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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 93

Since he is a companion (?), he cannot continue to sit and has to get up to help. Originally, the church was responsible for this mission, but it couldn’t always let the devil help.

“Jenovia…look…over there…”

Irina’s weak voice came, and Xenovia came back to his senses and looked at the battlefield again – what he saw with his eyes was to sweep away the rain of light guns, but then he was pinched by Kirkbol The figure of Alexia holding her neck.


“He also lost… What, what should I do…” Irina’s voice was filled with a little fear and uneasiness. If this continues, Kirkbol’s plan will…

“Let’s… go… help him… Irina.”

Xenovia’s voice also sounded very weak.


Both Jenova and Irina are seriously injured now, and their injuries have not been treated at all. To be honest, their physical condition is so bad that they can’t even stand up, let alone wave a weapon. Go help.

“Use your…holy sword, maximum range…gun…”


Irina paused for a moment, and then immediately understood what her partner meant – the Holy Sword of Mimicry can be transformed into various postures. As long as the holder has sufficient strength, it can be made no matter how complicated it is. make changes.

(Gun… Do you want me to use a blunderbuss? Or should I extend the gun… No, it doesn’t matter either way.)

It doesn’t matter how the process goes, what’s important is that the demon agent must be rescued from Kirkbolt.

Holding the mimetic holy sword that turned into a ribbon and wrapped it in her hand, Irina imagined in her mind the posture of the holy sword that she needed now – no matter how long it is, it must be able to reach that distance. You have to get there!

So, Holy Sword…

(Stretch it…)


As if sensing the thoughts of its owner, the ribbon-shaped holy sword began to change its shape bit by bit.

(Stretch it… stretch it…)

Irina continued to construct in her mind the posture that the holy sword should have at this moment.



Golden flames suddenly burned on the holy sword!

Immediately afterwards, under Irina’s strong thoughts, the Japanese sword-like sword body was like a spring, and the entire sword was ejected directly from the handle!

(Did it…please…)

Irina and Xenovia looked at the shooting blade with anticipation in their eyes.

This kind of attack has absolutely no effect on the ten-winged fallen angels, but as long as they can help a little bit, it will be fine. If their little help can help the demon agent…



The sound of breaking through the sky quickly approached Kokbol.

Although it was sudden, as long as the sound was heard, it was naturally impossible for this slow attack to hurt Kokbol.

“It’s those two Holy Sword Users.”

Catching the sword blade that was shot at him, Kirkbol looked in the direction of Irina and Xenovia: “They are both half dead, and they are still making such a death struggle… It seems that they are completely unaware of it. Because you can survive, Sekiryuutei.”


Alexia, who was speechless, looked hard towards Irina and Xenovia, but the force coming from his neck prevented him from looking away.


After crushing the sword blade in his hand and throwing away the fragments, Kirkbol smiled and said: “Since you want to help each other so much, then I will also be a man of beauty. How about stuffing you under a tombstone after your death? For For a man, dying with a woman is the best way to die, right? Maybe you can become soul mates in hell~~~”

Kokbol’s hands became harder and harder. Alexia could no longer breathe, and her consciousness gradually collapsed.

(Damn…if this continues…it will really…move…my body…)

You have to move, you have to break free quickly.

You must not be defeated here, you must not be killed here.

If you are killed here, everything will be over, be it the city or the school… Kirkbol will do what he wishes and promote a war between the three parties. He must be stopped here… ..

No, no…no…that’s not the case…

[Isn’t this the only reason why you don’t want to die? 】

As if looking into a mirror, a voice exactly like his own echoed deep inside.

That’s right, it’s not just that… There should be another reason why I don’t want to die, which is purer and simpler than protecting other people and the city… said In the end, the most fundamental reason why I will start fighting is——


Someone’s voice rang in my ears.

It’s not a man, but a woman, and… this voice is very familiar, so familiar that people don’t want to forget it.

(By the way, the reason why I…with Loki…decided to start becoming stronger again…)

In addition to protecting others, another reason is even more important.


What came to mind was the majestic blond female knight holding a lance and walking in front of him.

This is the [answer].

(Yes…I can’t…yet…can’t…fall here yet!)

Absolutely not before catching up with her!

【This is so true——】

“——I’ll do it next.”

These were the last words Alexia heard.


“Chi la————————!”

A tearing sound suddenly sounded in the air!

66. How to use the power of salvation


This is the strongest feeling that Kirkbol can feel now.


This is the most conspicuous thing that Kirkbol can see now.

(what happened?)

