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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 122 The Bad Queen

After seeing that the person in front of him turned out to be Yusuke, the number one master in the ninja world, Baizu was a little scared at first, but thinking about the power of the dragon vein he had controlled, Baizu immediately became confident and even tried to recruit Yusuke to join him.

After all, if he really wants to conquer the ninja world, it is not enough to be strong alone. He also needs some powerful subordinates.

Hearing that Baizu wanted to conquer the ninja world, Yusuke felt funny and shook his head.

It’s obvious that this guy has no idea how deep the water in the ninja world really is. He just thinks he is invincible because he can use the power of dragon veins. It can only be said to be both ignorant and pathetic.

“Wait a minute, what are you two talking about? An Lushan, why did he call you Baizu? And who is this so-called ‘Ninja Master’? Why did he say that you have begun to use the power of dragon veins? “

At this time, Sarah trotted down from the throne quickly, with a look of shock and confusion on her face, and asked Baizu loudly.

She was completely confused now. The amount of information revealed in the conversation between Baizu and Yusuke was so great that it was completely different from her previous understanding.

“Hahahahahaha!! Sarah, I really don’t know whether you are naive or stupid! But if you hadn’t been so cooperative, I wouldn’t have been able to easily control the entire Loulan Kingdom and gain the power of the dragon vein!”

Baizu laughed very wildly, and the mask of loyalty he had always pretended was completely torn off at this moment.

With a ferocious expression on his face, Baizu looked at Yusuke and Sara with a fierce light in his eyes: “Now I am invincible! If you are willing to surrender, I can still leave you a way to live. After all, you all still have it. It’s of little use. If you are stubborn and choose to resist, then I will only have to kill you here.”

At this time, Shi Siming, who took advantage of the situation, also ran to Baizu’s side. Seeing Baizu coming with a large number of guards, Shi Siming also felt that his side had gained an absolute advantage.

“Yes, I advise you to surrender to Lord An Lushan as soon as possible! Now the entire Loulan is in your hands, including the dragon veins, and those who resist will only die!”

Shi Siming, who had just nodded and bowed to Yusuke, straightened his back and suddenly became hardened again, as if he was a villain who had succeeded.

Sarah was very angry at the words of the two people. She has always trusted An Lushan very much over the years, and almost all major matters in the Loulan Kingdom have been left to An Lushan.

Even if someone sometimes reminded her that An Lushan was actually a conspirator with evil intentions, she didn’t believe it.

But now the facts are before her eyes, ruthless and true, giving her a lesson she can never forget.

“Let’s go!”

Suddenly Sara grabbed Yusuke’s hand and wanted to pull Yusuke away.

She planned to hide first, and then look for opportunities to expose An Lushan’s conspiracy in front of the people and resist An Lushan.

Yusuke, in her opinion, was a troubled fish, but he happened to be involved in the conspiracy and turmoil very innocently. If she had the chance, she would also like to save Yusuke.

However, after holding Yusuke’s hand, Sara found that she couldn’t pull it back no matter how hard she tried.

“What’s wrong with you? Run away with me. There is a place here that even the power of dragon veins cannot affect. Once we get there, we will do it!!!”

But before Sara could finish her words, she was suddenly frightened by the sight in front of her and screamed.

It turned out that at this time, a crack as thin as a silk thread appeared vertically between the bodies of An Lushan and Shi Siming, and then their bodies split into two and fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood dyed the stone tiles on the floor of the hall red, and the stinky internal organs of the two corpses also flowed to the ground. The scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.


Sarah was extremely horrified when she saw this scene. After screaming, she immediately covered her mouth with her hands and retched, with tears looming in her eyes. This scene really disgusted and horrified her.

Of course, Yusuke killed An Lushan and Shi Siming. Although he seemed motionless at this time, he had actually fired two knives at an extremely fast speed, splitting the two people into two in an instant.

The guards brought by An Lushan in the main hall were all standing motionless with their eyes blank. They were obviously controlled by Yusuke’s magic again.

At this moment, a monster with a human head and a short body and eight insect-segmented legs crawled out from the severed half of An Lushan’s body, and fled out of the hall with a look of panic on his face.

This monster is naturally the true form of An Lushan or Bai Zu, and Yusuke has long discovered the fishiness in his body.

However, in order to allow Baizu to take him to the true location of the dragon vein, and to use Baizu to observe the power of the dragon vein, Yusuke did not kill him directly, but gave him a chance to escape.

At this time, Sara was still bending over and retching. When she saw the strange insect with a human head running out of Centipede’s body, she was startled again.

“What is all this going on, and what is the disgusting monster that just crawled out of An Lushan’s body?”

Sara asked Yusuke after wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

Although she is naive, she is not a fool. From the situation at the scene, she also guessed that the deaths of An Lushan and Shi Siming and the strange phenomenon of the guards being motionless were all caused by the man in front of her.

Although she was a little afraid of Yusuke, she felt that Yusuke had no ill intentions towards her, so she still mustered up the courage to raise her question.

While walking in the direction where Hyakuzu escaped, Yusuke told Sara the information he knew.

When she learned the general story of the entire incident from Yusuke’s mouth, Sara felt angry but also full of sadness and self-blame.

It turns out that her mother, the previous Queen of Loulan, had discovered An Lushan’s conspiracy a long time ago and was murdered by the other party.

Almost all the people in the entire Loulan Kingdom knew something about An Lushan’s ambitions, and many people were forced to work by An Lushan, causing their wives and children to be separated.

All of this, only I was kept in the dark like a fool.

“I am really not a qualified queen! I was deceived by a villain to this extent, causing the people under my rule to live in dire straits.”

“This is all my responsibility!”

Sarah’s eyes were filled with tears, her delicate face was covered with teardrops, and she looked pitiful.

At this time, Yusuke, who was standing aside, patted her shoulder gently and looked at her with a gentle expression.

Seeing the calm and encouraging gaze of the man in front of her, Sarah’s heart moved slightly, thinking that the other man was going to say something to comfort her.

“You do make a terrible queen.”

It is customary to thank book friends for their support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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