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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 148 The Eve of the Individual Competition

After the second round of the Chunin Exam survival competition, there were only less than thirty teams left out of the ninety participating teams, and more than two-thirds of the teams were eliminated.

Since there will be a large number of spectators in the individual battle match of the third round of assessment, and even high-level figures such as the daimyo of the Land of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind, as well as the Hokage and Kazekage will come to watch the game, the third round of assessment will be scheduled three days later. Start again.

Similarly, if you want to enter the venue to watch, except for the candidates who originally participated in the Joint Chunin Examination, all other audiences need to purchase tickets to enter.

This can not only relieve the pressure of insufficient seats, but also bring a lot of income to Konoha.

On the day the second round of assessment ended, the list of all genin who passed the assessment was immediately announced.

The good intelligence officers immediately updated the genin strength rankings, and the major gambling houses also announced the winning odds of the third round of individual competitions based on the latest rankings and some battle intelligence from the examination room.

Not just gamblers, many ninjas found it interesting and also placed bets on some of their favorite players.

At this time, the most studied ninjas in this strength list are Kumogakure’s ninjas.

In the inn where Kumogakure ninjas live, Samui is analyzing the strategies for the third round with the list and the genin taking the exam.

At this time, Samyi’s face was very solemn, because judging from the list, there were many masters who threatened to win the top three, which made their goal more difficult.

In the current personal strength rankings, Kurama Yakumo ranks first, followed by Gaara, Uchiha Sasuke, Omoi, Chojuro, Kurotsuchi, Uzumaki Naruto, Yota, Natsuon, Fu, Hinata Neji.

Although Omoi is ranked fourth in the ranking, this ranking does not completely represent the real strength. It is just a temporary evaluation based on the strength of the Ninja Village, family background, and ninja performance.

For example, Gaara, Fu and Naruto on the list, the person who made this list didn’t know that they were actually Jinchuuriki. If they had known, these three people might have been directly ranked first, second and third.

“Omoyi, are you sure?” Samyi looked at Omoyi and asked.

Omoi shook his head: “I’m not sure. These are the elites among the genin elites. Without a formal fight, no one knows who will win the final victory. I can only do my best.”

At this point, Omoi paused: “But as long as I don’t meet Konoha’s Kurama Yakumo, I should have a chance to win against the others.”

Samyi nodded and explained all the information collected to everyone one by one.

She was not prepared to emphasize the importance of this individual competition with the team members again to prevent putting too much pressure on everyone.

In addition to Kumogakure, the guiding jounin of each ninja village also explained the same things to the genin, but other ninja villages did not pay as much attention to it as Kumogakure.

In addition, there are some hard-working ninjas who use these three days of crazy training to make the final sprint. For example, Xiao Li is currently racing around Konoha Village with Kai.

Three days passed quickly, and on the eve of the last individual round of the Chunin Examination, Konoha held a fireworks party.

This fireworks show was also specially prepared to welcome the teams from various ninja villages who came to Konoha to participate in the joint chuunin examination.

Not only can it strengthen communication between ninjas in various ninja villages, but it can also allow all players participating in the third round of assessment to relax before the competition.

At this time, the market in Konoha was particularly lively, with lights everywhere, and people on the street were wearing the kimonos they wore during the banquet.

Not only the ninjas of Konoha, but also most of the ninjas in other ninja villages temporarily took off their ninja uniforms and put on kimonos. They came to the streets in groups to watch the lights and fireworks.

“There are quite a lot of beauties in Konoha! It’s not like our team, except Samui, is all men.”

Looking at Ino and Sakura passing by, Kumogakure’s Omoi murmured to himself while holding a lollipop in his mouth.

With a bang, Karui slowly withdrew his punch and walked away with a cold snort, leaving only Omoyi with a big swelling on his head.

On another street, Sasuke and Naruto started fighting again, while Yuta still silently shouldered the responsibility of being a light bulb, following behind them.

On the same street, Neji and Tenten were eating snacks while complaining that Kai had started a small stove for Xiao Li again and took Xiao Li to special training.

But having said that, if Kai really wanted to take them to special training during the fireworks show, they would not be willing.

Iwagakure’s Kurotsuchi got entangled with Kurama Yakumo. Although he wanted to hug Kurama Yakumo’s thigh for many reasons because of his skill, after getting along, the two became very good friends.

Thinking that Kurotsuchi would leave Konoha soon after the Chuunin Exams ended, Kurama Yakumo also felt a little reluctant.

Fu from Takigakure Village was wandering around Konoha, and the three Jonin who accompanied her were tired and followed her around, lamenting in their hearts that they must not take on another mission with Fu next time.

In addition, after the team from Takigakure passed the second round of assessment, Fu’s two jounin partners directly gave up the third round of individual combat assessment.

They were just here to play house with the eldest lady, and they didn’t really want to downgrade to chuunin.

Yusuke also rarely put on a casual kimono, put his hands in each other’s sleeves, and strolled through the lively market.

