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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 94

The sky was covered by a thick layer of dark clouds, and the biting ice wind blew violently between the sky and the earth.

(Weather control…)

Kokbol looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

This is undoubtedly weather control, the ability to change the weather with one’s own power – Kirkbol knew that there was a human being who could do the same thing, and could even control all the weather, but the question was why the Sekiryuutei in front of him also can do it? Or is it that the freezing ability he showed just now is essentially to control the weather?

“Hmm~~~~Not bad. Although I have completely mastered it in the consciousness space, this is the first time I have actually done it – it feels really good to have power filling my whole body, so-“

A delicate giant sword suddenly condensed in Alexia’s hand.

“Because that guy can’t do it at all, so let me show you now, Fallen Angel—how to use this power!”


Without even starting to move or accumulating strength, Exia just swung the ice sword casually, but the [Messiah Kaslana], which was more impactful and coercive than before, was right there. It broke out instantly!

Kokbol’s figure was immediately swallowed up and submerged!

67. Red lizard and white lizard

[Exia] is Exia’s instinct.

There is no doubt about this.

But it is not pure instinct. It is the power suppressed by the seal. Over the years, another Ixia was born naturally based on Ixia’s own situation.

In terms of existence, it is equivalent to a combination of [dual personality] and [instinct].

And because it has been sealed in that land of ice and snow for many years, the only thing that can be done is to study the power it possesses. Therefore, compared to Exia, the power that [Exia] can exert is different from his actual power. It’s not in the same dimension at all!


The burst of frost impact instantly froze Kokbol’s body, forming a huge iceberg in mid-air!

And then, the iceberg broke.


Countless iceberg fragments burst open, and Kokbol immediately fell heavily to the ground inside them! The body that was frozen to the point of being unable to move was actually like an ice cube, with a large number of large and small cracks visible to the naked eye!

Judging from the extent of the injury, there is no doubt that it was a serious injury.

“Cough cough cough! Woo…”

Kokbol coughed up a large amount of frozen blood and flesh foam, and his whole body was bleeding. He looked at Exia in horror – just one blow. Although he had suffered some injuries before, just one blow caused severe damage to his whole body? !

(This guy’s power… could it be that he has reached the level of a demon king!?)

“No, this is impossible! How can those guys be at a level that a brat can reach!”

With the only remaining hand raised above his head, Kirkbol once again raised the huge spear of light. This time he took it seriously and poured all his power into the spear of light!

“So what if your strength has increased? At most, it will be restored to the same level as before! I have killed countless guys of this level in previous battles!”

“Save the world? How can you possibly do it!”


It’s like the space itself has been penetrated! The huge light gun shot towards [Exia] like a cannonball! You can even see strong tremors in the space wherever you pass!

The full blow of the ten-winged fallen angel, if this blow was not used against the air but against the earth, it would probably cause a complete collapse of a very large area, right?



However, the figure of [Exia] disappeared in the air instantly, letting the light gun shoot into the distant sky. And the next moment, Kirkbol felt the terrifying cold air coming from behind!

(Behind me again! When——)

“Are you thinking, when did I come behind you?” [Exia] sneered, “There’s nothing surprising, right? It’s just that the speed is a little faster. This is worthy of your expression of disbelief. What’s the matter? Fallen Angel Officer.”


The ice sword slashed down quickly, and the sharp flash of light flashed across Kokbol’s body in an instant! He directly cut a huge wound across his entire upper body!

Kokbol’s body, which has not yet recovered from the freeze, is completely unable to dodge this blow. Now he is a living target!

And then, countless blood-red ice spikes erupted from the wound!


The blood-red ice spikes were constantly piercing Kokbol’s body from the inside. Under the influence of [Ikesia’s] slash, all the blood in Kokbol’s body now became a deadly weapon that destroyed his body! As long as there is blood in his body, the blood will freeze and then pierce out, until Kirkbolt is completely pierced into a tattered ice sculpture.

[Axia] laughed: “Based on your situation, your vitality will be completely gone when the hundredth ice spike comes out. For a fallen angel, would such a way of death be possible? Will the price drop a bit? Do you want me to prepare a cross for you and tie you to it, pretending to be a saint? “

“…Hahaha, that’s not bad.”

Kokbol said with a bitter smile on his face.

He knew his own body very well. As the ice spikes continued to poke out, his life force was indeed passing away. Now he could feel that most of his body was unconscious.

He will die.

Kokobol, one of the six dignified fallen angel cadres and a ten-winged fallen angel, will die here like this today – and from the beginning to the end, he only suffered two direct hits!

“In any case, compared to dying of old age naturally in the infinitely distant future, being killed like this is more to my taste. Anyway, I have lived longer than gods and demon kings, so I am happy that I can still be killed now. It’s incredible.”

To outlive gods and demon kings?

[Exia] frowned.

The memories of Exia and [Exia] are synchronized, so he knows that all the previous four demon kings are dead. Kirkbol said that he has no problem living longer than the demon kings.

