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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 86

“I will only stand on my own side, so you don’t have to be so hostile to me.”

“Do you think we will believe what you say?”

Xenovia looked at Alexia warily, and then stood up: “It was a delicious dinner. Thank you very much for your hospitality. Although I don’t plan to get along well with you, I will remember this kindness for the time being. Let’s go, Irina.”

“Ah, wait for me, Xenovia.”

Seeing that her companion was about to leave, Ziteng Irina hurriedly got up and chased after him.

But before the two of them took a few steps out, Alexia’s voice came from behind them: “It’s okay to leave, but can I trouble you to pay for your meal?”


Xenovia and Irina Wisteria were stunned.

Pay for food?

“Didn’t you invite us?”

“That was the original plan. After all, I can’t watch you begging and starving on the street. But now that you and I are on opposite sides, there’s no need for me to invite you, right?”

A very reasonable statement, but when he heard what he said, Xenovia and Irina Zitou looked embarrassed – they had no money at all!

“I-I thought you were a kind person who would treat us to dinner!”

“Then, who are the people who are ready to take action as soon as they hear my name?” Ixia asked angrily, “You are really a little naive.”


“I just made a reasonable and temporary change. By the way, the manager of this store is the target of our devil’s contract, that is, [one of our own]. Don’t think about using force to escape.”

Alexia knocked on the table as she spoke: “However, if you can answer a few questions for me, it’s not like I can’t change my mind again. In fact, I still have a lot of things I want to ask you.”



After standing there in silence for a while, as if they had resigned themselves to their fate, Xenovia and Irina Wisteria sighed heavily, and sat down opposite Alexia again with a grimace on their faces.

53. Recapture the Holy Sword

Alexia asked only two questions.

[Why did the church people suddenly come to this town? 】

as well as–

[What was the whole story and the inside story of the expulsion of Aisha Alget? 】

Regarding the previous question, Wisteria Irina and Xenovia did not hide it.

“We are here to take back the Holy Sword.”

Holy sword.

A weapon with divine power that can inflict huge damage to demons – in this world, the holy sword is defined in this way, and it is a powerful weapon against demons held by the church.

Even high-level demons will suffer serious injuries that are difficult to heal if they are really injured by the holy sword. Lower-level demons or intermediate demons may die on the spot if they are touched.

“Irina and I are Holy Sword users, and this is my Holy Sword.”

Xenovia knocked on the big guy wrapped in white cloth at hand, and Irina Wisteria also raised her left arm – a white string could be seen tied outside the black tight-fitting combat uniform.

“My Holy Sword is the Holy Sword of Destruction. Just like its name, it has extremely strong destructive power. Irina’s——”

“Mine is the Holy Sword of Mimicry. It can be transformed into various shapes and is very convenient to carry.”

As she spoke, Irina Wisteria untied the string and turned it into a small spoon and then a fork in front of Ixia’s eyes.

Alexia glanced at the two holy swords, and then asked: “So, you have found the holy sword?”

“No, these two holy swords were originally carried by us, and what was taken away were other holy swords – no, to be more precise, they are part of the [Holy Sword, Sword of the King].”

“Part of the Holy Sword?”

“If you are a demon agent, you should also know about the ancient war, right?”

Irina Wisteria explained: “In that battle, the holy sword called the King’s Sword was shattered and fell into pieces. The people who participated in the war finally brought the fragments of the King’s Sword with them. He came back and used the fragments of the King’s Sword to re-forge seven second-class holy swords – Xenovia and I are carrying one of those seven.”

“Then, the other three of the seven were taken away this time. According to the information we obtained, the person who took away the Holy Sword is now lurking in this city. We are here just to take back the Holy Sword. Came here.”

(I snatched the holy sword directly from the hands of the church…)

Alexia held her chin and thought for a while, then asked: “Who stole the holy sword?”

“Of course I know – it’s better to say that the other party didn’t even think about hiding his identity. He took the holy sword away after he reported his name openly.” Xenovia said sternly, “The enemy is Kirk Bol, the fallen Cadre of Angels.”


If Alexia remembered correctly, he had heard this name from Azazel before, and Azazel seemed to have asked the White Dragon Emperor to keep an eye on him.

