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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 98

Sirzechs raised his chin with his hands and said seriously: “After this incident, there were actually a lot of radical voices in the underworld. Originally, there were many people like Kokbol in the three forces. Now they are treated like this by him. Naturally, they can’t bear the excitement. And at this time, if there is a hero who defeats Kirkbol and maintains [World Peace], they can be more at ease.”

“In other words, the pure-blooded demons hope that you can become a symbol.”

Peace symbol.

“I won’t take it for granted.”

“I think so, so I denied the proposal at the beginning.” Sirzechs smiled, “You are not from our world. No matter what contributions you have made to our world, we are all I can only express my gratitude to you, and I absolutely cannot use this as a blackmail to continue to do more things for our world that you don’t want to do – I think this is a very shameless behavior.”

“And the same is true when my father and I asked you if you are willing to really become Rias’s fiancée. But I am both a demon king and my father’s child. Sometimes I have to do some shameless acts. I While I apologize to you, I also hope you can understand.”

What Sirzechs said was quite sincere. Regardless of whether he was acting or telling the truth, the meaning of his words was fully acceptable to Exia: “I know. This is what so-called leaders are like. Well, being in a high position doesn’t mean freedom.”

“It’s great that you are such an easy person to get along with. Sorry, I said some irrelevant things. Let’s get down to business.”

A magic circle emerged on the conference table, and rising from it was a stack of packed documents and an exquisite box.

“these are?”

“There is research information on [doppelganger], which is [duplication of the soul].” Sirzechs explained while holding the document. “When I was discussing with Lord Apokalis earlier, he asked me about the soul. I think he is quite interested in souls, so he prepared this gift. However, souls don’t seem to exist in your world, so we can’t say whether this information can help you. allow.”

Copying of souls – Indeed, Bishop Otto first mentioned it to Ixia, asking him to collect as much information about souls as possible, but he didn’t know what he wanted to do. But since he is interested in souls, the information in front of him should be the best gift for him.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Sirzechs. Even if this information is really not applicable to our world, I think the bishop will understand your thoughts.”

“Well, that’s good. In addition, there are some research materials on magic formulas that I copied from my relatives. Considering that there is no magic and magic in your world, only the most basic ones are recorded. Some and some basic spells should be more or less useful.”

[Magic] and [Magic] used by demons are actually two different concepts. Specifically, [Magic] is not a kind of energy, but the abbreviation of [Devil’s ability to cause supernatural phenomena with its own power].

[Magic] is the power that human sages and scholars interpret and analyze [magic], and then use spells and methods to control the laws of supernatural phenomena. After all, whether it is a miracle caused by gods or a [magic] caused by demons through their own power, there are actually certain rules to follow.

And what is monitored, calculated, guided and manifested by human hands is [magic].

“I hope that the knowledge of our world can bring some hope to your world that is full of disasters. This may be a bit excessive, but I sincerely hope that your world can usher in a peaceful day like ours now.”

“…Thank you very much for your blessings and kindness, Mr. Sirzechs. I dare to express my most sincere gratitude to you on behalf of my world.”

This time it was Exia’s turn to bow and thank Sirzechs.

“There is no need to thank you. Since I cannot lend a helping hand to your world, I can only say some words of encouragement.”

Reaching out to help Alexia up, Sirzechs then pushed the exquisite box in front of him: “Then finally, this box is a gift I give to you as an individual – improved by the hands of another demon king. [Devil’s Chess Piece].”

75. Sekiryuutei’s family and wedding necklace

Demonic chess pieces.

It was developed by Demon King Beelzebub, one of the Four Demon Kings, in order to increase the number of demons. It can reincarnate non-demon races into reincarnated demons by simply burying it in the body.

After each demon becomes a superior demon, he will be given a set of demon chess pieces of his own, including one for the king, one for the queen, two each for the knight, castle and bishop, and eight soldiers, for a total of sixteen pieces.

Looking at the sixteen chess pieces lying in the box, Exia asked with some confusion: “Give me the devil chess pieces? I should have told Rias that I will not become a reincarnated devil.”

“Well, of course we know this, but this is not a demon chess piece used to reincarnate humans into demons. As I mentioned just now, this is an improved demon chess piece, and it does not have the ability to reincarnate the recipient into a demon. Function.” Sirzechs explained, “The evidence is that these demon chess pieces are all white and silver, not blood red like us.”

As Sirzechs said, all sixteen demon chess pieces are pure silver, and there is not a single red one.

“Then the function of these chess pieces is…”

“Strengthen. You should still remember the characteristics of each chess piece, right?”

Alexia nodded.

