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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 99

“Hahaha, please be considerate of him, Rita. Everyone in the Kaslana family is like this. Things that have not changed for thousands of years cannot be changed by you.” Otto smiled. Signaling Rita to stop, “But… the battle with the mythical creature, Alexia, you have grown to such a height without knowing it? It seems that next time you come back, I will I’m going to classify you as having the same [special combat power] as Youlandel.”

“No, Lord Bishop, I think I’m still far away – if you really want to do that, please wait until I defeat Bianca head-on.”

“Then when you come back we’ll have a fight in the training room!”

Hearing what Alexia said, Bianca couldn’t help but suggest. Exia has already been able to defeat the mythical fallen angel. Even if he said that he was in a state of rage at that time, it means that his full strength was like that!

And if she can still defeat him, doesn’t it mean that her strength has also been…

“Okay, okay, Youlandel, don’t get excited for now. Let’s wait until I go to strengthen the training room again before we talk about this matter.”

Otto’s tone was full of helplessness – if Ixia and Bianca were to fight in the training room, then let alone the training room, the surrounding living areas would probably be affected to a certain extent, right?

Although it is a good thing to gain strong combat power, you must also pay attention to the control and use methods.

“Also, Exia, regarding the gift you just mentioned, later… no, after you come back, I want to discuss it in detail with you. Is that okay?”

“Well, no problem – if you are in a hurry, Lord Bishop, I will return as soon as the three-month countdown reaches zero.”

The time that Exia can stay in another world is from three months to one year. Now, he has been in a coma for a month, plus the month and a half he spent before. In fact, there are still about ten days before he can return to his original world.



Burning characters that had not appeared for a long time appeared in the field of vision, which was similar to what Exia had calculated.

“Then it’s arranged like this. When the time comes, our side -“

“Exia! Are you there?”

Just when Otto was about to say something, a shout suddenly came from outside the door, and then the door of the room that Alexia had closed was opened, and several figures came directly into his field of vision!

77. Shura field? Go to the beach?

Looking at the figures that suddenly broke in, Exia couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

“Irina? Aisha? Xenovia? Why are you here?”

It was these three people who appeared at the door.

“Because I wanted to come and discuss something with you, but I couldn’t find you anywhere. After asking several classmates, someone said they saw you coming back here.” Irina explained, “By the way, I just said I heard you talking, who are you talking to on the phone?”

“Ah…well, that’s right.”

Alexia glanced at the personal terminal in her hand: “Bianca, Rita, Bishop, I have a friend here. Can we contact you after the detailed situation?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Bishop Otto agreed simply and quit the group chat.

And Bianca and Rita—

“I don’t have any problem—eh? Rita?”

Bianca looked like she was about to hang up the phone, but before she could hang up, Rita, who had been standing behind her, suddenly pressed her hand: “Please wait a moment, Lady Bianca, Rita doesn’t think it’s the best time to hang up the phone yet—if I’m not mistaken, the person who’s disturbing Lady Alexia now should be a woman?”

“Yes, they are the three I know here…”

Alexia suddenly felt a little entangled in her relationship with the three people in front of her.

Aisha is his companion who has lived with him for more than a month. He is also a classmate now. They usually go to school and after school together. They are indeed friends.

And Irina and Xenovia…

“——The friends I met here and the enemies who are not enemies.”


In the video, Rita frowned slightly. Friends are easy to understand, but what do you mean by an enemy who is not an enemy?

Then, before she could ask any more questions——

“Eh? Is this your phone, Exia? It’s so different from ours.”

Irina suddenly came directly behind Alexia, stuck her head out and looked at the screen: “Are they your family? Hello, I am Irina Purple Tongue!”

“Hello, first time meeting, Ms. Wisteria.”

Rita nodded slightly in greeting.

“I am Rita Rossweisse, the maid serving Lady Bianca here. And this Lady Bianca is the childhood sweetheart of Lady Alexia. Please give me your advice.”

“Hello, Miss Wisteria, I am Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina.”

“Yeah, please give me some advice – Jenova, Aisha, why don’t you come over and say hello too.”

As Irina spoke, she ran over and pulled Elsa and Xenovia over. Unlike Irina, who was enthusiastic and cheerful, Elsa, who was shy by nature, and Xenovia, who looked cold, didn’t have much in common. reaction.

“Hello, Miss Rita, Miss Bianca, I am Aisha Alget.” Aisha looked a little nervous, “I am Mr. Exia’s classmate and cohabitant. These two I have been taking good care of him for many months, please give me your advice.”

“…Lord Exia?”

After a moment of silence, Rita suddenly smiled, but her tone was inexplicably cold and she asked Aixia abruptly.

Looking at the maid with a cold smile in the video, Alexia shivered unexpectedly: “What, what’s wrong? Rita.”

“You and Miss Aisha are living together? Are you?”

“Yes, didn’t I say that?”


Rita recalled it carefully, and shook her head after confirming again and again: “No. In my memory, you only said that you saved her, and did not mention living together. Although I think it is unlikely, let me ask for the moment – Miss Alget, Sir Alexia probably didn’t do anything bad to you, right?”

“No, no, not at all.”

Elsa shook her head like a rattle.

“Mr. Aixia always takes good care of me. He always asks me to take a shower first, prepares three meals a day for me, and helps me with changing clothes and other things -“

“Lord Exia?”

Before Aisha finished speaking, Rita’s cold question made Alexia shiver again: “What’s wrong again? Rita.”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with you? Rita.” Bianca also asked with a puzzled look on her face.