(The Holy Sword was snatched away under the supervision of the White Dragon Emperor… No, could it be that the White Dragon Emperor was actually a helper? If you think about it this way, Azazel who asked the White Dragon Emperor to go should also be the one who gave the instruction. .)

Kokbol is a cadre of the Fallen Angels, Azazel is the governor of the Fallen Angels, and Azazel asked the White Dragon Emperor to keep an eye on Kokbol, and now Kokbol has snatched the Holy Sword… ….

(Did Azazel directly lead the seizure of the Holy Sword? What did he want to do?)

As for Azazel, Exia is willing to believe that he is not a pure bad person. In any case, he is the one who helped him awaken the artifact. Even if he also has his own purpose, at least in the relationship between the two, Azazel Sacher didn’t do anything bad.

(This matter… let’s ask him for details later.)

Alexia thought so.

And just as he was thinking about it, Xenovia spoke again: “By the way, Devil Agent, we have a request.”


“We know that this town is run by a demon. If possible, we hope that you can serve as an intermediary and let us talk to the demon who manages it.”

Talk to Rias?

Alexia frowned: “What are you talking about?”

“I would like to ask them not to hinder us.” Xenovia said, “Our mission this time is just to regain the holy sword taken by Kirkbolt, or destroy it. We are not enemies of the local demons. plan, but if we encounter a demon during the mission, I don’t think we will fight back – so, just so that we can get along with each other, I want to temporarily reach an agreement with the manager demon. Agreement of non-interference.”

“I see. There’s no need to talk directly. I’ll tell you later.”

“That’s good, that’s a big help. As for your other question, that [Witch] Aisha Alget… we actually don’t know much about her.”


Hearing Xenovia call Aisha this way, Alexia’s face turned a little ugly.

(If you get Elsa, you will make her a saint, and if she does something unacceptable, you will call her a witch… The church is really disgusting.)

Alexia didn’t get angry.

Xenovia and Irina Wisteria were not parties to that incident, and they were only irrelevant parties who learned about the incident later. Now they are just stating the facts they were told – if Alexia really wants to get angry, she should go Angry at the church leaders who banished Elsa.

Xenovia did not notice the change in Alexia’s face: “Okay, we have answered your questions, can you let us go now?”

“No, no, Xenovia, it’s not that he lets us go, but we want to ask him if he is still willing to help us settle the bill!” Irina Zito corrected, and at the same time, she began to carefully look at Alexia’s expression.

(When he heard Xenovia calling the witch just now, he seemed to have become particularly scary for a moment?)

“…Okay, I will settle your account.”

After a moment of silence, Exia waved her hand, indicating that the two of them could leave directly.

Seeing this, Xenovia stood up and walked towards the door of the restaurant without even continuing to sit down for a second.

“Jenovia! Slow down – ah, even though we are enemies, I still have to thank you, devil agent. Jenova and I will remember the kindness of this dinner. If we become enemies in the future, There is only one time I will let you go! Goodbye!”

“Besides, if possible, stop being an agent of the devil and change your past and become a good human being again!”

After leaving such words quickly, Irina Zitou quickly caught up with Xenovia who had left.

Looking at the two figures outside through the window, Alexia sighed slightly: “It’s only once… It’s really naive to say such a thing casually. It’s called Irina Purple Tongue.” What?”

Compared to the church, which had no good impression, and the cold-faced Xenovia, Alexia did have a good impression of Irina Purple Tongue.

After watching them leave her sight, Exia took out her personal terminal from her pocket and made a call.

“Hello? It’s me. Are you still in Juwang Town now? I want to ask you something.”


54.Holy Sword Project

“——This is probably the case.”

Tens of minutes later, inside the activity department of the Supernatural Research Department.

After recounting what she had just talked to Irina Wisteria and Xenovia to Rias and her Gremory family members, Exia took a sip of the black tea that Akeno Himejima brewed for herself.

After listening to Exia’s narration, Rias’s brows knitted tightly.

