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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 97

To be honest, if so many people came to give him a hug, he would definitely pass out again on the spot – the stimulation to his heart and brain would be too great.

After that, Exia also learned from everyone about the actions taken by the three parties after that incident during the month when she was in a coma.

The first is the demon who was the most seriously injured in this operation.

The sisters of the two demon kings were attacked by fallen angels. After this news spread to the demons, it is said that the demon king Lucifer and the demon king Leviathan both fell into rage. They finally restrained themselves with the dissuasion of the other two demon kings. The urge to start a full-scale war with the fallen angels sent people to Kuou Academy to deal with the aftermath and block the information.

After all, when Kirkbolt and Ixia took action, neither of them did anything to cover up. If they didn’t do a good job in intelligence control, the problem would be huge.

Although Rias and others were seriously injured at the time, they have recovered in the past month. After all, there is a super powerful healer like Aisha, and the devil also provided tears of the phoenix. , it only took about three or four days for everyone to be fine.

The second is the church’s side—more precisely, Irina and Xenovia’s side.

The two of them have actually gone back to church once. Although the mission to recapture the Holy Sword failed, they still had to go back and recover anyway. So after the incident, the two of them healed their injuries and left. Now they are living here as [Church Personnel] assigned by the Church to Kuou Town. Revive the long-abandoned church in Kuoh Town.

To put it bluntly, the two of them were temporarily sent to the border. As a punishment for failing the mission, it was actually light enough. According to Irina herself, she only needs to wait until the end of her term to return to the church headquarters and continue to serve as a saint. The sword user moved.

Finally, on the side of the fallen angels who are the [initiators] of this incident——


“Hey, here we come. Sekiryuutei, you seem to be recovering well.”

A conference room in Kuoh Academy.

Alexia heard such a greeting just as she opened the door.

Looking at Azazel who greeted him, Exia pursed her lips, and then looked to the other side.

“Long time no see, Alexia. It’s great that you’re okay.”

The red-haired demon king, Sirzechs Lucifer, waved at him with a soft smile.

The Demon King and the Governor of the Fallen Angels are actually sitting in the same room now, and even more than that——

“First meeting, [Sekiryuutei] Alexia Kaslana, I am Michael.”

In the position between Sirzechs and Azazel, a gentle man with a halo on his head and twelve glorious wings behind him said this to Exia.

Michael, one of the four Seraphs in heaven, is currently the de facto leader of heaven.

Exia glanced at the three of them: “Have the leaders of the demons, fallen angels, and angels…the three forces actually gathered together now?”

“Hahaha, after all, we are going to hold a peace conference that concerns the future of our three parties. We can’t do it without getting together.” Azazel laughed.

– Peace Conference.

This is the reason for the three people to gather together now, and it is also the action taken by Azazel after this incident.

In his own words, the three parties have now reached the point where they have to engage in peace talks.

After the ancient war, the angels lost the God who created them, the demons lost the four major demon kings and most of the pure-blooded demons, and the fallen angels were almost completely wiped out except for their cadres.

Even after a long recovery period, the three parties are still reduced to the point where they have to rely on humans to continue to survive. The peace on the surface is also quite reluctant. Although a Kokbol has been killed, in fact, the three parties There are similar guys among them.

The current three-party forces cannot withstand another war. The worst outcome is that everyone will die together and then be invaded and cannibalized by other myths in the world. There can be no better outcome.

Therefore, in order to ensure the survival of the three parties, Azazel, after apologizing to both parties, then made the suggestion that “we all sit down and talk about it and conclude a peace treaty.”

And now it happened to be the time for the three parties to hold talks, and Exia had just been called over – because Rias told Sirzechs that he was awake.

“I really picked a very coincidental time to wake up.”

“I think you woke up at the right time. You are the main contributor to this incident. Apart from me, Sirzechs and Michael both want to talk to you directly, right?”

Michael nodded and looked at Axia: “I have already heard what Azazel said. During the battle with Kirkbol, you made a lot of sacrifices to protect our children. Right? Thank you very much.”

In the battle with Kokobol, if it were not for the protection of the ground below and Irina and Xenovia nearby, even if it might end up being defeated due to time running out, Exia would not have been defeated. It was so frustrating that he put too much of his strength into protection.

Having said this, Michael stood up and bowed his head deeply to Exia.

“You, you are too polite, Mr. Michael, please raise your head, I have not done anything to deserve your gratitude.”

Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable, and the majestic Seraph bowed to him to thank him – can this be regarded as Bishop Otto bowing to apologize to him, right?

