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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 107 Hair-tailed Beast

At this time Yusuke only used the sealing formation to temporarily seal the two tailed beasts. Every day he had to reinforce the two seal formations to ensure the stability of the seals and prevent the tailed beasts from escaping.

The power contained in the tailed beast is too powerful. The sealing array alone cannot seal the tailed beast for a long time. Under normal circumstances, the tailed beast needs to be sealed in the Jinchuriki body, or there is a special sealing artifact, such as the Sand Hidden Village. Shukaku no pot.

At this time, Kirabi and Yuzuki, who had been extracted from the tailed beasts, did not die, but had their powers sealed and were imprisoned in the prison of the Konoha Police Department.

Although the jinchūriki will die if the tailed beast is extracted, this is not an absolute situation.

There are several special situations in the original work. For example, after Kirabi was extracted from the eight tails, the eight tails left an octopus leg chakra to Kirabi, saving Kirabi’s life.

And Yusuke also used this method to retain a little bit of the tailed beast’s chakra in Kirabi and Yuzuki’s bodies to extend their lives.

After all, Yusuke is not a murderer, and there is no need to kill all the prisoners of war who have been captured. However, given that Kirabi and Yuzuki are both very strong, it is not that simple for Kumogakure to redeem these two people from Yusuke.

Now that the tailed beasts have been extracted, Yusuke placed a “Ryogi Seal” on the back shoulders of Izumi, Itachi and Kabuto.

Among them, Izumi and Kabuto set up the “Reverse Ryoki Curse Seal” to seal the yang escape chakra of the Tailed Beast, while Itachi set up the “Main Ryoki Curse Seal” to seal the yin escape chakra.

The basic material for setting up the “Main and Two-Elements Curse Seal” is Gradual Cell Fusion Liquid, while the basic material for the “Reverse and Two-Elements Curse Seal” is that Yusuke cut two more souls from the body of the God of Death and condensed them into “Yin Escape” carat crystal.”

Looking at the three disciples beside him who were already a little eager to try, Yusuke said with a smile: “Later, I will seal the Yang escape chakra and Yin escape chakra of the eight-tailed Gyuuki in Izumi and Itachi respectively, and the two tails will be sealed in the bodies of Izumi and Itachi respectively. Give the Yin Escape chakra seal to Kabuto.”

Judging from the chakra level of the tailed beasts, the eight-tailed beast is obviously stronger than the two-tailed beast. Yusuke, an eccentric teacher, was going to give the eight-tails Yang Release Chakra to his sister Izumi, while Kabuto, who also needed the Yang Release Chakra, passively assigned the Two Tails.

However, Izumi was not satisfied with Yusuke’s allocation: “No, the eight-tailed octopus cow is ugly, but the two-tailed cat is more beautiful!”

Itachi on the side also nodded thoughtfully: “Teacher, I am also a cat sect. If possible, I also want the Yang Escape Chakra of the Two-Tailed Right Brigade.”

Looking at the two picky disciples, Yusuke shook his head helplessly. He also didn’t expect that the powerful Eight-tailed Gyuuki would be rejected by Ugly.

But since they made this choice, Yusuke didn’t force it and redistributed it according to their ideas.

“This kid Kabuto should be obedient. My careful teachings to him will be worth it.” Yusuke thought to himself.

At this time Kabuto said weakly: “Teacher, actually I don’t like Hachi very much either.”

Yusuke glared at him when he heard this, and Kabuto immediately swallowed the words in his throat again.

Touching Kabuto’s head, Yu nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, this is a good disciple for my master!”

Yusuke then sealed the Yang Release Chakra of the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki in Kabuto’s curse seal, and sealed the Yang Release and Yin Release Chakras of the Two-Tailed Right Brigade in the curse seals of Izumi and Itachi respectively.

As for the remaining eight-tailed Yin escape chakra, Yusuke himself smiled and accepted it. In addition to the nine-tails in the curse seal, there was an eight-tailed bull ghost that was missing an octopus leg and a horn.

After injecting the tailed beast chakra into the curse seal, Yusuke looked at the three disciples and asked with a smile: “How do you feel? You can try to release the curse seal to familiarize yourself with the power brought by the tailed beast.”

The principle of the “Ryogi Seal” is completely different from the principle of sealing the jinchuriki. The user cannot transform into a tailed beast and use some of the abilities of the tailed beast. You can only extract the chakra of the tailed beast to strengthen your abilities.

However, in contrast, users of the cursed seal will not experience all the risks or troubles of a Jinchūriki, such as being devoured by a tailed beast, or like Gaara, being harassed by one tail and unable to sleep, etc. The user of the curse seal is in a completely dominant position.

Itachi, Izumi and Kabuto looked at each other and released the curse seal at the same time. The curse spread from the curse seal to the whole body, and three powerful chakras surged out from the three bodies.

Seeing the expressions of disbelief on the three of them because they had controlled such a large amount of chakra for the first time, Yusuke smiled and said: “The amount of chakra of the tailed beasts far exceeds that of humans. To you, these chakras are just an auxiliary.” That’s all, if you want to reach a higher level, you still have to rely on your own efforts.”

But when he said this, Yusuke knew very well that the upper limit of the Naruto world still depends on talent and plug-ins.

A person with ordinary talent, no matter how hard he works, can only reach the shadow level at most. Of course, Yusuke, a special cheat like “Eight Gate Dunjia”, is not included.

Now that the three disciples have the curse seal, it can be said that their strength has made a qualitative leap. With the support of the Eight-Tailed Yang Chakra, Kabuto can absorb more natural energy. Not only is the use of senjutsu easier, but it is also more powerful.

Most of Itachi’s ninjutsu are a mixture of illusion and pupil techniques. With the support of the three-tailed escape chakra, the shortcoming of insufficient chakra is completely made up for. He possesses the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and there are not many ninjas in the ninja world who can fight him.

As for Izumi, who specializes in ninja swordsmanship, with the support of the Two-Tailed Yang Release Chakra, her physical abilities have improved in all aspects. With her ability to cooperate with the Mangekyou Sharingan at critical moments, she is now hard to beat. As long as Yusuke solves her eye problem, her strength will leap forward again.

Looking at the three disciples who have grown up, Yusuke is also very proud as a teacher.

At this moment, Yusuke suddenly thought of the Hokage succession issue that had been bothering him so much recently.

“By the way, Kabuto, you have to step up your treatment of the fourth generation during this period. This is your most important task now!”

Due to the deaths of Danzo and the Third, and Yusuke’s prestige in the village rising to its peak, the original two Hokage advisors, Mito Katoen and Kaden Koharu, gradually gave in, and even offered to support Yusuke in becoming the Fifth Hokage. , but was rejected by Yusuke.

However, although Yusuke temporarily refuses to serve as the Fifth Hokage, if the village does not have a suitable candidate for a long time, Yusuke will eventually have to accept it.

So now Yusuke places his hope on Kabuto, hoping that he can restore consciousness to the fourth generation as soon as possible, so that he can also breathe a sigh of relief.

After hearing Yusuke’s instructions, Kabuto nodded seriously: “Teacher, don’t worry, I have now mastered the integration of senjutsu into healing ninjutsu, which will have a twice the result with half the effort in treating the Yondaime-sama.”

Happy National Day to everyone! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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