But outliving God?

“According to your tone, the God of the Bible is dead?”

——God is dead.

The religion that spreads the most widely in the world and has the largest number of believers in the world, the god it believes in is actually dead? If this kind of thing spreads, even a fool can know how big of a world earthquake it will cause!

The faith of countless people will collapse as a result, and the influence of the church will fall to the bottom in an instant.

“Ah, that’s of course. I’m going to die anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I tell you. God and the Demon King have long been——”


Kokbol didn’t have time to finish his words. Before he could explain, a light gun flew from a distance and shot directly through his head and heart!

[Axia] raised his head and looked upward: “You are really capable of doing this. He is your companion for now, isn’t he?”

“Judging from what this guy has done during this period, he can no longer be called a companion.”

The fallen angel, Azazel, flapping his wings and descending from the sky with twelve jet-black wings on his back, gently smashed the remaining body of Kirkbol: “However, if I am to be executed, let me do it myself.” Well, after all-“


An iceberg suddenly rose from the ground, and the frost impact almost grazed Azazel’s feet!

[Exia] stared at him angrily: “Execution? Hahaha, I’m so embarrassed to say it to you! It’s so natural to snatch people and prey – then I will kill you next, you shouldn’t complain, right?”

“Hey, it seems that you are not suitable for communication like this… Of course I can accompany you if you want to fight, but now it is better for you to pay more attention to the other guy than me – him But I can’t wait any longer.”


As soon as Azazel’s voice fell, a white flash suddenly fell from the sky!

The figure whose whole body was shrouded in a pair of white and silver armor was immediately reflected in [Exia]’s eyes! Looking at the pair of gorgeous light wings unfolding behind him, [Exia] couldn’t help but curled his lips.

“Tsk, first there was a red lizard, and now there’s a white lizard?”


68.Tear off your wings

White lizard, red lizard.

Listening to what [Exia] said about himself and him, Vali couldn’t help but taunted him: “Lizard… you really have such arrogant words. Are you going to The two dragons have devalued ourselves, [Red Lizard].”

“Ha! Don’t compare me to you and that guy, okay?”

[Exia] sneered.

“The power of the artifact, the forbidden hand, or even the demonic power in a hybrid hybrid like you – it’s all rubbish to me. The only thing I can use is my own power, and my own power is The strongest power!”

“……Are you really Alexia Kaslana?”

The overly arrogant words made Vali frown.

Although he and Exia had only met once, at that time, even from the standpoint of an enemy, he was a very polite, rational and reserved person.

But now, the [Exia] in front of me is completely different. It seems that all the shackles of the body and mind have been removed, and it has completely degenerated into a crazy beast that only obeys instinctive actions!

“Ah? Does this have anything to do with you? Half-breed bastard?” [Exia] mocked, “By the way, you are here to fight me, right? Then what are you talking about? Are you a talkative? I mean well. Because you are relatively weak, I gave you the upper hand!”

“You said…I’m weak?”

Vali’s absolutely intolerable words made him forget everything for a moment!

Indeed, there is no need to talk nonsense at all. As soon as the red dragon and the white dragon meet, the only action they will take is to fight!


The wings of light unfolded, and Vali, wearing silver armor, immediately turned into a flash of light and disappeared from the place!

next moment–


The ice sword and the straight fist collided suddenly!

With [Exia] and Vali at the center, a strong impact burst out instantly! The ground around the two of them was shattered and thrown away! A crater was actually blasted out!


The light wing behind Vali suddenly made such a sound, and with this sound, the size of the ice sword in [Exia]’s hand suddenly shrunk by half.



Four more sounds in a row.

The ice sword that had already been reduced to half of its size immediately shrank again at the sound, but it shrunk to a size smaller than a dagger in less than a second!

Then, the fist that lost its barrier continued to hit [Exia]


A hole was made in the ground.

But Alexia, who was supposed to be there, was nowhere to be seen!


The sound of breaking through the air sounded behind Vali, and [Exia] who quickly came behind him directly slashed his head with two giant ice swords at the same time!


Five times in one instant!

[Exia] The size of the two ice swords in her hands suddenly became the same as the previous ice sword! And Vali’s attack also landed on [Exia]’s chest at the moment when the sound was reduced to half!


Two long ravines were drawn on the ground with both feet. [Exia] leaned against a tree and barely stopped her body. She glanced at the toy in her hand and crushed it into pieces: “It’s really interesting. The trick is to halve it continuously without touching it, and then absorb the halved power to strengthen yourself – not bad wings.”

【Use me】

Ddraig’s voice sounded from the back of his left hand.

[If you want to fight the white one, you can’t do it without my power]

The white dragon’s power is halved, and the red dragon’s power is doubled. The abilities of the two sides are completely opposite. If you want to fight against the halving of the white dragon, the most direct and effective way is to use the multiplication of the red dragon.



No one expected that [Exia] would directly pierce her left hand with an ice spike!

Azazel: “!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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