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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 95

Vali: “……What are you doing?”

“It’s nothing, I just told this guy to shut up. He’s so annoying.” [Exia] pulled out the ice spike and sneered, “If I want to fight you, I have to use its power? Stop joking and halve my power. Just cut it in half, even if it’s only one thousandth of the original strength, I can still tear off the wings of your white lizard!”

Arrogant and ignorant.

This was Vali’s first thought.

The power of the White Dragon Emperor is indeed not invincible. Even if it can infinitely halve the enemy’s power, if the enemy’s power is too large, the halving effect will be reduced or even ineffective. In fact, Vali has already encountered him. An invincible opponent.

But that does not include [Exia]. Vali can actually confirm that the halving is taking effect. Although the object that was halved just now was only the ice sword, as long as Vali has that intention, he can do it at any time. Halve [Exia]’s power, weakening it to the point where it’s worse than a baby!

He must know this, but even so, he does not intend to use, or even refuses to use, the power of the Sekiryuutei – but his power is not so huge that Vali cannot resist it… This is not What is arrogance and ignorance?

(Forget it, kill him completely.)

It’s really disappointing that his old enemy would be such a guy. I hope the next generation of Sekiryuutei can grow up well and let himself have a good time – Vali thought this while preparing to raise his head. The use of [Exia] by hand is halved.



Suddenly, without warning, just when Vali was about to take action, a sudden strong tremor made his movements stagnate, and then, as if gravity itself had been manipulated, an extremely heavy weight hit him. Pressure suddenly fell from above! It hit Vali like a mountain!

(Wha-what is this?!)

[Wally, top of head]

The voice of the White Dragon King Albion came from the light wings. Vali raised his head to look at the sky with great effort – what came into view was a huge sword that seemed to pierce the sky and was like a meteorite falling from the sky. blade!

what is that?

“I told you, I will tear your wings off…”

[Exia] A somewhat labored voice entered Vali’s ears again.

“Feel it well, not only physically, but mentally as well. This is the first time I’ve used this move. Please forgive me if it’s not light or heavy… Then, let’s fall——”

“——[Sword God]!”

69. Taixu Sword God

Taixu sword energy.

The Chinese Kung Fu that Alexia learned under Fu Hua’s guidance a few years ago has five aggregates – heart, form, mind, soul, and spirit.

However, it is not accurate to say that it is kung fu. According to the additional explanations given by Bishop Otto and Fu Hua later, Taixu Sword Qi should be closer to a subtle “transformation surgery” in essence.

Through the practice of sword heart, one has the mental power to resist the erosion of Honkai energy. The practice of sword shape allows the practitioner to temper his body to a certain extent and master a certain method of controlling Honkai energy. The practice of these two is all for the practitioner to have a sufficient foundation to understand the sword god.

These two aggregates are also the two aggregates that Exiya understands.

The sword heart of the realm of still water, and the sword form of the Dacheng level – although he did not possess the divine weapon Xuanyuan of the Taixu lineage, he could not understand the sword’s intention, and the sword soul also had no chance to get involved due to his lack of understanding.

But [Exia] is different.

Although there is no difference between him and Ixia in terms of the realm of the sword’s heart and the use of the sword shape, in addition to these two, he also mastered something that Ixia has not mastered – the divine essence.

“Boom boom boom boom~~~~~~”

The atmosphere was shaking.

Space is mourning.

The pressure coming from directly above squeezed everything below, and the pure mass seemed to flatten the space itself, falling slowly with the surging cold air and storm.

This is the sword god.

Taixu Sword God.

The fifth yang of Taixu Sword Qi, almost no one has been able to master the divine sword throughout the ages – but even so, its essence is not that profound to [Exia], it is just a simple shaping and extension of collapse. That’s all.

There is only one prerequisite for the use of the Sword God, and that is to be able to control a large amount of Honkai energy. Turn a large amount of Honkai energy into your own weapons, regard it as an extension of your own will, and use your own will to twist it and shape it into what you want.

To put it bluntly, that’s what Sword God is like.

The heart of the sword, the shape of the sword – apart from the sword’s intention and the sword’s soul, these two yin and yang are actually serving the sword god, allowing people to use the sword god more simply and safely [basis].

The sword heart that has been cultivated to the highest level allows the user not to be afraid of the erosion caused by Honkai energy, and the sword form that has been cultivated to the highest level gives the user the method to control Honkai energy. The sword intention and sword soul are used in harmony with the Xuanyuan Sword of the Taixu lineage, and do not have much impact on the sword god.

Theoretically speaking, Exia cannot use the Sword God, as his sword heart and sword shape foundations are not yet up to standard.

But in reality, Exia can be used, because he has the ability to control large amounts of Honkai energy, but he is completely unaware of it, and he doesn’t even know that he can do it.

But [Exia] is different. He knows very well what kind of power this body has. As long as he puts aside unnecessary emotions and worries, there is nothing he can’t do!

(Look at it carefully, look at it carefully and then engrave it in your heart to know what kind of power we have! Exia!)

While shouting to her other self in her heart, [Exia] waved her hands towards Vali!

“Rumble, rumble, rumble————————!”

Sword God, fall!

Staring at the huge sword falling from the sky, Vali couldn’t help but feel ashamed of what he had just thought.

arrogant? ignorance? But such an old enemy?

Don’t be kidding, this blow that shocked him from the bottom of his heart has truly proved the power of [Exia]!

