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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 118 Itachi Izumi vs Orochimaru

The white phosphorous snake transformed by Orochimaru has completely wrapped around Itachi’s body, and the snake’s body is getting tighter and tighter, but Itachi’s expression does not appear panicked.

Looking at the big snake covered with black spells in front of them, Itachi and Izumi both felt a familiar feeling at the same time.

“Liang Yi curse seal?”

They also heard Yusuke mention that this curse seal was developed together with Orochimaru. It seems that Orochimaru has also successfully used the Ryogi seal.

“I see, you used the Yin Escape Chakra of the Liangyi Curse Seal to break through the shackles of my illusion.”

While Itachi was speaking, he had already activated his Susanoo and suddenly ejected the Orochimaru wrapped around his body. At the same time, Izumi also teleported to Itachi’s side inside Susanoo.

Originally, he wanted to use “Tsukuyomi” to deal with Orochimaru, but he noticed that Orochimaru’s eyes were gray-white and had no focus. Itachi knew that the other party had used chakra to temporarily block the optic nerve because he was afraid of his pupil technique.

Sometimes ninja battles are like this. Having an unknown and powerful trump card can lead to a surprise victory. But if the hole card becomes an open card, no matter how high the ranking of the hole card is, it is very likely to be cleverly targeted.

Although not many people know about the “Tsukuyomi” jutsu, Itachi is already famous. Everyone in the ninja world knows that he is good at using illusions and has a pair of extremely powerful Mangekyō Sharingan eyes. When fighting Itachi, the opponent naturally needs to consider how to use it. Counter Itachi’s pupil technique.

“The Uchiha clan has such a unique bloodline! And the essence of this bloodline is the Sharingan!”

Looking at Susanoo in front of him, Orochimaru showed a fanatical expression.

Although in his plan, the Mangekyou Sharingan was not his final chosen eye, it still did not hinder his desire for the Sharingan!

The white phosphorus snake opened its mouth to a very exaggerated degree, and Orochimaru, covered in mucus, crawled out of the snake’s mouth, leaving behind a piece of white phosphorus snake skin that had faded.

I have to say that although Orochi style’s substitute technique is very powerful, it is indeed disgusting, and it can be regarded as a disguised test of the opponent’s mental endurance.

After returning to his human form, Orochimaru quickly formed a seal.

“Yama no Jutsu!”

A basilisk that was much larger than Susanoo and had eight heads was summoned.

This basilisk is all white and exudes a strong cold air, and Orochimaru is standing on a head in the middle of the basilisk with his hands folded.

At this time, the “Yama no Jutsu” used by Orochimaru is also different from that in the original work.

In the original work, each snake head of Yamata no Orochi can use an ability, but now because Orochimaru focuses on ice escape, Yamata no Orochi has only one ability: ice escape.

In addition, in the original work, when Orochimaru used the Yamata no Orochi, his body was connected to the Yamata no Orochi; but now Orochimaru is standing on the head of the Yamata no Orochi.

After the Yamata no Orochi appeared, the temperature of the entire area suddenly changed drastically, and the temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

With the body of Yamata-no-Orochi as the center, a radius of 100 meters is gradually covered with ice and snow, and the temperature gets lower and lower as it gets closer to Yamata-no-Orochi.

Feeling that Susanoo’s body was gradually covered with ice and snow and had a tendency to be frozen, Itachi’s eyes flashed with black fire.

“Amaterasu Susanoo’s Armor!”

A large amount of black flames suddenly emerged from Susanoo’s body, melting all the ice and snow covering his body.

Holding the huge red sword “Juken Sword”, Itachi controlled Susanoo, which was burning with the flames of Amaterasu, to kill Orochimaru’s Yamata no Orochi.

With his sword raised and lowered, Susanoo easily cut off the two heads of the serpent.

However, Itachi was not relaxed at this time. Firstly, the severed head of the snake quickly regenerated its head, and secondly, Amaterasu’s flames were actually suppressed by the opponent’s cold air!

During the fight, the Amaterasu flames burning outside Susanoo’s body not only failed to ignite the opponent, but the size of the flames became smaller and smaller due to the suppression of the cold air.

“How could the other party’s ice escape be so powerful?” Itachi was shocked.

Since mastering Amaterasu, Itachi has almost never encountered a technique that can rival Amaterasu, and he never expected that he would be suppressed by an ordinary blood successor like Ice Release.

After Susanoo and Yamata no Orochi fought for a while, Susanoo gradually found himself at a disadvantage.

Although the Yamata no Orochi has insufficient defense, as long as it is hit by Susanoo, it will suffer serious injuries, but it has strong recovery power.

Although Susanoo’s defense is extremely strong, and Itachi’s Susanoo holds the sacred weapon “Yatata Mirror” in his left hand, Yamata no Orochi has eight heads that can attack Susanoo from different directions and angles. Itachi was unable to defend himself, and Susanoo’s body was bitten by the Yamata-no-Orochi with many cracks.

The cracked parts gradually began to freeze and spread to the whole body, making Susanoo’s movements slower and slower.

Feeling that Susanoo seemed to be no match for the Yamato no Orochi, Itachi decided to deal directly with Orochimaru who controlled the Yamata no Orochi.


Looking at Orochimaru, black flames instantly ignited on Orochimaru’s face. However, because the cold air around Orochimaru’s body was very strong at this moment, the Amaterasu flames only burned for a few seconds before being extinguished.

Although Amaterasu was extinguished, the human skin hood on Orochimaru’s face was burned by Amaterasu, revealing Orochimaru’s true appearance at this time.

The reincarnated body of Orochimaru is that of a girl from the Snow Clan who possesses the Ice Release Blood Succession Limit. Because Orochimaru strengthened his Ice Release Blood Succession Limit to an extremely high level, his hair also changed from black to snow white.

“Is this the ‘Fuzo Reincarnation’?” Looking at the girl with snow-colored hair flying in front of him, Itachi said in a deep voice.

Orochimaru laughed, and his voice changed from the original voice to a female voice: “Yes, it seems that Yusuke-kun has also told you about this technique. Only this technique can allow humans to break through the boundaries of life!”

“Originally, I could have shared this technique with Yusuke-kun, but it’s a pity that he is still bound by the bonds of the village and family!”

Izumi, who always disliked talking nonsense with her enemies, gave a rare cold snort: “Brother doesn’t even bother to use such evil and disgusting ninjutsu.”

Orochimaru didn’t pay attention to Izumi’s sarcasm, but smiled and said: “So you juniors don’t understand what real ninjutsu is!”

As soon as his hands were clasped together, a cold light flashed in Orochimaru’s eyes.

“Arctic wind!”

I saw an extremely cold breath spreading from around Orochimaru’s body. Originally, only a hundred meters in radius was affected by the cold air, but now the entire two to three hundred meters in radius turned into a world of ice and snow.

At this time, the Susanoo controlled by Itachi was in a stalemate with Yamata no Orochi. He was in the center of this extremely cold wind, and all the black Amaterasu flames covering his body were extinguished by the cold air.

Without the protection of Amaterasu’s flames, the entire Susanoo quickly turned into an ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is customary to thank book friends for their support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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