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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 89


“Sorry, Mr. Yamada, I’m late!”

A few minutes later, we were at the door of an independent house.

Exia said as she rang the doorbell.

This is the home of a president who was originally scheduled to have Tacheng Kitty come to answer the summons today. The summons was an hour ago – Alexia can already imagine how the other party will express dissatisfaction after meeting for a while.


However, after waiting at the door for a minute or two, no sound came back from the doorbell.

“Ding dong!”

“Mr. Yamada?”

Alexia pressed the doorbell again, but there was still no response.

A somewhat familiar feeling of déjà vu came to Alexia’s heart. He remembered that when he first worked as a demon agent more than a month ago, he encountered a similar situation to this one.

(Should it be…)

Putting her hand on the door handle and twisting it gently, looking at the unlocked door in front of her that she easily opened, Ixia immediately stopped hesitating, pushed the door open and rushed into the house!


There was a feeling of moisture under the feet, and at the same time, a strong smell of blood came to my nose!

Alexia looked at the blood flowing out on the floor and followed its direction to the room where the blood was bleeding——


The situation in the room was similar to what he thought. This time the person who summoned the demon had died on the floor of his house. However, compared to Fried’s time, this time it was much more tragic. Not even a single part of his body was intact. Can’t even see it.

In the room, as if the cleaning work had just been completed, a tall man dressed as a priest turned his head and looked at Ixia: “Witness? No…is this smell the devil?”

“…Is he another stray exorcist?”

“Again? It seems that you have met my colleagues before, but unfortunately, please don’t compare me with those idiots.”

The tall priest threw away the blood-stained handkerchief in his hand and raised the sword exuding strong golden flames in his other hand: “Although they are also noble people who are not understood by the church, the noble and noble people are not understood by the church. There are also differences among noble ones. And I am a special one among the noble ones. I am the one chosen by the Holy Sword——”


Before he could finish his words, Exia had already quickly flashed in front of the opponent and punched him into the wall without mercy!

Death on the spot.

Even an exorcist who can fight demons has no chance of surviving after being hit in the heart by Ikesha’s full punch. Xia didn’t want to say a word to the other party.

However, he did not miss what the other party just said.

Picking up the sword blade that the other party had taken out from the floor, Ixia looked at it: “Did he just say…this is the Holy Sword?”

Why is the Holy Sword here?

Could it be that this is one of the three holy swords that Irina and Xenovia are looking for? But wasn’t the Holy Sword snatched away by Kokbol? How could he appear in the hands of a stray exorcist?

(Fallen Angel, Kirkbolt, the Stolen Holy Sword, the Stray Exorcist…)

(I have an ominous premonition.)

59. Attack without warning

The next day, the weekend.

In the student union.

“You can’t go wrong, this is the Holy Sword.”

Looking at the weapons that Exia now placed on the table, Shitori Sona and Rias looked a little ugly.

Yesterday, after Exia told Rias about Irina, Xenovia, and even Kirkbolt, Rias quickly synchronized the news with Shitori Sona, and Shitori Sona also made a decision. Made the same decision as Rias.

[Not intervening in the battle between the church and the fallen angels], and [the recent demonic activities that have converged in Kuoh Town].

But the two of them never expected that just one night later, Exia would bring them back a holy sword. By the way, the reason why they chose to display this holy sword in the student union room was also because of their consideration. When we arrived at the old school building, Kiba Yuto was there, so there was no need to worry about the student council.

“I didn’t expect that a situation similar to what happened more than a month ago would happen… Whenever fallen angels are involved, the stray exorcist is always a trouble that cannot be avoided.”

As Rias said, because both fallen angels and stray exorcists were exiled by angels and the church, it was easy for both parties to get together.

No, to be more correct, it should be that the stray exorcists can only hug the thighs of the fallen angels, otherwise they will not be able to satisfy their desire to kill without being able to use the power of light.

“If it’s just a stray exorcist, that’s fine. The problem is the Holy Sword.” Shitori Sona mentioned the key point, “I don’t think there will be a Holy Sword user among the stray exorcists, and the church shouldn’t be so confused. Let the stray exorcist carry the holy sword. Combined with the information about the fallen angel cadres provided by Exia…”

“Did Kirkbol give the stolen holy sword to his lone exorcist…?”

Alexia concluded.

“But why would he do this?”

There is no reason for this.

In addition, after all, the fact that Kirkbolt would snatch the holy sword is a bit strange.

It is true that the Holy Sword is a powerful weapon, but compared to Kokbol’s own power, the Holy Sword is actually nothing, let alone a second-level Holy Sword made from fragments of the King’s Sword. This should be the limit for dealing with higher-level demons, right?

But Kirkbolt is a fallen angel who survived the battle with the Demon King and the God of the Bible. His power is far superior to that of the highest level demon, so logically speaking, he cannot be compared to the Holy Sword.

But now he not only snatched the Holy Sword, but also handed it over to a stray exorcist, which led to the death of a demonic contractor last night—perhaps more than one, after all, only Exia was active last night. People, it is definitely impossible to confirm them one by one.

“Is it…a deliberate provocation?”

Shitori Sona suddenly made such a suggestion.

“As a fallen angel, he directly attacked the church and took away the holy sword, which is a treasure of the church. This move is undoubtedly a provocation to the church. In addition, it was Kirkbolt who did it, a cadre of the fallen angels. The angels should It will also react.”

“Then now, hand the holy sword to the stray exorcist to attack the devil contractors in the city. Rias, how would you react if you didn’t know the information provided by Exia?”

Without any hesitation, Rias replied directly: “What do you need to say? This is undoubtedly trampling on my dignity as a Gremory, and I will naturally fight back with all my strength!”

“——And this leads to the confrontation between the devil and the church.”