[Knight] will be strengthened in terms of speed, [Castle] will strengthen both defense and attack power, [Bishop] will greatly increase magic power, [Soldier] will have the ability to [Upgrade] on the [enemy field], and [Queen] 】then possesses the abilities of all three except soldiers.

“These chess pieces have removed the reincarnation function while retaining the strengthening function. In other words, even if the opponent is not reincarnated into a demon, the person who is given the chess pieces can directly get the strengthening effect – for your world, although it is not It’s a lot, but it’s also an improvement, right?”

“Is this the same…”

Not to mention the soul information that Bishop Otto is interested in, whether it is the basic information related to magic or the current improved version of the demon chess piece, the purpose of Sirzechs’ gift is to make the world of Exia better. Fight against the collapse.

“Mr. Sirzechs, why are you helping my world like this?”

“It doesn’t mean anything special, it’s just a thank you.” Sirzechs smiled, “And maybe the reason why I made these actions is the same as the reason why you have acted so far.”

Exia came from another world and longed for stronger power in order to save her own world, fight against the disasters in her own world, and protect her important people – Sirzechs believes that his starting point, his past self, and his present Similar to himself, he once served as a vanguard and fought against the old Demon King faction for the future of demons.

If you look at it from the perspective of [what you want to protect], the two are actually very similar. Therefore, for Alexia, who was considered his junior, Sirzechs felt that even if it was only a little, he wanted to contribute some small amount to his world.

This is also in return for Exiya, who risked her life to protect her family a month ago.

Seeing the look without any hypocrisy in Sirzechs’s eyes, Ixia took a deep breath: “Huh…I understand, I will make good use of these sixteen chess pieces.”

“Well, I hope I can help you. I’m looking forward to what kind of [Sekiryuutei Familiar] you will have in the future.”

(Are the members of the Sekiryuutei…?)

If Alexia was to speak, there were only two candidates in his mind right now – Bianca and Rita. If the king’s chess piece is used by himself, then Bianca and Rita… [Queen] and [Bishop]? Or should we say [Queen] and [Knight]?

(Forget it, let’s wait until we get back. It’s useless for me to think about it here. We still need the two of them to agree.)

Alexia regained her distracted attention and pointed at the remaining items in the box: “By the way, Mr. Sirzechs, this is…”

“Oh, it’s a bonus. Serafuru…the Demon King Levitan asked me to bring it with me. It’s her thank you gift.”

Sirzechs picked it up and unfolded it – there were two necklaces, one blue and one red.

Alexia took the necklace: “This is the same as a chess piece. Does it have any special effects?”

“I guess so. In fact, it is a [wedding necklace] that has been particularly popular in the underworld in recent years. It is said that both parties who wear it will get married in the end.”


Listening to Sirzechs’ casual explanation, Exia suddenly fell silent.

Wedding necklace?

Isn’t this just something like an urban legend? Is it almost an item version like “As long as you confess your love while setting off fireworks, you will definitely succeed”?

“There is such a thing in the underworld too…”

“Hahaha, it can be regarded as one of the many influences of the human world on the underworld. I think it should be of some use to you. After all, you rejected my Rias, which means you already have a sweetheart, right? Put one of them in a string If you give her the necklace, maybe you can get married?”


Alexia’s expression suddenly trembled violently several times: “Please don’t say irresponsible words, Mr. Sirzechs, although I do, probably, maybe, maybe… I have a sweetheart, yes, But there’s no reason why you can definitely get married just by wearing a necklace, right?”


“What’s more, this is not the reason why I rejected Rias. It’s just that I simply don’t have feelings for her, and I don’t want to be arranged for a marriage casually. This is also a good thing for her.”


“So, so…”

No matter what Exia said, Sirzechs had the look and expression of someone who had experienced it, as if he had seen through it all, and listened quietly to Exia’s explanation.

“….Okay, I’ll accept it.”

After being stared at by Sirzechs for a while, Exia seemed to accept her fate and put away all the chess pieces and necklaces – if it were normal times, he would not be so gaffey, but he was killed by Germany not long ago. Legg told him that he might become a mobile heartthrob under the influence of dragon power in the future, but now he is really a little bit concerned about this aspect…

Sirzechs stood up with a smile: “Just accept it. Then it’s almost time for me to go back. See you again later, Exia. I welcome you to the underworld to visit the world of demons.”

“There is a chance.”


With the appearance of the magic circle, Sirzechs also disappeared into the room like Michael and Azazel.

Now, Alexia was the only one left in the room.

Looking at the box in his hand and the information on the table, and then at the Steel Wings that had not been collected behind him, Exia sighed slightly: “I really got a lot of gifts… ..Forget it, let’s find a place to report to the Bishop first.”

