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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 84

A warlike look appeared on his face, and Vali looked a little eager to give it a try: “Did you hear it? Sekiryuutei, this is our relationship, isn’t it? Meeting means the beginning of the fateful battle between us.”

“Are you planning to start fighting here?” Alexia asked with a frown, “Regardless of how much damage a fight in the city will cause to the surrounding area, in my personal opinion, I don’t want to engage in unnecessary Fight.”

Alexia said as she forcibly put away her cage hand.

Seeing this, Vali couldn’t help but said in surprise: “Hey, hey, did you hear that? Albion, this time the Sekiryuutei thinks the fateful battle between us is an insignificant fight.”

【Um. It seems that you have chosen an inappropriate host, the red one]

[You are wrong, White. In my opinion, he is the best host I have ever encountered. Much more interesting than the militant you are now]

[You are provoking]

[No need to be polite to you, right? 】

“Hey, Ddraig!”

Alexia couldn’t help but pat her left hand. He didn’t want to fight Vali at all, but after Ddraig said this, judging from the way the two dragons got along just now, it’s not hard to imagine how the White Dragon Emperor would react.

“Hahaha, it’s really interesting.”

Wally’s laughter came through.

“In the eyes of Sekiryuu, I am weaker than you, Sekiryuutei. It’s been a long time since I’ve been looked down upon like this, Albion.”

【Are you ready to take action? Valley]

“Don’t tell me you’re going to stop me.”

【of course not】

In just a few words, Vali and White Dragon reached a united front, and a strong hostility suddenly surged out of Vali, directed at Exia!

[Get ready, partner, it’s coming]

“It’s not all your provocation!”

In response to Ddraig’s reminder, Exia curled her lips and reappeared the Sekiryuutei’s caged hand to take a stance.

It seems that this time I have to fight the guy in front of me.

Staring at Vali’s movements, Exia took a deep breath and quickly thought about the next strategy in her mind. If possible, he doesn’t want to fight here, so the first thing to do is to move the battlefield to an uninhabited place——

“Okay, okay! You two stop first!”

Suddenly, just when Vali was about to take action and Alexia was about to run away, such a voice came from the side.

With a troubled expression on his face, Azazel walked out of his room: “I really can’t stand you two – Hey Vali, didn’t I just tell you before that I met the Sekiryuutei? Is it time to calm down?”

“Have you ever said that? Azazel.”

“I told you so.”

“Then I forgot.”

“You brat…forget it, no matter what, don’t do anything to me now. If you do, I will send you all to the underworld later. You can pick a place where there is no one and have a good time. Now follow I’ll come in and talk about business.”

Hearing what Azazel said, Alexia frowned: “Business? Didn’t you just throw me out?”

“I told Vali. I originally asked him to come here because I had something for him to do. Who would have thought that the two of you would meet here. If I had known, I would have driven you out earlier.” Azazel said with a look of disgust. He said, “Anyway, Vali is coming with me. As for the Sekiryuutei – well, let’s stay too. I’ll just mention that business with you.”

After saying this, Azazel walked back into the house without looking back. Vali also folded his light wings without hesitation, took a deep look at Alexia and followed him.

Looking at the two figures, Exia was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: “Hey, I hope I won’t be thrown out this time.”

[It depends on how your partner speaks, doesn’t it? 】

“Ddraig, shut up.”

49. He is both a human, a demon and a dragon

“Although you probably already know each other, I still want to introduce him to you.”

In the living room.

Azazel sat on the sofa and first said to Alexia: “This guy is the White Dragon Emperor, Vali, Vali Lucifer. He was picked up by me when he was a child, and now he works under my hands. In my It seems that he will probably be the most powerful White Dragon Emperor ever.”


The strongest.

As the Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel directly gave such a high evaluation.

But more than the evaluation, what concerned Alexia more was Vali’s surname mentioned by Azazel: “Lucifer? The same surname as Sirzechs?”

“Yes, you have met Lucifer, one of the four current demon kings, but Vali’s surname is different from the Lucifer who is equal to his title and status – he is a real descendant of the old demon king Lucifer. “

The old devil.

This name reminded Exia of some of the history of the demon world that she had learned in the past month.

In the battle long ago, in addition to most of the seventy-two pillars of pure-blooded demons, the first four demon kings—Lucifer, Achuka, Leviathan, and Asmodeus— —They all died, leaving only their direct descendants.

