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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 87

“Okay – what about Kiba?”

Alexia stood up and realized that the only male member of the Gremory family had not been seen since just now.

“Yuto is teaching Aisha her homework, because you’re not here. By the way, speaking of Yuto… this time about the Holy Sword, don’t mention it to him, and don’t let him have anything to do with the Holy Sword. Contacted.”

“Eh? Why?”

“His origin is related to the Holy Sword… In fact, Yuu Dou is also a person from the church. He was summoned by the church when he was a child and participated in an experiment called the [Holy Sword Project].”

Rias explained.

The Holy Sword is a powerful weapon against demons, but not everyone can use it, just like a divine weapon. Therefore, in order to increase as many warriors as possible who can use the Holy Sword, the church launched the [Holy Sword Project] a few years ago, aiming to cultivate powerful Holy Sword users.

But the plan failed in the end, and all participants were secretly dealt with – Kiba Yuto was the only survivor. Fortunately, he met Rias at the end and became a reincarnated demon under her command to survive. .

However, since then, Kiba Yuto has always had hatred for the Holy Sword in his heart. Rias, as the owner, has always been very clear about this. If he knew that the Holy Sword appeared in this city, he might Do something.

“——So, don’t let Yuuto know about the Holy Sword. Koneko and Akeno need to pay attention, you know?”

Himejima Akeno and Tashiro Koneko, who had been silent since just now, nodded.

Exia also nodded slightly, and then left the department, preparing to carry out her work as a demon agent.

Half an hour later.

The doorway of a certain building.

Alexia, who was riding a bicycle, looked at Irina Wisteria who came to open the door for her, and couldn’t help being stunned for a moment.

what’s the situation?

55. The Holy Sword user plans to block the door and kill him quickly

Time went back to nearly an hour ago.

After leaving the restaurant with Jenova, Irina Wisteria, who was walking on the road, suddenly said: “By the way, Jenova, can you go somewhere with me?”

“Where are you going?”

“My hometown!”

Wisteria Irina’s hometown?

Xenovia remembered something about her partner: “Yes, you said this is your hometown. But is your hometown still there?”

For Irina Wisteria, because she moved to the UK with her parents when she was a child, the time she lived in Kuoh Town was already in elementary school. The house she lived in must not be there now, right?

Then what are you going to do?

“Well, actually besides my hometown, there is another place I want to go.”


“There was a family living near my home at the time. Well… to put it bluntly, I wanted to see my childhood sweetheart. I had made some appointments with him when I was a kid, and now I finally got back, so I wanted to go there. trip.”

Irina Wisteria has a childhood sweetheart – this is the first time Xenovia has heard about it. Compared with foreign countries, Japan seems to place more emphasis on childhood sweethearts, so Xenovia did not refuse her partner’s request: “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Okay, then I will lead the way!”

After saying this, Irina Wisteria took the lead and walked forward.

Although I haven’t been back for a long time, many unexpected changes have occurred in Kuoh Town, but fortunately, the residents’ residential areas have not changed too much. Following the path that has been somewhat blurred in my memory, Wisteria I Lina soon brought Xenovia to the door of a house.


Looking at the house number on the wall, Ziteng Irina confirmed that she had gone to the wrong place and rang the doorbell.

“Who is it?”

“Ah, is it Auntie Hyoudou? I’m Irina Wisteria who used to live near here!”


After a while, inside Hyoudou’s house.

“I didn’t expect him to be the child of Pastor Ziteng’s family… After all these years, I almost didn’t recognize him.”

“The child is right, she has grown into an extremely beautiful girl.”

The speakers were two middle-aged couples who looked a little thin and had gray hair.

Opposite the two of them, Irina Zito, who was praised by the two, smiled a little embarrassedly: “Hey hehe~~~ I was quite crazy when I was a child.”

Unlike the cheerful and energetic beautiful girl she is now, Irina Wisteria was a famous crazy kid in the neighborhood when she was young. She often played with boys of the same age, so she could easily be mistaken for a boy.

“But as you two can see, I am very mature now!”

“Oh haha, that’s true.” Hyoudou’s mother smiled, “Issei would be so surprised if he saw you now.”

“Yeah, speaking of Issei, isn’t he at home today?”

Purple Teng Irina mentioned her childhood sweetheart.

Hyoudou Issei – a child of this family who she played very well with when she was a child, because she had a very special agreement with him when she was a child. After so many years, Irina Hyoudou now wants to meet him and ask him if he still remembers it. remembered.

However, what she received in response was the silence of the Hyoudou couple.

Something is wrong.

Under the confused gazes of Irina Wisteria and Xenovia, Hyoudou’s father sighed: “Irina, Issei has passed away.”


Ziteng Irina was stunned for a moment.


“How, how could it happen? Died?”

This is really an unexpected result. My childhood friend has actually passed away…

Hyoudou’s mother looked slightly gloomy: “It happened a month ago. On the way home from school, I didn’t pay attention to the surrounding situation. As a result, I was accidentally hit by a truck and flew out… Ambulance By the time we got there, it was already too late.”

“This…is this…I’m really sorry, uncle and aunt, I didn’t mean to bring it up…”

Irina Wisteria apologized.

Whether accidentally or intentionally, it is rude to mention their deceased child in front of parents.

