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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 90

Seeing Shitori Sona’s body starting to walk towards Kokbol uncontrollably, Ixia quickly stepped forward to hold her down and pull her back: “You’re in trouble if you try to go up. He’s provoking you. Calm down. You usually You are the calmest, right? You must be calm now!”


“What are you doing blocking her? Sekiryuutei.”

Kokbol’s joking voice came again.

“Ah, because the injured person is not an acquaintance of yours, so you don’t feel the same way as her, right? How about this?”


Putting his foot on the back of the student council member at his feet, a small light gun suddenly appeared in Kirkbol’s hand, and the tip of the gun was pointed at the man’s head.

“I’m going to stab her – do you have to stop her?”


Shitori Sona’s eyes suddenly burst into tears, and she instinctively wanted to rush over, but the force of Alexia’s hold on her shoulders suppressed her body tightly, preventing her from even taking a step out.


“Save the others first, and I’ll do the rest.”

Facing Shitori Sona’s angry shouting, Exia just said calmly: “Are you going to give up other companions for one person? Are you the king of your dependents?”


Rias only had time to take away two people, and there were three or four others scattered around.

Shitori Sona gritted her teeth, clenched her hands so tightly that she almost bled, then turned around and ran towards the two closest relatives to her.

Looking at this move, Kirkbol sighed: “Haha~~~ It’s really heartless. Well, but the decision is good. You really have to give up the burden that cannot be saved, otherwise it will only drag yourself down.”

“No, she will be rescued.” Ixia said in a deep voice, “I just said, [I will do the rest] – which means that I will rescue her from under your feet.”


The Sekiryuutei’s caged hand appeared on Exia’s left hand, and her power was immediately doubled.

“Sekiryuutei…I’ve heard that you just materialized the artifact two weeks ago, right? And before that, you seemed to have reached the level of a high-level demon?”

“…..so what?”

“No, I’m thinking – facing such a weak you, how much force should I use to kill you without one blow. Unlike Bailong, you are still extremely weak. If I don’t strike lightly or hard, Bailong will probably be very annoyed.”


Twice multiplied, quadruple the power.

“Really? Do you want to give it a try?” Alexia clenched her fists, “Compared to you, am I really [weak as hell] -“


The moment the words fell, Exia suddenly burst out! In an instant, he arrived in front of Kokbol quickly! The left fist exuding a strong red light suddenly struck his face!


The strong tremor and impact instantly broke through the already loose wall, making the big hole in the wall shattered by Kokbol even wider! The strong wind swept out from the big hole!


“No, did you really hit me hard?”

With one hand – no, it should be said that he just used one finger, Kokbol pressed his fingertips against Ixia’s fist, his pale face full of regret: “I finally know why Bailong spared you. With one life left, you are so weak that you are not qualified to fight a white dragon. Or are you worried that there is someone under my feet and are reluctant to take action? “


Kirkbol’s fingertips lit up.

Light gun! ?

This distance! ?

Without any hesitation, Exia turned directly to the side——


Almost at the next moment, the light gun fired from Kokbol’s fingertips suddenly passed by Ixia’s chest! Without any hindrance, he smashed the wall and even the corridor behind him!

Including the wall of the student union room that he just broke, it can be said that he directly opened a big hole in the school building!

“Good reaction. If you didn’t avoid it, you would be dead.” Kirkbol praised, and then the tips of the five fingers lit up at the same time.

(No, we can’t hide it!)


In an instant, an extremely cold storm burst out from Ixia’s body! The zero-distance ultra-low temperature impact actually froze the five rays of light on Kokbol’s fingertips with a thin layer of ice!

Kokbol’s eyes widened slightly.


Three times, eight times!


The multiplied power was fully released, and the left fist shining with red light suddenly slammed into Kokbol’s abdomen with all its strength.

(You can’t continue fighting here, the school will be demolished by him, and you have to find another place——)

“Haha, that’s interesting.”

Just as Alexia had this idea, Kokbol’s cold laughter made him shiver, and then a powerful knee strike directly hit Alexia into the sky! After continuously crashing through the several ceilings above, he flew to an altitude of tens of meters in one breath!



He flapped his wings and came to Exia. Under Exia’s wide-eyed gaze, Kirkbol once again fired a light gun from his fingertips!

(So ​​fast, defense——)

There was no time at all. Just like before, this was also the light gun shot by Kokbol at zero distance. Exia even had time to condense a small piece of ineffective ice shield and was hit directly on the shoulder by the light gun!


Like a rocket being launched, Exia turned into a meteor on the spot and was blown away into the distance!

He retracted his hand and glanced at the already chaotic Kuou Academy below. As if to add fuel to the fire and make the situation even more chaotic and worse, Kirkbolt stretched out his hand towards the bottom, with a handle that was as huge as the one just now. Incomparable, a light gun four to five meters long appeared in his hand.

Then he was thrown down very casually.


A loud noise broke out instantly!

61. Crazy war madman

A suburb near Kuoh Town.

“Well… uh… ah…”

My shoulder hurts.

Lying on the ground scattered with countless leaves, looking up at the sky obscured by the branches and leaves of the trees, the only touch that Exia could feel now was pain.

Kirkbolt’s light gun directly penetrated the ice shield he had made in a hurry, and then penetrated his shoulder directly. The impact of the light gun brought him to the woods on the outskirts far away from Kuoh Academy in one breath, killing him. Nailed to the ground!