After being in a coma for a month, I guess the Tianming headquarters is also very anxious, right?

76.Next plan

The number of regular contacts between Exia and the Tianming headquarters is basically once a week. If special circumstances occur, they can be reported in advance.

But it was a report, in fact, a few times before, Alexia had chatted with Bianca and Rita there. Bishop Otto quickly left the group chat after confirming that there was nothing important.

And if you bump into Bianca and Rita going out to do a task, the two will stay connected but not talk, and let Exia and Bishop Otto communicate instead – of course, this situation is probably It will be over in a sentence or two, after all there is nothing to talk about.

But this time, considering the impact of the Kirkbolt incident and the gifts that Exia has received from both angels and demons, we should be able to talk for a long time no matter what.

In addition, this time it is more than a month later…

“Beep, beep, beep, beep!”

Almost the moment Alexia returned to his room and opened his personal terminal, a series of message notification sounds directly overwhelmed his ears, and it lasted for dozens of seconds before it stopped!

Looking helplessly at the 99+ messages that popped up, as expected by Alexia, more than 80% were from Bianca and Rita, who were all realizing that he might After the accident, I received all kinds of greetings and concerns.

Judging from the content and tone, the remaining part should have been sent by Bishop Otto using Bianca’s personal terminal. After all, the only people who could directly communicate were the personal terminals of Exia and Bianca.

“Everyone is caring about me… It was like that in the dungeon, and it’s like this this time. I really caused trouble for my family.”

[Are they the ones you want to protect? 】


Alexia nodded in response to Ddraig’s question: “Of course, it’s not just them, there are many, many people who are worth protecting. That’s how my world is.”

[Then I really want to see it]

“I should be able to take you back with me, and I’ll show you what’s going on when the time comes, but now I still have to tell them that I’m safe.”

With that said, Exia first sent a message to Bianca.

【Are you there? 】

I’m not sure if she’s free there yet. If she’s on a mission, it’s best not to disturb her.

And very quickly, almost at the next moment when Exia sent the message——

【exist! 】

【You finally have news! 】

[Where have you been before? 】

【Call me quickly! 】

Four messages were sent directly at once. Looking at the content, Alexia could imagine Bianca’s tone and voice, and quickly opened the video call between the two.

Then, without even a second’s delay, the call was connected.


The first thing that caught Alexia’s sight was the anxious and worried look on her childhood sweetheart’s face, and at the same time, there was a call that contained strong emotions.

“Great, you finally have news. Rita, the Bishop, and I sent you messages before but you didn’t reply. We all thought you were seriously injured and fell into a long coma like before!”

“Uh… Actually, it’s almost the same. A lot of things did happen to me before, which resulted in me being in a coma for more than a month.”

“So, can you please explain to us what’s going on over there now? My dear Alexia.”

Bishop Otto’s face appeared in the corner of the field of vision, and behind Bianca, Rita put down her personal terminal simultaneously. It seemed that she should have contacted Bishop Otto immediately.

“Long time no see, Bishop Otto.”

“Well, long time no see, Alexia. It’s better to see you still so energetic than anything else, but if possible, I hope you won’t stay in such a coma for more than a month every time. This is very harmful to our hearts and spirits. It’s all bad, really. I hope you understand that as your teacher and guardian, I don’t want you to leave us forever in a place beyond our reach, my dear child.”

Listening to Otto’s heartfelt words, Alexia nodded vigorously: “I know, Bishop Otto, but this time it really happened suddenly. In fact, a month ago on my side -“

In the next few dozen minutes, Exia explained the battle between himself and Kokbol, as well as Kokbol’s plan, and even the gift he had just received, as simply as possible, but not all, he Some content has been modified.

For example, let’s talk about my other self… [Exia].

Regarding his appearance and the manipulation of his body to defeat Kirkbolt and even Vali, Exia hid his existence and only said that he lost consciousness at the time and seemed to be in a state of rage.

Logically speaking, Aixia should have nothing to hide from her two family members, Bishop Otto and Bianca, but for her other self, Aixia doesn’t want them to know.

He didn’t know it himself, he just wanted to do it.

After listening to Alexia’s story, Bianca and Otto, as well as Rita standing behind Bianca, showed a little worry and relief.

“I didn’t expect you to experience that kind of battle over there… The fallen angel whose name is recorded in mythology, you can imagine what kind of powerful enemy it is. I really hope I can compete with him. “

“That’s really too dangerous, Lady Bianca.” Rita advised, “In any case, it’s the best thing for you to be safe now, Lady Alexia. Please don’t do this kind of thing in the future. Something risky.”

Alexia shrugged: “There was nothing I could do. I was the only one who could stop him at that time.”

“But you have to do what you can.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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