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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 91

62. Not because you can win, but because you must win.

A pure war madman.

Alexia admitted that he had met a lot of outrageous people, but this was the first time he had seen a pure war maniac like Kirkbol.


Alexia asked with a frown.

“Why do you want to cause a war so much? What’s wrong with living in peace?”

“[Peace] itself makes me very unhappy.” Kirkbol sneered, “We have such a powerful power, but in an era of peace, we must suppress this power. I don’t think this is very unreasonable. What? Sekiryuutei.”

Why keep the peace? Why suppress power? The one who holds the power is himself, right? Then he should use his power however he likes, right? Condensing strength in order to maintain a peaceful world seems to Kirkbolt to be extremely outrageous!

“This is instinct, Sekiryuutei.”

Kirkbolt smiled further.

“All creatures have a warlike side, are you the same? You who were chosen by the red dragon must also be eager to fight. I know that the white dragon is like this, and you must be like him too, you two It’s impossible for a dragon not to crave battle.”

“I can give you a chance, Sekiryuutei.”

With a flick of his finger, Kirkbol threw Irina and Xenovia hanging beside him in front of Alexia: “Kill them, Sekiryuutei.”

“……What did you say?”

“As long as you kill these two Holy Sword Users, you will become the enemy of heaven and the church, and then you can fight endlessly with the church’s exorcists, priests, nuns, and angels in heaven. This will be harmful to you Isn’t it a good thing? You can undoubtedly become stronger as quickly as possible in this way!”

“Then, you can have the destined battle with White Dragon – try your best in the battle with the old enemy, and finally die at the hands of the old enemy. For you two dragons, there is no more perfect ending than this, right? ?”

This has been the case for Ssangyong throughout the ages.

Intoxicated by the power of the dragon, he keeps fighting to obtain stronger dragon power. After mastering the forbidden hand and even further taboos, he starts a bloody battle with his old enemy, and finally dies happily!

This is the ending of Double Dragon, an ending that has never changed.


After listening to Kirkbol’s words in silence, Ixia squatted down, picked up Irina and Xenovia, and placed them next to the tree on the side, leaning against the foot of the tree.


I don’t know whether it was because she was hurt by Alexia’s movements, or whether she regained consciousness naturally. Irina’s closed eyes opened slightly, and what was reflected in her hazy vision was Alexia’s blue figure. Colorful eyes.


“Yeah. It’s okay. I will take you to treatment later. Just bear with it for now.”

Irina moved her lips a few times, as if she wanted to say something, but her severe injuries could not support her consciousness, and she passed out again in an instant.

Standing up, Exia turned to look at Kokbol: “Change a place, Fallen Angel. I don’t want to fight here.”

“…Really, you gave up.”

There was obvious disappointment on Kirkbolt’s face.

“I thought I gave you a wonderful proposal, but I didn’t expect you to be so cowardly. Are you afraid of becoming an enemy of the heavens? Then I can conclude that you will never be able to—”

“I’m so annoyed, shut up.”

Ixia’s cold voice directly interrupted Kirkbol.

“Strength? Becoming stronger? Indeed, I do need strength now. If I want to protect the people who are important to me, strength is necessary…but that doesn’t mean that I will join in the trash like you. .”

“Ha, are you complicit in this? It’s a shame you can say it out loud.”

Kokbol pointed at Irina and Xenovia behind Ixia: “Didn’t you just say that you would take them for treatment later? The devil’s agent wants to help the people of the church? He said such beautiful words, but It’s quite a double standard in terms of behavior.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a good impression of the church. I decided to help them just because I didn’t want to see anyone die in front of me. Is this something difficult for you to understand? Rubbish.”

“…Tsk, the negotiation failed.”

Pouting his lips, Kirkbol raised his hand to the side——


A light gun suddenly shot out from the palm of his hand, and the forest next to Kirkbol was completely wiped out by the light gun in an instant, and a fan-shaped depression instantly appeared on the ground!

Kokbol smiled and said: “Did you see it? This is my power, Sekiryuutei. I heard your tone just now as if you could defeat me. Could it be that you thought that what I used before was all my strength?” What?”

The ten-winged fallen angel transcends the highest level of demons and is close to the power of demon kings and gods. If Kirkbol was serious, it would be normal for him to destroy the entire Kuoh Town, let alone such a forest.

The current Exia is only at the level of a superior demon, and the state of four times the increase in strength has long been lifted. He is definitely not an opponent when faced directly, and the opponent is definitely not someone he has a chance of winning.


“I don’t have the mentality to win you, fallen angel.”

A huge ice sword condensed in Exia’s hand.

Kirkbol’s attack has caused extremely serious casualties, both at Kuoh Academy and now Irina and Xenovia behind Exia. Because of Kirkbol’s boring fanaticism, they have been hurt. There are already too many people.

We can’t let him continue to mess around! Even if the three major forces are really forced to go to war by his actions, it will be a huge disaster for the entire human world, not to mention the three major forces themselves!

Therefore, we must defeat him before the situation becomes irreversible and prevent the war from happening.

Therefore, Kokbol must be defeated no matter what.

“I stand here with a must-win mentality – in order to protect the friends I have met in this world, and in order to prevent my friends from falling into the flames of war you have drawn, I will defeat you no matter what! “

Don’t fight because you think you can win, fight because you must win!


As if in response to Exia’s mood and thoughts, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand rang.

Looking at Ixia who was holding a sword and staring at him, the disappointment on Kirkbol’s face became even more intense: “Boring, boring, boring. Your thoughts are really boring, Sekiryuutei, you don’t deserve to be called that at all. For the dragon.”

