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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 85


【Um. Pay me your left hand as a price, and let it become the hand of the dragon. It will always maintain the state of manifesting the divine instrument, so that you can only use the forbidden hand once]

Ddraig’s explanation made Exia instantly give up the idea of ​​mastering the forbidden hand in advance.

You paid the price of an arm, and all you got in exchange was the one-time right to use the forbidden hand. No matter how much you thought about it, you lost money. No normal person would do this kind of ultimate loss-making business.

“In the final analysis, we can only practice honestly.”

[Don’t worry, partner. In your case, it only takes one or two opportunities to awaken the Forbidden Hand. I can guarantee you this]

Is it an opportunity?

Alexia probably knows what Ddraig wants to express, but if that’s the case, she might have to return to her original world to awaken the forbidden hand, right? Or maybe in this world…

“Okay, that’s enough, right? Go back quickly, I didn’t name you to work today, devil agent! I don’t have any dinner for you here!”

Azazel said this as he drove Alexia out of his house for the second time.

In the corridor outside the door.

Looking at the door that was closed again, Exia sighed slightly: “How do I remember that a certain governor was particularly interested in me before? It’s only been a few days since he turned his back on me.”

[You also have to think about your behavior, partner. You destroyed his precious trial work in one fell swoop. It’s normal that he doesn’t want to see you]

“I told you that it was not intentional. Who knew it was a defective product that broke after just one use -“

“Hey! I can hear you!”

Azazel’s roar came from the door, and Alexia quickly ran towards the stairs.

And neither Azazel, Exia, or Ddraig were completely unaware at this moment that there were several people floating in the air less than three or four hundred meters away from the two of them. , overlooking Exia’s figure from a distance.

“Is it him?”

“According to intelligence, yes.”

“A human being who became an agent of the devil…hum, the devil has also fallen.”

“Let’s go back and report first. It depends on [Orpheus] whether we want to have further contact with him or not.”

“no problem.”

51. Strange girl duo

“Hey! Alexia, do you want to go to the next one?”


“Okay, see you tomorrow then.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Juwang Town.

Another day after school, standing in front of the station waving goodbye to other students, Aixia sighed slightly: “Hey, it’s finally over. Socializing is really a tiring thing.”

Two weeks have passed since the duel with Risel ended.

Over the past two weeks, some small changes have taken place in Alexia’s life.

The first is the aspect of interpersonal relationships.

In the previous month, because she had to undergo training to materialize the divine instrument, Exia never participated in any social activities after school. In addition, she also had the task of being a demon agent.

But now, Exia no longer needs to carry out that kind of training. The next stage of goal [forbidden hand] is a little far away for him now, so now unless there is a demon agent mission, Exia is out of school. It was super relaxing after that.

Therefore, in order to pass the time, Aixia also started to participate in some social activities with her classmates, such as going out for karaoke together, or gathering at a fast food restaurant for a study meeting… To be honest, It’s quite tiring to do activities with a group of inexperienced children.

Of course, if a demon agent is needed, he will still appear, but unfortunately he did not appear today.

“Then, it’s almost time for me to go back, right? I still have to bring dinner to Aisha.”

Alexia and Aisha basically bought their dinners. After all, there was no kitchen in the old school building, so they could only eat take-out lunch boxes from convenience stores. Fortunately, they actually tasted pretty good and were not difficult to swallow.

Japan still has quality in this area.

“Yesterday I had a pork chop and rice bento, so let’s be a little extravagant today and buy two steak bento boxes and go home… By the way, why don’t you buy some snacks for the kitten too?”

If this is the case when going out to socialize, Exia will buy some snacks for the Tacheng kitten, one of the Gremory family members. Although it was just a whim at the beginning, thanks to this, Exia and Tacheng The relationship between the kittens has indeed improved, and it has become a routine now.

What’s more, after all, they have known each other for more than a month. Exia does not want the relationship between him and the Gremory family to become too tense. It is also a good thing to get closer to each other – recently he has also begun to try Instead of using honorifics for them, I called them by their names directly, and the response seemed to be pretty good.