According to common sense, the successor of the Demon King should be selected from the direct descendants, that is, the family world. At first, the demons were planning to select the successor from the families of the four major Demon Kings.

However, the successors of the four demon kings are all hawks. Their first consideration is not how to reunite the scattered demons and restore the desolate underworld, but to prepare to gather the few remaining demons. They restarted the war with angels and fallen angels.

This behavior went against the wishes of most demons. In order to avoid complete extinction, the demons gave up the families of the four demon kings and began to choose new kings from other pure-blood demons.

Of course, the families of the four demon kings were dissatisfied with this approach. They gathered together and launched a rebellion. No, from their standpoint, it should be suppressed. In order to fight against the families of the four demon kings, the demons in Qiyu also formed a coalition, and the two sides launched a fierce civil war.

The result of the civil war was the complete defeat of the four major demon king families. The victorious new demon kings expelled the old demon king faction to the corners of the underworld. Then, led by the new demon kings including Sirzechs, the demons began a long recovery period.

As for the expelled old demon king sect, no one cares about it anymore – if the current demons knew that there was a White Dragon Emperor among the descendants of the old demon king Lucifer, it would probably cause a strong impact.

“Wait a minute, if he is the descendant of the devil, then why does he possess the God-killing Gear?” Ixia asked, “Don’t artifacts only reside in humans?”

“This is why I regard him as the strongest White Dragon Emperor.”

Azazel smiled and said: “He is indeed a descendant of Lucifer, but his mother is a human, so he has half human blood. This is the reason why he was hosted by the White Dragon Emperor.”

“Humans, dragons, demons – he gathered the three powers in himself, surpassing all the White Dragon Kings in the past.”

It’s nothing short of miraculous.

Perhaps even the God of the Bible, who created the artifact, never thought that such a thing would happen.

“Then this is the contemporary Sekiryuutei, Alexia Kaslana.” Azazel turned to Vali and introduced Alexia to him, “That may not be credible. But according to what he said, he came from another world.”


Vali’s eyes showed interest: “A different world… This is really a topic that is hard not to be interested in. Is it coming from the other side of the dimensional gap?”

“Dimensional gap? What is that?”

“Okay, let’s stop here.” Azazel quickly stopped the curious Alexia, “This is not something we need to discuss now, not to mention I think Alexia’s situation is probably not related to the dimensional gap. Guanxi – talk about business, talk about business!”


Azazel cleared his throat: “Wally, I asked you to come this time, mainly because I want to keep an eye on Kirkbol. There is something wrong with that guy’s recent actions.”

Kirkbol—one of the six cadres of the Son of God’s Watchers, a ten-winged fallen angel.

“What is he going to do?”

“Who knows? But what is certain is that he is definitely not preparing to do good things. After all, he is just like you, a war madman who refuses to take any time off.”

Hearing Azazel’s evaluation of himself, Vali did not refute, but responded with a smile: “For me, fighting is the meaning of my life. If the world becomes a boring world without fighting , then I would rather die.”

“You are really a typical dragon host. You won’t live a long life like this.” Azazel looked at Exia, “By the way, what do you think? Sekiryuutei, you What do you think of a peaceful world?”

“I’m the complete opposite of him.”

Alexia said looking at Vali.

“If the world can become a beautiful world without fighting, then I will be happy to contribute to the formation of such a world.”

The White Dragon Emperor is eager to fight.

The Sekiryuutei who wishes for peace.

Just like countless times in the past, this time the White Dragon and the Red Dragon are completely opposite in every sense.

“What an un-domineering idea, Ixia Kaslana.” Vali commented disdainfully, “How much dragon power can you exert like this?”

“As long as I can protect the important people in my heart – unlike you, I don’t have much pursuit of power.”

Complete opposition.

Their philosophies are fundamentally different.

However, as someone who has been taking care of Vali since he was a child, Azazel knew that the pursuit of power between the two people in front of him was exactly the same in a sense, but the way they expressed it was the same. So completely different that now the two of them can’t even talk about going together.

Looking at the two dragons who were quarreling with each other, Azazel sighed heavily: “You two… Hey, it’s not just once or twice that the two dragons can’t live together peacefully. I can count on you.” Don’t start a fight, I’m really stupid.”

