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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 88

“Oh, okay, let me see…”

Looking at Exia who once again deceived her childhood sweetheart father into doing devil business, Irina gritted her teeth and put her hand on her left arm, but was immediately held down by Xenovia.

“Calm down, Irina.” Xenovia said in as low a voice as possible, “You can’t use the Holy Sword here. What if your childhood sweetheart’s parents get involved?”

“Well, but…”

As a devout believer, now he has to watch his friend’s parents accept the temptation of the devil… Let alone Irina, this should be something that no believer can accept or tolerate.

Even if the other party is just a demon agent, not a demon but a human being, making a deal with the demon itself is extremely dangerous. Exia said that he only needs to pay, but maybe he has secretly prepared some method of absorbing souls. ?

“Then it’s settled. Just sort out and throw away some of the unused utensils on the second floor, right? Thank you for your patronage. In addition, it should be noted that the contract business will not be carried out in the near future. Please understand.”

While Irina was talking to Xenovia, Exia had once again confirmed the contents of the transaction with the Hyoudou couple.

Looking at Alexia who was about to walk to the second floor, Irina gritted her teeth——


After a while.

The second floor of Hyoudou’s house.

In the room where Hyoudou Issei lived.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you two…the tea and snacks are here. If you need to rest, please feel free to do so.”

After placing the tray in her hand on the floor, Hyoudou’s mother walked down the stairs.

In the room, Irina, who had taken off her white robe and put on an apron instead, held a feather duster in one hand and a rag in the other, looking at Alexia seriously: “Then let’s get started. Well, if you finish cleaning the room early, you can leave here early, right?”

Instead of letting Alexia clean alone, let Irina clean with him – this is what Irina proposed at the end.

(Hmph, this way he is under my surveillance. If he behaves a little abnormally, I will immediately subdue him and throw him out of the window!)

The battle in the church should avoid affecting ordinary people as much as possible. If the fight started in the room, Irina did not have the confidence not to destroy the house, but it would not matter if it happened outside.

In fact, Xenovia has already gone outside first. If Irina really found out something was wrong with Alexia and was thrown out, she would immediately catch him and take him to an empty house. Solve it locally.

“You are really paranoid.”

Alexia, who was also wearing an apron, said somewhat innocently.

“Obviously you have read all my documents, and you should be able to tell that I have no intention of doing anything to that couple, right?”

“Humph, who knows? Don’t believe a word of the devil’s words, otherwise you will fall instantly.” Irina said as she turned around and used a feather duster to clean the desk, which had obviously accumulated a lot of dust.

Alexia sighed: “Alas~~No one believes the truth. It’s really…”

In fact, to be honest, this cannot be blamed on Irina. After all, there has been a long-standing grudge between the church and the devil. It would be strange for them to trust each other. If it weren’t for Exia being a human, Irina would have slashed her with the holy sword by now, right?

No, it should have been earlier. It would have been done in the restaurant.

(It’s better to finish the work early and go back early, it will be better for both parties. But…)

Squatting down and lifting up a stack of books tied to the ground, Exia couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed when looking at the scantily clad female model on the cover: “As expected of Hyoudou Issei’s room, such a large pile of study materials… …”

“From what you said, do you know Issei?”

Irina asked curiously.

Alexia brought the book to the corridor: “I can’t say that I know him, I just have some fate with him.”


“After all, I was by his side when he died.”



57.Explanation and thanks

Irina felt that she might have heard wrongly.

Putting down the feather duster in her hand, turning around and staring at Alexia, Irina asked in a somewhat anxious voice: “What did you just say?”

“I said I was next to him when he died.”

Alexia recounted.

“To be more precise, I watched him die – when he was killed by the fallen angel, I happened to pass by there. If I had gone earlier, I might have been able to save him.”

“Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute!”

Irina, who was just about to put her hand on her left arm, took a step or two back after hearing the second half of the sentence, held her forehead and sorted out her thoughts: “You said…Ise was… Killed by a fallen angel? But didn’t uncle and aunt just say that he died in a car accident?”

Hyoudou Issei died in a car accident because he was not treated in time.

This is something Irina just learned about.

