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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 10 Naive ideal

After Danzo announced his official departure, all the ninjas immediately moved quickly towards the Rain Ninja Village.

The ninjas were traveling very fast. In just half a day, the envoy to Yu Ninja Village had already traveled dozens of kilometers.

“Lord Danzo, it’s noon, do you want to take a rest here?” At this time, a confidant next to Danzo asked Danzo.

This ninja is named Yamanaka Antelope. He is a ninja from the Yamanaka clan. He joined the Root Organization since he was a child and is one of Danzo’s most trusted subordinates.

“Well, let’s take a rest here.” Danzo nodded. His voice was hoarse, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Soon the ninjas received the order to rest on the spot and stopped on a flat ground. Except for some ninjas who were responsible for reconnaissance and setting up temporary traps, everyone else began to rest and recover their exhausted energy.

Yusuke also rested with his back against a tree, adjusting himself and observing the surrounding situation.

At this moment, Yusuke saw Danzo walking slowly towards his direction, followed by several ninjas from the Root Organization.

“Uchiha Yusuke, do you know the real purpose of Sandai sending you to supervise me?” Danzo said solemnly when he came to Yusuke.

“Ninjas do not need to ask for reasons when performing tasks.” Yusuke gave a very official answer.

Although Yusuke had some understanding of the Third Generation’s thoughts, he would not really discuss them with Danzo.

“Yes, it seems that you still have the awareness to be a ninja.” Danzo’s eyes flashed coldly, and he was not satisfied with Yusuke’s perfunctory answer.

However, Danzo didn’t seem to care, and continued: “The Root Organization is lacking ninjas like you right now. Compared to the weak ninja organizations in the village, only the Root Organization truly implements the way of ninjas.”

Although Danzo hates the Uchiha clan, he is actually a very rational person.

Danzo knew that Yusuke had good potential, and he wanted to try if he could recruit Yusuke into the root organization.

Once Yusuke agrees, regardless of whether he joins sincerely or not, Danzo is confident that he will have a way to firmly control Yusuke and become a fighting force in his hands.

Yusuke was also slightly taken aback by Danzo’s mysterious solicitation. He thought that Danzo would deal with him, but he didn’t expect that he would recruit him.

However, Yusuke knew very well that he and Danzo were not the same people at all. Danzo thought that he could obtain the position of Hokage by hiding in the dark, accumulating strength and playing tricks.

However, in Yusuke’s eyes, Danzo is just an undead hiding in the darkness. He has adapted to the darkness and cannot survive in the sun at all. Just like in the original work, when he became Hokage, he was destined to be near death.

“Sorry, I have no intention of joining the Root Organization.” Yusuke shook his head.

“Really, that’s such a pity.” Danzo said nothing more after hearing Yusuke’s rejection, turned around and seemed ready to leave.

But what Yusuke couldn’t see was that Danzo, who had his back turned to him, had murderous intent in his eyes and winked at his subordinates.

Suddenly, two Root Organization ninjas appeared on both sides of Yusuke, grabbing Yusuke’s shoulders on one side and trying to control Yusuke on the other.

Facing Yusuke, Yamanaka Antelope began to form seals, preparing to use the Yamanaka family’s secret technique to deal with Yusuke.

“Heart Turning Technique!” Yamanaka Antelope completed the seal, and saw that Yusuke had been restrained by the other two companions and could not move, and his face looked happy.

However, Yusuke’s body was shaken, and the two organization ninjas who grabbed his shoulders felt a huge force coming from their hands, and they lost control of Yusuke.

Yusuke kicked the ninja on the left away with his left foot, and at the same time pulled the ninja on the right in front of him with his right hand, blocking Yamanaka Antelope’s Heart Turning Technique in time.

Before the smile on the mountain antelope’s face disappeared, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

It turned out that after he possessed his companion who was standing in front of Yusuke, Yusuke punched his companion in the stomach hard. He was also hurt in the same way while he was in the state of the Heart Turning Technique.

Yusuke smoothly threw the root tissue ninja possessed by the Yamanaka Antelope out sideways and hit the other two ninjas who were attacking him.

The two ninjas on the other side were unable to dodge, so they had to retreat with their companions thrown away by Yusuke.

At this moment, two hands suddenly stretched out from the ground under Yusuke’s feet and grabbed Yusuke’s ankles. It seems that he is preparing to perform the “mental decapitation technique” to control people underground.

The Heart Beheading Technique is a technique commonly used by Earth Release ninjas to control enemies. Use earth escape to sneak under the enemy’s feet unexpectedly, and then quickly pull the enemy into the earth, leaving only the head exposed, making the enemy unable to move.

“Fire Release: A Square Inch of Scorched Earth.” Yusuke sneered and quickly formed seals in his hands.

After the seal was completed, a ninjutsu seal immediately appeared in a small area under Yusuke’s feet, and then the area covered by the seal immediately looked like land that had been exposed to the sun for several months. The soil dried up and cracked in layers. At the same time, a stream of heat came from the soil. Emitting from the cracks, it is obvious that the temperature under the earth is not low.

“Ah!” A scream rang out, and a ninja whose body was charred and smelled of barbecue jumped out of the ground under Yusuke’s feet, and Yusuke gave him another unsympathetic kick and sent him away.

Yusuke had just finished dealing with a wave of attacking ninjas, when another group of Root Organization ninjas rushed towards him, and at the same time, more than a dozen kunai flew towards his location.