“But Vali, if you really want to fight, give Exia some time – he just mastered the embodiment of the artifact today. Not to mention reaching the same realm as you, he couldn’t even master the Forbidden Hand. There’s no point in defeating such a Sekiryuutei, right?”

Azazel’s words made Vali fall silent, and then he suddenly smiled: “That’s right, the Sekiryuutei is so weak that he can’t even become my enemy. Alexia Kaslana, between you and me The fateful battle will wait until you master the Forbidden Hand.”

“Azazel, you should be able to help him do it, right?”

50. Forbidden hands? Secret spying

After saying this, Vali left Azazel’s room.

Although he was very proactive and enthusiastic about the so-called Red and White War at the beginning, he gave up very easily at this time, which surprised Exia.

And to be able to let him leave so easily…

“Azazel, what is the forbidden hand?”

Alexia asked what the two mentioned just now.

Vali decided to retreat after hearing Azazel mention that he couldn’t restrain his hands. So this should mean that he has mastered the restrained hands, right? And he believed that there was an absolute strength gap between Exia, who had not yet mastered the forbidden hand, and him, so he left so simply.

“The ultimate realm that artifacts can reach.”

Azazel didn’t hide it either.

“You should know that artifacts will evolve, right? The artifacts will devour the user’s thoughts and ideas, respond to the user’s wishes, and undergo acquired changes. The final state of the artifact’s transformation is [Balancebreaker].”


It is also the so-called taboo usage, which is regarded as the evil way to use artifacts, because for humans, artifacts themselves are too powerful, and the power possessed by most humans is not enough to allow them to use artifacts for a long time, or even use them. Hands off.

Therefore, the forbidden hand of the artifact has always been regarded as a taboo.

“To put it bluntly, the strength of a Sacred Weapon user who has learned the forbidden hand and a Sacred Weapon user who has not yet learned the forbidden hand can be said to be very different, and this is even more true for the God Destruction Gear – or even further. Speaking of which, only when the two Tianlongs arrive at the Forbidden Hand can the battle between you truly begin.”

“Is that so? Ddraig.”

【Um. The most intuitive enhancement is that there will be no restrictions on the use of abilities. 】

“No limit? Doubling every ten seconds?”

[That’s right, in the hand-banned state, you can double yourself at any time, and the number of times is arbitrary, and you don’t need to follow the rule of once every ten seconds – but for the white one, you can do it any time at any time. The number of times is halved, and there is no need to touch it with your hands]

The two Tianlongs are completely opposite in terms of abilities.

Sekiryuutei’s abilities are multiplication and transfer, which can strengthen himself and his companions to the greatest extent. The White Dragon Emperor, on the other hand, halved and absorbed, allowing the enemy to continuously weaken, while maintaining itself at its peak.

The battle between the two has been from ancient times to the present, with one party constantly increasing its power, and one party constantly weakening and absorbing it, until someone on both sides is overwhelmed and is swallowed up by the huge power and dies.

“So you understand, the gap between Vali and you.” Azazel said, “When you slowly double your strength every ten seconds, he can halve your strength to One-tenth, or even one-hundredth of the original number makes you so weak that you are worse than a newborn baby – if you want to fight Vali, at least wait until you have learned the forbidden hand.”

(Learning hand restraint……)

Exia immediately thought of [Exia]. The power of the Sekiryuutei has always been rejected by him. She finally got his permission to use it. Maybe the power of the Forbidden Hand is the same?

“Ddraig, if I fight that guy again, will I be able to awaken the forbidden hand?”

[No, I’m afraid not. Now that guy has no restrictions on me. Your inability to learn the hand-banning is your own problem. Regardless of your practice, thoughts and ideas, it is far from enough to reach the state of hand-banning.】

In other words, is it similar to God’s favor?

Hand banning is equivalent to upgrading, and in order to upgrade, in addition to accumulating enough ability values ​​(cultivation), you also need to achieve great achievements (thoughts and thoughts).

“Wally just now said you have a solution, Azazel?”

“That’s right. I am also a researcher of artifacts. I have developed many gadgets over the years. Among them, there is one that can temporarily allow people to master the power of forbidden hands – but that is only a temporary thing.” Asashe Er explained, “What’s more, my method doesn’t actually let you master the forbidden hand, but replaces the price.”


[It’s not impossible to master the forbidden hand in advance. Partner, you just need to sacrifice your left hand. 】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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