Just thinking about it makes me feel uneasy.

“After this meeting is over, I will hand over the thank you gift we have prepared to you. Please don’t refuse. For us who failed to do our best in this incident, we will regret the consequences afterwards. A thank you gift must be made as compensation.”

“Speaking of gifts, I’m actually the same here, Exia.”

Before Ixia could say the words “Actually, it doesn’t have to be like this”, Sirzechs took over Michael’s words: “Remember when I first met you, I mentioned that we would meet Can I prepare a gift for you?”

(Gift…oh, the one at the beginning?)

More than a month ago, after Sirzechs had his first meeting with Bishop Otto, he did say that he would prepare to express his gratitude to Exia for helping Rias and commemorate the first conversation between different worlds. A gift to Exia.

“That one is ready. I will give it to you later with Michael.”

“…Okay, I understand, thank you both for the gift.”

I had no choice but to accept it.

Seeing that the three of them had finished talking like this, Azazel also clapped his hands: “Okay, now that your affairs are over, let’s get down to business – are you ready to sign the peace treaty?”

73. I can fly!

Time quickly passed again for several minutes.

The discussion and signing of the peace treaty between the three major forces, in Exia’s opinion, went smoothly beyond expectations. The three of them reached a general consensus without putting forward any opinions, and they had almost no idea about the content of the treaty. question.

It is really hard to imagine just looking at this situation. The three of them are the leaders of the three forces that have been fighting since ancient times. It would not be strange for them to fight directly.

However, since they can reach a consensus so easily, it means that they have longed for the signing of a peace treaty in their hearts. After all, the situation over there has actually reached a low point. If peace is not reached, the situation will continue. The struggle will eventually destroy the three parties.

In a sense, the signing of a peace treaty is inevitable.

“Okay, then I’ll leave first!”

After signing the treaty, Azazel was the first to stand up.

Michael looked at him: “Are you ready to leave? I still want to talk to you about something, Azazel.”

“Then think about it, I don’t want to chat with a bad guy like you at all. An angel top student like you can’t talk to a bad boy like me.” Azazel smiled, “Ah, yes By the way, Sekiryuutei, since both angels and demons have prepared gifts for you, I have to make some gesture – but it’s not actually a gift. Vali asked me to tell you something. “

Wally? White Dragon Emperor?

Alexia frowned: “Did he want to say something to me?”

“Of course, this time you…no, it should be said to be another you. He beat Vali so hard that one of his arms was gone. If I hadn’t given Vali the last Please forgive me, the White Dragon Emperor is probably dead by this time.”

Azazel said seriously: “Although Vali has been rescued by me now, this defeat has really stimulated his self-esteem. Now he no longer knows where to go to practice desperately. I’m ready to find my place next time.”

“Then – [I will definitely cut off one of your arms next time, so be mentally prepared, Sekiryuutei]. That’s what he said. He is quite vindictive.”

An arm?

Alexia glanced at her left hand: “Then you also tell him for me, [Next time I will not replace you, but will use my own power to cut off your other hand, so be mentally prepared. White Dragon Emperor].”

“Hey, hey, are you two using me as a microphone?”

Seeing Alexia’s lazy behavior, Azazel immediately became displeased. How could he, the fallen angel governor, become so cruel to each other in the eyes of two heavenly dragons? Are these two dragons elementary school students with no hair at all?

However, he was just unhappy. As the adoptive father of Valina, he was very pleased that he could gain a powerful rival. Otherwise, he would look at him every day and look like he was the biggest stinker in the world. It makes you tired when you fart, and being hit once or twice is not necessarily a bad thing.

(But the question is whether Vali will get involved in some taboos in pursuit of power next… Oh, I have to keep an eye on him when I look back. It’s so troublesome. Can you let me feel at ease and retire early? )

Thinking like this, a magic circle appeared under Azazel’s feet, and in an instant it turned into a burst of starlight and disappeared into the room.

Although the peace treaty has been signed, it still needs to be informed to their respective subordinates, and some problematic elements who have objections must be appeased… The peace treaty has been signed, but it does not mean that peace is achieved. It’s really coming, and it will take some time to realize it.

The same goes for Michael and Sirzechs.

After watching Azazel leave, Michael also looked at Exia again: “Okay, I kept you waiting for a long time, Your Majesty Sekiryuutei. Next, let us talk about the things I mentioned just now. It’s about the gift.”


As soon as Michael finished speaking, a bright golden light suddenly lit up in his hand, and then a strange sword blade that exuded pure golden flames and looked like folded wings appeared in mid-air.

