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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 129 The Demonic Realm of the Heart

When Yusuke, Anko and Kurama Kyoko arrived at Kurama Yakumo’s sanatorium, they found that the sanatorium had been attacked and everything was in a mess.

In the courtyard of the sanatorium, they saw two knocked out ANBU and some of the sanatorium’s medical staff.

However, it seems that they all only suffered some minor injuries and nothing serious.

Obviously, those who attacked them did not want to kill them, but just wanted to make them temporarily unable to resist.

“Ahem, Chief Advisor, I didn’t expect to alarm you. We are really too incompetent. The members of the Kurama family wanted to deal with the target themselves, but we were unable to stop them.”

After an ANBU was awakened by Anko’s physical shaking, he saw Yusuke behind Anko and immediately said in a respectful tone.

“What, why would dad do this! Then has Yakumo been taken away by them now?”

After hearing what the ANBU said, Kurama Kyoko immediately became anxious. She was very worried about Kurama Yakumo, her cousin.

In addition, Kurama Kyoko is the daughter of Kurama Unkai, the leader of the Kurama clan.

“I’m not sure about the current situation. Later, senior Kurenai rushed over and started fighting with the Kurama family. As they were fighting, three more genin from the village suddenly appeared, and then there was a melee.” Anbu said .

Yusuke frowned slightly when he heard this. The genin who could get involved in such a thing must be one of the twelve strongest men in Konoha.

As Yusuke expected, they quickly learned from the ANBU that the three genin were Naruto, Sasuke and Yuta.

After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Yusuke immediately entered the inner building of the sanatorium with Anko and Kurama Yakumo, and soon found Kurama Unkai injured and lying on the ground in the corridor as well as several other ninjas from the Kurama family.

In front of them was an illusory and twisted hole, flashing with colorful colors and constantly rotating. It looked very much like a time and space tunnel in a science fiction movie.

But Yusuke can feel that this is a space formed by powerful illusions. The Yin Escape Chakra in it is not only powerful but also very special. It has the power to affect reality.

“Dad, why are you doing this? If my uncle and aunt knew that you treated Yakumo like this, they would not feel at ease in heaven.”

At this time, Kurama Kyoko came to her father Kurama Unkai and asked.

Kurama Unkai sighed, shook his head and said, “You have no idea how terrifying Yakumo’s power is.”

Seeing that Yusuke, who was the chief advisor, was also there, Kurama Unkai no longer concealed anything and told the whole story of the incident.

Kurama Yakumo’s power is too weird and unstable, and she has also had mental problems recently, often doing some very dangerous things.

Just a few months ago, she even used the ability to turn illusions into reality to burn her parents, who were jounin, to death.

This incident was very serious. After medical ninja diagnosis, Kurama Yakumo had no memory of the incident at all. It was a mental problem that led to this tragedy.

In view of the fact that Kurama Yakumo is a mental patient, the Fourth Hokage decided to temporarily cover up the truth with fire, while restricting her movements, and then find a way to solve it slowly.

After careful consideration, Kurama Yakumo’s uncle and the current Kurama family patriarch, Kurama Unkai, felt that she was too much of a threat, and finally decided to personally get rid of this talented niece to prevent more serious consequences. .

After finishing speaking, Kurama Yunkai said respectfully to Yusuke: “Advisor, I hope that the village can leave this matter to our Kurama clan to handle on our own.”

“You, the Kurama clan, are also part of the village. I will decide how to deal with this incident later.”

Looking at the twisted and illusory hole in the corridor, Yusuke slowly walked over.

“I didn’t expect that there is such an interesting power in the ninja world, and it can actually realize the power of illusion.”

Kurama Unkai saw Yusuke’s actions and shouted quickly: “Advisor, it’s very dangerous inside, please don’t go in.”

He turned his back to Kurama Yunkai and waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to worry.

Yusuke said slowly: “You all wait outside, I’ll go in and take a look.”

While talking, Yusuke had already walked into the twisted hole and disappeared.

In an illusion created by Kurama Yakumo’s inner demon, Kurenai, Kurama Yakumo, Naruto, Sasuke and Yuta are all there.

The illusion is surrounded by blood-red walls that are constantly squirming, as if they are the internal organs of some kind of animal, which is very disgusting.

Kurama Yakumo is holding a drawing board, and what is drawn on her drawing board is her former illusion teacher – Kurenai.

It’s just that now only the upper half of Hong’s body is left, and her lower body seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Kurama Yakumo is asking Kurenai about the real reason why her parents were burned to death. Because the family and the Fourth Hokage had blocked the truth, she always believed that the death of her parents was a conspiracy by the village.

“Teacher Hong, if you don’t tell the truth, I will really have no choice but to erase you. As long as I erase you with my brush on this painting, then you will really disappear from this world.”

Kurama Yakumo looked at Kurenai and said. At this time, her eyes were blood red. Although she was conscious, her mind was actually controlled by the inner demon.

“It was just an accident. If erasing me makes you feel better, then go ahead and write!”

Hong didn’t show any fear, her heart was filled with guilt for the disciple in front of her.

She always believed that it was her incompetence and failure to instruct the disciples in front of her on how to control their own abilities that led to today’s situation.

“Stop, don’t touch Teacher Hong!”

At this time, Naruto, Sasuke and Yuta rushed forward together, trying to stop Kurama Yakumo.

However, Kurama Yakumo waved his paintbrush lightly, and many huge tentacles sprouted from the blood-red squirming walls of the fantasy realm, easily controlling the three of them.

These red tentacles were getting tighter and tighter, and no matter how hard the three of them struggled, they couldn’t get rid of them.

At this time, Kurama Yakumo was also fighting against her inner demons. The inner demons controlled her to pick up the brush and draw towards the red upper body on the canvas, but her heart kept telling herself not to do this.

Finally, the inner demon’s power was still superior, and the focus of Kurama Yakumo’s blood-red eyes completely disappeared. The brush in his hand finally slowly drew towards the red on the canvas, trying to completely erase the red from the canvas.

At this critical moment, a hand firmly grasped Kurama Yakumo’s right hand holding the paintbrush, stopping her movement.


“Clan leader!”

Seeing Yusuke suddenly appearing, everyone exclaimed with joy on their faces. Trapped in a predicament and unable to do anything, they regained hope at this time.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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