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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 92


The ice dragon burning with red flames roared out! In an instant, Kokbol was swallowed up! A huge cone-shaped iceberg formed in mid-air! Then, just like Risel then——


The iceberg shattered, and countless diamonds and stardust fell down like falling rain.

64. One minute is still too short

Sekiryuutei’s cage hand has two modes.

One is to feed the [multiplied] power back to the holder in real time without saving it, allowing the holder to gradually increase his power.

The other is to accumulate the [multiplied] power and release it in one go when needed.

Compared with the former, the latter’s improvement is undoubtedly greater, but because it increases too much power in one breath, the body may not be able to bear it, so there will be a time limit. In Exia’s case, this power can be maintained for about one minute.

(Twelve seconds till now——)

If you want to defeat Kirkbol, you must defeat him and lose all his ability to move before this power disappears!


A small ice wall condensed under his feet, stopping his falling body. At the same time, Ixia used this as a leverage point to suddenly change direction and rush towards Kokbol – unable to fly, he wanted to move in the air. That can only be done through this small means.

And not far away.

Kokbol, who broke free from countless pieces of ice and was frozen all over, looked at Exia with gritted teeth: “Fifty percent? Who are you lying to, Sekiryuutei! Don’t be too arrogant!”


A huge light gun with a length of more than 20 meters was instantly formed!

Without throwing it out, Kirkbol directly took the light gun in his hand and stabbed Aikexia who was charging towards him!


The ice sword and light gun wrapped in red flames collided with each other, and the impact and storm of ice and light burst out instantly! Some cracks appeared on the surface of both at the same time – in terms of power, their blows were almost identical.

But, the next moment.


Unable to fly in the air, Exia lost the power to compete with Kokbol first, and her body fell to the ground uncontrollably. Even though a foothold had been gathered under her feet in time, in the confrontation between the two, The outcome is already clear.

Kirkbolt smiled ferociously and waved his light gun!


Exia, who was already falling, was immediately hit hard to the ground by this blow!

“Hahaha! After all, I’m just a human, I can’t fly!”

Laughing, Kirkbol threw the light gun in his hand hard, and the meteor of light crashed down!

Gathering a foothold again and barely standing still, Exia slashed directly at the falling light gun – [Sword of Oath to Salvation (Messiah Kaslana)]!

If this shot is allowed to fall, even if a lot of distance has been opened, the area is still not far from the city, and it will be terrible if it spreads over there!


The ice dragon roars!

The thirty-two times the power of the frost impact, the moment it touched the ice gun, it froze it into a huge icicle! And then smashed it to pieces with one blow!


Crushed ice scattered.

But before Ixia could take a breath, countless light spots suddenly lit up in her field of vision!

Dozens, hundreds…a large number of light guns condensed and formed around Kirkbolt!

“Keep blocking and try, Sekiryuutei.”


With a face full of sarcasm, Kokbol waved his right hand, and the light gun floating beside him immediately turned into a rain of light and poured down!

This war madman never thought about the impact of his actions! He doesn’t care even if human society is involved!

(One more shot!)


Red and blue light exploded on the ice sword!

Today’s third [Sword of Oath to Salvation (Messiah·Kaslana)] suddenly shot into the sky!


The ice blast, which was like a volcanic eruption, was like the huge dragon’s bloody mouth. The huge attack range actually included all the light guns! Like a layer of frost barrier, blocking all light guns!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

The light guns were constantly being frozen and shattered. Although there were a huge number of them, the power of each light gun was not very strong.

(Okay, this should hold up…)

[I can’t hold it, my partner]

Just when Ixia was thinking this, Ddraig poured cold water on him.

[The time is almost up – twenty seconds left]


More than twenty seconds have passed in such a short time? It obviously feels like not long has passed yet!

[This move you use continuously will consume your power to a certain extent. Use it for two or three seconds at a time – there are still ten seconds left]

Using [Sword of Oath to Salvation (messiah·kaslana)] will reduce the duration of power! ?

(Why didn’t you tell me earlier! Ddraig!)

[This is the second time you have used this move in the multiplication state, and it is still used continuously. I only noticed it just now – there are still five seconds]

Five seconds? !

Exiu gritted his teeth.

(In this case–)

“What’s wrong! The power output has become weaker!”

Kokbol, who was looking down from above, laughed and said that he could clearly feel that Ixia’s power had dropped off a cliff!

“Is the power of the Sekiryuutei disappearing? I can’t even hold on for a minute. Does this count as a dragon!?”