The warriors of the church, the two holy swordsmen holding the holy sword, and the stolen holy sword… none of them are things that cannot be left alone, plus——

“Kokbol, I never thought that fallen angel cadres would sneak into my town.”

A cadre of fallen angels.

This was the biggest reason that made Rias frown.

You must know that the other party is a ten-winged fallen angel. Monsters whose names are recorded in mythology, who have survived ancient wars, and fought against the four demon kings of previous generations and even the God of the Bible, if judged by their strength, are probably even stronger than the highest level demons.

Such a guy has actually sneaked into Kuou Town without knowing it?

“Would it be better to report it to Sirzechs?” Alexia asked, “Since the other party is a fallen angel cadre, then this is not something that you, a superior demon, can handle.”

“That’s right.”

Rias was very confident, but not arrogant. If a fallen angel cadre had a conflict with the opponent, a superior demon like her would not be able to deal with the opponent no matter how many times they came. She submitted a report to the four demon kings and waited for the one in the underworld. Side notifications are the best choice.

“But have you asked the Governor of the Fallen Angels?”

“Well, I asked before I came back. They said that they are also investigating it. It seems that the fallen angels don’t know the inside story of Kirkbol’s behavior at all.”

These are basically Azazel’s exact words.

He did think that Kokbol would want to do something recently, but he did not expect that he would go directly to grab the Holy Sword. Moreover, according to the White Dragon Emperor’s report, it seemed that Kokbol had made some special preparations to monitor all of him. Concealed.

After hearing Exia’s explanation, Rias continued to think for a while: “…I will go and report to my brother. As for the request made by the two holy swordsmen, I can do it. Make the decision and accept it. If there is a conflict between them and Kokbol, I will not lead my family to intervene, and I will tell Cang Na.”

“But is this really okay?”

Rias’ question made Alexia pause: “What do you mean?”

“Those two Holy Sword Users – those who stole the Holy Sword were fallen angel cadres. The church only sent two Holy Sword Users to carry out the recovery mission. Is it really okay?”


Although she has not undergone special training, Ixia can generally feel a little bit of the strength of Irina Wisteria and Xenovia. It should be said to be a kind of intuition or eyesight, or just instinct.

To put it bluntly, the two of them are not very strong – at least not as strong as Risel. Their strength is probably just a bit stronger than the intermediate demons, but they are not yet able to look like high-level demons. Considering the Holy Sword’s ability to deal with demons, With the special attack effect, it is probably no problem against ordinary high-level demons.

But what they have to face is Kokbol, a mythical figure close to the level of a demon king. If they start fighting directly, then… no, they will definitely be defeated instantly!

“Is the church serious?”

“Who knows? But this shouldn’t be something you need to worry about, Rias.” Alexia smiled, “You are a devil, and devils are worried about the safety of church personnel. This sounds like something that will make people laugh. . And for those two people, they should feel humiliated if they knew that you were worrying about them.”

After being reminded by Alexia, Rias also laughed at herself: “That’s right, I think too much.”

“Don’t worry too much, just wait for instructions from Sirzechs – and during this period of time, please don’t run away from your business for the time being. If you accidentally encounter Kokbol, it will be dangerous… …How about I take over for the time being?”

The power used by the Fallen Angel is the power of light, which is extremely poisonous to demons. While he is lurking in the city, it is too dangerous for the Gremory family to continue their demonic business.

But it shouldn’t matter to Exia. Even though he is a demon agent, he is still essentially a human being and is not afraid of the power of light. If he unleashed his full firepower without any restrictions, he wouldn’t be instantly knocked down, and even if he dragged it on, he might be evenly matched.

And the most important thing is – Alexia knows Azazel, and the relationship between the two is pretty good. For Azazel, Alexia is an important partner.

In case of encountering Kokbol, Exia might be able to avert the danger by calling Azazel directly.

Of course, the above are just conjectures, and we don’t know what the actual situation will be.

“Would this place too much burden on you?” Rias asked.

“No, I’m here to use yours to live in yours. It’s normal to do more things.”

“…Okay, I’ll trouble you then.”

After hesitating for a moment, Rias could only smile and nodded: “Just in time, I received a summons today from a new client. You go and answer the summons. I will send the location to your device. “


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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