Hyoudou’s mother shook her head: “No, it doesn’t matter. The father and I have come out a little bit over the past month or so. You don’t need to apologize.”

“That’s good…please give me your condolences. Amen.”

After customarily drawing a cross on her chest, Irina Zito clasped her hands and prayed in her heart – the death of her childhood friend was a big shock to her, and she hoped that the Almighty Lord could bless his soul. , so that he can be happy after death.

(Let’s pay homage to his tombstone later. It should be in the cemetery behind the church.)

With this thought, Irina Wisteria stood up and said, “It’s almost time, uncle, aunt. My companions and I still have some things to deal with, so we have to leave.”

“Huh? So fast?”

“I’m really sorry! After our affairs are over, I will come visit again with gifts!”

“You’re too polite to need a gift.”

“No, no, I must bring a gift—”


In the middle of her words, Xenovia suddenly reached out and poked Irina Wisteria on the waist, interrupting her.

“What’s wrong? Xenovia.”

“Look at this.”

Xenovia took out a small piece of paper from the coffee table between the four of them. It looked like a flyer, but it had something familiar to both of them drawn on it.

Purple Teng Irina subconsciously widened her eyes: “Jenovia, is this… the devil’s magic circle?”

“Ah, do you two know that too?”

Hyoudou’s mother was a little surprised: “This is what the child’s father received when he was off work some time ago. He said it can summon demons to fulfill wishes.”

(A flyer to summon the devil?!)

Irina and Xenovia’s eyes suddenly froze, and Irina asked eagerly: “Auntie, uncle, have you used this flyer?”

“Well, I’ve used it once or twice. The one I summoned was a cute girl.”

“What did she make you do?”

“What did she do? Well… I should say I asked her to help with some things, such as helping to clean the room, or listening to our nagging for a while… Issei, let’s go We were all depressed after the incident, but the reason why we can recover like this is actually because the devil girl is willing to listen to us.”

Just cleaning the house and listening to the two of you? And it was Hyoudou Issei’s parents who requested it?

“Then…that devil girl, did she ever charge any compensation from you? For example, she asked you to sacrifice your soul or something…”

“No, no. Although the reward is indeed required, she also said that she can use something as collateral, such as providing a dinner.”

Irina and Xenovia were both in disbelief.

Is this something the devil would do? !

“…Can I try it? Auntie.”

After thinking for a while, Irina asked.

(How could there be such a kind-hearted devil? If I am right, the other party should be planning to use some benefits to seduce the aunt and uncle first, and then wait for the time to devour their souls – she will not let her succeed. !)

Irina took the magic circle flyer from Xenovia’s hand.

(Issei has passed away. I can’t watch my uncle and aunt being bewitched and killed by demons. It’s up to me to summon the demon, and then kill it with Xenovia the moment she appears!)

Having made such a decision in her heart, Irina used the magic circle seriously under the guidance of the Hyoudou couple.



“Hello, I am the devil’s agent. This time I responded to the summons and came to fulfill my wish——”


Tens of minutes later.

Looking at Alexia appearing outside the door, Irina remembered something she had forgotten.

In this Juwang town, in addition to the devil, there is also the agent of the devil in front of him!

56. When you die, I will be by your side

In the living room of the Hyoudou family.

Sitting opposite Irina and Xenovia, Alexia looked at the two of them: “So, why are you two here?”

“This is what I want to ask you, why is it you who responded to the summons?”

“I am a demon agent. Is there any problem with answering the summons?”

Alexia replied, and then looked at the Hyoudou couple who were still confused about the situation: “You two, allow me to explain the situation to you – due to some internal reasons among our demons, all demon business in the near future will be handled by me, Alexia. Kaslana will do it on my behalf. This is the proof that I am the devil’s agent, as well as the authorization document. Please take a look.”

Taking the stack of documents that Ixia took out from the schoolbag she carried with her, Hyoudou and his wife took a rough look at it, and then Hyoudou’s father asked: “Is that so… I thought Koneko was not coming. Woolen cloth.”

“After our matters are dealt with, business will resume normally. Until then, please be patient. We are really sorry for the inconvenience we have caused to you two.”

“No, no, no, it doesn’t matter. We can understand that this kind of situation will happen.” Hyoudou’s father waved his hand quickly, “Then…are you like the kitten, can you realize our wishes? ?”

Alexia nodded and took out a piece of paper from the pile of documents: “I will indeed accept your wishes like a demon, but because I am a human being, I cannot do everything like a demon, so for now I can only Being able to do what’s on this list.”

“Oh oh oh… Can you please go to the second floor to clean the room? It is the room where my child lived before he was alive.”

“Okay, no problem. The remuneration is as marked above. Depending on the cleaning time, I will charge you 1,000 yen to 3,000 yen. Is that okay?”

“Of course not!”

The person who answered Alexia was not Hyoudou and his wife, but Irina.

Taking away the stack of documents from Hyoudou and his wife’s book, Irina said seriously: “Uncle, auntie. There is no need to ask the devil, just leave Issei’s room to be cleaned up! Not a single yen will be charged. !”

“Eh? This…”

“Please don’t interfere with my business, Miss Wisteria.” Alexia frowned and said, “Before, you said you didn’t want us to interfere with your actions, but on the other hand, please don’t interfere with our business – but Mr. Hyoudou, since Ms. Purple Fuji is willing to help, please choose another business content.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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