Looking at Bianca, who looked confused, and Alexia, who had no self-awareness about herself, Rita suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

“…It’s nothing. I just feel that Lady Alexia and Miss Alget are a little too close in their daily lives. Isn’t it better to leave women’s changes of clothes to women?”

“I didn’t wash it by hand, I just threw it in the washing machine – Rita, do you still care about this kind of thing? I also think that you have been a maid for a long time and you don’t care about this aspect long ago.”


Rita took a deep breath or two quickly, and then looked at Xenovia: “Then the other one…”

“Jenova Quata has nothing to do with the Sekiryuutei. If I have to say it, just like Irina, he saved her life.” Jenova’s self-introduction was very brief. , “I came to him this time to discuss with him the matter of [repaying the favor] between Irina and I.”

Repay a favor?

The word Xenovia emphasized made Rita, Bianca and Axia frown.

“I have no intention of asking you to repay me. After all, I saved you—”

“Maybe in your opinion, saving us is just a casual thing, but to us, we would have died long ago without you. You are our savior.” Xenovia interrupted Axia, “If it’s not right If you repay your kindness, we will always feel guilty and our faith will be shaken.”

“What Xenovia said is right. As devout believers in the Lord, we cannot be white-eyed wolves who forget the kindness of others.”

Irina also added.

Seeing the two people saying this, Alexia couldn’t help but think of Michael and Sirzechs: “Then your repayment is…”

“go to beach.”


Irina’s proposal made Exia confused for a moment: “What are you going to the beach for?”

“Of course we are going on a trip and vacation.” Irina said matter-of-factly, “Xenovia and I are now the church leaders arranged here by the church, but at the same time we are also students studying at Kuoh Academy, and we are still here during the summer vacation. Yes, but we can’t pray and sing hymns in the church every day, right? So we plan to take Aisha, form a church trio, and go on a church-style trip to the beach – and as repayment, we I’m going to ask Exia now if you want to come too!”

78. Otto’s return gift

summer vacation?

When Irina mentioned it, Alexia also remembered it.

Although the worlds are different, the school regulations on the Japanese side of the two worlds are similar. It is now mid-June, and summer vacation will begin in just a few more days.

It’s a bit strange to say that it’s probably February 2014 in Exia’s original world, but it’s almost summer here.

It seems like different worlds exist at different points in time.

And as Irina said, while they are the church leaders of Kuoh Town, they are also students of Kuoh Academy and have the right to enjoy the summer vacation – after all, they are only seventeen years old.

However, no matter how devout a believer is, it is impossible for him to sit in a church and pray to the statue of God every day, right? Those extreme believers may be able to do it, but Irina thinks that she may not be able to do it, even if she has always claimed to be a devout believer.

The same goes for Jenova.

So, they were going to the beach. There wasn’t much else to say about Japan. There were too many bathing beaches. After all, it was an island country.

“So, you want me to accompany you?”

“Well, this is how we repay our kindness!” Irina said with a smile, “Of course, you won’t be asked to pay. Jenova and I will pay for the travel expenses and hotel expenses. You just need to enjoy it. That’s it!”


Alexia fell into thought.

To be honest, he didn’t really want to go. After all, judging from the time, it was almost the time for him to leave when the summer vacation started, and the difference was only less than two days.

But after all, Irina and Xenovia specially came to invite me. It would be embarrassing if I didn’t go.

“By the way, when are you going to go?”

“It hasn’t been decided yet, but it will be roughly from the end of July to the beginning of August, right?”

Late July to early August.

Hearing this time, Alexia couldn’t help but sigh: “Then I definitely can’t go. I have to go back to my hometown at the beginning of the summer vacation. I probably won’t be able to come back until the beginning of school – right, Rita, Bian Card.”

“um, yes.”

Rita, who was writing something in her notebook, immediately raised her head and responded: “I’m really sorry, Miss Wisteria, Miss Quata, we can understand your kindness, but Lord Axia -“

“Then Ixia, wouldn’t it be nice if you came back a month later?”

You must have gone to pour water, right? Bianca, who came back with a glass of water, suddenly said this.

The smile on Rita’s face froze.

Alexia frowned: “Going back a month late? But I just made an agreement with the bishop…”

“It should be okay if Rita and I go talk to the Bishop later, right? I think the Bishop should also understand. Right, Rita?”

“…That’s right.”

I don’t know why, but the habitual smile on Rita’s face has a shaky feeling that it may not be able to be maintained at any time.

Gently pushing Rita aside, Bianca sat down again: “Besides, you just experienced a big war over there, didn’t you? You stayed in bed for another month after that, take this opportunity to relax. That’s okay, otherwise there will definitely be no rest time when you come back.”

Indeed, if she returned to the original world, Exia would be unable to hold back after a day or two of rest. She would definitely want to find something to do for herself, and she would definitely not have much rest time.

So it seems like a good idea to take this opportunity to go to the beach for a vacation with Irina and the others?

“Then it’s settled?”

Irina laughed.

“In this way, the only thing left is to prepare a new swimsuit after the summer vacation begins, and then find a suitable beach. Okinawa is good, right?”

When it comes to the sea in Japan, the first thing that comes to mind is naturally Okinawa. Going there for a seaside trip is undoubtedly the most perfect.

“By the way, Alexia, when it’s time to buy swimsuits, can you help us choose?”

Alexia: “Huh?”

Aisha: “Huh?”

Jenova: “……”

Hearing what he said, Alexia thought for a moment and then asked: “Uh… why should I choose? The swimsuit is for you to wear, not for me. Why don’t you just buy it yourself? Already?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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