The number of rain of light guns suddenly increased dramatically!

(It will probably fall back to its original state in three or four seconds. Who told you to protect the surroundings? Idiot! Go die with your innocence! Sekiryuutei!)

Kirkbolt laughed in his heart.

However, in the next moment——


Alexia’s aura, which had already weakened, soared back to its original height in an extremely strange way! The red flames shot straight into the sky like a fountain, and the frost impact suddenly stopped. As if the divergent power was concentrated into one point, the ice dragon rising into the sky directly froze and shattered all the light guns in one breath. Come!

And then, as if moving instantly——


Exia, who was still on the ground a moment ago, came directly in front of Kokbol at this moment!



In Kokbol’s surprised look, Exia directly held his arm with both hands!

Frost, maximum output!

“Crack, click, click, click!”

A layer of ice began to spread along Kokbol’s arms and towards his body!

“Want to freeze me? Can you do it?”

Kokbol sneered, and then he shook his arms hard, shattering the ice. He grabbed Aixia’s neck with one hand and hung her in front of him: “If it was you a second ago, it might be possible, but You were still a second too late, the Sekiryuutei—thirty-two times the power has disappeared, right?”

Indeed, although Ixia’s power soared back to its peak for a moment, the moment he held Kokbol’s arm with both hands, that power disappeared without a trace!

“When my power was about to disappear, I fought with all my strength and used all my remaining power to crush my light gun and protect the city. It was such a touching heroic act, Sekiryuutei, it moved me to the point of crying. ”

With Kokbol’s eyesight, he could naturally see what Exia’s biggest purpose was before her power disappeared.

“But, it’s not easy to be a hero, Sekiryuutei. How many people do you think will know that you are a hero? Do you think that after you are killed by me, those people you tried your best to protect will be How long will it take for me to be with you?”


Ixia reluctantly raised her hand and held the wrist that Kokbol pinched her, but with his strength, he couldn’t break free at all.

Increasing the strength on his hands bit by bit, Kirkbol smiled and said: “But, it allows me to feel [alive] for a minute, which is pretty good – although I feel a little sorry for Bai Long, but I I will kill you with my own hands.”

Kokbol’s fingertips were aimed at Ixia’s chest, and a light gun gradually took shape, and the extending spear tip slightly pierced Ixia’s skin.

With only a slight exertion from Kokbol, the light gun can penetrate directly through Ixia’s chest.


However, suddenly, an attack that Kokbol did not expect suddenly came from below!

65. For her sake, I can’t fall down

Time goes back tens of seconds.


In a daze, Irina seemed to hear someone calling her.

He opened his eyelids with difficulty, and what came into view was a touch of green highlights.


The moment she woke up, Irina couldn’t help but cry out as the severe pain spread throughout her body. Next to her, Xenovia looked at Irina’s injuries: “It seems… you are also seriously injured…”

“The same goes for you…”

Irina responded weakly.

She remembered that after separating from the demon agent last night, she and Xenovia went to the church where they lived when they were children, but they were attacked there – that church had long been abandoned and turned into a degenerate place. In the angel’s lair, Kokbol, who was entrenched there, directly ravaged the two of them.

“We… failed…”

There is no doubt that the mission failed.

Not to mention recovering the Holy Sword, the two of them were defeated without even seeing the shadow of the Holy Sword that was taken away. After that, they became each other’s prisoners——

“Yes, yes…Jenova…I remember…the demon agent just now…”

Irina didn’t know whether it was a dream or reality, but she remembered that she seemed to have seen the demon agent again in a daze? The other party seemed to have said something to her, but she didn’t hear it clearly at all.

However, it shouldn’t be possible, right? There should be no reason for a demonic agent to appear in front of her.


Suddenly, a loud noise came over.

Irina and Xenovia looked towards the source of the sound with some difficulty – Exia, covered in red flames, was standing in the distance, waving an ice storm towards the sky to resist the continuous rain of light guns. .

“That’s…the devil’s…agent?” Xenovia became slightly more energetic, “He’s…that’s…”


Irina barely recognized the fallen angel in the sky. No, to put it more accurately, it should be based on judgment. After all, he is the only fallen angel in this town who can continuously shoot out the rain of light spears.

But why are demonic agents at war with Kirkbolt? Didn’t it mean that the devil would not interfere in this friction between the fallen angels and the church?

(However, no matter what…he is fighting the fallen angels…can he be regarded as a companion for the time being?)

Xenovia thought this as she tried her best to move her body.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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