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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 96

“You have such a shameless face, get out of here.”


As the Governor of the Fallen Angels, this was really the first time that Azazel was scolded so bluntly.

“This guy came to challenge me and then started a fight with me. If you lose, you have to die. It’s normal, right? Wasn’t this the case with Ssangyong in the past?”

“Well, it is true, but this time…well, how should I put it, it is really impossible for me to watch [my son] die.”


[Exia] frowned, glanced at Vali, and then at Azazel: “Demon, human, dragon… plus fallen angel, he is a mixture of four races. Bastard?”

“The way you talk really doesn’t give me any face – he’s just an adopted son. He was picked up and adopted by me when he was a child. Although he has recently begun to rebellious, I watched him grow up. Yes, it’s not too much to call him son, right?”

Azazel said sincerely.

“Even the leader of a bad guy like me still has feelings, Sekiryuutei. Can you please let my son go? Please.”

The dignified Governor of the Fallen Angels actually bowed his head to Exia and made this request.


son, and father.

Looking at the two people in front of her, [Exia] was silent for a long time, then suddenly curled her lips and threw Vali to Azazel: “Tsk! I can’t stand it, it reminds me of disgusting things… …Give it back to you! Since you have a dog, keep it on a leash! Damn crow!”

“Can’t you just keep your mouth shut and be virtuous?”

Catching Vali with a helpless expression, Azazel connected Vali’s arm that he had just picked up, and then took out a small bottle of liquid from his arms and poured it into his mouth.

The next moment, the arm that had been chopped off was like going back in time, and was reattached to Vali’s body at a speed visible to the naked eye!

[Axia] raised her eyebrows: “Oh? It’s a good thing – do you have any more? Give me a few bottles.”

“Your request is too much! This thing is so valuable that I only have three or four hidden away myself! I want to ask the Phoenix family for it!”


“Is this something from that turkey’s house?”

“Tears of the Phoenix – the most powerful recovery medicine that only the Phoenix family can produce. Even if it is a fatal injury, you can recover directly as long as you are still breathing. The annual output is extremely small, and basically… Only for demons, I got this bottle from the previous war.”

Azazel explained.

“I originally wanted to use it for you.”

“For me to use?”

“In your battle with Vali, if Vali wins, I will step in to protect you, and then give you this thing to help you heal your injuries – who would have thought you could win in the end.”

The White Dragon Emperor who has mastered the forbidden hand, and the Red Dragon Emperor who has not mastered the forbidden hand, everyone will think that the former will win.

[Exia] sneered: “Then I will really thank you then, and then you can use this favor to make that guy continue to cooperate with your experiments. The little calculation is good,”

“Hehehe, how could it be? You are thinking too much.”

“If you dare, look into my eyes and speak.” [Axia] looked at Azazel coldly, and then sighed: “Well… forget it, it’s useless to talk about it now, I’m going back to sleep. I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Kirkbolt, who caused [Exia] to appear, is dead, Vali has been defeated, and there is no need for [Exia] anymore.

“Hey, bastard crow and red dragon, remember to tell the other me later – not every time I will save him and let him work hard to become stronger for me. If one day I can’t stand him like this You’re such a coward, then you might as well let me control this body!”

“Let him remember that I’m always watching him!”

71. The power of dragon will attract the opposite sex

In a world burning with flames.

Exiya woke up from her daze and opened her eyes, floating in the sky full of flames.

“I…this is…”

“Hey, I finally woke up, partner.”

The dragon’s voice sounded at close range.

Alexia raised her head and looked forward: “Ddraig…have I entered the realm of consciousness again?”

“So be it. You lost consciousness during the battle with Kokbol, and then you were kicked to my side by the other you and fell into a deep sleep.”

Kirkbol, another self.

Exia gradually recalled that she had accumulated thirty-two times the strength to fight Kokbol, but in the end she was defeated because time ran out. When she was about to be killed in the end, her other self… ….

“It turns out you…no, he won.”

Ddraig continued.

“Kokebol was defeated, and the White Dragon Emperor who came after him was almost killed by him. In the end, he successfully stopped Kirkbol’s ambition to provoke a war between the three forces, which can be regarded as catching up to the last second. “

“…That guy is so strong.”

“Well, it’s infinitely close to the Demon King level.”

Demon King.

Alexia remembered that her other self said that her power was exactly the same as the power he held. The difference was that he could only exert 60 to 70% of his power, while the other self could exert 100% or even 100% of his power. The power of two hundred.

And the result is that under normal circumstances, I am only at the level of a superior demon, but can my other self be close to the level of a demon king?

(If…if I could exert such power from the beginning…)

Alexia couldn’t help but think of the situation at Kuou Academy. If he could be as strong as his other self from the beginning, then maybe the academy wouldn’t——

“Don’t think too much, partner.”

Seeing that Exia was starting to think wildly, Ddraig persuaded him: “Indeed, in terms of strength, he is far more than you, but that was obtained after he sacrificed all his rationality and shackles and completely became a beast. ——Do you want to be like that?”

“Of course not.”

