel this time.

So, after chatting for a while about other things, Exia and Rias were sent back to the human world.

By the way, before leaving, Sirzechs also gave Aixia a document bag. It seemed to be some information that he had agreed with Bishop Otto to provide. Ikesia was ready to pass it to Bishop Otto before going to bed. .

“Tsk, can’t you stop saying it’s me? I want to fish here for a while longer.”

Listening to Alexia’s explanation, Azazel glared at him angrily: “But you said it, there’s nothing I can do… At worst, when I’m called to the door later, I’ll just Let’s put that plan on the table.”

“That plan? What plan?”

“It has nothing to do with you. People from other worlds should stay away from the affairs of our locals – and what next? Why did you come back to me? The power of the Sekiryuutei has also awakened. Is there anything else?”

Alexia nodded: “Do you still have the thing you gave me before?”

That thing.

Hearing what he said, Azazel quickly stood up from the sofa and held his right arm – there was no other touch except the touch of the arm.

“Where’s the stuff?”


“Broken -?! No…that’s the first trial work I worked overtime to make for you! I also expect you to help me collect data so that I can make an improved version later! You Broken it for me once?!”

The trial product – to put it more clearly, it was actually the fragments that fell out of Exia’s sleeves after he struck the final blow in the previous battle between Exia and Risel.

It turned out to be a prop developed by Azazel in the past two days, which can absorb a certain limit of designated energy.

Because Azazel told Exia from the beginning that he would help him find a way to solve the problem of Honkai energy contamination during the battle, so when Exia was fighting [Exia], he had nothing to do. He made a trial work that could recycle the Honkai energy released after the war and use it as a reserve energy.

Of course, there are limits. After all, it is just a trial work. Azazel never thought that he would be able to produce a finished product for Exia in one go. His idea was to collect Honkai energy through the trial work first, and then follow up. After analyzing the specific components of Honkai energy, add a conversion device to convert the Honkai energy into energy of other properties, or simply install a few routes directly connected to Exia, so that the collected Honkai energy can be Automatically flow back.

But he never expected that Alexia would dry it up after using it only once!

“What did you use it for? I remember you said you wouldn’t use that ability casually?”

“Originally I didn’t intend to use it, but the other person threatened to attack my family and friends, so I hit him seriously.”

“How serious?”

“With the thirty-two times enhancement of the Sekiryuutei added to the original full strength, Sirzechs said it was close to the Demon King’s attack.”

Seeing Alexia saying this calmly, Azazel wished he could just pick up the table and hit him on the head!

Power close to Demon King level?

How could the trial work withstand this level of force! If you can withstand the level of a high-level demon, that’s your limit, right?

“You really don’t know how to hold back… You didn’t move lightly or hard. If I had known, I wouldn’t have done it to you.” Azazel sat back on the sofa holding back his anger. “The new armband is gone. I will make some improvements before I can make a new one. I’ll give it to you next week – boy, let me tell you, you are not allowed to use that power in the multiplied state next time. You Such a pure prodigal!”

For Azazel and the Son of God monitor, it is not difficult to make a restraining armband for Exia, and it is no problem to strengthen and modify it in the future.

But if he broke one after just one use…it would be such a waste! That’s not a consumable item!

“I know, I will pay attention to it next time.” Alexia nodded and agreed, “By the way, if you can, please prepare five for me… No, preferably ten, in case it gets damaged. I can replace it with a new one right away——”


Resisting the urge to yell, Azazel directly picked up Alexia by the collar, walked to the entrance of the entrance like a chicken, and threw him out! Then he slammed the door hard!


Standing up from the ground and glancing at the closed door, Ixia patted the dust on her body: “If ten are not enough, actually two or three are enough.”

[You really don’t know how to restrain yourself, partner]

Ddraig’s voice sounded on his left hand.

【Do you like that armband very much? 】

“I just think it’s very practical. If I can bring a few more, I can exert stronger power, right? When I swung that sword before, there was no subsequent effect – how about I contact Otto later? bishop?”