And just as Alexia was walking towards the convenience store with this thought…

“Can you please lend a helping hand to the lost lamb?”

“Please also ask Heavenly Father to show mercy and help your devout believers!”

These two unique-sounding sounds mixed in with the sound of vehicles and entered his ears.

Lost lamb? believer?

Alexia frowned – why did this sound like something Aisha would say?

Out of some curiosity, Ixia followed the sound of the voice and looked over. The first time he turned around, he saw two figures standing at the intersection, dressed in a way that was super out of place with those around them.

They were two girls with outstanding looks wearing white robes.

The girl on the left has blue hair and a touch of green highlights on her forehead. Although she is covered by a white robe, you can still vaguely see her tall and plump figure, although it is not as good as Rias and Himejima Akeno. , but not too different.

However, compared to her outstanding face and figure, her eyes are a bit fierce. I don’t know if it is natural or an acquired habit. One glance gives Alexia a very strong [warrior’s eyes] feeling.

There was also a huge object in her hand that was about the same height as her body but was wrapped in several layers of white cloth. She didn’t know what was inside.

The girl on the right has maroon twin ponytails and wears a black tights under her white robe. Her plump figure attracts the attention of the men around her. In addition, she has both Her beautiful and cute face makes her look like a lively girl next door.

In addition, similarly, there is a big guy in her hand, which looks like a painting, but…

“I told you a long time ago not to buy this painting, but you didn’t listen!”

“But this painting depicts a saint. As a devout believer, you can’t help but buy it, right?”

Facing the accusation from the blue-haired girl, the girl with twin tails retorted matter-of-factly.


Is that painting a saint?

Alexia squinted his eyes and tried to see the content of the painting clearly, but no matter how he looked at it, the painting had no similarity with the paintings of saints he had seen before. To put it more bluntly, it was just a horizontal painting. General graffiti.

The blue-haired girl obviously realized this: “Then tell me which saint is in this painting? I can’t tell at all.”

“Hmm…probably…Lord St. Peter?”

The girl with twin tails said uncertainly.

(You bought it without even knowing who the painting was?)

“You are definitely deceived, Irina, that is all the funds for our operation.”

“Don’t be discouraged, Xenovia. It’s precisely because of this that we are here begging you pagans to give us mercy, isn’t it? If we don’t do this, we can’t even afford a piece of bread.”

“Why don’t you mean to reflect at all?”

The optimistic girl with twin tails, and the blue-haired girl who was annoyed by her companion’s behavior but helpless. In addition, the two of them were obviously different from the locals in their dress and the strange objects they carried.

For a time, almost all passers-by focused their attention on this strange pair, and men accounted for the majority of them. Needless to say, the reason is that Japanese men respect their own bodies. What you see is that you can’t take your eyes off it.

The same is true for Alexia, but he is more concerned about other things than that.

“Ah, that heretic gentleman over there!”

Suddenly, I don’t know if she noticed Alexia’s [scorching] gaze, but the girl with two ponytails, called [Irina] by her companions, waved to him, then walked over and clasped her hands together, as if praying. He asked with a sincere face: “My companions and I are now penniless. Can you, who is kind-hearted, lend a helping hand to us? In this case, the Lord will definitely bless you! Amen!”

As if trying to influence Exia with her eyes, the girl looked at him with quite eager eyes as she spoke.


For some reason, Aixia suddenly had a bad premonition.

52. Church people are really naive

In a restaurant near the station.

Sitting next to a table by the window, she used her personal terminal to send a message to Rias and Aisha, saying that she might not go back until later. Exia looked at the two people sitting opposite her. .


“Suck~~~His~~~Ah wu…ugh!”

At first glance, they are two rare and beautiful girls, but whether it is the one with blue hair or the one with chestnut twin tails, they are both frantically destroying the food in front of them without any restraint.

Of course, it was Ixia who paid for it.

(It turned out to be helpful.)

Thinking of the request she heard just now after being caught by the chestnut-haired girl, Exia sighed helplessly.

[We are people from the Catholic and Protestant churches. We came to Japan this time to carry out the mission given to us by the church. However, because we purchased such a painting, we used up all the activity funds, so please have mercy on us and give us a gift. Shall we have a delicious dinner? 】

This was the further detailed explanation given by the chestnut-haired girl after that.

