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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 15 Uchiha Shisui

Seeing Yusuke swinging the long knife in his hand, Nagato’s eyes were about to burst, and he shouted heartbreakingly: “No!!!”

Hearing Nagato’s cry, Konan, who had closed her eyes tightly, couldn’t help but open her eyes and look back. She saw Nagato’s mouth opened wide, and the word “no” that he originally shouted stopped abruptly.

With a ‘plop’ sound, there was a headless corpse on the ground in the cave. However, this corpse seemed to have no clothes and was white all over, which was very strange. It was Bai Zetsu who had been arranged by Obito to follow the two of them.

Nagato let out a long, trembling breath of relief, and put the heart that had just been in his throat back into his chest.

He originally thought that Yusuke’s sword was aimed at Konan, but he didn’t expect that it was actually aimed at a ninja hiding in the darkness nearby.

Although they thought the form of White Zetsu was very strange, Nagato and Konan still regarded it as a rain ninja or a Konoha ninja, but it was transformed into this by using some kind of strange ninjutsu.

However, Nagato, who has the reincarnation eye, soon discovered that the structure of the white corpse was completely different from that of normal humans.

“What is this?” Nagato asked Yusuke.

“It won’t take long for you to understand what this is.” Yusuke did not explain what White Zetsu was. He just took back the Zanpakuto in his hand, turned around and walked slowly towards the exit of the cave.

Although he killed the White Zetsu, Yusuke knew that it wouldn’t take long for Obito to find Nagato, and then Nagato would naturally know what the White Zetsu was.

Seeing Yusuke put away his weapons and let Nagato and himself go, Konan seemed to lose all strength and knelt on the ground.

“Why did you let us go?” Nagato asked loudly at Yusuke’s back.

The opponent is a ninja from Konoha. Today it is obvious that the rain ninja and Konoha are collaborating in a conspiracy against them. Since they are ninjas from Konoha, there is no reason to let him go.

After hearing Nagato’s question, Yusuke did not stop.

“Because you are not wrong, Yahiko is not wrong, and the world is not wrong either.”

As Yusuke’s back gradually blurred, Yusuke’s words gradually became quieter.

“What’s wrong is the unpredictable fate of nature!”

After hearing Yusuke’s words, Nagato’s eyes were dull and he couldn’t recover for a long time.

And the attentive Konan suddenly discovered that there was an extra scroll on the ground where Yusuke just stood.

“What is this?” Xiaonan picked up the scroll and looked at it.

After leaving the cave where Nagato and Konan were hiding, Yusuke sighed: “I still can’t do it!”

Regarding his decision, Yusuke knew that he might regret it in the future, but at least at the moment, he had a clear conscience.

After treating the wound on his right shoulder, Yusuke took out a spare Konoha ninja uniform from the storage scroll and put it on to cover up his injury, and immediately rushed back to the building where the Konoha Mission in the Rain Ninja Village was located.

At this time, Danzo had put on his half-black and half-white home kimono again and was sitting in the hall with a gloomy expression.

Danzo was very angry about this operation. Not only did he not get the coveted Rinnegan, but he also almost lost all the people he brought.

Even if the compensation negotiation task for the rain ninja was completed perfectly, the loss of so many manpower could be said to be more excessive than merit, and Sarutobi would definitely be reprimanded after returning.

Thinking of Sarutobi’s old face, Danzo’s anger, which had just been calmed down with great difficulty, surged up: “Damn Hanzo, it’s true that the hostage he got was taken back by the opponent!”

Danzo was furious here, while other Konoha ninjas stood aside tremblingly, no one dared to speak out at this time.

“The mission seems to have lost a lot of people. Is there any special operation? This time when I came to Yu Ninja Village, the Third Generation did not tell me that I had other tasks. I wonder if Danzo-sama has any explanation.” At this time, a voice came from There was a sound at the door of the building hall, it was Yusuke who had just returned to the building.

At this time, Yusuke also had a gloomy face. He had not had much contact with Danzo in the past, and most of his impressions only stayed in the animation or comics before the time travel. Although he disliked this person in his heart, he did not have it. So many special emotions.

But at this time Yusuke was already in the world of Naruto, and Danzo’s despicable actions actually happened in front of him, which made Yusuke very angry.

Faced with Yusuke’s question, Danzo did not answer, but asked coldly: “Where have you been? Why are you not in the library?”

“Where am I?” Yusuke sneered and continued: “I saw that Danzo-sama and the Root Organization people were all gone, so I went outside to find where you were.”

“Bastard, why are you talking to Danzo-sama!” At this time, a Root Organization ninja standing behind Danzo said angrily.

Yusuke’s eyes were like daggers, and he glanced coldly at the Root Organization ninja. The other party only felt a strong murderous aura enveloped him, as if he would be killed immediately if he said one more word.

A drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down from his forehead. The Root Organization ninja swallowed and wanted to speak but found that he could not make a sound.

“I will explain this matter to Sarutobi when I get back.” Danzo snorted coldly and stood up and walked out of the hall.

When passing by Yusuke, Danzo stopped, glanced at Yusuke with a murderous look, and then left the hall.