But if this happens again next time, and you still encounter a situation that you can’t defeat with your own strength, then you have to do it even if you become a beast——

“Then go get stronger, partner.”

“Become stronger?”

“Yeah. This is another thing you want me to tell you – [Go and work hard to become stronger].”

Do you have to risk your life to become stronger?

Alexia looked at her left hand. Of course he wants to become stronger. Based on the current situation, the most direct way is to master the forbidden hand, but he has not mastered it so far… Is it because his thoughts and ideas are not strong enough?


Whether it’s protecting or getting stronger, these are undoubtedly the motivations for Alexia to pursue power, but when it comes to the most original idea, it must be “catching up with Bianca”. The reason why he can’t master the forbidden hand is because of him Isn’t this idea strong enough?

“…I know, Ddraig.”

Clenching her left hand, Exia took a deep breath to cheer up.

“I’m going to learn more about your power.”

“It’s good to have this idea, but I want to remind you – my power is only strengthening after all. The stronger your own power, the stronger the power I can give you. Don’t forget your roots, partner .”

The moment Ddraig finished speaking, the surrounding flames suddenly became fierce, and Alexia also felt her body begin to gradually rise.

(Are you about to wake up?)

“See you next time, Ddraig. Thank the other me for me. This time I really thank him.”

After saying this, the increasingly fierce flames completely engulfed Ixia.



As consciousness returned to her body, Exia slowly opened her eyes.

“…unrecognized ceiling.”

What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Judging from the angle and body feeling, he should be lying on the same bed now. I can still smell some medicine in my nose. It must be in the infirmary or hospital, right? Curtains can also be seen around the field of view.


There were bursts of breathing in my ears. Is someone sleeping next to me?

Alexia turned his head to take a closer look at the situation around him, but as soon as he turned around, a cute sleeping face came into his view.

It’s Irina Wisteria.

I saw her sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed, her head resting on her folded arms, her body rising and falling with her breathing, and she seemed to have been asleep for a while. Her chestnut twin ponytails were now untied, and her hair was draped behind her and on both sides.

Sleeping Beauty—this is the description that came to Alexia’s mind immediately.

(No, no no no, wait a minute…why is she falling asleep next to me!?)

After coming back from her momentary trance, Alexia realized this very serious problem. A girl sleeping next to a boy was definitely a big problem! ?

[She is here to take care of you, partner]

Ddraig on his left hand gave an explanation.

[Because the other you overused your body, basically forcing your body to do all kinds of things beyond its limits, so after the battle, your body was almost in shambles, and your mind was too tired— —Actually, you have been in a coma for a month]

In a coma for a month?

Come again?

Alexia remembered that she was in the same situation in the dungeon before, and was in a coma for a month after the battle with Zaganat – did he sleep for a month after every battle?

[During this period, the women you know will take turns taking care of you every day or two, and today is her turn. Hahaha, you are gradually becoming the same as my previous host.】

“Same? What do you mean?”

[Of course it refers to the opposite-sex relationship – my previous hosts were basically all heartthrobs. There were guys who slept with different women every night, and there were also guys who slept with several women every night. 】

[In addition to attracting strong men, the power of dragons will also naturally attract the opposite sex. You are beginning to show this trait as well.]

(I don’t want this trait at all! It makes me look like a playboy!)

Alexia really didn’t expect that being hosted by the Sekiryuutei would have such weird gifts! Taco doesn’t want to be a heartthrob or anything like that!


Suddenly, I don’t know if she was awakened by Ddraig’s voice, but Irina murmured a few times, and her purple eyes slowly opened.

“Eh…um…demon agent?”

Sitting up from the bed in a daze, Irina rubbed her eyes, and then suddenly came to her senses as if there was a delay: “Hey! Demon agent? You’re awake!”

“Ah, um…I just woke up, Ms. Irina——”

“Very good!”

Without giving Alexia a chance to finish her words, Irina, who was overjoyed, immediately hugged her! Alexia immediately felt a strong squeezing and impact sensation in her chest!

“M-Ms. Irina!? You——”

(Why did you hug me all of a sudden!? Ddraig, do you know!?)



“Ah, by the way! Now that you’re awake, I have to tell everyone quickly!”

After hugging Alexia tightly for a second or two, Irina suddenly remembered this important thing. She immediately put down Alexia and ran out of the room at full speed, leaving only Alexia who was still there with a look on her face. Nervous and surprised.

[It really looks more and more like a dragon, partner]

“I really want to hit you right now, Ddraig…”

72. Gifts of Angels and Demons

after that

Not long after Irina ran out, she brought Rias, Aisha, Shitori Sona and a large number of girls that Exia knew, and came back like a mighty army of women. Exia looked at it. Almost suffered cardiac arrest.

Ddraig had just told him that dragon power would attract the opposite sex, and now he was suddenly exposed to so many maidens, and it was really hard for him to calm down.

Fortunately, these girls seemed to know that Alexia was now recovering from a serious illness. They did not hug him as soon as they came up like Irina did. Instead, they said some caring words to him one after another.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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