As an agent of the devil, in theory it is best for Ixia not to have too much contact with people from the church. After all, the church and the devil have always been sworn enemies. In addition, there was the matter of Aisha being expelled by the church before. To put it in my heart, By the way, Ixia didn’t have a good impression of the church.

But from a personal standpoint, Exia couldn’t sit idly by. In addition, this contact may also be an opportunity – an opportunity to ask the specific inside story of Aisha’s expulsion.

So in the end, Aixia brought the two of them to the restaurant, ordered a large table of dishes for the two of them and themselves, and took back what they couldn’t finish for Aisha’s dinner.

“Huh~~~~I’m full, I’m full!”

After eating for more than ten minutes, the chestnut-haired girl stopped what she was doing and made a cross on her chest: “Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to encounter such a difficult situation in my hometown.” Good Samaritan, Amen.”

“I am full?”

“Yes, thank you for your help! But Xenovia doesn’t seem to be full yet, so we probably need to bother you for a while.” The chestnut-haired girl answered Alexia’s question, and then said: ” By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet—I’m Irina Purple and this is Jenova Quarta, please give me your advice.”

“I am Alexia Kaslana, please give me your advice.”

Exia also reported her name.

But when they heard what he said, the two people’s movements suddenly froze slightly. The smile on Irina’s face froze, and the blue-haired girl – Xenovia – stopped eating in mid-air.

After a moment of silence, Irina Wisteria leaned into Xenovia’s ear: “Xenovia, is it just the same name?”

“I don’t think there is anyone with the same first and last name, let alone a European name…”

Xenovia also put down the half-eaten fried rice and looked at Alexia seriously: “And… he has white hair and blue eyes, and is surprisingly handsome. His appearance matches the information. It’s consistent with the description above. It shouldn’t be wrong.”

“Hmm… Then let’s–“

Making a cute puzzled expression, Irina Wisteria looked at Alexia with a slightly solemn look, and placed her right hand on her left arm unnaturally. Xenovia also put down her job and grabbed the handle of the big guy wrapped in white cloth who was leaning on the edge of the table.

Seeing the sudden abnormal reactions of the two people, Exia frowned, then turned her eyes to her left hand: “Do you know that I am the [Sekiryuutei]?”

“…I also know that you are an agent of the devil.” Xenovia added, “As a human, you hang out with the devil, and even do things for the devil to confuse the humans living in this town— —I didn’t expect to inadvertently accept help from a sinner like you, we were careless.”

“That is to say, Jenova, we just had dinner bought by each other, right? Then are we already cursed?”

Ziteng Irina’s face was full of worry.

When she heard what she said, Alexia sighed and said: “There is no curse, what you just ate is a normal meal – do the people in your church have persecution delusions? Even if I am the devil’s agent and red dragon Emperor, you can’t be so hostile all of a sudden, right?”

“Just keep the most basic vigilance against the enemy.” Xenovia still did not put down his hand.

“The enemy…is here.”

Alexia muttered for a while, then took a sip of the drink at hand: “It seems that I am not very popular in your church? But it’s okay, I don’t have a good impression of the church… .But are you sure you want to fight me here?”

“This is a public place.”

When Alexia mentioned this, Irina Wisteria and Xenovia quickly took their hands back.

Although the church is hostile to demons, unlike the lawless demons, the church does not fight at will in public. [Try not to cause trouble to the general public as much as possible] – this is also one of the church’s policies when dealing with demons. .

(I almost forgot such an important thing…)

(Fortunately I didn’t do anything! Otherwise I would have been scolded when I went back!)

Xenovia and Irina Purple Tongue both looked like they were surviving the disaster, but they quickly calmed down again.

“It seems that you still have some common sense and will not do anything in front of the public.” Ixia said with a smile, “Also, I have to emphasize that even though I am now known as a devil agent, I am indeed helping the devil. We do things, but from a standpoint, I will not stand on the side of the devil, and certainly not on the side of the fallen angels or angels.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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