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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 108 The Fourth Generation Awakens

“Chief Advisor, in the past month, the number of commissions from the village has increased by another 20%. Since you led the village to defeat Kumogakure and Kirigakure, the trust of the village in the entire ninja world has increased significantly! “

“That’s right, everyone must keep up the good work.”

“Chief Advisor, Kumogakure has sent another envoy here, hoping to redeem Yuzuki and Kirabi.”

“Tell them to get lost.”

“Chief Advisor, regarding the boundary demarcation issue we discussed with Sunagakure before, Sunagakure agreed to your conditions and expressed his willingness to make concessions.”

“Well, I’ll ask Shikaku to follow up on the follow-up matters.”

“Chief Advisor, the intelligence personnel of the Kingdom of Water have received news that Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, suddenly disappeared. The entire Kirigakure is looking for his whereabouts.”

At the Konoha high-level management meeting, the heads of various organizations were reporting important village affairs to Yusuke.

At this time, Yusuke was still sitting in his original seat, and the C position belonging to Hokage was still vacant.

Hearing that the Fourth Mizukage was missing, Yusuke was moved in his heart: “It seems that Obito forcibly controlled the Fourth Mizukage to launch a war against Konoha, which triggered the internal struggle in Kirigakure Village in advance.”

“In the original work, the fourth Mizukage died very strangely. I don’t know whether his disappearance is because Kirigakure secretly dealt with him, or whether Obito took him away directly.”

After all matters were reported, Koharu once again expressed his hope that Yusuke could take over as the Fifth Hokage.

“Chief Advisor, you are now the leader of the people. The village does not have the leadership of the Hokage, and the entire ninja world is also watching our movements in Konoha. If the position of the Hokage is not determined for a long time, it will also greatly affect the reputation of the village.”

After Koharu went to bed, everyone in the meeting started talking again. Almost all the voices hoped that Yusuke could take over as the fifth Hokage.

This is not only because of Yusuke’s personal strength and outstanding achievements, but also because of some of the major changes Yusuke has brought to the village, such as the establishment of the Konoha Research Institute, the Uchiha clan and the Konoha police force. Ministry reform.

All of the above made Konoha recognize Yusuke’s abilities from top to bottom. Both ninjas and ordinary villagers in the village hope that he can become the Fifth Hokage.

Just when Yusuke was worried about how to continue to refuse, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a rapid and exciting voice sounded.

“I would like to report to all my lords that the fourth generation has just woken up!”

Hearing these words, Yusuke’s eyes lit up, and he secretly thought that this kid Kabuto could be of great use.

Looking at everyone who also looked surprised, Yusuke coughed lightly: “Now that the Fourth Hokage is awake, I think the Fifth Hokage does not need to think about it for the time being. If there is nothing else, today’s meeting will end here. I also want to check on the Yondaime’s condition.”

After the meeting ended, Yusuke rushed to the ward where the Yondaime was staying at Konoha Hospital. At this time, in addition to Kabuto, who had been responsible for treating the fourth generation, there were also Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi in the ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, Yusuke saw Kakashi holding Kabuto’s hand and thanking him repeatedly.

“Kabuto, thank you so much. You must have finished reading the book I gave you last time! I also have limited edition collections there. I will give them to you if you need them!”

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Kabuto smiled bitterly and wanted to refuse, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Yusuke who had just arrived.

Yusuke smiled and said: “Kakashi, thank you so much. Kabuto is Jiraiya-senpai’s most loyal fan!”

After Yusuke finished speaking, Kabuto was stunned and didn’t know why the teacher would trick him like this.

Kabuto didn’t know that this was actually Yusuke’s painstaking effort. If you want to learn the celestial arts of Mt. Myoboku, it is very important to have a good relationship with Toad Sage Jiraiya.

Tsunade looked at Kabuto with disdain, but she didn’t expect that this kid looked serious and was secretly the same as Jiraiya and Kakashi.

Jiraiya laughed loudly and hooked Kabuto with his shoulders: “Yes, I am very optimistic about your boy. He is indeed a real man. Now that you have saved Minato again, let’s have a drink later!”

“Jiraiya-sensei, Kabuto is not old enough to drink yet.” Minato smiled while sitting on the hospital bed.

When Jiraiya heard this, he originally wanted to say it was no big deal, but seeing that Yusuke, Kabuto’s teacher, was also present, he felt that it was not appropriate to say this, so he winked at Kabuto who was dumbfounded and said no more.

When he just woke up, the first thing Minato saw was Kabuto who was treating him.

After thanking Kabuto very sincerely, Kabuto also roughly told what happened to the village in the past few years since Minato was in coma.

After hearing what Kabuto said, Minato was also filled with sighs. Especially for the war that just happened and the sacrifice of the third generation, Minato felt very guilty.

When he found out that Kabuto was actually Yusuke’s disciple, Minato couldn’t help but think of what happened that night when Kyuubi attacked the village, and he was very glad that Kushina chose to believe in Yusuke that night.

Looking at Yusuke Yusuke who had just arrived in the ward, Minato said in a sincere tone: “Thank you.”

After hearing Minato’s words, Yusuke naturally knew the meaning of his thank you.

Not only because of Yusuke’s contribution to the village, but also because of Yusuke’s actions on the night of the Kyuubi incident.

Yusuke smiled and said: “It’s lucky that you woke up, Yondaime, otherwise I would have been forced to become the Fifth Hokage.”

Minato’s eyes lit up when he heard this: “I just heard Kabuto briefly talk about your deeds in the past few years. I think it is appropriate for you to become the Fifth Hokage. Why not put it on the agenda now!”

Yusuke waved his hand and said: “Forget it, I have no intention of becoming Hokage. Now that you are awake, I can leave the village affairs to you with peace of mind.”

Seeing that Yusuke really had no intention of becoming Hokage, Minato felt regretful and did not force it anymore.

Thinking of what was happening in the village, Minato said uneasily, “I want to go to the Hokage Building first and take a look.”

In the middle of speaking, Minato suddenly stopped, with a few drops of cold sweat breaking out on his head.

Except for Yusuke, several other people gathered around worriedly when they saw this, fearing that Minato would have any sequelae after being seriously injured.

“Yondaime-sama, are you okay? Please tell me if you feel uncomfortable.” Kabuto asked with a serious face.

Minato smiled bitterly and shook his head: “I’m fine, but before I go to the Hokage Building, I need to see Naruto first!”

Seeing Yondaime’s performance, Yusuke secretly laughed in his heart. Yondaime was indeed a strict henpecker.

On the night of the Kyuubi incident, Yusuke, who rushed to the scene, asked Kushina if she was willing to accept a special way to survive in this world. In the end, Kushina chose yes.

The method Yusuke was referring to was to cast a “Sho·Ryogi Curse Seal” for the fourth generation, sealing Kushina’s soul in this curse seal!

Just now, when the fourth generation proposed to go to the Hokage Building to learn about the situation in the village, Kushina’s roar rang in his ears, and the image of Kushina’s anger immediately appeared in his mind.

“Go and check on Naruto right now!”

Yondaime was not surprised to hear Kushina’s voice. During the coma, Kushina had been accompanying him in his mind.

“If there is anything in this life that I feel is more important than becoming Hokage, it would be to have Kushina as my wife!”

Minato had always thought so in his heart.

Happy National Day to everyone. One more chapter today!



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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