Alexia spoke her thoughts before Shitori Sona spoke.

In a state of ignorance, if you encounter an exorcist holding a holy sword, you will only think that the other person is a warrior of the church. The soldiers of the church came to Kuoh Town to attack the devil contractors, which was equivalent to the church taking the initiative to violate Rias’ territory.

As a result, there was an opposition between Rias and the church, but the church itself was unaware of this opposition. Then, when the Church and Rias confront each other next time, it is impossible for Rias not to react. In the eyes of the Church, this is an undoubted demonic attack, and it is impossible not to fight back.

After such mutual misunderstandings, the relationship between the devil and the church will inevitably become further tense. Coupled with Kirkbolt’s attack on the church… In fact, the final situation will most likely be a confrontation between the three forces.

And it’s an open confrontation!

Not to mention that Rias is the sister of Demon King Sirzechs. If something happens to her in this incident in Kuoh Town, Sirzechs will not be able to bear it no matter how wise and calm he is.

“–Total War.”

Shitori Sona said.

“The worst result, in this Kuou town, might lead to the three parties restarting an all-out war.”

Originally, the current stalemate between the three parties was quite barely maintained. If an important person from one party was killed by an important person from the other two parties, the balance would naturally collapse in an instant.

“Rias, what did Lord Lucifer say?”

“Brother, I think the matter has not yet been completely determined. Let us act according to the current decision and continue to report the situation. If it is confirmed that Kirkbolt took action, reinforcements will be sent immediately.”

Rias’ answer made both Shitori Sona and Exia frown.

Sirzechs’ decision was not a big problem, but it was impossible for Sirzechs not to have thought of something that the three of them could have thought of. Even if he didn’t know that Kirkbolt handed the holy sword to the stray exorcist, But just one fallen angel cadre here is enough to illustrate the seriousness of the situation.

“Could it be… Rias, don’t tell me that demons also hold meetings, and then push back and forth in the meetings.”

“There are no similar situations.”


This answer immediately silenced Exia.

Why don’t you demons look so much like humans?

“Can’t even the demon kings agree?”

“After all, the underworld is not a place for demon kings to talk about. Many things still need to be discussed and discussed with pure-blood demons… If there is more time, it should be handled properly, but only one night is too reluctant. .”

one night.

From the time Exia reported the situation to Rias until now, in fact, only one night has passed. We really cannot expect the demons to deal with it flawlessly in all aspects.

“…Then, what we have to do now is to maintain the status quo, right?” Shitori Sona concluded this way, “Then let’s leave the holy sword to Exia for safekeeping first. We are demons, and we can only fight with each other. The holy sword will make you feel uncomfortable if you stay together. It’s best if you take care of it.”

“Okay, I know——”


Before Alexia could nod her head completely, a loud explosion suddenly erupted! Immediately afterwards, as if it had been blown apart by explosives, the wall of the student union room was completely shattered in the explosion!


The three people in Exia reacted instantly, but before the three of them could take any action, several figures suddenly fell from the sky!

“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

Like tattered rags being thrown down, figures fell to the floor in twos and threes, each one covered with conspicuous and serious injuries!

After taking a few steps forward and seeing clearly who the fallen people were, Shitori Sona immediately froze!

“Shaji? Chun Ji? Tao? How could…”

Shitori Sona knew everyone who fell because they were all members of the student council, that is, she was a demon dependent of Sona Sidi. Because of the death of the demon contractor reported by Exia, they were sent out by Chitori Sona to deal with the aftermath.

But now, they are all seriously injured and dying.

Who did it?

“Oh, they’re all here. It’s great that the three important people are here, so I don’t have to look for them one by one.”

Such a sound sounded from the sky and reached the ears of the three people.

Exia was the first to look up at the sky, and then he immediately saw the ten jet-black wings floating in the sky, and the man wearing the gorgeous robes with the ten wings on his back.

“The sister of Demon King Lucifer, the sister of Demon King Leviathan, and the Sekiryuutei who is the agent of the devil.”

“It’s our first time meeting you, you little brats—I’m Kirkbol.”

60.Devil, rout?

——I am Kirkbol.

Upon hearing the self-proclaimed fallen angel in the sky, the expressions of the three people in Exia immediately became serious.

“…Rias, along with Sona, take the other student council members to find Asia.”

After a moment of silence, Exia said this.

It can be clearly judged from the current situation that the members of the student council who went to correct the misdeeds of the stray exorcist were attacked by Kokobol, and then Kokobol led them to attack Kuoh Academy.

In this case, the injuries of the student council members must be treated with the highest priority. After all, the power of light of the fallen angels is extremely poisonous to the devil. If time goes by, even Aisha’s healing power may not be enough.


Rias took the lead in nodding and lifted the body of Shinra Tsubaki who was closest to her on her shoulders. And Shitori Sona also ran towards the others after pausing for a moment.

Looking at this scene, Kirkbol couldn’t help laughing: “Hmm~~~ Prioritize rescuing people. I thought that the sister of Demon King Leviathan would fight me with great anger. But since the dependents are such a group of This guy who talks so well is not much better than the master, right?”


Shitori Sona’s movements stopped for a moment.

The next moment, strong magic burst out from her slender body: “What did you say…?”

“Ah? Are there deaf people among demons?” Kirkbolt flapped his wings and landed on the floor of the student union room, kicking a student union member next to him. “I said these guys are very shameful, and then you also It’s outrageous. Little guys who were born in a peaceful era can’t even stand a flash of my light gun. It’s really impossible——”

“Take back what you said!”

Shitori Sona suddenly shouted angrily! The fluctuation of magic power released from the body suddenly increased by several levels!

“After injuring my family members like this, you actually–“

“Calm down, student council president!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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