If it were Bishop Otto, Ixia believed that he would definitely be able to provide similar equipment, and maybe even one that could be used permanently.

Thirty-two times the power of [Messiah Kaslana] – a blow that is close to the power of the Demon King. Exia does not want this move to become a restricted move that can only be used casually in her own world.

[The greed and desire for power, from this point of view, you are really destined to me]

“After all, with more power, I can better protect what I want to protect, right?”

【Pure guy】

Ddraig laughed.

Among its previous hosts, Exia is perhaps the most special one. The previous Sekiryuutei were all addicted to power. They never thought about what to do after gaining power, but were just intoxicated with their own possessions. With his powerful power, he did whatever he wanted, and finally burned out in the battle between red and white.

To be honest, Ddraig is quite looking forward to what will happen after the current encounter between Exia and the White Dragon Emperor. If——


Just when Ddraig was thinking about this, an extremely familiar feeling suddenly came from the depths of his soul, as if something resonated with him.

This feeling was very familiar to it, it had felt it countless times before.

And at the same time——


Alexia’s left hand suddenly manifested the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand automatically – the sudden change made Alexia herself stunned for a moment.

The artifact…is automatically materialized?

48. The first encounter between red and white

The limitation of the artifact depends on the will of the owner.

Except for the initial awakening, the artifact only needs to appear once. After that, the artifact can appear or disappear at will based on the holder’s will – there will be no automatic manifestation.

But now, looking at the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand that suddenly appeared on her left hand, Alexia couldn’t help but feel doubtful.


[Sorry, partner, it seems this is a special situation]

Ddraig responded.

[No, for us, this situation will actually happen sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon]


The sound of footsteps came from the front stairs and became louder and louder. Someone must be walking towards the first floor.

And as the footsteps approached——



Alexia covered her left hand.

The Sekiryuutei’s caged hand was trembling. Although it might be strange to say this, Ixia felt as if she could understand the state of the artifact – it was resonating with something.


The last footsteps sounded, and a figure appeared at the stairs in front of Exia.

It was a man about the same height as Alexia, and his hair color was also white, but compared to Alexia’s pure white, the other man’s hair was silver-white. She is quite good-looking and is perfectly qualified to be a cover model for some magazines. Maybe she will be able to debut as an idol.

And just like Aikexia was looking at the other party, the other party’s eyes were immediately locked on Aikexia after reaching the first floor.


A wordless silence spread between the two of them for a moment.

Alexia looked at the other party seriously and seriously, while the other party looked at him with a relaxed and comfortable expression, full of confidence on his face.

“…….Who are you?”

After dozens of seconds of silence, and until his left hand got better, Exia asked.

The male smiled: “Who am I? Didn’t your left hand tell you?”

“Ddraig? Do you know him?”

[Half – he is white. So you’ll understand, right?]



“I understand quickly.” The man smiled, “Yes, I am the current White Dragon Emperor, and my name is Vali. It is really a joy to meet my destined enemy here for the first time. Sekiryuutei.”


In the sound of breaking through the air, a pair of white wings that seemed to have been carefully crafted suddenly appeared behind the man who called himself Vali. The wings shone like a light film in a faint blue, similar to the sacred light.


The Sekiryuutei’s cage hand, which had just calmed down, immediately trembled again, and at the same time, the wings behind Vali also trembled in exactly the same way!

Vali couldn’t help but laugh: “Resonance, it seems that the dragons in our bodies are all excited about the reunion with our old enemy, Sekiryuutei – although it is an unexpected arrangement, this seems good?”

“…I don’t think so.”

Alexia raised her left hand: “Please calm down, Ddraig.”

[I can’t help it, I’m used to reacting this way. Forgive me, partner – not to mention, if you have to say something, it was the white guy who started it, right? 】

[Is there any difference between us who takes the initiative first? Red】

The light wings behind Vali were actually the same as Alexia’s gauntlet, and a deep voice came from the same.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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