However, what made all the Gen Organization ninjas look at each other was that these kunai did not hit Yusuke, but all passed through the middle of Yusuke’s body. They saw Yusuke’s body erratic in the air like a flame, and at the same time, they wrapped each one The flaming crow split from Yusuke’s body and flew around in the sky before reuniting into Yusuke on the branches of a big tree not far behind Danzo and the Root Organization ninjas.

“Danzo-sama, do you want to continue?” Yusuke crossed his arms and leaned against the tree trunk, looking at Danzo calmly.

At this time, Danzo’s plan to let his men control him with a sneak attack has failed. If he continues to attack, he will not be merciful again.

Although he may not be able to defeat Danzo and all the Root Organization ninjas present, it is still very safe to kill a few and then leave calmly.

Hearing Yusuke’s voice behind him, Danzo turned around and looked at Yusuke coldly.

Although I have heard that Yusuke performed very well in the previous three battles, no less than the genius ninja Hatake Kakashi, and has the title of ‘Entachi’.

But after the series of sneak attacks just now, Danzo’s evaluation of Yusuke’s strength has been greatly improved, ranking above Kakashi.

Whether it is physical skills, reaction speed or seal speed, Yusuke has shown an extremely high level.

“As expected of a genius of the Uchiha clan, he is indeed very skilled.” Danzo said coldly, while waving his hand to stop the Root Organization ninja who wanted to continue to move forward.

The sneak attack had failed, and Danzo said no more and led his men away from Yusuke’s area.

However, in Danzo’s heart, Yusuke has been included in his must-kill list. He would never allow any Konoha ninja to disobey him, especially those from the Uchiha clan!

Seeing that Danzo had ceased his activities, Yusuke continued to rest against the tree.

Although Yusuke acted very calmly and casually at this time, he was actually highly focused mentally, paying attention to every move of Danzo and the Root Organization ninjas to prevent them from doing evil again.

“This mission is not easy. The Third Generation really gave himself a difficult problem.” Looking at Danzo and the Root Organization ninjas not far away, Yusuke sighed in his heart.

After the Konoha delegation rested for a while, they continued on their way to the Rain Ninja Village. The sneak attack on Yusuke by the ninja organization just now was just a small episode. Danzo and Yusuke acted as if nothing had happened.

At this time, within the sphere of influence of Yu Ninja Village, an organization named “Akatsuki” was carrying out various secret activities, and it also attracted the attention of the actual controller of Yu Ninja Village.

In a secret stronghold, Yahiko, Nagato and Konan, the real founders of the Akatsuki organization, were talking. At this time, the Akatsuki members were wearing pure black robes without red clouds embroidered on them.

“Great, more and more ninjas are willing to join us. I believe that one day, our concept will be able to eliminate all wars in the world.” Under the dim candlelight, Yahiko with short yellow hair said excitedly With.

The Akatsuki organization was not a terrorist organization when it was first established, and it had no plan to capture tailed beasts to execute the ‘Eye of the Moon’.

In fact, the Akatsuki organization was originally founded by three young people who simply yearned for peace and established it with the purpose of “building peace without relying on force.”

At that time, the Akatsuki organization used the Rain Ninja Village sandwiched between the three major countries of Konoha, Iwa, and Sand as its base. It traveled among the major countries, absorbing wandering ninjas who also yearned for peace in their hearts, and promoted the concept of peace in various countries.

During this period, the Akatsuki organization was actually led by Yahiko. Yahiko is not only extremely charismatic, but also has very strong leadership abilities.

Many wandering ninjas nearby admired his reputation and joined the Akatsuki organization, and willingly accepted his leadership.

“Yes, Yahiko, as long as enough people admit our ideas, even several major countries will have to stop the war!” Nagato, who has red hair and has opened his samsara eye, laughed.

At this time, Nagato’s strength was already extraordinary. In terms of combat effectiveness, he was far superior to Yahiko. But Nagato also believes that Yahiko is the best leader, and he will use his own strength to help Yahiko achieve his ideal of “peace in the ninja world”!

“I recently received news that the Konoha Village envoy will go to the Rain Ninja Village to negotiate with Hanzo and communicate the issue of compensation for the defeated country. This time the Konoha Village’s leader’s envoy is named Danzo, who is also a high-level Konoha executive, but the specifics I don’t know much about him yet,” Nagato said.

Hearing this, Yahiko beamed with joy: “Do you think this is also an opportunity for us? We can convey our ideas to Konoha’s mission, and then to the entire Fire Country! The Fire Country is the most powerful in the Ninja World. A powerful country, if our ideas can spread in the Land of Fire, then we will not be far away from being recognized by the entire ninja world.”

Nagato nodded: “This is indeed a good opportunity. Some time ago, Hanzo, the leader of the rain ninjas, sent someone to deliver a message to us, hoping to contact us and use us as the axis to propose peaceful negotiations to the three surrounding countries. Maybe. By taking this opportunity, we can reach a peace pact with Konoha and the Rain ninja at the same time.”

“It seems that even the ‘demigods’ of the ninja world cannot ignore our existence!” Yahiko said. At this time, his eyes were full of confidence and longing for the future, and he firmly believed that his ideal would move forward greatly.

Xiao Nan just sat quietly on the chair, watching the two people with gentle eyes, with a simple and satisfied smile on his face.

For her, Yahiko and Nagato are everything. As long as their ideals can be realized, she is willing to do anything to help them. Although the road ahead is bumpy, it doesn’t matter as long as the three of them stay together.

However, the three people who were still very naive at this time did not know that an event that would change their lifelong philosophy and destiny was about to happen!


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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