“You…could it be that you demons have modified the memories of your uncle and aunt?”

Modify memory.

This is a method often used by the church. After expelling demons, in order to ensure that those involved who have personally experienced the incident can return to normal life, the church will usually directly delete or tamper with the relevant memories.

“It should be said that it is distorted cognition.” Ixia also stopped her movements, “After all, if you directly say [your son was killed by a fallen angel], parents will not believe it, so I need a Suitable reasons.”

The devil will only appear in front of those who have obtained the leaflet and summoned it. This means that at least for the surface society, whether it is demons, fallen angels or angels, ordinary humans are completely unaware of their existence.

Therefore, the fact that [Hyoudou Issei was killed by a fallen angel] cannot be directly told to his relatives, nor can it be directly published in the newspaper.

So in the end, when dealing with this matter, Rias and Shitori Sona changed it into a car accident and faked the scene and the entire process. Whether it was the crime scene or the camera surveillance, everything was foolproof, which was good. A [non-existent car accident] was faked.

“…Yeah…Yeah, that’s right.

Irina slowly recovered from her surprise.

The devil is right. For ordinary people, it is easier to accept a car accident than an illusory existence like a fallen angel.

“In addition, the Hyoudou family will actually receive leaflets, which is also part of the aftermath.” Exia continued to explain, “Fallen Angels invaded their town and caused the death of several innocent people. Although the culprit is already dead. But the damage caused is real, and the families who have lost their loved ones cannot just ignore it.”

This is Rias’ view – on the way here, Exia just learned from the message received from the personal terminal. It seems that for more than a month, after Hyoudou Issei’s funeral, in order to help him The parents came out of their grief faster, and Rias took a chance and sent the flyer to Hyoudou’s father, hoping to help to a certain extent through demon summoning.

Of course, the effect is there. The Hyoudou couple have summoned the Tacheng Kitten several times so far, and have successfully returned to normal living conditions – of course, as a price, all the Tacheng Kitten business was handed over to them during that time. Alexia.

And listening to Exia’s explanation, Irina couldn’t help but froze on the spot: “You…you…are you really demons?”

“I’m a human, not a demon.” Ixia emphasized, “Well, I know what you mean, and I don’t think this is what a demon would do, right?”

What is a demon?

The devil is an evil existence that deceives humans, uses all kinds of sweet words to seduce humans, absorbs and devours human souls, and does all kinds of evil. It is the enemy of the Lord and needs to be eliminated by the divine power. This is what Irina was told by the church. .

It’s not as kind-hearted as Alexia said!

“Devils also have good people, Ms. Wisteria.”

“…….I do not believe.”

“I didn’t ask you to believe it. I just told you a result. I didn’t expect you to believe it in just one or two sentences. Didn’t you just say that you can’t believe a word of the devil’s words?”

Although Exia is just a demon agent.

Looking at Alexia who started to pick up the study materials on the ground again, Irina pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment and then asked: “Can you tell me about it?”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“Issei’s cause of death.”

Irina didn’t think that her childhood sweetheart would be killed by a fallen angel for no reason. After all, the three parties basically tried their best to avoid destroying the stability of human society. They would never make any outrageous behavior in human society unless necessary. thing.

There must be a reason why Hyoudou Issei was killed by a fallen angel.


Suddenly, such a deep voice sounded in the room.

Irina looked at Exia and found that his left hand had been replaced by an ocher-red ferocious gauntlet at some point.

“That is?”

“One of the Thirteen God-Destroying Gears, the Sekiryuutei’s Cage.” Alexia introduced, “You know that I am the Sekiryuutei of this generation, right? But you probably don’t know that the previous generation of Sekiryuutei was Hyoudou Ichi. Sincerity.”


Irina was stunned for a moment – her childhood sweetheart was the former Sekiryuutei?

Alexia put away her hand: “Well, he said he was the predecessor, but he didn’t know that he was the Sekiryuutei at all. Not to mention using a divine weapon, he didn’t even realize that he had a divine weapon – but the fallen angels knew Well, one of the lower-level fallen angels thought that the Sekiryuutei’s power was too dangerous, so he took the initiative and killed him.”