The moment this question flashed through his mind, Kirkbol’s brain automatically gave the answer – his right hand disappeared and was completely torn off from his body.


Blood erupted from the section on his shoulder like a fountain. Kokbol instinctively wanted to scream, but before this instinct could strike, a stronger instinct made him flap his black wings and escape at full speed. land!


The next second he escaped, a huge icicle rose up from the ground without warning, and then shattered suddenly, turning into broken ice and falling down from the sky!

Looking at this scene, Kirkbol suddenly had an illusion – if he had just been hit by this blow, he would have been seriously injured.

And just then.

“Tsk, did you miss it? Sure enough, it’s my first time to use this body, so I’m still not used to it in every aspect.”

Such words made Kirkbolt tremble, and he quickly looked forward, only to see that in the place where he was flying just now, Ixia, who should have been choked by him and lost consciousness, and then completely passed out, was now actually in the right place. He tore off one of the arms hanging around his neck, froze it into ice cubes and crushed it into pieces!

Touching her neck where the mark had been pinched, Alexia moved a little: “Ah~~~ah~~~~ Well, it’s okay to talk, tsk, but you should take care of your body. I don’t want to use a A tattered and broken piece of equipment.”

What is he saying?

Kokbol frowned and looked at Ixia: “Sekiryuutei… you – no, you are not the Sekiryuutei?”

The person in front of me is not Alexia!

After actually meeting the opponent’s eyes, Kokbol was able to conclude that the person standing in front of him now was definitely not the Sekiryuutei who fought with him just now!

No, wait…standing?

Kokbol looked at Aixia’s feet – those feet were as if there was an invisible floor in the sky, firmly stepping on the air! ?

Isn’t Sekiryuutei human? How could it be possible to fly in the sky like him?

“Who are you?”

“Ah? Ask me who I am? Hahaha…”

Hearing Kirkbol’s ridiculous question, Aixia couldn’t help but laugh, and then——

“——I am [Exia]!”


The suddenly enlarged eyes of Alexia’s face immediately startled Kokbol! The distance between the two that was supposed to be tens of meters has shortened to the point where they are almost touching each other!

Kokbol immediately wanted to distance himself again, but before that, Aixia held his shoulder!

“Don’t run away, fallen angel. Let’s have a good conversation.” Ixia sneered, “Your shoulder still hurts, right? How about I help you ice it?”


After slapping Aixia’s hand away, Kokbol forced himself back dozens of meters! But after exiting, he discovered that half of the frozen black wings had appeared in Alexia’s hand.


There was a sound of something falling off behind him, and Kokbol looked at his wings in disbelief—a section of his wings was missing inexplicably? !

Crushing the half wing in his hand into ice shards and throwing it into his mouth, Aixia smiled and said: “Don’t move around. I don’t have the self-control to do anything now. Look, just because you moved around, the wings are gone, right?” puff–“

Looking at Exia spitting out a feather from her mouth, Kokbol gritted his teeth, and his remaining hand instantly condensed a light gun dozens of meters long!

However, before he could throw the light gun out, Exia had already come to him again and took the initiative to reach out and hold the light gun!


A moment, really just a moment.

The light gun was completely frozen!

Using his five fingers, he crushed the light gun into pieces. Exia smiled and said, “What? He’s trying so hard to block such glass slag. It’s obviously just a matter of crushing it if he’s serious.”


Kokbol couldn’t help shouting.

This light gun is the same as the previous light gun that was also frozen and shattered. It is even more powerful than that, condensing 80% of his power! How could Exia, who had already exited the Sekiryuutei’s amplified state, freeze and crush it with just one hand! ?

“Impossible? What are you talking about?”

The corners of Alexia’s mouth curved in a cruel arc.

“If you want to save the world, you can’t even do such a small thing. It’s obvious that you can take the initiative to use the power to compete with that state as long as you are a little serious, but in the end, you don’t intend to use it at all, and you just wait to be forced to trigger it. , the other one I am really stupid!”

A faint blue light lit up on Exia’s back.

The magic engraved on Exia’s back – [It will save the world] is now directly activated by Exia!

No, it can’t be said to be activated.

Originally, the essence of the magic [It Will Save the World] is to temporarily activate the power that Exia has not yet mastered or even awakened. Because this is originally used to deal with Honkai and destroy Honkai’s power, so it can only be used when facing Honkai. When it goes bad, it will be actively forced into effect.

However, that is at best just because Exia is not yet able to freely control this power.

The current Exia is different.

“Whirring whirring———-!”

The blizzard started blowing without knowing when.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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