On the other side, in a hidden grove, Obito and Zetsu, who had escaped, were discussing Yusuke’s situation. At this time, Obito had already put on a new mask.

“Who is the identity of the Konoha ninja you are fighting against today? He is very strong. Don’t you plan to attack Konoha and take away the Kyuubi in the near future? With such a person here, it will be very difficult for you to act.” The white half of the body spoke.

“His name is Uchiha Yusuke. He has always been my opponent, so it is naturally not easy to deal with him. But it is not difficult to restrain him. I have a plan for a long time, and he can’t hinder me.” Obito said slowly.

“A member of your race? He didn’t seem to use his Sharingan when fighting you.” Black Zetsu said.

Compared to Bai Jue’s weird tone when speaking, Black Jue’s voice is very deep.

Obito snorted coldly: “At least when I left Konoha, he had not opened the Sharingan. But no matter what happened to him, I am ready to master the Yin Yang Release as soon as possible!” This failure sounded the alarm for Obito and asked him to He felt that just relying on the existing divine ability might not be able to carry out subsequent plans smoothly, and he must also improve his strength as soon as possible.

A few days later, the Konoha delegation that went to the Rain Ninja Village for negotiations returned to the village, but the number of people who came back was less than half of what they had left.

Yusuke stood outside the door of the Third Hokage’s office, waiting quietly. Not long after, Danzo, who had a frighteningly dark face, walked out of it. He had obviously been severely beaten by the Third Generation and was in a very unhappy mood.

Without looking at Yusuke, Danzo waved his sleeves and led the remaining confidant away. Unfortunately, another of his confidants, Yamanaka, had died at the hands of Nagato.

After Danzo left, Yusuke reported the information he had obtained to the Sandaiya. Except for the fact that he met Obito and let Nagato and Konan go, all other information, including the existence of the Rinnegan, was told to the third generation.

After all, there were many ninjas involved in Danzo and Hanzo’s operation, both in Konoha and Rain, and there was no need or ability to hide them.

After reporting to the Third Generation, Yusuke did not stay any longer and left the Hokage Building.

At this time, at the Uchiha tribe’s training ground dedicated to Yusuke’s disciples, three small figures were practicing hard.

Kabuto is practicing Earth Release Ninjutsu. After these days of practice, he is extremely talented in chakra control and has been able to use a lot of basic Ninjutsu.

Yusuke helped Kabuto check Kabuto’s chakra attributes. There are three types of chakra attributes: earth, water and wind. Therefore, most of the ninjutsu practiced by Kabuto are also from these three types of ninjutsu.

Izumi was practicing using the most basic ninja tool – kunai. During the practice, she did not forget to hold Itachi to guide her.

“Itachi, look, you almost hit the red heart this time.” Izumi said to Itachi beside her with excitement.

Itachi smiled and nodded: “Yes, you have made great progress.”

“It’s all what you taught me Itachi!” Izumi said happily.

Kabuto, who was practicing earth escape on the side, happened to get next to the two of them. He showed his head on the ground and said with a black face: “I want to teach you, but if you don’t want to, you have to find Itachi.”

Hearing Kabuto’s voice, Izumi looked down and saw that only one of Kabuto’s heads was there. She was startled at first, and then explained with a red face: “Itachi does have better ninja tools, and others don’t have them.” Something else.”

Kabuto shook his head, while Itachi pretended not to hear the conversation between the two.

Suddenly, Itachi seemed to have thought of something, and casually threw three kunai in the direction of the target.

Seeing Itachi’s movements, both Izumi and Kabuto were confused: “It seems Itachi threw the kunai casually and didn’t aim at the target?”

However, Itachi’s next move completely shocked Izumi and Kabuto. Itachi threw three kunai again. These three kunai hit the three kunai in front first and changed the situation. After checking the direction of the three kunai, the final six kunai actually hit the red hearts of the six targets respectively.

Kabuto opened his mouth with a look of disbelief, and the glasses on his nose fell off.

Fortunately, he was using the earth escape technique at this time and only one head was exposed on the ground. The distance between the glasses and the ground was very short, and there was no damage to the glasses. Otherwise, he would have been distressed.

Izumi also had a dull look on her face, but she quickly reacted and looked at Itachi with admiration, her big eyes almost filled with love.

I have to say that girls in the Naruto world are very precocious. Sakura began to covet Sasuke at this age, and Hinata also began to covet Naruto at this age.

“Itachi, when did you practice this skill?” Kabuto asked blankly.

Itachi said casually: “I just had a sudden idea when I saw Izumi throwing shurikens.”

From this moment on, Itachi officially turned on his strange attribute – micromanipulation obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Kabuto was shocked when he heard Itachi’s words. Itachi’s casual move made him feel defeated.

“Pah, pah, pah!” At this time, there was a burst of applause, and the three of them followed the sound, only to find that at some point, a boy who was older than them was standing on a wooden stake in the training ground.

This young man has short black hair. Although his appearance is not particularly handsome, he gives people a very comfortable feeling. He has a friendly and sunny smile on his face.

The boy carried a short sword on his back and was wearing Konoha-style ninja uniform. He was obviously at least a chuunin.

“Shisui-senpai!” Itachi and Izumi said in unison.


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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