“However, as long as it is not the power of the Sekiryuutei, then I can reduce it in half to the point where it has no effect!”

Vali suddenly spread his wings, soared into the sky like a meteor, and rushed straight towards the sword that hit him!

The White Dragon King’s halving ability can indeed be used remotely, but if the strength gap is too large, the remote halving effect will be quite insignificant. If you want to truly halve it, it is most effective to touch it directly with your hands.

(Continuously activate halving and absorption at the moment of contact! This way——)


Looking at this scene, [Exia] couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Go directly to touch the sword god?

Can you really touch it?

The Taixu Sword God is both invisible and tangible. There is a sword even if there is no sword. With the deified sword, the sword energy is self-contained – it exists there, but does not exist there, so it cannot be interfered with or blocked.

Of course, it cannot be halved.

Because there is absolutely no object that can be cut in half!

And just as [Exia] thought——


In the air, Vali approached the Taixu Sword God at his top speed. The moment his eyes confirmed that he could reach it, he immediately activated Halving!



Totally ineffective.


Vali felt the feeling of his hand in disbelief. His eyes seemed to be touching, but his hand felt… nothing?

It was as if there was only nothingness in front of him, only a piece of air, and he couldn’t feel anything!


Followed without any lag! The sword god, whose power was not affected at all, landed on Vali with the greatest power!

At this moment, what Vali felt was not physical pain, but pain as if his entire head had been split open, mashed, and smashed! It was as if someone had opened up his skull and inserted a stun gun into it!


The White Dragon Emperor’s mournful cry instantly resounded throughout the sky!

And what burst out in the sky together with it was a large amount of blood flowing out!

Taixu Sword God is not a pure physical attack, nor is it a pure mental attack, but a combination of both, the two are at the same time, the dual nature is mixed, integrated and integrated, no matter what kind of defense, it is absolutely unable to withstand this attack !

The silver armor turned into countless light spots and dissipated, and Vali, covered in blood, began to fall from the sky like a kite with a broken string.


The figure disappeared from the spot, and then reappeared behind Vali. [Exia] reached out and grabbed one of his arms.

“Hey, this is my first time talking to you, white lizard.”

【what’s up? Sekiryuutei]

The White Dragon Emperor’s light wings fluttered slightly, and the White Dragon Emperor’s voice sounded.

“Nothing, I just want to say goodbye!”

Following [Exia]’s words, the condensed ice sword was cut down instantly!


More blood spreads in the air!

Vali’s entire right arm flew out on the spot!

70.The battle comes to an end

No one expected this result.

In the battle between the White Dragon and the Red Dragon, the final winner was already obvious – it was clear that the White Dragon had completely mastered the Forbidden Hand, and had even initially mastered further power, but now he actually lost to the White Dragon without even using the artifact. red dragon.

What an incredible ending.

“Tsk, the cut was a little off, my hand was shaking.”

Looking at the arm flying out, [Exia] curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

“I originally wanted to chop off the wings.”

[Keep cutting, partner]

Ddraig’s voice came over.

“Ah? Are you still there? Didn’t I stab you to death?”

[Of course that approach cannot kill my consciousness, not to mention you don’t have that intention, right? You just want me to stay out of the way, just don’t say anything.]

“It’s considered recognition – so what does it mean to keep cutting?”

[Literally speaking, the artifact itself is quite difficult to destroy, let alone our divine destroyer. The ice sword you made casually cannot even leave a scratch, let alone cut it. You are actually vaguely aware of it, right? 】

The most obvious evidence is that the White Dragon Emperor’s light wings were not damaged even though he had just received a blow from the Sword God head-on.

[Exia] curled her lips: “Tsk, I’m still thinking of cutting it off to see if I can put it on myself.”

【…You can’t install it, right? By the way, why do you think so? 】

“I, the other one, suffer a lot every day because I can’t fly! He’s a fool who can’t learn my method after seeing it so many times, so I can only give him wings.”

[Exia] said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot become steel. If his other self could fly, he wouldn’t have to worry about it.

After hearing these words, both the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor fell into silence. This bizarre idea, let alone others, had never occurred to them themselves. After all, there had never been anyone who could not fly in the past. Ssangyong, as long as you reach a certain realm that is even more taboo than forbidden hands, it will be natural for you to be able to fly.

“However, since it can’t be cut down, then this guy is useless, right?” [Exia] threw away the ice sword, grabbed Vali’s neck with one hand and hung him up, and pressed the tip of his other finger against him heart.

Just like what Kokbol did to Exia before, all he needs to do is penetrate his chest, and the White Dragon Emperor of this generation will die.

[What an unexpected result, Albion]

[Yes, Ddraig. This time I lost]

The two dragons each let out a sigh.

However, just when [Exia] gathered light at her fingertips and was about to shoot a blow that would pierce Vali——

“That’s it for now, Sekiryuutei.”

However, a hand was placed on [Exia]’s hand, forcibly stopping his movements.

[Exia] looked at the person who came: “What do you mean? Bastard crow.”

“Hey, hey, this title is too disrespectful.”

Azazel, who spread out twelve black wings behind him, had a wry smile on his face: “The battle between the red dragon and the white dragon was quite exciting for the first battle – but it would be too unsatisfactory to end like this. Can we do this here?” Please, for my sake, give this kid a chance to fight again?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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