“However, for the sake of being so [innocent and brave], I’ll give you another chance – I’ll give you enough time to increase your strength. When you increase to the point where you can’t increase it anymore, I’ll be in the enhanced state again. I’ll fight you next time.”

“When the time comes, I will make it clear to you that you alone have no chance of stopping me!”

63.Fallen Angel and Red Dragon

In the air, some distance away from Exia and Kokbol.

Vali, with a pair of wings of light spread out behind him, was staring at the two people in the distance.

“I should have asked you to monitor Kirkbol, Vali.”

“But you just asked me to monitor, not interfere.”

Turning around, Vali looked at Azazel, who had appeared behind him at some point: “I did exactly what you said.”

“The result is that you watched him make trouble here… Tsk, you are also a troublesome guy.” Azazel sighed, “It was really a mistake of mine to let you keep an eye on him. , I will have something to talk with Sirzechs from now on.”

“Talk? Are you still thinking about that whimsical agreement?”

Wally asked with a frown.

Azazel simply spread his hands and said: “Yes, after all, I am old and have long since stopped fighting. [The peace treaty between the three major forces] – after being messed with like this, I want to sign it.” It would be troublesome to get up.”

peace treaty.

If an angel or demon heard this word from Azazel’s mouth, they would probably sneer at it – how many years have the three families been fighting each other? How is it possible to let go of the hatred between each other just because of a peace treaty?

“Isn’t that good?” Vali smiled. “If the three major forces really reach peace as you wish, then where can I find an opponent who can fight me? Then I won’t have to continue. Are you staying in the fallen angel camp?”


Like an old father who is dealing with a rebellious child, Azazel raised his forehead tiredly and said, “So, you let Kirkbol go. Is this why you started doing this? Do you want to use Kokbol to train the Sekiryuutei?”

“Fighting strong enemies is the fastest way to become stronger, isn’t it? Isn’t that how I got here back then? Azazel.”

Vali didn’t deny it.

For a dragon, the purer the thoughts in his heart, the more he can guide his own power. Vali’s pure pursuit of power and fighting allowed him to completely master the Forbidden Hand at this age. If Exia is the same as him , then it is not impossible to really reach the realm of forbidden hands in the battle with Kokbol.

“Have you never thought about what might happen if he was killed by Kirkbol?”

“That proves that my old enemy is nothing more than that and not worthy of my undue attention.”

Vali stared at Exia in the distance.

(Hurry up and become stronger, Alexia Kaslana, and let the fateful battle between us come soon.)



Sekiryuutei’s caged hands sounded a doubling sound again.

Exia didn’t know that Vali and Azazel were paying attention to him in the distance. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t care. Now he has poured all his energy into the upcoming battle.


Nearly a minute has passed, and the number of doublings has been five times so far, which is equivalent to the initial thirty-two times the power accumulated in the Sekiryuutei’s cage.

Exia remembered Sirzechs saying that when he exerted his full strength in a state of thirty-two times enhancement and was close to the level of the Demon King, that meant he was on the same level as Kirkbolt.

In that case——

“Ddraig, release.”

【explosion! 】

Thirty-two times the power is released from the jade!


Crimson flames suddenly burst out from the cage hand, and instantly enveloped Alexia’s body! In Kokbol’s perception, Ikesia’s aura, which was originally about the same level as the superior demon, actually broke through to the highest-level demon in an instant, and even made further improvements! In one breath, it soared to the point where it was not much different from him!

It’s really a staggering increase in strength.

After moving her body and feeling that she was full of strength, Ixia looked at Kirkbolt.

“I’ve kept you waiting, Fallen Angel, let’s get started – I will end this battle in an instant.”

“Your tone is quite arrogant.”

Kokbol smiled, and ten black wings behind him spread out and flew into the sky: “Then come on, Sekiryuutei, let me see you -“


Not prepared to continue the nonsense.

Arriving directly in front of Kokbol with a speed comparable to teleportation, Exia directly blocked the ice sword and slashed it out!


With a loud noise, Kirkbol was immediately blown away by a blow! The whole body was completely uncontrollable and flew straight into the distance like a meteor!

(This power and speed……)

Flapping the black wings behind him hard to stop his body, Kokbol couldn’t help but feel some surprises in his heart – it was a little beyond his expectation. He thought that the Sekiryuutei would get thirty-two With twice the strength, there should be some gap in strength with him, but the result…

(Actually faster than me?)

“Ha! It seems that it can indeed make me fight more happily! Sekiryuutei!”


A huge light gun tens of meters long suddenly took shape next to Kokbol! Like a missile, it aimed at Exia and launched straight away!

Compared to the one that was shot with fingertips, or the one that was thrown at Kuou Academy just now, the power of this luminous gun is far greater than the two, and the speed is as fast as a flash!

(Can’t dodge, letting it hit the ground will cause big problems.)

Staring at the light gun flying towards her, Exia did not dodge, but jumped up from the ground to face the missile light gun, and slashed out with an ice sword exuding a cold air!


Like a bomb exploding under the water, a dull roar of explosions erupted in mid-air.

However, it is logical to say that it was a blow that gathered most of Kirkbol’s power, but the impact and light it caused were unexpectedly dull. When the burst of light spread to a certain limit, it seemed like It seemed to be blocked, frozen in mid-air.

Kokbol frowned: “Frozen my light? It’s a bit interesting, but that’s only 60% of my strength. Next-“

“I’m fifty percent.”

Alexia’s voice came from behind without warning. Kokbol quickly turned around and tried to meet him, but Alexia, who had arrived behind him at some point, swung the ice sword one step ahead of him!

“Crush it! – [Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!”

The strike that was praised by the contemporary Demon King as being close to the Demon King was struck out by Exia at this moment with all his strength without hesitation!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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