“This is?”

“This is the thank you gift we have prepared for you, the Holy Sword of [Soaring].” Michael explained, “About your activity in this incident, I have already listened to Azazel’s explanation before you arrived. , it was also described in the reports submitted by Irina Wisteria and Xenovia Quarta who had previously returned to the church.”

“And after understanding the whole picture, we realized something that is natural to us but cannot be done to you – that is [flying].”

Indeed, Exia cannot fly.

No, it should be said that it is impossible for humans to fly. This is a natural condition. However, almost all the enemies that Exia faces in this world can fly. So far, relying on her own jumping power, she has managed to avoid causing too many problems. However, if she encounters a situation that requires her flying ability even more in the future, , he will definitely suffer a big loss if he can’t fly.

“So we decided to give you this holy sword. Although among the many holy swords, the power of this holy sword is not that outstanding, it has the ability to decompose and reconstruct and become the user’s wings. I believe it will It will be a great help to you, please accept it.”

As Michael spoke, he pushed the holy sword in front of Ixia, and just after getting close to Ixia, the holy sword emitting light suddenly decomposed into countless fragments and gathered behind Ixia. In the past, a pair of [wings] similar to those behind Michael were formed in the blink of an eye, but with a slight steel texture.

Then, the [Wings] trembled slightly, and he actually carried Alexia up a distance bit by bit.


Alexia’s eyes suddenly opened slightly.

(Flying… I’m flying?!)

“In addition, this is the instruction manual.” Michael handed over a booklet at the right time. “Among the many holy swords, the Soaring Holy Sword is relatively difficult to use. If you want to fully adapt to it, please practice hard.” practise.”

“Okay! Thank you very much! Mr. Michael!”

A gift that is deeply surprising, but also extremely gratifying and even satisfying!

The Soaring Holy Sword – I have to say that this gift from Michael is really something that Ixia cannot refuse!

He had almost thought of a way to decline. After all, he had not thought about getting something in return when he fought with Kokbol… But now, he wanted to accept this gift from the bottom of his heart!

Seeing the uncontrollable joy on Alexia’s face, Michael suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

(It seems that this gift is the right one.)

“Then, I will take my leave first, Lord Sekiryuutei, Lord Sirzechs.”

Gifts were delivered and the peace treaty was successfully signed.

The purpose of Michael’s trip has been achieved. Next, like Azazel, it is time to return to heaven to announce the peace agreement to many angels.


The magic circle dedicated to angels spread out at Michael’s feet, and soon the Seraph disappeared into the room.

74.Devil’s gifts and kindness

“In this case, we will be the only ones left.”

After watching Azazel and Michael leave, Sirzechs, the last remaining person in the room, also stood up and suddenly bent down and bowed to Alexia.

Alexia, who was flipping through the [Soaring Holy Sword Instruction Manual], quickly came to her senses when she saw this: “Mr. Sirzechs, are you…the same as Mr. Michael?”

“Well, this is one of the things I must do to thank you as the Demon King of the Underworld.”

Sirzechs said.

“At the same time, as Rias’s brother, I must express my gratitude to you. In this incident, you not only prevented a dangerous future to a certain extent, but in my opinion, you protected Rias. Their matter is also very important – thank you very much for saving my sister this time.”

“…I may not have saved it.”

After a moment of silence, Ixia shook her head: “I didn’t stop Kirkbolt from committing atrocities at Kuoh Academy. I was already beaten away by him at that time. Rias and the others were able to survive all because of themselves. , and Aisha’s treatment of them, I didn’t do anything.”

“But it is an indisputable fact that you stood up to stop Kokbol in order to protect them in the first place. It was precisely because of your standing up that they were able to escape from the most dangerous place. There is no doubt about it.”

Sirzechs stood up and patted Alexia on the shoulder: “You have done a good job. You did everything you could do under the circumstances, so you don’t need to think too much about yourself. Please stand tall and be proud of your actions, Ixia.”

“For everyone in this incident, you are the [hero] who saved them.”


In Exia’s view, this was an overly heavy title, and he was far from qualified enough to be called such a title. Neither strength nor will was there.

“…You are really strict with yourself, Alexia.”

After reading Exia’s thoughts expressed through her expressions and eyes, Sirzechs sat down again with a smile: “Actually, some pure-blooded demons in the underworld made a suggestion to me after this incident—— That is to package you into a [Hero of the Underworld].”

“Packaging…hyping my deeds through the media to make me a manufactured hero?”

“You understand very well.”

Of course Alexia understands, he has seen a lot of similar behavior.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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