Raising her right hand with great effort, resisting the burning sensation from touching the light gun, Ixia held the light gun and released a huge amount of cold air from her palm to freeze it bit by bit until it was completely frozen. After freezing into an icicle——


Gripping the icicle with force, she froze the wound that penetrated her to prevent excessive blood loss. Ixia stood up from the ground with difficulty and glanced around: “I was… beaten away. Is the Abandoned Church here?”

Through the vaguely exposed parts between the trees, Ixia could probably recognize where he was. It was the church where he killed the four fallen angels more than a month ago.

It’s almost the opposite extreme from Kuou Academy.

Kirkbol’s blow knocked him directly from Kuoh Academy to this side? !

“We have to go back quickly, otherwise the academy will be very dangerous.”

To put it bluntly, in Kuoh Academy, even if all the demons are counted, Exia is probably the strongest one. If he doesn’t go back soon, Rias and the others will never be able to deal with Kirkbolt!

(If I run back at full speed…will five minutes be enough?)

“Oh, you’re still alive?”

Suddenly, such a voice came. Alexia quickly looked up and saw that Kokobol had arrived at him from Kuoh Academy at some unknown time!

After retracting the ten black wings and landing on the ground, Kirkbol looked at Ixia’s shoulder: “You can break free. It seems you are not as weak as I thought.”

“…The fact that you’re here means-“

“Ah, the situation at the Demon School must have been a mess. After all, I threw this over there.”

Kirkbolt condensed a light gun that was about the same size as the one that bombarded Kuoh Academy just now, and then wiped it away as well: “Most of the building was destroyed, and at the same time, those demons… are probably half dead. Bar?”


Alexia’s eyes were suddenly filled with anger.

Did he just throw the light gun into Kuou Academy? Today is Friday! There are many students and teachers in the school. If they were attacked directly, wouldn’t it be very likely that there would be casualties by now? ?

“You…know the consequences of doing this?”

“Of course, the sisters of the two demon kings will be severely injured, and a large number of insignificant humans will probably die, right? Then Lucifer and Leviathan will not be able to continue to sit in the underworld, and they will have to come and fight with me! “

Lucifer? Leviathan?

Ixia suppressed her inner indignation towards Kokbol’s behavior and managed to keep herself rational: “Is your purpose to fight the Demon King?”

“Very smart – but not entirely right. What I long for is war!”

Kokbol suddenly shouted excitedly!


Alexia thought of the worst and worst situation she had mentioned to Rias and Shitori Sona before: “You… want to cause a war between the three forces? Why?!”

“Because it’s boring.” Kokbol said his reason calmly, “Boy, do you know how the previous battle ended?”

The previous war?

“A great war in ancient times?”

“Yeah – since you don’t know, I’ll tell you directly. When the three of us fought hard to the last moment and almost won, that bastard Azazel suddenly stopped! Kokbol gritted his teeth and roared, “[There is no point in continuing the fight, just stop it] – That guy said such unambitious words, and led a large army to propose this to the angels and demons. A suggestion! Then the war ended like this!”

Anticlimactic ending.

In Kirkbol’s opinion, this is simply the stupidest decision! At that time, both the demon king and the gods were dead. Although a large number of fallen angels also died, compared to angels and demons, they were actually pretty good. It was still possible to win if they continued to fight!

But because of Azazel’s suggestion, the war ended just like that. The angels and demons agreed for some reason, and the three parties reached an apparent peace.

However, Kirkbol was extremely dissatisfied with this situation!

Why retreat? Why stop? What’s so good about this peaceful boring life!

“I can’t stand this boring life. I long for the war between the three major forces to start again! But neither Asachel nor Shemhasa have any interest in war – in this case, let’s do it by I’m here! Let me start the war again!”

Kokbol, who was roaring like this, snapped his fingers, and two magic circles appeared beside him. Along with the appearance of two chains of light, the figures of Irina and Xenovia immediately fell out of the magic circle. His arms were tied with chains and he was hung in the air.

However, compared to when they met last night, the two of them were now covered in bruises, bloodstains and wounds all over their bodies, and their black combat uniforms were full of holes.

“Originally, I thought that if I snatched the Holy Sword away, that guy Michael would show up, but what I didn’t expect was that only these two unknown useless Holy Swordsmen came. Give the stolen Holy Sword to you. After being separated from the exorcist, Sirzechs failed to pay attention and come forward, and only a group of little devils came… I can’t stand it, one or two are really unbearable!”

“But it shouldn’t matter now, right? The sisters of the two demon kings are half dead, and I don’t believe that the demons can still sit still! After that, I will send the heads of the two holy swordsmen to the church. 80% Michael It’s impossible to sit still!”

Kirkbolt said as he put his hands on the necks of Xenovia and Irina.

“This way the war can start again, and I can go back to the war of my dreams!”

“…You’re a lunatic.”

Listening to Kirkbol’s declaration, Exia couldn’t help but shudder.

“Yes! Yes, I am probably crazy! But if I have to live in this boring peaceful era forever! Then I would rather go completely crazy now and destroy everything!”

Kokbol shouted crazily!

“Whether it’s Michael, Gabriel, or even the Four Demon Kings – since no one wants to start a war, then I’m here. Even if I’m the only one, I will start a new war!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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