“That’s plainly what happened to him.”

Fallen angels frequently come into contact with artifact users, which the church has noticed over the years, but directly killing artifact users… as far as Irina knows, this is the first time.

Is the cause of his childhood sweetheart’s death so simple? This is simply a sudden disaster.

“I happened to pass by there when he was killed, and by chance or something, the Sekiryuutei took up residence in me. And the next day after that, I took the fallen angel who killed him along with another Three accomplices have been killed – just think that I have avenged him.”

“…….Is it.”

(It has been solved… Before I knew it, someone acted on my behalf for Issei’s death and avenged him…)

Irina clenched her hands slightly, raised them up and quickly wiped the corners of her eyes before suddenly bending down to Alexia: “Although you are the devil’s agent, I still want to thank you for Ise’s matter… ..Thanks.”

“You believe it? Didn’t you say you don’t believe in demons?”

“But you are human, right?” Irina asked, “Besides, I don’t think you need to lie about this kind of thing. So…thank you.”

58.Ominous premonition

After that, perhaps because she heard Exia tell about Hyoudou Issei, Irina’s behavior and words changed slightly, and she cooperated with Exia to roughly clean the second floor of Hyoudou’s house. Again.

After collecting the stipulated payment from the Hyoudou couple, Exia and Irina left the Hyoudou family together.

“Is it over already? Irina.”

Xenovia, who had been waiting outside for a long time, came up immediately and asked: “The fact that you have been getting along with her until now means that he has not messed around, right?”

“Well, it seems I’m overthinking it. I’m really sorry for bothering you to wait outside, Xenovia, is it boring?”

“Fortunately, I’m used to it.”

“That’s good – ah, wait a moment, Devil Agent!”

From the corner of her vision, she saw Alexia getting on her bicycle and about to leave. Irina quickly called him to stop her.

Stopping the bicycle, Aixia turned around: “What’s wrong? Is there anything else?”

“It’s nothing serious… I just want to say thank you again.”

“What happened with Issei Hyoudou? Wasn’t it already——”

“No, no, no, it’s not. Although I do thank you very much for Ise, but this time my thanks are for my aunt and uncle, as well as myself.”

Under Xenovia’s somewhat puzzled eyes, Irina bowed to Alexia seriously: “I don’t know how sad my uncle and aunt will be after Ise’s death, but since the two of them can still be like this Being healthy and optimistic is indeed taken care of by your demons, and I need to express my gratitude to you for this.”

“Then you should go directly to Shelias, not me. She is the one who makes such a decision.”

“Then please tell me the same thing as before.” Irina said with a smile, “And I also want to thank you – you explained the facts to me, so that I can carry out the task with the most normal mentality. .”

Mentality will affect combat effectiveness.

No matter how cheerful and optimistic Irina is, suddenly hearing the news of the death of her childhood sweetheart will inevitably cause psychological changes. If the mission fails due to these changes, she will only have greater negative emotions in her heart.

But Exia’s explanation just now made her return to a normal state of mind. After all, the matter about Hyoudou Issei has been settled by now, and she doesn’t need to worry about it anymore.

“Yeah, that’s good.”

Listening to Irina’s explanation, Alexia was not too touched. Whether it was helping Hyoudou’s family or avenging Hyoudou Issei before, he just wanted to do it or was asked to do it. Personally, I haven’t done anything worthy of being thanked.

“Then that’s it, bye, devil agent – let’s go, Xenovia.”

“…Ah, um.”

After recovering from her doubts, Xenovia followed Irina and walked toward the far side of the road.

Looking at the two people leaving, Alexia pursed her lips, but did not express her and Rias’ worries. Even if he felt that the two people were not particularly strong, in case they still Does she have a trump card that Exia doesn’t know about?

(Okay, then it’s time for me to go to the next one.)

Thinking like this, Alexia stepped on the bicycle pedal again. Although Rias and Alexia said that there was only one business trip at the beginning, maybe it was because the time had entered the night. On the way here, Alexia I received two or three more business.

Although I have sent a corresponding notice to the other party, saying that I will be late, if I don’t go quickly, my business evaluation will definitely be reduced.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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