As he walked, Yusuke met the head of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hinata. He was also accompanied by Hinata and Hanabi of the Hyuga clan.

“Uchiha Clan Leader, I really didn’t expect that the Uchiha Clan, which has declined over the years, would revive under your hands. Not only is your reputation growing, but even the younger members of your clan, Itachi, Izumi and others, are already able to take charge of their own affairs. .” Hinata Hizu said slowly.

Because Hinata Hiashi is much older than Yusuke, and the Hyuga clan has always wanted to compete with the Uchiha clan, he did not call Yusuke the honorific title of Chief Advisor to the Hokage, but always called Yusuke the leader of the Uchiha clan.

“Head of the Hyuga clan, the Hyuga clan is also thriving under your leadership. For example, those in your clan, uh”

Yusuke was also going to be polite to the other party and wanted to give examples of talents in his family to compliment him, but suddenly he realized that he really didn’t remember any special talents in the Hyuga clan.

“By the way, Neji is very good. I am very optimistic about him in this Chunin Exam!”

Among the jounin and chuunin of the Hyuga clan, he really didn’t expect anyone who would impress him deeply, so Yusuke had no choice but to recruit Hyuga Neji from the genin.

Hearing this, Hyuga Hizashi just shook his head in disappointment: “Ningji is good, but he is just a member of the branch family. It is a pity that our Hyuga clan does not yet have talents who can take on important responsibilities.”

After hearing Hinata Hiashi’s words, Hinata behind him lowered his head.

Although Hinata has been working hard, unfortunately, her talent is indeed average, and her strength has only been maintained at an above-average level. Although she cannot be said to be weak, her status as the young leader of the Hyuga clan is indeed incapable of showing off.

Even though Hinata Hizu has been guiding her very carefully for several years, unfortunately her strength still failed to meet Hyuga Hizu’s expectations.

“I must be honest, if the head of the Hyuga clan cannot face up to the status and interests of the branch family, it will be difficult for the Hyuga clan to break through the existing bottleneck by relying solely on the clan.” Yusuke said pointedly.

If it was in the past when the Hyuga clan was still competing with the Uchiha clan, Yusuke would not have said this to Hyuga Hizashi.

But now Yusuke no longer regards the Hyuga clan as an opponent. Under his structure, the Hyuga clan is just a subordinate of his leadership, and he no longer taboos or reserves certain words.

“The strength of a family must be supported by the whole family. The reason why I vigorously train Itachi, Izumi, Kabuto and others is to have enough talents to support the operation of the family. Apart from them, I have never stopped working in the family. Discover talents and enhance the comprehensive strength of the family.”

“Because the Hyuga clan is divided into the main family and branch families, almost most of the resources are concentrated in the main family. Even if there are talents in the branch family, it will be difficult to get ahead. Even if there are people in the main family who are jealous of talents, they may persecute the talents of the branch family.”

Many big families are divided into main families and branch families, but only the Hyuga clan is the most thorough, even pushing the branch families and main families into opposites.

If it weren’t for the “caged bird” that allowed the Zong family to have absolute control over the branch families, such a family would have fallen apart long ago.

Regarding Yusuke’s words, not only Hinata Hinata was thinking about it, but even Hinata behind him was also deep in thought. As for Hanabi, she is not old enough at this time to understand these complicated relationships.

“If I become the leader of the Hyuga clan, I must change all of this!” At this time, Hinata secretly made such a determination in her heart.

She could also feel that Ningji’s attitude towards her was getting worse as he grew older. All of this was naturally caused by the Hyuga clan’s system of family separation.

After a moment, Hinata Hiashi said in a sincere tone: “Uchiha Yusuke, you indeed have courage and vision far beyond everyone else. However, our Hyuga clan will not give up the honor of Konoha’s first family.”

Hearing what Hinata and Hinata said, Yusuke burst out laughing: “The title of the first family in Konoha will be given to the Hyuga clan, but the premise is that the Hyuga clan will not decline to the point of being overtaken by other families! “

Hinata Hiashi frowned: “What do you mean by this? Do you think that the Hyuga clan is not worthy of competing with the Uchiha clan?”

Shaking his head, Yusuke said calmly: “Because the Uchiha clan will be the first family in the ninja world!”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Hinata Hizu stopped in shock.

Because he stopped suddenly, Hinata and Hanabi behind him didn’t stop and bumped into him.

“The first family in the ninja world?”

Hinata Hinashi kept mumbling to himself. This is a name that the Hyuga clan has always wanted but never had the courage to mention.

Yusuke didn’t stop because Hinata stood still. He and Hinata had finished talking, and all he wanted to do was take a good look at the beautiful fireworks tonight.

For some reason, Yusuke felt uneasy, as if something unexpected would happen in the third round of individual battles in the Chunin Exams tomorrow.

Looking at the eyes blooming in the sky, Yusuke put the uneasy feeling away from his mind.

“Konoha now can withstand any unexpected test!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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